
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 18

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Milky white spots appeared on red bean leaves in a red bean cultivation area located in Jangyeon-myeon, Goesan-gun, Chungbuk Province. After culturing the pathogen in PDA medium, their morphology was observed, and their genes were BLAST-searched in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The pathogen was identified as a fungus called Rhizopus arrhizus. As a result of reinoculating the isolated pathogen on red beans, the same symptoms as those in the isolated leaves occurred. Characteristic colonies of R. arrhizuson PDA medium initially showed a bright color and then changed to dark gray over time, with mostly spherical sporangia. The sporangiospores were spherical or elliptical, mostly irregular, and small in size. Therefore, based on these results, this disease has not yet been reported in red beans and was called red bean brown leaf blight caused by Rhizopus arrhizus A. Fisch (syn. R. oryzae).
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The occurrence of eggs and adults of Pochazia shantungensis, Lycorma delicatula, and Lymantria dispar was investigated in 11 cities in the Chungcheongbukdo region. The results showed that the overwintering eggs of P. shantungensis occurred in 24.2% of the region in 2021 and 22.1% in 2022, while adults occurred in 25.2% in 2021 and 24.3% in 2022, indicating the highest occurrence among the pests studied. The occurrence of overwintering eggs of L. delicatula was relatively low, with 2.6% of the region affected in 2021 and 1.9% in 2022. Adult L. delicatula occurred in 3.2% of the region in 2021 and 3.6% in 2022. Overwintering eggs of L. dispar occurred in 4.1% of the area in 2021 and 1.7% in 2022, showing a decreasing tendency compared to the previous year, and their occurrence was only low to middle in terms of the degree of occurrence. Adult L. dispar occurred in 4.6% of the region in 2021 and 2.7% in 2022, showing occurrences that were insignificant compared to L. delicatula. According to a survey of host preferences, both the wintering eggs and adults of P. shantungensis were found in apples and peaches between 2021 and 2022. In both 2021-2022, adult L. delicatula had a high incidence in peaches, apples, and grapes, and winter eggs were the highest in grapes. However, the incidence in apples and peaches was low. A high incidence density of L. dispar moth adults and overwintering eggs was found in apples in both 2021 and 2022.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The occurrence status of eggs and adults of Pochazia shantungensis, Lycorma delicatula, and Lymantria dispar was investigated in the Chungcheongbuk-do region. The results showed that the overwintering eggs of P. shantungensis occurred in 24.2% of the region in 2021 and 22.1% in 2022, while adults occurred in 25.2% in 2021 and 24.3% in 2022, indicating the highest occurrence among the pests studies in this research. The occurrence of overwintering eggs of L. delicatula was relatively low, with 2.6% of the region affected in 2021 and 1.9% in 2022. Adults of L.delicatula occurred in 3.2% of the region in 2021 and 3.6% in 2022, while they were not undiscovered in Jeungpyeong, Jincheon, Goesan, and Danyang areas. Their area of occurrence was less than 3% of the region, and the volume of occurrence was not very large. Overwintering eggs of L.dispar occurred in 4.1% of the area in 2021 and 1.7% in 2022, showing a decreasing tendency compared to the previous year, and their occurrence was only low to middle in terms of the degree of occurrence.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 대추에 장님노린재에 의한 피해가 발생함에 따라 대추재배 농가들이 적절한 방제를 할 수 있도록 시기별 발생 밀도, 우점종 조사, 방제 가능 약제 선발 등의 시험을 수행하였다. 대추과원에서 발생하는 장님노린재의 발생 밀도를 2년에 걸쳐 조사한 결과, 약충은 5월 상순부터 발생 하여 7월 중순까지 발생 하였으며, 성충은 5월 하순부터 발생하여 7월 중하순까지 발생하였다. 또한 대추과원에서 발생하는 애무늬고리장님노린재와 초록장님노린재의 밀도의 경우 45개체 중 40개체가(약 89%) 애무늬고리장님노린재 인 것으로 조사되어 대추나무를 가해하는 장님노린재 중 우점종은 애무늬고리장님노린재 인 것으로 나타났다. 대추과원에서 장님노린재 방제에 활용할 수 있는 살충제에 관한 정보를 제공하기 위해 9 종 살충제들을 대상으로 한 야외시험에서 pyrifluquinazon, deltamethrin, diazinon, dinotefuran, etofenprox, fenitrothion, bifenthrin 7종 이 80% 이상 살충력을 나타냈다. 따라서 본 시험에서 조사된 살충제를 이용하여 대추나무 발아 직전부터 방제를 하면 대추과원에서 장님노린재 방제가 가능 할 것으로 판단된다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        최근 대추 재배 면적이 5,160ha로 전국적으로 면적이 계속 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 대추의 재배면적이 증가하면서 기존에 대추에 발생하지 않던 다양한 해충들 또한 발생을 하고 있는데 장님노린재의 경우 2015년 대추에 피해를 준다는 것이 확인 되었다. 현재 대추에 발생하는 장님노린재류는 두 종으로 애무늬고리장님노린재와 초록장님노린재이다. 애무늬고리장님노린재와 초록장님노린재는 대추 발아기부터 새순을 흡즙하여 피해를 주는데 피해를 받은 새순과 잎은 정상적으로 생육하지 못하고 잎에 구멍이 뚫리는 등 비정상적인 생육을 하게 된다. 장님노린재의 경우 거의 모든 대추과원에서 발생을 하고 있으며, 현재까지 대추과원에서 정확한 발생 기간과 방제 약제에 대한 연구가 이루어지지 않았다. 따라서 본 연구에서 2017~2018년에 걸쳐 2년 동안 발생 소장을 조사 하였으며, 시판되고 있는 농약 10종을 대상으로 약제 선발 시험을 수행하였다. 그 결과 시기별 밀도 조사의 경우 약충은 5월 상순부터 발생을 시작하여 7월 중하순까지 발생을 하였으며, 성충은 5월 하순부터 발생을 시작하여 7월 중하순까지 발생을 하였다. 또한 2017년의 경우 약충은 5월부터 꾸준히 발생량이 증가하다 7월 상순 많은 강우로 인해 밀도가 크게 감소하였으며, 2018년의 경우 5월과 7월에 발생량이 많고 6월에 발생량이 급감하여 마치 2세대가 나타나는 듯한 현상을 보였다. 물론 이는 더욱더 시간을 두고 지속적인 관찰이 필요할 것으로 판단된다. 약제 선발 시험의 경우 10종의 약제 중 페니트로티온 등 6종의 약제에서 방제가가 80% 이상인 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 대추에 발생하고 있는 장님 노린재의 피해를 줄이기 위해서는 장님노린재가 발생하기 시작하는 5월부터 방제를 시작하여 초기밀도를 낮추어야하며, 이동성이 좋은 장님노린재의 성충이 외부로부터 유입이 될 수 있으므로 성충이 발생하는 7월까지는 꾸준한 관찰을 해 주어야만 그 피해를 줄 일 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Currently, Carposina sasakii (peach fruit moth) is considered economically important pest in organic jujube orchards. However, until now, research has not been conducted to control C. sasakii. The control period is very important for moth larvae to contact organic materials. Therefore, this study were conducted to determine when control using organic materials selected in 2017. In the method, parafin oil selected in 2017 was treated seven times at interval of seven days, and each treatment interval was seven days until 7th treatment. As a result, when the control started at the early to mid July, the control values were about 75%, and when the control started at late July to mid August, the control values were over 85%. However, when the control started after mid August, the control value was less than 30%. Therefore, in order to effectively control C. sasakii, control must be started by early August.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In recent years, not only the cultivation area of Jujube in Korea but also the number of pest species has increased.The farmers farming environmentally friendly are in great difficulty because there are no effective control materials. Thisstudy was conducted to investigate the control effect of the environment friendly materials on two pest species (Caposinasasakii and Spodoptera litura) in jujube orchard. As a result, Sophora extract and paraffin oil showed over 70% controlefficacy to the C. sasakii and Sophora extract show over 90% control efficacy to the S. litura. Therefore, Sophora extractand paraffin oil were thought to be a envionment friendly effctive materials in controlling the C. sasakii and S. litura.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 대추에 복숭아유리나방, 사과유리나방 복숭아심식나방이 대추과원에서 발생하고 있으나, 발생 생태에 대한 연구가 미비하여 좀더 효 율적 방제시기를 설정하고자 페로몬 트랩을 이용하여 3년간 발생소장을 조사하였다. 그 결과 복숭아유리나방은 5월부터 10월까지 발생되었으 며, 6월 중순과 9월 중순에 2번의 발생 최성기가 나타내었다. 사과유리나방의 경우 5월부터 10월까지 발생되었으며, 6월 중순 ~ 6월 하순과 9월 중순 ~ 9월 하순에 2번의 발생 최성기를 나타내었다. 하지만 발생 개체수가 많이 않았다. 복숭아심식나방의 경우 5월부터 10월까지 발생이 이루 어졌으며, 7월 중순과 8월 하순 ~ 9월 중순에 2번에 걸쳐 발생 최성기를 나타내었다.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We have surveyed monthly diversity and seasonal prevalence of Macrolepidoptera in Wol-ak-san [Mt.] for the period of four months from May to August in 2010. Although it is not a part of KLTER/ME and KLPS study in Wol-ak-san conducted in recent few years, this year's data may be comparable with the previous ones as the collection sites and dates are very similar. The three representative vegetations are Quercus mongolica-, Quercus variabilis- and Pinus densiflora-formations, abbreviated as QM, QV and PD, respectively, and we collected exclusively larger moths with bucket-type of light traps for quantified survey. In 2010, as a result, QV showed higher species diversity and specimen number than QM or PD although the differences between QV and QM are very subtle. The result is very similar to the result in 2009. The only difference in 2010 over 2009 is that the number of species, not specimens, has been increased 1.5 times, and this may be caused by the inclusion of July records, which has been usually deleted due to heavy rainy season causing poor collection records. The number of species in Noctuidae was the highest in 2010, about twice more than that in 2009, but the dominant species in 2010 were either Pyralidae (Nacoleia commixta or Bradina geminalis) or Geometridae (Arichanna melanaria). We are still experiencing decline of specimen numbers: 567 specimens collected in 2010 while 651 in 2009 and 874 in 2008, which was already a huge reduction compared to over 2500 specimens in 2007.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the help of KLTER/ME and KLPS in Woraksan, we have surveyed monthly diversity and seasonal prevalence of Macrolepidoptera in Wol-ak-san [Mt.] for the period of five months from May to September since 2005. Since 2007, to reduce variation, we chose two monitoring points, instead of one, for each of the three representative vegetations: Quercus mongolica-, Quercus variabilis- and Pinus densiflora-formations, abbreviated as QM, QV and PD, respectively, and collected exclusively larger moths with bucket-type of light traps for quantified survey. In 2009, as a result, QV showed higher species diversity and specimen number than QM or PD although the differences between QV and QM are subtle. The number of individuals collected may not be a good indicator, e.g., Idaea biselata collected in QM in June was over 200 in 2007, which is more than twice the number of specimens in all other sites per month, while the number in 2008 was dropped to only 10 specimens. In 2009, they became a dominant species again, showing biennial dominancy trend. It also seems that we are experiencing major decline of specimen numbers: 651 specimens collected in 2009 while 874 specimens collected in 2008, which was already a big reduction compared to over 2500 specimens in 2007
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Actias artemis and A. gnoma are the two saturniid species of which their gracious morphology often attracts butterfly collectors. The two species, however, have similar wing patterns, even with considerable amount of variations, making difficult to distinguish between the two. We gathered about a hundred specimens of either of the species and tried to distinguish them by their wing morphology as indicated in many books and webpages. This was definitely not easy and we were not even sure if our distinction was right. We changed our plan and we first tried to sequence their COI barcode region and found that the two have more than enough difference and could easily distinguish the two by sequence similarity. Then we compared their outer morphological characters that are often used by people between the two to see if any morphological character can distinguish the two. We concluded that no one characteristic can separate the two although combination of several characteristics may do so. We also made a comparison of their genitalia and they were distinctly different. With the help of genitalic dissection, we found that they can be distinguished without actual dissection by comparing their genital end after just brushing off some scales at the end. For female comparison, a further study with more material is needed as we found the proportion of females among the samples was very low.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The family Coniopterygidae belonging to Neuroptera with Semidalis aleyrodiformis (Stephens) is introduced from the Korean Peninsula in the present study. Taxonomic descriptions of the family and the species and illustrations of its wing and male genitalia are presented.