
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 173

        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Climate change has led to increased insect pests and pest distribution changes. Traditionally, chemical control using synthetic pesticides has been the main method for pest management, but the emergence of pesticide-resistant pests has become a problem. There is a need to develop new pest control agents to overcome these issues. Entomopathogenic fungi used in pest management have minimal environmental side effects and possess a mechanism of action distinct from that of synthetic pesticides. However, there is a need for the development of technologies to maximize the insecticidal effects of fungi against pests, and expressing and releasing dsRNA within the fungi can preemptively knock out the activation of the insect’s defense system, thereby enhancing the insecticidal effect. Controlling insect defense genes and using entomopathogenic fungi as bio-carriers forms a new pest management strategy. This approach, described as a “microbial insecticide agents development strategy of cassette concept, ” can versatilely modify genes and microbes. It is expected to overcome the limitations of synthetic pesticides.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Air conditioner filters purify the air of indoor environments by removing air pollutants and supporting the efficiency of the unit’s cooling function. However, an air conditioner filter can become a microenvironment in which some fungi can grow as dust continues to accumulate and favorable humidity conditions are formed. Fungal growth in air conditioner filters could lead to fungal allergies or fungal diseases, in addition to emitting a foul odor. In an effort to understand what species causes this malodorous problem, we investigated the diversity of fungi found in air conditioners. Fungi were sampled from the collected air conditioner filters and grown on DG18 agar media. After purification for pure isolates, species identification was undertaken. Colony morphology was observed on PDA, MEA, CYA, and OA media. Microstructures of fruiting body, mycelia, and spores were examined using a light microscope. Molecular identification was performed by PCR and sequencing of PCR amplicons, and molecular phylogenetic analysis of sequenced DNA markers, including the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS), the 28S large subunit of the nuclear ribosomal RNA (LSU rDNA), the β-tubulin (BenA) gene, the Calmodulin (CaM) gene, and the DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit 2 (RPB2) gene. Through this identification process, we found two fungal species, Aspergillus miraensis and Dichotomopilus ramosissimus, which are unrecorded species in Korea. We will now report their morphological and molecular features.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        During the operation of nuclear power plant (NPP), the concentrates and spent resin are generated. They show relatively high radioactivity compared to other radioactive waste, such as dry active waste, charcoals, and concrete wastes. The waste acceptance criteria (WAC) of disposal facility defines the structure and property of treated waste. The concentrates and spent resin should be solidified or packaged in high integrity container (HIC) to satisfy the WAC in Korea. The Kori NPP has stored history waste. The large concrete package with solidified concentrates and spent resin. The WAC requires identification of 18 properties for the radioactive waste. Since some of the properties are not clearly identified, the large concrete packages could not satisfy the WAC in this moment. The generation of the large concrete package (rectangular type and cylindrical type), pretreatment of the package, treatment of inner drum, process development for clearance waste, etc. will be discussed in this paper. In addition, the conceptual design of whole treatment process will be discussed.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        농가에서 곤충자원을 활용한 치유농업프로그램의 개발 요구가 증가함에 따라 기존 곤충 돌보기 중심의 치유프로그램과 더불어 활용할 수 있는 야간 곤충채집 활동을 치유농업프로그램으로 개발하 고 시범 적용하였다. 야간곤충채집 활동은 대학생 9명에게 사전에 참여 동의를 획득하고, 전남대학교 학술림(장성)에서 1박 2일간 진행하였다. 18시부터 24시까지 야간 채집 활동과 익일 오전에는 채집한 곤충을 이용한 곤충 표본 제작 활동으로 프로그램을 구성하였다. 프로그램의 효과 분석을 위해 사전 (활동 전), 중간(채집활동 직후), 사후(표본제작 직후)에 뇌파, 맥파 검사 그리고 설문조사를 실시하였 다. 뇌파 분석 결과, 야간 채집활동 직후 뇌파의 기초율동이 향상(10.67→11.44)하였다(p<0.05). 요인 분석을 통한 스트레스 분석 결과, 내적 스트레스는 3.22(사전)→2.96(사후)로 감소(p<0.1)하였고, 문제 수행능력 관련 스트레스는 2.92(중간)→2.70(사후)로 감소하였다. 이러한 결과는 야간 채집 활동 속에 서 이용되는 근육의 움직임이 뇌 기능 향상과 스트레스 감소에 영향을 줄 것으로 생각된다. 참여자가 적은 연구의 한계를 극복하기 위해 향후 연령대별, 성별 등 다양한 참여자를 대상으로 추가적인 채집 프로그램의 개발 및 적용이 필요하다.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        During the operation of the nuclear power plant, various radioactive waste are generated. The spent resin, boron concentrates, and DAW are classified as a generic radioactive waste. They are treated and stored at radioactive waste building. In the reactor vessel, different types of radioactive waste are generated. Since the materials used in reactor core region exposed to high concentration of neutrons, they exhibit higher level of surface dose rate and specific activity. And they are usually stored in spent fuel pool with spent fuel. Various non-fuel radioactive wastes are stored in spent fuel pool, which are skeleton, control rod assembly, burnable neutron absorber, neutron source, in core detector, etc. The skeleton is composed of stainless 304 and Inconel-718. There are two types of control rod assembly, that are WH type and OPR type. The WH type control rod is composed of Ag-In-Cd composites. The OPR type control rod is composed of B4C and Inconel-625. In this paper, the characteristics and storage status of the non-fuel radioactive waste will be reported. Also, the management strategy for the various non-fuel radioactive waste will be discussed.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Global concerns have grown regarding emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) caused by previously unknown pathogens. Considering that strengthening surveillance capacity for unknown diseases is one of the core capacities for preparedness and early response to EIDs, identifying areas with poor capacity could be beneficial to prioritize regions for the improvement of surveillance. In this regard, we aimed to develop prediction models to identify high risk areas for low surveillance capacity for unknown diseases in a global scale. Unexplained death events reported between 2015 and 2019 were collected from two internet-based surveillance systems, ProMED-mail and Global Public Health Intelligence Network. From the reports, the number of reported unexplained deaths at the first report and the time gap between death and report were extracted as measures for sensitivity and timeliness of surveillance capacity, respectively. Using geographical locations of the reports and published global scale spatial data, including demographic, socioeconomic, public health and geographical variables, we fitted two boosted regression tree models to predict regions with the low sensitivity and timeliness. The performance of prediction model for the low sensitivity showed moderate validity, but in terms of the model for timeliness, the performance was unreliable. Therefore, we provided predicted risk only for low sensitivity. The mean predicted risks of low sensitivity were, respectively, 45.2%, 37.4%, 12.5%, and 3.0% in low-income, lower middle-income, upper middle-income, and high-income countries. Enhancing surveillance capacity in low-income countries is highly required, given the predicted low level of sensitivity despite the importance of early response.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Plasma Arc Melter (MSO) system has been developed for the treatment and the stabilization of various kinds of hazardous and radioactive waste into the readily disposable solidification products. Molten salt oxidation system has been developed for the for the treatment of halogen- and sulfurbearing hazardous and radioactive waste without emissions of PCDD/Fs and acid gases. However, PAM system has showed some difficulty in the off-gas treatment system due to the volatilization of radionuclides and toxic metals at extremely high-temperature plasma arc melter and the emissions of acid gases. MSO system has also showed the difficulty in the treatment of spent molten salt into the disposable waste form. Present study discussed the results of organics destruction performance tests for the PAM-MSO combination system, which is proposed and developed to compensate the drawbacks of each system. The worst-case condition tests for the organics destruction were conducted at lowest temperatures and the worst-case condition tests for the retention of metals and radionuclides were conducted at highested temperatures under the range of normal operating condition. For the worst-case organic destruction test, C6H5Cl was selected as a POHCs (Principal Organic Hazardous Constituents) because of its high incinerability ranking and the property of generation of chlorine gases and PCDD/Fs when incompletely destroyed. Simulated concrete waste spiked with 1 L of C6H5Cl was treated and the emissions of 17 kinds of PCDD/Fs and other hazardous gases such as CO, THCs, NOx, SO2 and HCl/Cl2 were measured. For the worst-case condition tests for the retention of metals and radionuclides, Pb and Cs were selected because of its high volatility characteristics. The emissions of PCDD/Fs was extremely lowered than the emission limit and those of other hazardous constituents were below their emission limit. The results of performance tests on the organics destruction suggested that tested PAM-MSO combination system could readily treat PCBs-bearing spent insulation liquid, spent ion-exchange resins used for the treatment of spent decontamination liquid in the decommission process and the concreted debris bearing hazardous organic coating materials. The decontamination factor of Cs and Co were 1.4×105, 1.4×105, respectively. The emisison of Pb was 0.562 ppm. These results suggested that tested PAM-MSO system treated low-level radioactive and pb-bearing mixed waste.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        분화국화 ‘솔라에그(등록번호 8569)’는 2015년 경상남도농 업기술원 화훼연구소에서 분홍색 ‘포인트에그’를 감마선 처리 를 하여 육성하였다. 특성검정과 형질 안정성은 2017년에서 2018년까지 3회를 수행하였다. ‘솔라에그’는 분홍색 꽃잎(54D) 과 적자색 중심부(59B)를 가진 ‘아네모네’ 형태이다. 꽃과 잎 색깔과 모양에서는 ‘솔라에그’와 ‘포인트에그’ 간의 차이는 거 의 없었다. ‘솔라에그’의 식물체와 개화 연구에서 조명과 억제 재배를 했을 때 약 42일로 개화소요시간은 비슷했다. 그러나 초장, 꽃 크기, 꽃 중심부 크기와 착화수에서 ‘포인트에그’와 비교했을 때 차이가 있었다. 특히, 자연재배조건에서 꽃 크기 는 4cm으로 대조품종과 비교했을 때 컸다. 국화 품종에서는 꽃의 크기가 상업적으로 중요한 형질이다. ‘솔라에그’의 표현 형과 개화기 연구와 비교하여 배수성, RAPD, 세포 크기 및 수 분석을 하였다. 이들 결과에서는 표현형의 변화는 작은 유전 적 변이와 세포 분열 증가와 관련이 있을 것이라고 추정하고 있다. 중형 크기의 ‘솔라에그’는 분화국화로 이용되며 농가의 평균소득 증대를 기대할 수 있다.
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