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        검색결과 760

        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is viewed as an internal marketing strategy (Bhattacharya, Sen, & Korschun, 2007; Shabnam, & Sarker, 2012). Research indicate that CSR implementation has a positive impact on employees, and enhance working satisfaction, corporate identity and organizational commitment (Koh and El’fred, 2001;Valentine et al., 2006; Martinez & Rodríguez del Bosque, 2013; Lee, Song, Lee, Lee, & Bernhard, 2013). However, some studies suggest that CSR will not directly influence employee, related mediating factors and moderating factors need to be more discussed. The study apply regulatory focus theory as a framework for explaining moderator effect of promotion and prevention focus on employee perceived CSR and working satisfaction, organizational identity and trust. Promotion focus means that employees consider CSR promoting a better society and environment, and prevention focus represent CSR is for preventing falling behind industry, and public criticism. A questionnaire survey was employed in hospitality industry, questionnaire is design based on related literature (VandeWalle, 1997; Higgins et. al., 2001; Craig et.al., 2009; Huimin, & Ryan, 2011; Martínez, Pérez, & Rodríguez del Bosque, 2013; Paek, Xiao, Lee & Song, 2013; Fu, Ye & Law, 2014). And five subscales are contained in the questionnaire, including perceived CSR、regulatory focus、 working satisfaction 、organizational commitment and organizational trust. To analyse the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, a pilot study was conducted in September 2017. 120 questionnaires were collected, 105 valid questionnaires were subjected to a preliminary analysis, the official investigation was conducted during January and February in 2017. 450 questionnaires were distributed, and 389 valid questionnaires were collected, a recovery rate of 86.4%. A significant partial correlation was found between perceived CSR and working satisfaction(ΔR2=.31, p<.000)、organizational commitment (ΔR2=.22,p<.000) and organizational trust (ΔR2=.27, p<.000). Hierarchical regression analysis was further used to estimate moderation effect of regulatory focus, the study find that moderation effect on the relationship between CSR and and working satisfaction(ΔR2=.02, p<.01)、organizational commitment (ΔR2=.06, p<.01) and organizational trust (ΔR2=.06, p<.01). The research finding shows that working satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational trust are more influenced by the organization's CSR implementation while employees have positive interpretation and recognition of CSR. Therefore, the organization should fully communicate about the purpose and value of CSR, so that employees can identify with and support the organization's CSR, and then CSR can achieve the function of internal marketing. If employees think that the organization's implementation of CSR is only an obligation or only satisfies the social perception, there may be less positive impact of CSR on employees. Regulatory focus theory is suggested to apply on future consumer study.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        There are two purposes of this paper. One is to present a brief introduction to item response theory in conjunction with marketing research. The other is to present a review of current use of item response theory in representative marketing research journals. Several item response theory relevant papers were recently published in various marketing research journals. Because models under item response theory from simple to complex were used without any systematic introduction in marketing research, this paper briefly presents main concepts in item response theory. An encyclopaedia entry (Kim, 2015) and two graduate-level textbooks (Baker & Kim, 2004, 2017) are mainly referred and used for the first purpose. A content analysis was done for the second purpose with 28 item response theory relevant articles on marketing research journals. Articles are sorted based on the classification framework by Thissen and Steinberg (1986). Many articles reviewed relied on some type of unidimensional dichotomous item response theory models. Articles published recently within 10 years that used item response theory models were more complicated both mathematically and statistically than other previously published articles in marketing research journals. The taxonomic tabulations in this study should aid marketing researchers who are planning their continuous training in item response theory, and faculty who design or teach courses on marketing research methods for advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        On the basis of the protection motivation theory (PMT) research model, this study employed perceived moral obligation as a determinant to improve predictions of people’s intention to engage in energy savings and carbon reduction behavior aimed at mitigating the threat of environmental climate change through their protection motivation. The sample comprised 930 participants who completed self-reported questionnaire surveys in Taiwan. The empirical results of structural equation modeling indicated that the extended PMT model was more explanatorily powerful than the original model. The results not only confirmed that people’s perceived moral obligation plays a crucial antecedent role in predicting their intention to engage in energy savings and carbon reduction behavior but also verified the mediation effects of protection motivation in the extended PMT model.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Marketing academics and practitioners have discerned the evolution in the prominence of digital, social media and mobile marketing based on technological innovations. Digital marketing has evolved over time from a specific marketing of products and services using digital channels to activities, institutions and processes facilitated by digital technologies. From an inclusive perspective, digital marketing refers to an adaptive, technology-enabled process by which firms collaborate with customers and partners to jointly create, communicate, deliver and sustain value for all stakeholders. Digital technologies allow the new adaptive process, institution and processes in marketing communication. The adaptive process creates value in new ways in new digital environments. Institutions build foundational capabilities to create such value jointly for their customers and for themselves. Processes create value through new customer experiences and through interactions among customers. The purpose of the assessment is to establish the current status of research evaluating digital marketing communication and to show how digital technology has shaped marketing communication evaluations. This study provides a broad disciplinary review of key cited works in digital marketing communication research and examines the effectiveness of various evaluation approaches, including new directions designed to capture meaningful insights and marketing communication value in digital marketing communication.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Theory of Value Drivers, or Value Driver Theory (Wendee, 2011), is useful in understanding the value creation process in any enterprise. Innovation and strategy are important components in the value creation process. This research, which is based on Value Driver Theory, explored the role that innovation and strategy have in the value creation process and how they are employed in creating enterprise value. Value Driver Theory was discovered using two different, but compatible, research methodologies. The qualitative study used to discover Value Driver Theory explored the effect of business value drivers on the valuation of businesses in the United States and proposed a theory of value drivers. The Value Driver Theory study used two research methods – grounded theory and the Delphi method - to explore the effect of business value drivers on the valuation of businesses in the U.S. and to propose a theory of value drivers. In addition to a list of 72 individual value drivers, which includes innovation and strategy, the theory of value drivers presents a comprehensive value driver possibilities frontier and value driver chain, both of which are part of and are used to explain the theory of value drivers. The theory of value drivers is comprised of 28 propositions that work in concert with the possibilities frontier, the value driver chain, and other elements that are described in the paper. The Value Driver Theory paper differs from other studies as follows: First, the paper significantly extends the notions, ideas, and concepts from previous studies on value drivers. Second, the paper creates a comprehensive classification scheme for value drivers and has identified many more characteristics and properties of value drivers than previous studies. Third, the study identified 72 specific value drivers through the literature review and the Delphi study. Fourth, the paper consolidates the material from the literature review and the result of the research conducted through the Delphi and grounded theory studies and codifies it into the theory of value drivers. Subsequent to the publication of the paper on Value Driver Theory, new conceptual frameworks and tools have been developed to enhance the usefulness of Value Driver Theory in evaluating the enterprise value creation process. These conceptual frameworks and research tools were explored in the current study in general terms; and particularly as to how they relate to and enhance the use of innovation and strategy in the value creation process.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The power of social media is colossal considering that the number of worldwide users is expected to grow even more in the future reaching 2.95 billion by 2020. Because of the apparent customer engagement in these platforms, companies spend on average 11% of marketing budgets on social media and this expenditure is expected to grow to 19% over the next five years (CMO Survey, 2017). However, the main challenge the companies are facing is how to convert the social media investments into effective marketing and contribution to company’s performance. The customer engagement (CE) in social media catches a strong attention from scholars (Brodie et al., 2013) as well as experts of online marketing (Dessart, Veloutsou, & Morgan-Thomas, 2016). Even though there is a significant progress in the conceptual (Van Doorn et al., 2010) and empirical (Brodie et al., 2013) analysis of CE, its clear understanding remains still insufficient. Customer engagement’s definition requires more attention as there is inconsistency in the terms because of a lack of agreement on the terminology (van Doorn et al., 2010). Noticeable differences exist concerning also the measurement of CE and what exactly this phenomenon encompasses (Dessart et al., 2016). Particularly, the empirical studies show incongruity in the number and the nature of the dimensions (Sprott et al., 2009; Brodie et al., 2013). To investigate the complex and emergent occurrence of CE in social media, this research endorses a managerial-oriented approach using rich qualitative data from three different sources covering a variety of views for different social media platforms (41 companies/24 advertising/communication agencies, and 10 research/consulting firms). The results illustrate the gaps among customer engagement’s conceptions, the customer engagement dimensionality, and the metrics of social media performance beyond customer engagement.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Foods play important roles in Chinese gift giving behavior; they contain abundant symbolic and semiotics meanings. Typical food products are exchange during festivals, commercial intercourse, and other social intercourse occasion. The purpose of study is to investigate how the meanings and values of food gifts affect gift-giving behavior under Chinese cultural context. Qualitative in-depth interviews are applied, eighteen participants from food gift industry, academic field and consumers are invited in the study, and qualitative data analysis framework is designed based on Sheth’s consumption values theory. We find that food gifts cover function value, emotional value, social value, epistemic value and conditional value. Gift values are explained by givers and recipients during gift-giving process. Gift-giving occasion, gift-giving purpose, relationship between givers and recipients are influence the value of gift. Study provides some practical recommendation for food products design and marketing.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction With awareness of the importance of environmental protection, encouragement of green consumption has been an important part of the Chinese government's efforts to promote sustainable development. Green consumption is similar to the concept of environmental responsible consumption, which refers to individual’s behavior with a consideration of the environmental impacts in the process of purchasing, using and disposing of various products, or use of various green services (Stern, 1999). Previous studies tried to predict pro-environmental behavior with social-psychological factors, such as values, attitudes and beliefs. However, researches about the relationship between environmental attitudes and behaviors do not produce consistent results. Some prove that they are positive related, and others argue that their relationship is very weak. Studies have testified that lots of consumers declare that they concern about the environmental situation, but hesitate to pay for green products due to this affect (Chang, 2011). Advancing knowledge about the motivations and obstacles that shape intention and behavior of green consumption is important. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1991) is appropriate as an initial framework for studies investigating consumers’ pro-environmental behaviors. With the inclusion of a new construct perceived behavioral control, the explanatory ability of this model is strengthened. However, simple adoption of this model does not give us deep insight into consumers’ behavior. Later studies apply TPB in different contexts (e.g. Paul, Modi, Patel, 2016; Mancha & Yoder, 2015; Han, Hsu, Sheu, 2011). The mechanism of how attitude, norms and perception of behavioral control are formed may differ in different circumstances, which is still under research especially in China. The purpose of this paper is to (a) identify applicability of TPB model in predicting green purchasing intention and behavior in China and capture which factor including attitude, perceived behavioral control and norm is the most influential determinant; (b) to examine the most useful psychological and situational antecedents, which indirect influence consumers’ green purchase behavior through the factors in TPB framework. Literature Review and Hypothesis Development Green products refer to those produced with consideration of less harm to the ecological environment such as air, water and land. Green purchase behavior should be considered as a typical socially conscious behavior that is different from other types of consumer behaviors, which can deliver instant personal gain and gratification (Kim & Choi, 2005). Most of the time, pro-environmental purchasing is future-oriented and benefits society as a whole (Author, Mccarty, & Shrum, 2001). Previous research models seek to explain green purchase behavior from two aspects of causal factors. Some emphasize intra-personal determinants from within and others may stress that from outside. However, a single consideration of any one set of these factors will weaken the interpretation of consumers’ green consumer behavior. The research model of this study is based on the most influential TPB framework. Some significant psychological and situational factors are integrated into the framework with the purpose of further understanding Chinese consumers’ purchase behavior. Theory of planned behavior According to the TPB model, individual’s decision making is oriented by a rational evaluation of behavioral consequences (Bamberg & Moer, 2007). The intention to perform a behavior, is considered as the central factor in the TPB model (Tarkiainen & Sundqvist, 2005). Attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm about the behavior, and perceived behavioral control regarding the performance of the behavior are three principal factors that determine behavioral intention. H1: Intention to buy green product has a positive relationship with the green purchase behavior. Attitude refers to individuals' beliefs about the outcomes of the behavior together with an evaluation of the importance of these outcomes. Consumers who feel positive toward green products and have agreement on their environmental goodness will most likely to consider buying products with pro-ecological features. H2a: Attitude toward buying green product is positively associated with the intention to perform green purchase behavior. Subjective norm refers to the responses of important reference group (e.g. family members, close friends) to a particular behavior. Some scholars argue that “subjective norm” is the weakest component in the TPB model when predicting behavioral intentions due to its feature of both self and social interest (Armitage & Conner, 2001; Bagozzi et al., 2000). In this study, “moral norm” instead of “subjective norm” is proposed as a direct predictor of intention toward green purchasing. Moral norm indicates individual’s perception that whether performing a certain behavior is morally correct or not (Ajzen, 1991). H2b: Moral norm regarding buying green product is positively associated with the intention to perform green purchase behavior. Perceived behavioral control is an individual’s perception about if performing a particular behavior is easy or difficult. People tend to be more involved in behaviors that are considered to be easier to realize than what they think is difficult and have less control (Bamberg & Moer, 2007). H2c: PBC of buying green product is positively associated with the intention to perform green purchase behavior. Psychological antecedents of attitude Environmental concern indicates consumers' awareness about environmental issues and people’s worry that the human intervention will have threat to the environment (Kim & Choi, 2005). Literatures reveal an indirect relationship between ecological affect and actual behavior. Bang et al. (2000) concludes that environmental concern has indirect effect on purchase intention through the influence of consumer’s attitude toward paying a premium for renewable energy. The emotional responses to ecological problems help consumers to create a positive attitude toward green purchase behavior. H3a: Environmental concern is positively associated with the attitude toward green purchase behavior. Environmental knowledge represents consumers’ understanding of the environmental conditions, as well as fundamental factors that contribute to environmental change and crucial ecological effects (Pagiaslis & Krontalis, 2014). Knowledge has impact for individual’s cognitive processing. Zhao et al. (2014) confirms knowledge as one of the factors that form people’s attitudes toward environment-friendly behavior. Compared with less knowledgeable consumers, those who have more environmental knowledge incline to be more concerned about the environment, which in turn leads consumers to take attention to products’ ecological features while purchasing (Kim, Park, & Schwarz, 2010). H3b: Perceived environmental knowledge is positively associated with attitude toward green purchase behavior. In the pro-environmental behavior domain, PCE indicates to what extent consumers feel that every single person can contribute to solve environmental problems through their own efforts and their everyday purchase behavior (Straughan & Roberts, 1999).With the absence of belief that individual’s actions have observable outcome in making different solution to a problem, people will hesitate to take into action. Kim and Choi (2005) conclude that PCE has indirect effect on green purchasing through the role of ecological sensitive attitudes. H3c: PCE is positively associated with attitude toward green purchase behavior. Moral norm and subjective norm Bamberg and Moer (2007) suggest that people make use of subjective norms to determine whether a specific behavioral choice is easy to perform or whether it is beneficial. The opinions from “important others” deliver the standards for people to conform when they encounter the same situation. That is, the views about what is right or wrong from reference group will be absorbed and transformed as one’s personal moral norms (Bamberg & Moer, 2007). H4: Subjective norm is positively associated with moral norm regarding green purchase behavior. Situational factors influencing PBC Perceived availability indicates if consumers feel they can easily obtain or consume a certain product. If green products are not easy available, most consumers will not spend too much time and effort for searching. The limited availability and inconvenience in obtaining products is bound to hamper green products purchasing (Vermeir & Verbeke, 2006). H5a: Perceived availability of green product is positively associated with PBC regarding green purchase behavior. Perceived price is one of the most important factors that have impact on consumers’ decision-making of green consumption (Osterhus, 1997). Green products are generally priced higher than conventional products. However Chinese consumers who would like to pay a large premium are still in the minority. The perceived high price is a barrier that influences consumers’ perceived capability over green purchase behavior. H5b: Perceived price of green product is negatively associated with PBC regarding green purchase behavior. Information has an impact on individual’s cognitive process. It is an influential factor that leads consumer behavior change (Bator & Cialdini, 2000). Atkinson and Rosenthal confirm that eco-labels have effects on consumer’s trust and purchase intention. If consumers feel hard to recognize eco-labels and cannot understand their difference with regular ones, their perception of control will be highly influenced and the green purchase may be hindered. H5c: Perception of information provided by eco-label is positively associated with PBC regarding green purchase behavior. Methodology This research adopted the survey approach for data collection. A questionnaire that consisted of 46 items was designed according to relevant previous studies. All the items in the questionnaire use five-point Likert scale, which ranging from “strongly disagree” (1) to “strongly agree” (5). The target group of this study was consumer who is over 18 years old in the urban areas of Mainland China. An online survey was conducted for collecting data in the mid-October, 2017 and 500 samples were collected totally. After removing the disqualified questionnaires, 485 questionnaires were identified as eligible for further analysis. To testify the proposed hypotheses, the simple and multiple linear regression analyses using IBM SPSS Statistics was primarily adopted in the study. Meanwhile, the structural equation modeling (SEM) was also conducted as an alternative approach to examine the arguments. Results Firstly, the theory of planned behavior suggested by Ajzen (1991) was proved to be applicable in the green purchasing circumstance. Attitude was identified to play the most significant role in predicting the intention. The construct “moral norm” was resulted to be more predictable for green purchase intention compared with the original “subjective norm”. It indicates that in certain contexts, personal feeling of moral obligation or responsibility is more crucial and direct reason for consumer conducting ethical behaviors. Perceived behavioral control was testified as the third prediction of purchase intention. The proportion of variance explained (R2=0.546) for intention was even better compared with previous studies, which claimed that the three determinants account for between 40% and 50% of the variance in intention (Ajzen, 1991; Amireault et al., 2008; Conner & Armitage, 1998). This model revealed consumers’ mental development of their purchase intention before enacting the buying behavior. Secondly, the results testify that PCE plays as the central role in predicting attitude. Respondents who believe that their consumptions can help to reduce environmental deterioration will be much likely to hold positive attitudes toward green purchasing. Environmental concern and perceived knowledge have a considerable, but only indirect impact on consumers’ attitude. Implications for practice The results of this study suggest that consumers’ intentions to buy green products are directly predicted by attitude, moral norm and their perceived behavioral control. Firstly, enterprises in the green market need to adopt effective communication strategy to inform consumers about the advantages of environmentally friendly products in order to help consumers to develop a positive attitude to pro-environmental products. Moreover, due to the significant effect of PCE on consumer attitude, it's necessary for the government to quantify the effect of green consumption by real cases and data, so that people can perceive the effectiveness of green buying behavior in a more intuitive way. Meanwhile, companies should take more emphasis on consumer’s ability to solve the problem in a positive manner in marketing communications. Secondly, personal moral norm is also found to have direct effects on purchase green products. Thus, normative appeal is needed for creating consumers' emotional connection and should be presented in the promotion programs to stimulate green consumption. Thirdly, this study reveals that the availability is the main factor that affects consumers’ perceived behavioral control over green purchasing.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction The Fourth Industrial Revolution brings a great change in the retail market through combining new digital technologies, such as data clouding, Artificial Intelligence, and Virtual Reality(VR) technology. The Alibaba group, which is in charge of 90% market share in China, announced a new Virtual Reality (VR) shopping mall, Buyplus, and Alibaba expected that VR will improve shoppers’ engagement and will experience the joy of shopping mall at home. The potential power of VR shopping mall in Korea is recently acknowledged by the Korean government and Korean government developed the full scale VR shopping mall for the first time in Korea. The VR shopping mall is expected to be a new paradigm of distribution channel industry by incorporating some advanced digital technologies. Conceptual Background In previous study, Pelet et al. (2017) investigated the optimal flow experience enhanced by the telepresence in social media. The overall flow provides a unique immersion experience for social media users, also the frequency of use and time distortion were affected during the use of the system. Choi and Choi (2016) conducted a study and they showed that telepresence was one of the important factors in the new technology-based marketing environment. Limioid Theory is explaining a psychological process when user enters into a new situation. Users have to decide how to expand and act on their own in a new situation, so users quickly fall into new situation and want to transit successfully (Huang & Liao, 2017). Virtual Reality shopping with new technology will bring a new marketing paradigm in the future. The purpose of this study is to analyze users’ telepresence and other underlying factors of behavioral intention of VR shopping. To achieve this primary goal, first, we investigated the factors of VR shopping psychology—such as telepresence, challenge, body ownership, and control for VR shopping. We also tried to investigate the factors of perceived value VR shopping - such as playfulness and usefulness by applying the Flow Theory and Virtual Liminoid Theory. Second, we analyzed the relationships between the factors of perceived value and the behavior intention VR shopping by applying the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This study suggests the moderating effects of technology readiness and time distortion between telepresence and playfulness. Model Testing and Conclusion In this study, we developed the virtual reality supermarket which is operated by headmounted VR glasses and body sensors with the help of VR technology start-up company. Total 120 university students participated and experienced the VR shopping. By using the structural equation model, research hypotheses were tested and most research hypotheses were statistically significant and accepted. The final research model also showed the statistical significance with the goodness-of-fit indices. We tried to analyze the moderating effects of time distortion and technology readiness between telepresence and playfulness. We also found that there is a moderating effect of time distortion between body control and playfulness. As a result of model testing, we found that playfulness and usefulness are the major mediators between the underlying factors of VR shopping and behavioral intention of VR shopping. The results of this study about VR shopping explain how retail and marketing managers can operate VR shopping store in the technology-based future retail environment. The managerial implications of the study results for the corporate marketing managers and the limitations of the study were also discussed.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Most previous studies exploring the relative effectiveness of superiority and parity claims in comparative advertising were based on the regulatory focus theory. However, the findings of these studies provided limited implications for practice. The current research attempts to examine the relative effectiveness of superiority versus parity claims in comparative advertising from the perspective of construal level theory. Recent research has found that the fitness between message framing and construal level can enhance processing fluency of information. Specifically, loss-framed messages are more impactful when paired with low-level construals, whereas gain-framed messages are more effective when paired with high-level construals. Accordingly, the current study predicts that a superiority claim, which states sponsor brand is better than the competitors, is more effective in enhancing brand attitude than parity claim when the construal level is high. Conversely, a parity claim, which argues sponsor brand asserts parity with the comparison target, lead to more favorable brand attitude than superiority claims in the condition of low-level construal. This study conducted a (superiority claim vs. parity claim) × 2 (high-level construal vs. low-level construal) experimental designs to examine proposed hypotheses. The manipulation of construal level either highlighted a concrete “how” message or an abstract “why” message. The results showed that the superiority (parity) claim leads to more positive brand attitude and purchase intention than the parity (superiority) claim when customers are presented with message highlights an abstract “why” (concrete “how”) construal. Based on the findings, this study suggests that superiority claims combine with the “why”-oriented thoughts can enhance the effectiveness of the comparative advertising. In contrast, when parity claims are used, “how” -oriented, thoughts should be integrated in comparative advertising.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to highlight the idea that the approach and methodology in Landscape Architecture and Urban Studies are rooted in regional planning, and to trace the legacy that can be borrowed from modern city and landscape planning. This study examines the academic relationship between Geddes’ Urban Evolution and McHarg’s Ecological Landscape Planning theory, and explores the significance of regional planning that can be accommodated in both Landscape Architecture and Urban Studies areas at present. As a result, the Geddes’ theory and the McHarg’s ecological landscape planning emphasized a scientific understanding of plans based on evolutionary theories and local research in regional planning. However, the McHarg’s theory was definitely different from the Geddes’ theory and offered its own unique identity and possibilities. First, it was completely focused on the environment. Second, it suggested a concrete methodology consisting of a technique of land suitability analysis to visualize an environmental or regional investigation. Third, McHarg advocated drawings as a visualization tool. McHarg’s theory of ecological landscape planning can be thought of as an evolutionary version of the theory of urban evolution. The study was limited to an applicable range to solidify the possibility of applying the theory in real situation, and more concrete and substantial approaches were suggested accordingly.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We perform density functional theory calculations to study the CO and O2 adsorption chemistry of Pt@X core@shell bimetallic nanoparticles (X = Pd, Rh, Ru, Au, or Ag). To prevent CO-poisoning of Pt nanoparticles, we introduce a Pt@X core-shell nanoparticle model that is composed of exposed surface sites of Pt and facets of X alloying element. We find that Pt@Pd, Pt@Rh, Pt@Ru, and Pt@Ag nanoparticles spatially bind CO and O2, separately, on Pt and X, respectively. Particularly, Pt@Ag nanoparticles show the most well-balanced CO and O2 binding energy values, which are required for facile CO oxidation. On the other hand, the O2 binding energies of Pt@Pd, Pt@Ru, and Pt@Rh nanoparticles are too strong to catalyze further CO oxidation because of the strong oxygen affinity of Pd, Ru, and Rh. The Au shell of Pt@Au nanoparticles preferentially bond CO rather than O2. From a catalysis design perspective, we believe that Pt@Ag is a better-performing Ptbased CO-tolerant CO oxidation catalyst.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        범죄자가 유죄판결을 받고 교도소에 수감되면 그들의 가족관계는 큰 변화를 맞게 된다. 수형자가 가족과 원만한 관계를 유지하면 가정을 지킬 수 있고, 이들의 수형생활이 안정되며, 출소한 이후의 재범 가능성을 낮출 수 있을 것으로 기대됨으로써 연구의 필요성이 제기된다. 이 연구는 수감기간 중에 수형자가 경험하는 가족관계(가족접견, 편지수신, 구금 후 수형자가 느낀 가족관계 변화)가 어떠한 요인에 의해 영향을 받는지 연구하였다. 먼저 사회통제이론의 관점에서 수형자의 가족관계를 설명하고 경험적으로 검증하였다. 다음으로 관련 선행연구가 제한적인 점을 고려하여 수형자와 관련된 다른 변인들이 가족관계에 미치는 영향을 탐색적으로 조사하였다. 분석을 위해 6개의 교도소에서 수집된 한국형사정책연구원 자료를 사용하였다. 수형자와 가족 간 접촉정도(가족접견과 서신수신)를 검증하기 위해 다중회귀분석을 사용하고, 수형자가 구금 이후 느낀 가족관계 변화를 검증하기 위해 서열형 로짓회귀분석을 사용하였다. 분석결과, 사회통제이론에서 도출한 가족애착(아버지 애착, 부모애착)이 강할수록 각기 가족접견과 서신수신이 많았다. 또한 수형자의 가족애착이 강할수록 이 들은 구금 후 가족관계가 이전과 비슷하거나 더 좋아졌다고 느끼는 것으로 나타났다. 탐색적 차원에서 수형자 관련 변인들을 분석한 결과, 가족의 서신수신횟수에 유의한 영향을 미친 요인은 성별, 교육, 가구 총 수입이었다. 가족접견 횟수에는 교육, 가구 총 수입과 이번 범죄로 복역한 기간이 유의한 영향을 미쳤다. 마지막으로 구금 후 수형자가 느낀 가족관계의 변화에는 성별, 나이, 이번 범죄로 복역한 기간과 구금 중 가족접촉 정도(가족접견과 서신수신횟수)가 유의한 영향을 미쳤다. 분석결과에 대한 이론적 설명과 추론을 제시하였고, 사용한 자료와 연구의 한계와 더불어 정책적 함의와 앞으로의 연구방향을 제시하였다.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Cost allocation studies on the rational allocation method for the common cost of the joint products or services that provide different benefits to each economic entity under the constraints of the efficiency and fairness. Cooperative game theory is often used for cost allocation and studies on a fair and efficient allocation of the utility if some feasible utility for a whole or subset of the players in a game is given. This study shows a variety of cooperative game theory approaches and discusses the pros and cons of each approach.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고염식식습관은 다양한 질병을 일으키고 공중보건을 위협할 수 있다. 그 동안 고염식식습관을 통제하기 위한 다양한 시도가 이루어져 왔으나 건강커뮤니케이션을 통해 고염식식습관을 변화시킬 수 있는지에 대한 연구는 아직 이루어지지 못하였다. 본 연구는 고염식의위험성과 식습관의 통제가능성에 대한 인식이 고염식식습관을 얼마나 예측하는지를 검토함으로써 식습관 개선 교육을 위한 시 사점을 찾고자 하였다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 보호동기 이론의 하위요인인심각성, 취약성, 효율성, 효능 및 행동 경향을 측정하기 위한 설문지를 개발하였으며 설 문지를 충남소재 대학의 대학생들과 그들의 가족을 대상 으로 배포하였다. 설문결과를 SPSS프로그램으로 분석한 결과를 보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 청년층은 장년층보다 나 트륨섭취가 더 많았다. 둘째, 상관관계분석에서 장년층은 고염식으로 인한 위험에 취약하다는 것을 알고 있지만 고 염식을 억제할 수 있다고 확신할 때 까지는 식습관을 바꾸지 않는다. 셋째, 구조모델분석에 따르면 대처지각이 높을수록 고염식식습관의 경향성이 낮아지는 경향을 보인다. 이 결과는 고염식식습관을 줄이기 위해서는 실행 가능한 정보를 제공하고 저염식을 하였을 때 어떤 변화가 발생하는지를 인식 시킴으로써 대처지각을 높이는 방안이 더 효과적임을 시사한다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Almost all buildings and infrastructures made of advanced composite materials are fabricated without proper design. Unlike airplanes or automobiles, prototype test is impossible. One cannot destroy 10 story buildings or 100-meter long span bridges. People try to build 100-story buildings or several thousand meter long span bridges. In order to realize "composites in construction", the following subjects must be studied in detail, for his design. Simple method of analysis, Folded plate theory, Size effects in failure, and Critical natural frequency. Unlike the design procedure with conventional materials, his design should include material design, selection of manufacturing methods, and quality control methods, in addition to the fabrication method. In this paper, folded plate theory are presented for practicing engineers.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        송국리문화의 핵심적 요소인 송국리형주거지는 알려진 바와 같이 내부시설로서 爐가 확인되지 않는 매우 특이한 주거형태이다. 이러한 노부재에 대한 의견은 구체적인 형태는 알 수 없지만 노가 존재하였다는 ‘노존재설’과 노가 주거지시설에서 사라지거나 야외로 이동했다고 보는 ‘노부재설’로 크게 나누어 진다. 필자는 후자의 입장에서 송국리형주거지의 발생으로 대표되는 송국리문화의 발생 원인으로는 청동 기시대 기원전 10세기 이후 중기 한랭화라는 기후변화와 관련성이 있는 것으로 판단한다. 기온의 하강은 생계에 있어서는 농경에 대한 집중력을 높이고, 생활에 있어서는 주거규모를 축소함과 동시에 주거지 내부의 노를 외부로 이동하는 대신 공동취사를 통해 조직의 효율성을 높이려 했다. 상대적으로 잔존상태가 양호한 영남지방 충적지취락의 사례로 살펴볼 때, 노는 주거와 일대일이 아닌 공동취사를 위한 일정한 곳에 밀집된 방식으로 운영하였음이 그 증거이다. 이렇게 주거내 노를 제거한 상태에서 겨울 추위에 대한 대비로 일부지역의 경우 주거지의 깊이를 깊게 하는 방식으로 해결하려 한 행위도 확인된다. 청동기시대 중기 송국리문화라는 새로운 문화가 출현하게 된 배경에는 기후변화라는 현실적인 환경적 변화가 직면하여 당시인들은 주거 내부에서 노를 과감하게 외부로 이동시킨 송국리형주거로서 위기를 극복하려고 하였다.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sizuka Sirakawa’s theory on the Chinese Characters before the Warring States Period is a system theory. The theory includes several kinds of content as followed: First, the causes of Chinese Characters birth. Sizuka Sirakawa thought that characters creation is to express something sacred. Second, the resources of Chinese Character symbols. Sizuka Sirakawa thought, Chinese Characters are etiquette reflections, developing from the symbols which have the sacred nature. Third, Chinese Characters functions. Sizuka Sirakawa thought that to the ancient Chinese people, Chinese Characters had extraordinary power before the Warring States period. Fourth, the usage of Chinese Characters. Sizuka Sirakawa thought that Chinese Characters were mainly used in activities of offering sacrifices and casting inscriptions. The last, the essence of Chinese Pictographic Characters. Sizuka Sirakawa believed Chinese Pictographic Characters not as pictograph characters, but as symbolic characters. However, based on the facts and the logic, we can prove that the five points have some mistakes.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국제사회의 대북제재가 왜 큰 효과를 나타내지 못했는가에 대한 문제인식에서 출발하고 있으며, 이러한 질문의 답을 찾기 위해 중국의 대북지원에 주목하고서 대북지원의 결정요인을 분석한다. 국제사회의 강경한 대북제재에도 불구하고 중국은 북한에 대해 제재와 지원이라는 이중적 자세를 취하고 있다. 이러한 중국의 이중적 자세에 대해 본 연구는 양면게임이론에 이론적 근거를 두고서 대북지원이 대한 대내외적 상황에 접근하였다. 중국의 대북지원에 대한 결정요인은 국외요인, 국내요인으로 구분할 수 있다. 이들 요인들은 중국의 패권강화, 미국 견제, 중국의 책임 있는 강대국 역할 수행, 북한의 자원 확보, 중국의 안정적인 성장 지속, 중국의 사회주의정치체제 정당성 유지, 베이징 컨센서스의 확산 등이 있다. 해당 요인들에 대한 분석을 토대로 살펴보면 향후 중국의 대북지원은 공식적 또는 비공식적 모두 지속적으로 이루어질 것이고 대북지원이 중단 되거나 북·중 관계가 악화되는 상황이 발생하는 것은 어려울 것이라고 전망할 수 있다.