
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 509

        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines and compares the address terms in Korean textbooks and questionnaires, which are aimed at married migrant women. The results of the study show that among the eight major Korean address terms, the frequent uses of the kin and kinship address terms are founded in the Korean textbooks and married migrant women. Because they are bound by marriage, married migrant women talk more frequently with their husbands, parents-in-law, and relatives than the others. Moreover, due to their recent migration to Korea, they do not only connect with others but also cannot converse well in Korean. The results also illustrate that a few terms of address exist in Korean textbooks. While all address terms in Korean textbooks coincide with standard speech, some address terms revealed in questionnaires are not appropriate for standard speech. “obba” and “name (married migrant women)” are most frequently used between married migrant women and their husbands. Further, “ya, eo-i” is more frequently used by parents-in-law and relatives for addressing married migrant women. The address terms such as “obba,” “name,” and “ya, eo-i” are incorrect address terms for expressing the relationship between a husband and a wife—family. Both parties concerned with Korean textbooks and Korean education must devote considerable space, and time to teaching the address terms so that they can be used efficiently by married migrant women.
        2011.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Three hundred and fourteen low back pain patients completed the Korean version of the Oswestry Disability Questionnaire (KODQ) and the Rasch analysis was then applied to identify the inappropriate items and to determine ODQ item difficulties according to a subject's characteristics. For women and youths, the 'sex life' item showed misfit statistics, whereas for older subjects it was the 'pain intensity' and 'standing' items. Also, in the acute low back group the 'pain intensity', 'standing' and 'sex life' items showed misfit statistics. For all subjects, the most difficult item was 'pain intensity', whereas the easiest item was 'walking'. But for the older and acute groups 'lifting' was the most difficult item and for those who have a visual analogue scale score of 3 or less 'sitting' was the most difficult item. These results show that differential item functioning is present in several items according to sex, age, acute and chronic pain, and VAS score. This study may be useful for adjusting the KODQ item difficulties for low back pain patients with different characteristics
        2010.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study compares the collocation of Korean and Mongolian language, using the noun 'head', which indicates the part of body. The purpose of this study is to analyze the semantic and syntactic aspects coping of collocation and give the linguistic explanation to the regularly appearing collocation aspects coping.The collocations can be defined as a nuclear of collocation which has transparent meaning, and limited combination of old vocabulary, which has no transparent meaning. Korean noun 'head' participates in the collocation usually with the meanings such as 'part of body, hair, inside of the head, spirit'. Especially, the meaning 'hair' appears the most frequently. In this case, the meaning of the 'head' equals to 'us', not the 'tolgoi'. This is because, mongolian noun 'tolgoi' has no meaning of 'hair'. Only one exception exists, where 'wash the head/wash the hair' can be represented in mongolian collocation “tolgoi ugaah/u's ugaah”. (wash the head/wash the hair) Consequently, among the 31 korean collocations there can be 27 mongolian collocation corresponding forms. And 16(+1) of them are composed with meaning 'tolgoi'. Furthermore, this study analyzes the mongolian word 'tolgoi' as a starting point and searches for its collocation corresponding forms. Mongolian noun 'tolgoi' has participated in the collocations with the meanings such as 'part of the body, spirit'. Among 22 collocations with the word 'tolgoi', there exists 16 korean collocation corresponding forms. 14 of them were with the meaning 'head'. In comparing the lexical semantic representation, mongolian and korean collocations may be equal. But the verbal meaning is not equal. And there are occasions where collocation corresponding forms does not exist at all. In this case, they can be interpreted by free join or an independent word. Syntactically, korean and mongolian collocations have shown almost the same configuration.
        2010.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study aims to examine the realization of language immersion education for FLE (Français Langue Étrangère) and CLE (Coréen Langue Étrangère). Foreign Language teachers’ role has been recently concerned as to find out the interaction between a teacher and a learner in language immersion education. The success of language immersion education depends on the learners’ attitudes and motivation. The learners’ motivation can be enhanced through the electronic sources online made by the nonnative language teachers or through the extra-curricular language activities. The findings of the present study are summarized as follows. First, the teachers must perceive learners’ first language and culture to accomplish a successful interaction. Second, the foreign language policy should favor not only English, but also other various languages as well. Third, the feedback through the self-evaluation should be followed by its purposes and types.
        2010.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Global perspective of Korea has been continuously enhanced, and accordingly, the number of foreign students who are interested in and try to study Korean language are increasing, too. In addition, recently the purpose of studying the Korean language is deepening from just getting employment or college preparation to interest about Korea and its culture.Korean language education as a foreign language should be developed for correct understanding and use in social & cultural context based on the language education for communication. One way of satisfying these Korean language educational target is to utilize literary works.But, even with the various possibilities of utilizing literary works in Korean language education, the attempts to utilize literary works is insufficient in actual education fields and in teaching material. Also, the utilizing material are in limited state.According to the survey result of literature education status, activity and attempt to utilize literary works in Korean language education as a foreign language is quite insufficient and there is no distinctive standard in selecting the works. In addition, most education is performed at above middle level, and it consists of passive literature utilizing methods such as vocabulary, grammar, expressional study, comprehension, etc. Also, it is difficult to give lessons because included literature's genre are skewed to poems for modern literature and fairy tales for classical literature, and because the study about teachers' manual or teaching instruction are insufficient.Therefore, to solve these problems, it is required to include various literary works based on the students' requirement survey results, to present integrated utilizing method and subject activities so that all language education functions such as reading, listening, speaking and writing can be studied, and to actively utilize auxiliary textbooks. Also primarily, it is required to establish standard to select adequate literary works, and to enable the use of literary works by grade from the selected list of works based on the standard. In addition, it is required to provide class with the goal of understanding the literary work itself as well as language education and culture education through literature text.
        2010.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to suggest a method of teaching Korean Vocabulary Education through semantic analysis of synonyms. In this paper, I discuss learning methods for second language learners that effectively learn the differences between synonyms. It is not only for teachers, but also for learners. In vocabulary education, it is very hard to explain differences between synonyms especially to L2 learners. So it is needed that various and clear study of synonym's meaning and teaching methods. The first part of this paper addresses the concept of synonym for second language learning. In this study, the substitution is the most important judgement condition of synonym pairs. In the next chapter, this paper analyses meaning differences between synonyms, 'Gwangaek 관객 : Gwanjung 관중 : Gwallamgaek 관람객', 'Gap 값 : Gagyeok 가격'. In the last chapter, this paper present concrete teaching and learning methods. In the case of the first pairs, we can use diagram for showing the usage meaning area. In the other synonym pairs, we can use practical sentences with the context. It needs further consideration about various synonym pairs classes.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        다양한 분야에서 인터넷 상의 방대한 양의 문서 혹은 리뷰로부터 유용한 정보를 얻고자 하는 노력이 높아짐에 따라 문서 혹은 리뷰 상의 생각 및 의견에 대한 자동 분류 연구의 필요성이 대두되었다. 이러한 자동분류를 감성 분류라 하며, 감성 분류 연구는 크게 세 가지 단계를 가지는데, 첫 번째로 주관적인 생각이나 느낌을 표현하는 문장을 추출하기 위한 주관성 분류 연구, 두 번째로 문서 또는 문장을 긍정, 부정으로 나누는 극성 분류 연구, 그리고 세 번째로 문서 또는 문장이 어느 정도의 주관성 및 극성을 갖는지 그 강도를 구하는 강도 분류 연구이다. 최근 의견 분류에 대한 연구들을 살펴보면, 분류를 위해 자질(Feature)로서 단일어(Single word)가 아닌 2개 이상의 N-gram 단어, 어휘 구문 패턴 및 통사 구문 패턴 등을 사용하는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 특히, 패턴은 단일어나 N-gram 단어에 비해 유연하고, 언어학적으로 풍부한 정보를 표현할 수 있기 때문에 이를 이용한 많은 연구가 이루어져 왔다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 이러한 연구들은 주로 영어에 대한 연구들이었으며, 한국어에 패턴을 적용하여 주관성을 갖는 문장을 분류하거나, 극성을 분류하는 연구들은 아직 미비하다. 한편, 한국어는 용언의 활용이 발달되어 있어, 어미의 변화가 다양하며, 그 변화에 따라 의미가 미묘하게 변화한다. 그러나 기존 한국어에 대한 의견 분류 연구들은 단어의 핵심 의미만을 파악하기 위해 어미부분을 제거하고 어간만을 취해서 처리하여 어미에 대한 의미변화를 고려하지 못하였다. 그래서 본 연구는 영어에 적용된 패턴을 이용한 기존 방법들을 정리하고, 그 방법들 중에서 극성을 지닌 문장성분 패턴을 한국어에 적용하였다. 그리고 어미의 변화에 대한 패턴을 추출하여 이 변화가 의견 분류의 성능에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to establish reliability and validity of the Northwick Park Neck Pain Questionnaire (NPQ) translated into Korean for neck pain patients. Sixty-two subjects (35 males, 27 females) with neck pain enrolled in the study. They completed a standardized self-administered questionnaire that included pain intensity, sleeping, sensory at night, duration of symptoms, carrying, reading and watching television, working, social activities, and driving. Reliability was determined by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Cronbach's alpha by internal consistency. Validity was examined by correlating the NPQ scores to the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) score. Test-retest reliability of the translated versions of the NPQ was good ICC(2,1)=.83 (95%CI=.85~.95). Cronbach's alpha value for NPQ was found to be .87 and this was statistically significant (p<.05). The criterion-related validity coefficients was .75 (p<.01). We concluded that the Korean version NPQ was shown to be a reliable and valid instrument for the assessment of neck pain.
        2010.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tandem學習法用漢語叫‘互助學習法’。本來的意思是說‘兩個人一起騎 的自行車’, 或者說‘一起騎自行車的行爲’. 後來就發展成表示兩個人通過互相 幫助而協助謀事的意思。把這樣的方法應用到外國語學習上的, 就稱爲 Tandem學習法。就是不同母語的兩個人組成一個組, 像兩個人一起騎自行 車一樣, 以50:50爲基本原則, 每個人一面當學習者, 一面當敎師, 互相學習, 互相敎授。Tandem學習法起源於1980年代德國的Bochum大學. 現在是在歐 洲很受歡迎的一種外國語學習法. 但是國內漢語敎育學界很少有人知道。 現在國內的外國留學生當中, 中國留學生佔的比率最高, 他們都要學習 韓國語與韓國文化, 也都很需要韓國人的幫助, 韓國漢語系的學生也都要學 習漢語與中國文化, 因此這兩國的學生都是一個通過互助自己學習目標語的 很好的學習條件。中國留學生都很願意交韓國朋友, 韓國的漢語系學生也是 如此. 如果硏究出讓這兩國學生能够撘配起來的敎學法的話, 這兩國學生們 就能够非常有效地達成自己的學習目的, 也對外國語學習法會有很大的幫 助。 本硏究從這一思路出發, 要找出可以把這樣的條件活用到外國語學習上 的具體方法。所以筆者通過這篇文章, 給國內學者介紹Tandem學習法, 而 且說明Tandem學習法在國內漢語敎學上採用的必要性和具體運作上要解決 的問題。我很希望今後國內學者們能共同關心, 共同硏究, 幷爲本國的外國 語學習者所用, 能够開發出適合韓國的韓國式Tandem學習法。
        2010.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국어에는 음소 결합 제약에 의한 음운변동 9종, 노력 경제의 음운변동 19종, 표현을 강화하기 위한 음운변동이 3종으로 모두 31종의 음운변동이 있고, 중국어에는 결정적 변동 6종, 수의적 변동이 12종으로 모두 18종이 있고, 이들 중 성조의 변동이 7종이고, 분절음의 변동이 11종이다. 한국어의 음운변동 중 중국어에도 같은 조건이 형성될 수 있어 중간언어 음운을 형성할 수 있는 변동 규칙은 무척 제한적이며, 이 논문에서는 연음, 두음법칙, 자음접변, ‘ㄹ’과 ‘ㄴ’의 유음화, ‘ㄹ’의 비음화, 그리고 특이한 현상으로 중국어 ‘r/ʐ/’ 음가의 오류에 기인한 유음화 및 비음화, ‘-ㄱ’ ‘-ㄷ’ ‘-ㅂ’의 비음화, 구개음화, 자음 위치 동화 등에 걸쳐 중국어 학습 상에 나타나는 전이 혹은 간섭으로 인해 나타나는 오류를 분석하였다. 한국어 화자가 중국어의 분절음에 대해 일으키는 가장 중요한 오류 원인은 한국어와 중국어의 음절구조가 모두 CVC 체계이지만, 종성 자음이 중국어에는 /n/과 /ŋ/의 두 개 뿐인데 반해, 한국어는 ‘ㅂ/p/’ ‘ㄷ/t/’ ‘ㄱ/k/’ ‘ㅁ/m/’ ‘ㄴ/n/’ ‘ㅇ/ŋ/’ ‘ㄹ/l/’의 7개로 다양하기 때문이다. 한국어에서는 ‘ㅇ/ŋ/’을 제외한 6개의 자음이 뒤 음절이 모음으로 시작하는 경우는 종성 자음은 뒤 음절의 초성으로 연음되어 CVC+V(C)를 CV+CV(C)의 형식으로 조절하지만, 중국어는 단음절적 특성 때문에 이러한 연음은 일어나지 않음에도 불구하고 한국어 화자의 중국어 학습에서 이를 연음하는 오류가 발생하며, 또 뒤 음절의 초성 자음과 연결될 때는 어떤 형태이든 자음끼리의 충돌로 인한 변동이 아주 다양하게 일어난다. 하지만 중국어에는 종성 자음 /-n/으로 인해 일어나는 자음 위치 동화 현상 정도 밖에 없다. 하지만 한국어 화자는 한국어의 종성 ‘ㄴ/n/’이 일으키는 각종 변동을 중국어에 전이하는 오류를 범하는 경우가 많다. 자음 위치 동화 역시 마찬 가지 이유로 한국어에서는 아주 복잡하게 나타나 지만 중국어에서는 비교적 간단하다. 한국어 화자는 한국어 종성 ‘ㄴ/n/’과 마찬 가지로 한국어의 각종 변동을 중국어에 전이하는 오류를 범하는 경우가 많다. 자음 위치 동화는 노력 경제의 수의적 변동이다. 지나친 동화는 의사소통의 문제를 일으킬 수 있으므로 가능한 한 원래의 발음을 준수하도록 교육하는 것 이 중요하다. 중국어의 정확한 교육을 위해서는 이러한 음운변동의 상호 대비적인 이해를 철저히 해야 할 것이다.
        2010.01 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        몽골에서 본격적으로 한국어교육이 시작된 지 이제 20여년의 기간이 지나고 있다. 그동안 몽골에서의 한국어교육은 주로 한국어 교수법 및 교재제작을 위주로 하여 몽골인들에게 제 2외국어로써의 한국어 교과목의 확충과 교재개발에 있어서 적지 않은 성과를 거두고 있는 것으로 사료된다. 한편 이러한 학습교재와는 별도로 특히 주목할 만한 현상으로는 몽골인을 위한 한국어사전 편찬사업을 들 수 있다. 또한 그 중요성에도 불구하고 몽골에서의 한국어 사전편찬 과정에는 상당한 문제점들이 노정되고 있다. 따라서 본고에서는 몽골에서의 한국어 사전편찬 현황 및 문제점에 대하여 논의하여 차후 사전편찬의 개선점과 미비점을 보완하는 계기를 마련하고자 한다.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate the learning style preferences of KFL Leaners. For this I investigate the learning style preferences of 52 Polish and 43 Chinese learners by Cohen, Oxford, and Chi's (2002) LSS (Learning Style Survey). Research questionnaires consist of 11 parts, I categorized these as Sensory Type, Personality Type, Desired Degree of Generality based on Oxford (2003). The major findings analyzed by statistical program are as follows: First, in each part, three dimensions of Concrete-Sequential vs. Random-Intuitive, Impulsive vs. Reflective, Global vs. Particular were significant within the level of p