
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 370

        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Rabies is a zoonotic disease that causes severe destruction to the central nerve system which is usually fatal. It is one of the most important disease around the world and particular in Asia because of the high costs of prevention and post-exposure treatment. After the recurrence of sylvatic rabies in 1993, the number of raccoon dog mediating rabies cases in Korea has maintained annually until 2011. To better understand the current rabies epidemics in Korea, Korean rabies isolate (SKRBV0601GY) from Gyeonggi province in 2006 was compared with previous isolates in Korea and with isolates originating from the North-East Asia, such as Japan, China and Russia, based on complete nucleoprotein (N) gene sequences. By comparison of the N genes among these viruses, SKRBV0601GY revealed that nucleotide similarity ranged from 97.7 to 99.7%, 96.4 to 97.5%, 91.4 to 96.3%, 89.2 to 90% and 86.1 to 88.1% with Korean isolates, "Arctic-like-2" viruses, "Arctic" viruses, Russian group C - E and Chinese isolates, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses of the isolates revealed that the Korean isolate in 2006 belonged to Korean group B. The topology of the phylogenetic tree of Korean isolates related not the species and year of isolation but the geological location of the virus isolates. All of the Korean isolates showed close relationship to the "Arctic-like-2" virus (Russian group B) more than the "Arctic" virus (Russian group A) and all of the Chinese isolates (Chinese group A, B and C). The "Arctic-like-2" virus group contains the Japanese isolate and Russian group B viruses, originating from the south of East Siberia and Far East in Russia. These molecular data demonstrated that the current rabies epizootic in Korea developed independently of Chinese groups and originated from the "arctic-like-2" viruses in detail.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        역사소설은 지나간 과거를 작가의 상상력으로 재구성한 것이다. 그러나 이러한 상상은 작가가 처한 당대의 현실과 동떨어진 것이 아니며 작가가 처한 사회의 정치문화 콘텍스트, 그리고 작가의 아이덴티티, 역사정보의 장악 정도, 주관적 상상력의 다소 등 주객관적조건의 제약을 받게 마련이다. 본 논문은 우리민족의 이민을 다룬 소설들 중에서 안수길, 리근전, 최홍일이라는 서로 다른 국적과 이념을 가진 창작주체가 각이한 년대에 창작한 <북간도>, <고난의 년대>, <눈물젖은 두만강>을 비교하면서 이들이 어떤 관점에서 역사를 파악하고 그것을 재구성하고 형상화 했는지를 살펴보았다. 이 작품들은 모두 민족의 정체성 문제를 다루고 있지만 안수길의 <북간도>는 민족주의라는 이념하에서 민족의 국토 회복과 주권회복이라는 어마어마한 주제를 다루고 있고, 리근전의 <고난의 년대>는 계급투쟁이라는 이념하에서 조선이주민의 ‘간도 뿌리내리기’와 ‘중국소수민족으로 되기’라는 주제를 다루고 있으며 최홍일의 <눈물젖은 두만강>은 이주민의 생활사라는 이념의 세속화를 주제로 다루고 있다.
        2011.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        언양읍성 북문주변 성곽정비사업 일환으로 발굴조사한 지역에서 체성, 북문지와 옹성 1개소, 치성 2개소, 성 외측에 전체적으로 조성된 해자, 수혈유구 등 다양한 유구가 조사되었다. 이번 발굴조사에서 북문지와 옹성의 구조, 체성부와 치성의 축조방법, 규모 등이 명확하게 확인되었다. 특히 체성의 축조방법에 있어서 내벽의 경우 계단식 축조수법이 아닌 내탁부와 성 안쪽과 내벽 내탁부를 구분하는 경계석열이 확인된 것이 가장 큰 성과이다. 해자의 평면형태, 규모, 내부시설을 정확하게 확인할 수 있었으며, 또한 체성, 치성, 옹성과의 축조에 있어서 선후관계를 파악할 수 있었다. 즉 체성과 치성은 동시기에 축조되었으며, 북문지의 옹성은 체성보다 늦은 시기에 축조된 것으로 확인되었다. 조사지역에서 해발고도가 가장 높은 북서쪽 모서리에서 암거시설 형태의 입수구가 확인되었다. 그리고 해자와 만나는 구상유구가 확인되었는데, 입지조건, 내부시설 등으로 볼 때 해자쪽으로 물을 공급하는 용도의 구로 생각된다. 언양읍성은 문헌에서 확인된 읍성(석성)의 축조시기(1500년)와 이번 발굴조사에서 출토된 유물(자기류, 기와류)의 편년을 비교해 볼 때 연대가 비교적 일치하는 것으로 생각되며, 이번 발굴조사 성과를 바탕으로 북문주변 성곽 정비복원 시에 문헌자료와 함께 고고학 자료를 검토, 보완하여 정확한 정비복원이 이루어지길 바란다.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Genus Spilonota is a small group of the family Tortricidae, including over 29 described species worldwide (Brown, 2005). Most larvae of the genus feed on various plant families including Pinaceae, Rosaceae, Leguminosae, Betulaceae, Salicaceae, and Juglandaceae, with economical importance (Park, 1983, Zhang & Li, 2005). Even though this genus has been relatively well investigated in East Asia: five species from South Korea (Byun et al., 2009); ten species from China (Zhang & Li, 2005); eight species from Russian Far East (Kuznetsov, 2001); thirteen species including four unidentified species from Japan (Kawabe, 1982, Oku, 2003), it has been very poorly studied from North Korea with only two recorded species to date (Razowski, 1999, Byun et al., 2009) The aim of the present study is to clarify the fauna of the genus Spilonota from North Korea, including two new records, based on the material deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary (HNHM). In the present study, the author examined all available material from North Korea. In this study, four species of Spilonota are recognized. Among them, two species, Spilonota lechriaspis Meyrick, 1932 and Spilonota ocellana (Denis et Schiffermüller, 1775), are reported for the first time from North Korea. A key to the species is provided. Photos of adults and the genitalia are provided with brief comments on the distribution.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to provide useful information for fishermen in the manner of investigation a sinking speed of current type tuna longline gear at the North Pacific Ocean as a new developed tuna longline fishing ground. The sinking depth of mainline in connection with different basket was investigated. The experiments were also performed with different materials such as Supermansen (i.e., PE) and Hitech (i.e., PA) for the mainline to investigate the sinking depth of mainline and hooks. Furthermore, the relation between the sinking depth of hooks and catches are investigated also. The sinking depth of mainline at the first and the last shooting basket shows deeper than that of middle part of a basket due to reduced shortening ratio. The sinking depth of mainline and hook with Hitech material shows more shallow than that of Supermanse material, even the Hitech case was designed to sink deeper than that of Supermanse case. The highest catches arise at the middle part basket as the hook number 7 with around 248m sinking depth. From the results, longline with Hitech material is needed to increase the sinking force for reaching the relevant sinking depth. Moreover, the current strength at the North Pacific Ocean will be considered for further commercial fishing.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, was recently introduced from Asia into North America (NA) where it has become a serious pest of soybeans. This invasive pest has rapidly spread throughout the midwestern United States and southern Canada since 2000. We examined 585 individuals obtained from 23 different collections in USA, Korea, China, and Japan using eight microsatellite loci. Based on analysis of multilocus genotype, gene diversity and number of alleles in NA were averaging 0.40 and 2.70, whereas in Asia averaging 0.55 and 4.32, respectively. The factorial correspondence analysis displayed that some Korean populations were closely related to the NA populations. Structure analysis resulted in two conspicuous clusters, NA and Asia, as the most likelihood number of clusters (K). Bayesian assignment tests revealed that Osan and Milyang populations were most likely assigned to the NA populations. Bottleneck test did not show significance of genetic bottleneck in all populations. We also discuss the invasive history of the soybean aphid in light of population genetics.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The unification mission of the Korean church is carried out with more Diakonia than Kerygma. It has the positive effects on the national product as well as on the food-and nutrition status in North Korea, besides on the personal relations between South and North Korea. It has also the positive mission effect in North Korea, although that is not confirmed exactly with number. But because of the exclusionism of the North Korean regime transparency and efficiency of the aid become hot issues and induced the ‘South-South conflict’. Not only that, the humanitarian aid is under the strong influence of the political situation. Moreover in the year 2010 because of the attacking Chunan-Ham and the bombardment Yunpyung-Do the diaconal activity of the Korean church must be closed. In order to exceed these limitations an another diaconal method can be proposed. That ist the commercial aid with return beside the contributive aid without return. The commercial aid with return has not few advantage: ⑴ It ist a international business, that is political neutral furthermore protected by government. ⑵ The commercial aid produces value-added, that can be the self-supporting ground for the partner. ⑶ Therefore the commercial aid does not induce the partner to fall in the ‘Samaritan’s dilemma’. ⑷ The commercial aid is self-sustaining and can be enlarged, if it makes a profit. ⑸ The material resource of aid is invested in business and in production system, not concentrated on a place. ⑹ The commercial aid does not make ‘agent problem’, nor the problem of low transparency and low efficiency on the level of the contributive aid. But what ist more important, is the harmony of Korean churches to make a unified organization, that takes care of the commercial aid. This organization can concentrate the unification power of the Korean churches, because it could treat the problem of the internal competition between Korean churches themselves, the overlapping of aids, the monitoring etc. In the end the harmony of Korean churches determines the time of the Unification in the korean peninsula.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In its Annual Reporton Religious Freedom, U.S. Department of State labeled North Korea -along with China, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnamas‘ Countries of Particular Concern’ that do not have freedom of religion. In order to become a part of the globalization world, North Korea should change its religion policy to ensure the freedom of religion for its people. A country that guarantees freedom of religion would never force its people to believe or not to believe in a certain religion. In order for North Korea further strengthen its collaboration with other nations around the world, freedom of conscience and religion should be guaranteed as the basic rights for its citizens. For successful reunification of North Korea and South Korea to be attained, internal unification should happen first before any legal or systemic unification. In order for internal unity to be fulfilled, collaborative integration of North and South should be achieved in every area of society including politics, economics, and culture. Most importantly, unification of religion can play a critical role in restoring true unity of North and South through reconciliation and forgiveness. Until now, North Korea established religious groups and institutions and partially allowed religious activities with the political intention to advertise itself as a nation with religious freedom. Until 1988, North Korea’s religion policy was hostile and persecutory in character. However, since 1988, North Korea gradually moved into a more positive direction that was manifested in changing laws on religion and definition of religious vocabularies in encyclopedias. Furthermore, by attempting to integrate the juche ideology and religion, North Korea intended to take steps necessary to guarantee individual’s religious freedom. Instead of being forced by external pressure, now is time for North Korea to walk side by side with other nations by independently pursuing religious freedom. North Korea should abandon their misconception of Christianity as anticommunism and antigovernment system. From the past exchange between South and North Korea and the humanitarian aids by Christian organizations, North Korea has to recognize that Christianity is the most genuine supporter of North Korea. Instead of labeling religion as a threat of a regime collapse or a leadership change, North Korea has to utilize religion as a tool to connect the people and the government. Furthermore, churches in South Korea have to acknowledge North Korean church as a church existing in a unique culture and environment. Churches in South Korea have to play an important role as a mediator between North and South Korea so that the two nations can be in good terms with one another and that the freedom of religion will be guaranteed in North Korea.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The first checklist of the North Korean insects was presented by Zhu (1969), and it included 34 species of Tortricidae. From the early 1970s to the late 1980s, the Hungarian Natural History Museum (HNHM) had conducted zoological expeditions to North Korea under cooperative scientific research agreements (Park & Lee, 1992). These expeditions added significant information to our knowledge of the fauna of North Korea, including a large numbers of Lepidoptera. Based on the entomological collection of Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, we report three species of Tortricidae (Lepidoptera), Ancylis melanostigma Kuznetsov, Eucoenogenes japonica Kawabe, and Eucosma glebana (Snellen) for the first time from North Korea. Photos of adults and the genitalia of the newly recorded species are provided with brief comments on the distribution. Also taxonomic accounts for the species are given.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The tribe Eucosmini is the second largest tribe of Olethreutinae with more than 1,000 species in over 125 genera, distributed mostly in the Holarctic region, and over half of the known species occur in the Nearctic region (Horak and Brown, 1991b). Enarmonia Hübner, Ancylis Hübner, and its allied genera are tentatively retained in Eucosmini, although they have been treated as the subtribe Enarmoniina (Razowski, 1989) belong to Eucosmini maybe distinguished from other tribes by a combination of the following characters proposed by Kuznetsov and Stekolnikov (1984): 1) one-branched protuberance of the valve; 2) gnathos and uncus very weakened or reduced. In Vietnam, in the period 1977-1978 and 1997-1998, National Institute of Plant Protection (NIPP) recorded only seven Tortricidae species. But none of them are Eucosmini. Recently, Kuznetzov (2001) recorded four species in the South Vietnam: Eucosmogastra aeolantha (Meyrick, 1914), Noduliferola pleurogramma (Clarke, 1976), N. atriplaga (Clarke, 1976), N. phaeostropha (Clarke, 1976). Razowski recorded 14 species of 10 genera of Eucosmini (2009). In this study, we are briefly reviewed of tribe Eucosmini in North Vietnam. As the result of this study, totally 19 Eucosmini species of 13 genera are recognized. Of them, 17 species are reported for the first time from Vietnam such as: Coenobiodes acceptana Kuznetzov, 1973; Epiblema foenella (Linnaeus, 1785); Eucosma calligrapha Meyrick, 1912, etc. The materials identification based on the collection of University of Incheon, which has collected from 2004-2009 in the North Vietnam by Vietnamese and Korean entomologist.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Leaf roller moths Olethreutinae is the second largest subfamily in Tortricidae, comprising worldwide more than 4,300 species (Horak, 2006). Of which, 465 species of 88 genera in South Asia (Diaknoff, 1973). In Vietnam, when studying on fauna of the agricultural pests, National Institute of Plant Protection (NIPP) recorded only 4 Tortricidae species (1977-1978), and 3 Tortricidae species (1997- 1998). From 1996 to 2001. Kuznetzov reported two new genera Fibuloides gen. nov., Pammenpsis gen. nov., and 19 species of Olethreutinae. He also has created a list of 208 Tortricidae species in the North Vietnam. Recently, Razowski recorded 33 species, 11 genera (2008), he (2009) also reported 107 species, 61 genera, of which 61 species of 41 genera belong to Olethreutinae in the North Vietnam. Of which, 25 species are described as new to science, 13 species are new to Vietnam. In the present study, we are briefly reviewed of subfamily Olethreutinae in North Vietnam. We recognized 105 species of 51 genera. Of them, 50 species are reported for the first time from North Vietnam such as: Andrioplecta pulverula Meyrick, 1912; Cryptophlebia repletana Walker, 1863; Dactylioglypha tonica (Meyrick, 1909); Lobesia aelopa Meyrick, 1997; Lobesia ambigua Diaknoff, 1954, etc. The materials identification base on the collection of University of Incheon, which has collected in North Vietnam from 2004-2009.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 북한강유역 청동기시대 취락의 전개와 석기제작시스템에 관한 연구이다. 주거지의 구조와 출토유물을 통해 볼 때, 돌대문토기문화, 가락동유형문화, 역삼동유형문화, 각형토기문화 등 다양한 문화요소를 받아들인 전기의 문화는 역삼동유형의 문화를 기반으로 하는 지역성이 강한 중기의 문화 로 전개되며 후기에 이르러 주거지의 규모가 축소되면서 점토대토기문화와도 접촉한다. 전기 중·후 엽 역삼동유형의 주거지의 내부구조가 노지중심의 구조에서 작업공간이 분리되면서 이색점토구역이 설치되고 취락내에서는 공방지가 성행하게 된다. 즉, 중기에는 이색점토구역이 설치된 주거지와 함께 공방지의 수적 증가가 관찰되고 후기에는 규모가 대폭 축소된 방형주거지가 출현하며 공방지 또한 지 속된다. 이러한 전개과정 속에서 주거지의 내부구조변화와 공방지의 출현이 석기의 제작과 밀접한 관 련이 있음을 확인하였다. 인접한 석재 산지로부터 조달된 석재의 보관·선별·분할·분배는 공방지에 서 공동작업을 통해, 분배된 석재를 선택적으로 이용하는 석기의 세부제작공정은 개별주거지에서 행 해지는 병행적인 석기제작시스템의 확립과정을 제시하였다. 이와 같은 석기제작시스템의 확립과정은 건축기술의 차원에서의 주거구조의 변화와 취락내 독립적인 공방지 출현과 관련이 깊으며, 전문생산 체계로의 발전과정에서 과도기로서 농경 위주보다는 다양한 생계활동을 기반으로 삼아 계급사회로 이 행되는 과정으로 파악된다.
        2009.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2009.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료