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        검색결과 269

        1995.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        There is a vessel which shall not impede the passage of any other vessel in the COLREGS 1972. But the issue was raised that the words of "not to impede" were vague. Therefore, IMO adopted new paragraph (f) to be added to Rule 8 that a vessel which is required not to impede the passage of another vessel is not relieved of this obligation if approaching the vessel so as to involve risk of collision. It means that the ship which is obliged not to impede should contributes to avoid collision and to the safe passage of the other vessel. Also it results that the application of Collision Rules should be changed. But until now, it seems that the mariners are not familiar with this subject. This paper, therefore, aims to define the meaning of "not to impede" and clarify it's legal concept so as to adequate application of the Collision Rules for the collision avoidance at sea.on avoidance at sea.
        1993.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As the marine traffic thickens all over the world, the rate of marine casualities is on the increase, Also in Korea the number of the killed and the injured resulting from marine casualities such as ship's collision, increase continuously and the rate of marine casualities in 1992 came to the highest level in the world. The reason of rapid increasing the rte of marine casualities is the mistake of ship's steering in most case. By the way, because the administration of marine traffic is regarded as the belongs of land traffic, the scope of application in laws related to the safety of marine traffic is duplicated or unreasonable. In the view, in case of ship's collision, it is important to know the scope of application in Korean marine traffic laws and to point out the problems companies with them. Therefore, I suggest the improvement of marine traffic laws related to the safety of traffic administration.
        1993.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        According to careful study on the COLREGS, 1972, we can easily find out a main point that is to eliminate risk of collision at sea through exercising due regard to all danger of navigation and collision and to any special circumstances including the limitation of the vessels involved, or precaution which may be required by the ordinary practice of seamen. This paper, therefore, aims to clarify legal concept concerning the risk of collision so as to easier assimilate and understand by all mariner before being presented with a situation of danger in realty. After such a forethought and understanding the mariner will be in a position timely to implement the due regard or precaution to avoid collision by himself. For the purpose of good guidance, comprehensive legal practices of collision avoidance are adequately summarized by foreign and domestic cases.
        1991.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As increasing needs of marine transportation , world merchant fleet and ship's size were enlarged and it caused frequent disasters in human lives and natural environment. By the reason of the above, they started to establish the Vessel Traffic System (VTS) at the European coast in 1960' and most of advanced contries established and managed it to prevent the sea traffic accidents in these days. The concept of traffic control at sea can be divided into three types. First, the initial gathering of informations about ship's identity and movement etc.. Second, monitoring of the traffic flow and amendment of instructions. Third , organization and direction of ships by allocating routes and speeds. Where the goal of traffic control is safety of traffics and developing effectiveness of navigation channel, if traffic volume is less tan channel capacity then the above first or second level of control would be sufficient but if it is bigger than that , more positive policy of control should be adopted as same as third type of the above. In this paper where the strategy of VTS is focused on the control of traffic density to be spread equality, as possible , all over the navigation channels and also improvement of effectiveness , it suggests algorithm to assign the vessels to the channels with balanced traffic density , and other algorithms using D.P. to sequence the vessels assigned to one channel in optimum order which decreases the mean waiting time in sense of channel effectiveness with numerical examples.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As per the rapid development of world economics the marine traffic volume was increased accordingly and caused frequent disasters in human lives and natural environment in the consequence of accidents. As the result of the above they started to establish Vessel Traffic System(VTS) and separation scheme in waterway from 1960' to prevent the marin traffic accident but the problem of safety at sea appears now as neither fully defined nor sufficiently analysed. At the present, the dominant factor in establishing the strategy of marine traffic has been safety of navigation concerning only with the ship, but the risk of society derives almost wholly from the nature of cargo. To measure the degree of danger for each ship there is suggested concept of safety factor numbers denoting the level of latent danger in connection with ship and her cargo. In this paper, where the strategy of VTS is put on controlling density of safety factor for control area. it suggested algorithms how to assign the vessels and also to get optimal sequence of vessels located to a sector in the sense of minimizing the passage delay. For the formulation of problem, min max and 0-1 programming methods are applied and developed heuristic algorithm is presented with numerical example to improve the efficiency of calculation.
        1988.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The increase in seaborne cargoes has made our coastal traffic congested, and future coastal traffic is also expected to increase considerably as result of our economic development and high dependence on foreign trade. This increased traffic may be a cause of serious sea pollution as well as greater number of sea accidents. In view of this problem the introduction of VTMS along on our coast is required, following careful study of a large number of foreign systems. This paper analyzes the actual condition of 132 VTMSs in the world from the view point of management method authority of VTMS, coverage and characteristics of system. And this results provide helpful information for the development of VTMS in the future and for the implementation of VTMS in our coastal waterway.
        1988.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The amount of cargoes and fishery production have increased continuously during the last decade due to the great growth of the Korean economy. These increasements have made our coastal traffic congested, and the future coastal traffic is also expected to increase considerably. The increased traffic can be a cause of large sea pollution as well a s greater sea casualties us as properties and human lives, which could result in a big national loss. In order to prevent the sea casualties and promote the safety of coastal traffic, the Vessel Traffic Management System (VTMS) along the Korean coastal waterway is inevitably introduced. But, the precise evaluation is necessary required prior to the implementation of VTMS because this system necessitates a huge amount of budgets. This paper aims to propose the model of evaluation process, but the evaluation as to the urgency of establishment is not only very complicated and fuzzy but also affected by the subjectivity of human. Therefore, fuzzy integral is adopted as the mathematical model of evaluation in which decision-maker can intervence by making decision considering the calculated membership-function. Four aspects, namely, the frequency of sea-casualities, the traffic volume, the frequency fuzzy day, and the complexity of waterway are selected as the item of evaluation, and the fuzzy measure are applied to the evaluation of 8 candidated regions such as the adjacent area to the port Inchen, Kunsan, Mokpo, Wando, Yosu, Pusan, Pohang, Donghae. As a result of evaluation, the priority as to the candidated regions is obtained, and the following prior execution regions, namely, the adjacent area to the port Pusan, Yosu, Mokpo & Wando are selected by considering the present situation, but, in the long run, the VTMS should be executed in the whole coast of the nation, through the cost-effectiveness analysis.
        1988.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        From the point of view of safety of life and property at sea and the protection of the marine environment, the Vessel Traffic Management System along the Korea coastal waterway is inevitably introduced. But the establishing priority per area must be evaluated under the restricted budget. In this case, the estimated traffic flow has a major effect on priority evaluation. In the former paper <I>, an algorithm was proposed for estimating the trip distribution between each pair of zones such as harbours and straits. This paper aims to formulate a simulation model for estimating the dynamic traffic flow per area in the Korea coastal waterway. The model consists of the algorithm constrined by the statistical movement of ships and the observed data, the regression analysis and the traffic network evaluations. The processed results of traffic flow except fishing vessel are summarized as follows ; 1) In 2000, the traffic congestions per area are estimated, in proportion of ship's number (tonnage), as Busan area 22.3%(44.5%), Yeosu area 19.8%(11.2%), Wando-Jeju area18.1%(6.8%), Mokpo area 14.9%(9.9%), Gunsan area 9.1%(9.3%), Inchon area 8.1%(7.7%), Pohang area 5.5%(8.5%), and Donghae area 2.2%(2.1%). 2) For example in Busan area, the increment of traffic volume per annum is estimated 4, 102 ships (23 million tons) and the traffic flow in 2000 is evaluated 158, 793 ships (687 million tons). 3) consequently, the increment of traffic volume in Busan area is found the largest and followed by Yeosu, Wando-Jeju area. Also, the traffic flow per area in 2000 has the same order.
        1986.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Generally, the development of shipping is characterized by the amount of traffic flow (traffic volume) and seaborne cargo in the sea. Movement of ships is an essential element of constructing the traffic flow which is represented the dynamic movement of ships in the sea, but on the other band the numbers of arriving and departing the port is the basic factor consisting of the static movement of ships. The amount of cargoes by coastal vessels and ocean trade vessels have increased tremendously with the great growth of the Korean economy these days. This increase of the seaborne cargoes has made the Korean coastal traffic flow so congested that this can be a cause of large pollution as well as great marine casualities such as a loss of human lives and properties . And also the future coastal traffic is expected to increase considerably according to our economic development and high dependence upon foreign trade. Under the circumstance, to devise the safety of coastal traffic flow and to take a proper step of a efficient navigation, there is a necessity for analyzing and surveying the coastal traffic trend and the characteristics of cargo movement. In order to grasp the dynamic movement of ships in the Korean coast, O/D analysis is executed. This paper aims to secure the basic data necessary for a comprehensive plan and estimation of vessel traffic management system for the enhancement of safety, order and efficiency of vessel traffic in the Korean coast. The analyzed results of the traffic flow and seaborne cargoes of the Korean coast are summarized as follows : 1) The congestion by the vessels occurred around the ports such as-in proportion of ship's number (proportion of tonnage) -Incheon 18.5%(14.8%), Pohang 5.9% (9.9%), Samil 5.2%(8.3%), Mokpo 8.6%(0.8%), Pusan 13.5%(36.4%), Ulsan 9.1%(16.2%). 2) It is found that the area adjacent to Incheon, Pusan, Ulsan, Channel of Hanryu and South-western area are heavily congested. 3) It is confirmed thatthe area adjacent to Incheon, Pusan, Ulsan, Channel of Hanryu and South-western area are heavily congested. 3) It is confirmed that the coastal vessels are main elements constituting the coastal traffic and that there are much traffic flow among five ports as following through the precise O/D analysis of ship's coastal movement. Incheon-Samil, Ulsan, Pusan, Jeju Pusan -Samil, Ulsan, Incheon, Jeju Pohang -Samil, Inchoen, Jeju Pohang -Samil, Incheon, Jeju Ulsan -Samil, Incheon, Jeju Samil -Ulsan, Pusan, Incheon 4) The amount of cargoes to abroad are in proportion about 81% of total and the amount of coastal cargoes are about 19%. Of those, cargoes in and out to Japan are about 26% and to South-east Asia are about 27%. 5) The chief items of foreign cargoes are oil(38.33%), iron ore(13.98%), bituminoous coal(12.74%), grain(8.02%), lumber(6.45%) in the import cargoes and steel material(21.96%), cement(17.16%), oil(6.81%), fertilizer(3.80%) in the export cargoes. 6) The 80.5% of total export cargoes and 92.4% of total import cargoes are flowed in five main ports. 7) The chief items of coastal cargoes are oil (42.45%), cement(16.86%), steel material (6.49%), anthracite(6.31%), mineral product(4.3%), grain, and fertilizer. Almost 92.24% of total import and export oil cargoes in Korea is loaded and unloaded at the port of Samil & Ulsan.
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