
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 433

        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aimed to examine core factors of the knowledge management and analyze their effects on organizational performance (employee satisfaction and competitive advantage). To accomplish this purpose, this study examined previous studies and summarized
        2005.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        오늘날 국제화 글로벌시대의 도래, 정보기술의 진전으로 인한 인터넷보급의 확대로 인한 시장 환경이 급속하게 변화됨에 따라 공급체인 파트너들 간의 긴밀한 협력관계 구축의 필요성이 요구되는 상황에서 벤더에 의한 재고관리(VMI: Vendor Managed Inventory)는 시장변화에 신속하게 대응하고 기업간의 투명성을 제고하여 재고삭감의 문제를 해결하는 확실한 방법으로 조달 및 생산 물류관리의 가치를 제공하는 도구로 각광받고 있다. 지난 '98년 국내 최초로 유통업체인 롯데마그넷이 VMI를 도입한 이래로 제조 및 유통업체 및 전 부문으로 확산되고 있으며, 특히 전자 전기 자동차 제조업체의 도입 파급효과로 인하여 수직종속적인 구조관계에 있는 중소부품업체에서도 필요성을 인식하게 되었으며 최근 들어 VMI 도입을 시도하고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 중소부품제조멉체의 VMI의 적용에 의한 물류성과에 관하여 영향을 미치는 효과, VMI의 활동요소와 성공요소와의 상관관계를 검증하고자 하였다. 본 연구는 VMI의 도입 적용을 준비 검토하고 있거나, VMI의 도입적용상 당면문제에 직면하고 있는 기업가, 실무담당자에게 문제해결을 위한 지침을 제공하고, 관련연구단체 및 기관, 학계의 연구자 및 학생들에게 새로운 방향을 제시하는데 의의가 있다.
        2005.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The importance of IT in supporting the core business and realizing the targets and vision of the Corporate Plan are beginning to be increasingly recognized. In order to evaluate IT performance many methods and techniques have been suggested over the years. One potential solution is the use of Kaplan and Norton's Balanced Scorecard as a conceptual and pragmatic model for the development of performance measures for an IT Department. This paper explores how the Balanced Scorecard approach might be applied to measuring the performance of the IT Department within the non-profit Organization.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nowadays, Information Technology(IT) has become one of the most critical managerial decision areas, because its role in the business practice tends to be more important and hence the amount of the investment in growing. Since there is no dominant and prom
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2005.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The growth and survival of a enterprise depend upon its proper strategic capability against the rapid change in environment. The enterprise that well accommodates the changing environment and properly uses the resources will continue its growth. The problems in accommodating business environment are how to focus the limited manufacturing strategy on certain point. The manufacturing innovation program receives a large effect in the manufacturing strategy. Consequently it follows the degree with manufacturing innovation program agrees with the manufacturing strategy determine the maximization of the manufacturing and management performance.
        2005.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라와 국가 규모가 비슷한 이스라엘의 경우에는 벤처캐피탈이 정부주도로 출범한 후 육성되었다. 이러한 벤처캐피탈의 특성은 창업자가 연구개발에만 전념할 수 있어서 제품의 품질을 높일 수 있으며 동시에 사업이나 제품 완성도를 높일 수 있는 부가가치가 큰 중요한 금융업이 될 전망이다. 이번 연구에서는 이러한 벤처캐피탈이 가지고 있는 위험특성에 대한 분석과 위험을 고려한 투자성과 평가를 행하였다. 이번 연구에서는 선행연구와 동일하게 비체계적 위험이 체계적 위험보다 큰 것으로 나타났는데, 이는 소수의 지역이나 업종에 집중투자한 결과로 보인다. 위험을 고려한 투자성과분석을 위하여 총위험을 고려한 Sharpe척도와 체계적 위험을 고려한 평가모형 Jensen척도를 토대로 종합주가지수와 코스닥 벤처지수, 벤처캐피탈의 성과를 비교분석에서는 벤처캐피탈의 위험과 투자성과가 크게 낮은 것으로 파악되었다. 이는 Sharpe 및 Jensen 척도에서 검증이 된 것으로 (-)로서 시장포트폴리오(종합주가지수)나 코스닥 벤처지수 보다 투자성과가 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 이번 연구의 한계점으로는 하지만 표본의 수가 짧은 문제점을 지니고 있다.
        2005.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Information systems introduction and application are increasing suddenly from the enterprises while approaching the information age. It requires to manage the IS performance and understand quality of information systems for obtaining the competitive power of the enterprise through IS. Six Sigma is widely recognized today as a process improvement methodology that can cut costs and eliminate defects in information industry as well as manufacturing processes. This study provides a framework for managing performance of information systems which are used to obtain competitive advantage.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korean Standard Certificate, suitable for the korean industrial standards is one which was designed not only to spread and utilize the industrial standard established for the industrial standardization, but to protect the consumer. In this study, the practical effects of the Korean Standard Certificate will be examined in various fields, based on the small medium enterprises which achieved the KS Certificate. In order to look into how the system has effects on the performance of the management in a company, the method of the actual approach will be used. In the end, the purpose of this study is to find the plan in which KS Certificate can be helpful to the development of the company.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to propose guidelines for introducing the Just-In-Time (JIT) production system to enhance the competitiveness of Korean manufacturing companies. This study employed an extensive survey on the use of the JIT production systems
        2005.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate how COP displacement of a hemiplegic foot in stance phase during gait is related to clinical balance measures and the recovery stage in hemiplegic stroke patients. Twenty-eight functionally ambulant hemiplegic patients who had suffered from strokes and thirty age-matched healthy subjects participated in this study. COP parameters were calculated. Clinical balance was measured using the Functional Reach Test (FRT) and Timed Up and Go Test (TUGT). The recovery stage, proprioception, and clonus of the ankles or lower extremities were also measured for physical impairment status. The COPx max-displacement in the medial-lateral side of the stroke patients was significantly longer than that of the normal group (p=.038). The COPy max-displacement in the anterior-posterior side of the stroke patients was significantly shorter than that of normal group (p<.001). Significant differences in the COPx and COPy displacement asymmetry index were found between the two groups (p<.01). The FRT was correlated with the COPx displacement (r=.552) and COPy displacement (r=.765). The TUGT was correlated with the COPy displacement (r=-.588) only. The recovery stage of the lower extremities was correlated with COPy displacement (r=.438). The results of the study indicate that the characteristic of COP displacement in hemiplegic feet in stance phase during gait is related to balance ability and recovery in stroke patients. COP parameters acquired by the mapping of foot pressure in stance phase during gait will provide additional useful clinical information. This information can be used by clinicians to assess objectively the pathologic gait with other diseases and to evaluate the therapeutic effects on gait in stroke patients.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the relationship between multiple sales force management practices and performance within each of Miles & Snow (1978)'s strategy types and Walker & Ruekert (1987)'s strategy types. The findings are as follows First, Prospectors seem to
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료