
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 548

        1999.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For a new direction of college English programs, this study is designed to analyze Korean university EFL leamer needs. With this goal, this study discusses the results of questionnaires provided for 405 students in the College of Education, Seoul National University. The study also discusses a new direction of desirable English programs on the basis of the needs assessment.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1997.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main problems contributing to food poisoning outbreaks in institutional settings and a home were reviewed and analyzed through the epidemiological investigations of food poisoning. The major documented factors included improper holding temperatures, inadequate cooking, poor personal hygiene, cross-contamination and contaminated equipment, food from unsafe sources, failure to follow food hygiene policies, and lack of education, training, monitoring and supervision. Usually more than one factor contributed to the development of an outbreak. (1) Use of improper holding temperatures was the single most important factor contributing to food poisoning. They included improper cooling, allowing a laps of time (12 hours or more) between preparing food and eating it, improper hot holding, and inadequate or improper thawing. Food thermometers were not used in most of the instances. (2) In inadequate cooking, the core temperature of food during and after cooking had not been measured, and routine monitoring was limited to recording the temperature of plated meals. Compared with conventional methods of cooking, microwave ovens did not protect against food poisoning as effectively. Centralized food preparation potentially increased the risk of food poisoning outbreaks. (3) Poor personal hygiene both at the individual level (improper handwashing and lack of proper hygienic practices) and at the institutional level (poor general sanitization) increased the risk of transmission. Person to person transmission of enteric pathogens through direct contact and via fomites has been noted in several instances. (4) Obtaining food from unsafe sources was a risk factor in outbreaks of food poisoning. Food risks were high when food was grown or harvested from contaminated areas. Possibilities included contamination in the field, in transport, at the retail site, or at the time it was prepared for serving. (5) Cross-contamination and inadequate cleaning/handling of equipment became potential vehicles of food poisoning. Failure to separate cooked food from raw food was also a risk factor. (6) Failure to follow food hygiene policies also provided opportunities for outbreaks of food poisoning. It included improper hygienic practices during food preparation, neglect of personnel policies (involvement of symptomatic workers in food preparation), poor results on routine inspections, and disregarding the results and recommendations of an inspection. (7) Lack of formal and in-service education, training, monitoring, and supervision of food handlers or supervisors were critical and perhaps neglected elements in occurrences of food poisoning.
        1995.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of this study are to classify farm area and to develop farm system by region. The factor analysis was used as a main analysing tool to approach these purposes in this study. The farming of Kyung-Ju area in cropping sector is classified into 11 cropping systems. The distribution of specialized regions is very distinctive by the cropping systems. The specialized regions resulted from this analysis are different by factor. An efficient means to raise agricultural competitive power is to realize farm specialization by region according to productivity factor.
        1994.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1987.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to establish more rational and practical planning theory for amusementpark. It analyze and considerate the fluctuation of the people who come and use a Tong-Ch'on amusementpark. The results drawn from this research work are as follows ; There are considerable correlation between use fluctuation and some factors. The factors are season (spring, summer, autumn) as a time, temperature, cloud amount, duration of sunshine, weather (rainy day) as a climate and date (weekday, holiday) as a social system. The important variables are temperature, cloud amount, duration of sunshine and date (week day, holiday) to estimate the user of amusementpark. I can reduce the following two types of regression models. 1. () 2. () Y ; Number of User TEM ; Temperature CLO ; Amount of cloud SUN ; Duration of Sunshine WI ; Weekday W3 ; Holiday Those model is inorder to estimate the user for management of Tong-Ch'on amusementpark and use on the computation of facility size for reconstruction. Besides the amusementpark, city park and outdoor recreation area could estimate of user throuth this method. But, I am not sure about the regression models because I didn't apply the regression models to the other amusementpark, city park or outdoor recreation area. Therefore, I think that this problem needs to study in the future.
        2023.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, numerical simulations using community multiscale air quality (CMAQ) were conducted to analyze the change in ozone (O3) concentration due to the reduction in nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions in Busan. When the NOx and, VOCs emissions were reduced by 40% and, 31%, respectively, the average O3 concentration increased by 4.24 ppb, with the highest O3 change observed in the central region (4.59 ppb). This was attributed to the decrease in O3 titration by nitric oxide (NO) due to the reduction of NOx emissions in Busan, which is classified as a VOCs-limited area. The distribution of O3 concentration changes was closely related to NOx emissions per area, and inland emissions were highly correlated with daily maximum concentrations and 8-h average O3 concentrations. Contrastingly, the effect of emission reduction depended on the wind direction. This suggests that the emission reduction effects may vary depending on the environmental conditions. Further research is needed to comprehensively analyze the emission reduction effects in Busan.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research summarizes the generating factors of greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide) in hydropower dams and related domestic/foreign researches. Microorganisms and eutrophication are the main factors in greenhouse gases in hydropower dam reservoirs. The greenhouse gas emission from the hydropower dam is affected by meteorological factors and dam operation periods, and greenhouse gases are also emitted from the outlets. The fluxes of greenhouse gas emission from the hydropower dams were –926~180,806 mg CO2 m-2d-1, -0.19~3800 mg CH4 m-2d-1, and 0.01~16.1 mg N2O m-2d-1. In South Korea, the study on the greenhouse gas emission from Korean hydropower dams has been rarely, and therefore it is inquired. This research suggested the methods on the greenhouse gas emission from Korean hydropower dams and flux calculation.
        2021.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed to classify typhoons using a more objective index based on strong winds and precipitation data from 1904 to 2019 obtained from the Automated Surface Observing System. The Typhoon Type Index (TTI) was calculated by classifying wind speed and precipitation of each typhoon, thereby revealing the rate and characteristics of the wind-type and rain-type typhoons. In addition, the top 10 typhoons for property damage were analyzed by dividing them into three types according to the typhoon course. The analysis showed that typhoons of type 1, heading north to the west coast, were most clearly affected by the wind. In addition, the impact of the wind was reduced and the impact of rain increased in the order of typhoon type 2 that landed on the southern coast and type 6 that affected the Korean Peninsula through China.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the composition and morphology of deposited dust particles with size ranging from a few to tens ㎛ were investigated using SEM/EDX (scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer). Then deposited dust particles were classified into 8 groups: quartz, aluminosilicates, ca-rich, Fe/Ti oxide, carbon-rich, industrial particle, Fe-rich, and biogenic particle. The sources of deposited dust were high in the order of aluminosilicates 41% > biogenic 18% > Fe-rich 11% > quartz and C-rich 8% > industrial 7% > Fe/Ti oxide 5% > Ca-rich 1%. In particular, the ratio of biogenic particles was relatively high due to influence of pollen. The ratio of carbon-rich was 11% at YM site, 10% at MD site, and 4% at MO site, and the site close to the large emission source was high.
        2021.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        코로나 상황(Covid-19)의 장기화로 인해 현장에서 이루어지던 많은 교육과정들이 온라인 시스템을 활용한 교육으로 전환되고 있으며, 예비교사 교육과정의 필수 과정인 교육실습 역시 온라인 교육으로 시행되었다. 본 연구의 초점은 비대면 교육시대의 온라인 교육실습을 위한 실습지도교사와 예비교사의 요구를 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위해, 첫째, 2019년 충청권 교사연구회를 통해 드러난 실습지도교사와 예비교사들의 온라인 플랫폼에 요구되는 콘텐츠와 세부 기능에 대한 요구를 파악하고, 2020년 5개의 충청권 실습학교들이 실시한 온라인 교육실습의 내용을 살펴보아 현장의 요구가 어떻게 실천되었는지를 살펴보았다. 둘째, 2020년 온라인 교육실습을 경험한 각기 다른 대학교 소속 4명의 예비교사들의 경험을 살펴 기억해야 할 가치와 교육실습의 의미에 대해 고찰해보았다. 연구의 결과로서, 실습지도교사는 실습의 전 과정의 흐름을 드러내는 콘텐츠의 중요성, 학생들은 실제실습의 과정에 초점이 맞춰진 콘텐츠들의 중요성을 언급했다. 실습지도교사와 예비교사 모두 소통을 중심으로 한 온라인 교육실습의 가치를 드러냈다.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to protect the lives and property of citizens, the central and local governments are responding by enacting municipal ordinances and regulations as the frequency of extreme weather conditions due to climate change increases and intensity increases gradually. Accordingly, the basic contents and strategies of domestic and foreign policies to cope with cold and heat waves were reviewed, referring to measures suitable for application to the Daegu metropolitan area. In addition, it is intended to provide a policy alternative to Daegu metropolitan area to minimize damage from extreme weather by identifying the current status, characteristics, and future prospects of extreme weather in Daegu metropolitan area. Since the damage caused by the cold wave in Daegu area is not as great as that of other regions, it is urgent to come up with cold wave measures for the health and transportation sectors, and to come up with measures against the heat wave as the damage caused by the heat wave is the most serious in the country. Also we will identify spatial characteristics so that the districts and counties with high vulnerability to extreme weather can be identified and implemented first, and present civic life-oriented facilities and civic action guidelines to overcome cold and heat waves.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the importance of policy for the promotion of forest education and establish a basis that can be applied to it, which considers citizens’ opinions on forest education. According to the importance analysis of forest education policy, program development topped the list with 0.368 points, followed by the application of forest education experts, which scored 0.262 points. Cooperation as well as the supplementing and improvement of facilities yielded 0.238 and 0.132 points, respectively. Concerning the attention and recognition of forest education, only 8% of the respondents had low attention and 19% low or very low recognition; 75% said forest education was very important. Regarding program satisfaction, 76.5% were satisfied with the profitability of content and 77% agreed with the purpose consistency. In terms of the appropriateness of forest education, 79.2% and 81% were content with the period and method, respectively. Finally, 82.7% were satisfied with the participation program. This study aims to share basic data and promotion plans derived from the analysis of policy importance and satisfaction with forest education focused on adults. Domestic forest education is still in the early stages, led by Korea Forest Service. In the long term, local governments must participate in forest education policy positively despite limited budgets and human resources. The results of this study can be utilized as data for forest education promotion plans. If the case studies of other local governments and preference analysis by age group are followed up, they will help ensure that forest education evolves through cooperation with people and organizations in the relevant zone.