
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 41

        2014.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Anti-reflection coating films have used to increase the transmittance of displays and enhance the efficiency of solar cells. Hydrophobic anti-reflection coating films were fabricated on a glass substrate by sol-gel method. To fabricate an anti-reflection film with a high transmittance, poly ethylene glycol (PEG) was added to tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) solution. The content of PEG was changed from 1 to 4 wt% in order to control the morphology, thickness, and refractive index of the SiO2 thin films. The reflectance and transmittance of both sides of the coated thin film fabricated with PEG 4 wt% solution were 0.3% and 99.4% at 500 nm wavelength. The refractive index and thickness of the thin film were n = 1.29 and d = 105 nm. Fluoro alkyl silane (FAS) was used for hydrophobic treatment on the surface of the anti-reflection thin film. The contact angle was increased from 13.2˚ to 113.7˚ after hydrophobic treatment.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내에서는 해양오염을 예방하기 위하여 해양오염방지관리인 제도를 운영하고 있다. 2007년 1월 19일 해양환경관리법(법률 제8260호)이 제정되어 2008년 1월 20일부터 시행으로 됨으로써 1977년 제정되어 시행되어 오던 해양오염방지법이 폐지됨에 따라 해양오염방지관리인 교육 제도에도 변화가 생겼다. 주요 개정 내용은 교육훈련기관, 교육훈련과정, 교육훈련대상자, 해양오염방지관리인 업무내용 및 준수사항, 해앙시설의 범위, 교육과목 등이다.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해양오염방지협약(MARPOL 73/78)을 수용하기 위하여 제정 개정되어 은 해양오염방지법을 비롯하여 환경관련 국내법들을 살펴보고, 해양오염방지를 위하여 채택된 각종 국제협약들의 주요 내용을 국내법에 어떻게 수용하고 있는지를 검토하였다. 그리고 해양오염방지와 관련된 현행 국제협약의 내용 중에서 아직까지 국내법에 수용되지 않은 부분을 해양오염방지법에 수용하는 방안을 제시하였다. 최근에 선박대기오염방지규칙을 MARPOL 73/78의 부속서VI으로 채택함에 따라 국내에서는 대기환경보전법보다는 해양오염방지법에 이를 수용하였다. 72런던협약 및 96의정서(LC 72/96)의 주요내용을 해양오염방지법에 수용하고 있으나 72런던협약 부속서II의 특별주의물질, 부속서III의 해양투기허가증 발급기준 및 96의정서 부속서 I의 투기 가능물질에 관한 일부 내용이 수용되지 않고 있다. 기름오염대비대응협력협약(OPRC 90)의 주요내용은 해양오염방지법에 수용되어 있으나 항만 및 기름 취급시설 기름오염비상계획서와 국가긴급계획이 해양오염방지법에 수용되어 있지 않다. 유성혼합물이 선내에 잔류하는 해철용 유조선(폐선)을 개도국이나 후진국으로 이동하는 것을 방지하기 위하여 유해화학물질의 국가간 이동을 규제하고 금지하는 바젤협약의 관련 내용(폐유)을 해양오염방지법으로 수용하는 것이 바람직하다. 선박의 유해한 방오시스템 통제를 위한 국제협약을 유해화학물질관리법으로 수용하기 보다는 해양오염방지법으로 수용하여야 할 것이다. 국내에서 유기주석화합물(TBT)을 함유한 선박방오도료를 취급제한 금지물질로 분류함으로써 방오도료 국제협약을 국내의 유해화학물질관리법에 수용하고 있으나 방오도료 국제협약을 해양오염방지법으로 수용하는 것이 더 합리적일 것이다. 밸러스트수 국제협약을 수용하는 국내법이 없는 실정이므로 이 협약을 해양오염방지법으로 수용하거나 새로운 법을 제정하여 수용하여야 할 것이다.
        1995.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1996.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed to find the most desirable emission reduction for each mobile source pollutant and the optimal control strategy at a given level of expenditures in Pusan City in 2000 by using the interactive ε-constraint method developed by Chang-Hyo Lee and Hyung-Wook Kim, which is one of the mathematical programming models. The most desirable emission reduction is 7093 ton/year for particulate (TSP), 4871 ton/year for NOx, 5148 ton/year for HC and 36779 ton/year for CO. The optimal control strategy is as follows; 1. As to passenger car and taxi limiting VKT (vehicle kilometers travelled) in congested areas will be necessary. In addition to this, improving vehicle inspection program should be enforced. 2. As to small-gasoline bus, traffic adaptive control system will be necessary. 3. As to small-diesel bus, non-adjustable engine parameters will have to be applied. 4. As to heavy bus and heavy truck, catalytic trap oxidizer and limiting VKT in congested areas will be necessary. 5. As to motorcycle, 2-cycle motorcycles should be converted to 4-cycle motorcycles.
        1995.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This is a case study on the counterplan for reducing agricultural environmental pollution in the SANHYUN Livestock Club through participatory research from March, 1993 to June, 1995. In the monthly meetings, the active discussion about agricultural environmental pollution gradually increased with the village people, Club members and other people because of a consciousness-raising created through discussion activities. In addition, the Club members have established a septic tank and accumulation store-house after active participation in such discussions about the environmental pollution. After two years, the number of septic tanks and accumulation store-houses has increased from two to 10. Gradually all village people are becoming more aware of village environmental pollution. Four non-member farmers have constructed a septic tanks and several member farmers have constructed the fermentation system of sawdust and hulls.
        1993.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ship, 1973, as modified by the Proto-col of 1978 relating thereto, well known as MARPOL 73/78, is probably the most important international agreement on the subject of marine pollution. The main purpose of the Convention is to reduce the total oil remaining on board vessel to minimum. MARPOL is a combination of different sets of rules on oil, chemicals, noxious substances in package forms, sewage and garbage as shown on each Annex. Since the Convention has globally set forth in 1973, it has amended so often whenever reasonable articles are requi-red by contracting states under guidelines of IMO. The amendments, for instance, have continuously perfo-rmed more than 8 times regarding articles, protocols, and five annexes because the original text was badly drafted as the control measures were expressed in general way. This paper, therefore, is intend to summa-rize a main point relating to each amendment, so that persons who have an interest in the Convention would be completely understand for practical implementation. Especially, for legislative purpose or annen-dement of domestic law, it could timely be contributable if specific consolidation and unified interpretations are followed with this paper. Consequently it is much more worth to study for preventing marine pollution from ship with tracing every moment whenever the Convention formally adopted through amending up-to-data.
        1992.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        It is, as everyone knows, very important for human beings to protect and conserve marine environment. We has believed the ocean is so wide and deep that it cannot be polluted. But it has begun to doubt the capacity of self-purification of the ocean due to pollution arising from marine casualities. It has proved that semi-enclosed sea is likely to be polluted and cannot be restored easily once pollution occurs. Therefore, first of all it is important to take preventive measures for prevention of marine pollution in the semi-enclosed sea like the Yellow Sea. Many of regional conventions for prevention of marine pollution have come into existence. this dissertation was set out for the fact that the Yellow Sea is semi-enclosed sea which is vulnerable to marine pollution. It is desirable not to deal with marine preservation of the Yellow Sea by a single exclusively but to deal with it by cooperation of all coastal states under the present circumstances. I proposed a program of regional cooperation to protect and conserve the Yellow Sea. This program must be progressed with gradual arrangements. First, they must establist a basic cooperation committee to work basic affairs on the protection of marine environment within the Yellow Sea. The Committee Mainly play parts of study and research concerned with pollution of the Yellow Sea in the non-governmental side and consist of legal and scientific experts. Second, they must establish the control Committee to prevent marine pollution of the Yellow Sea substantially. There is a reason that regional cooperation cannot be directly concluded with the regional tready. Because there is a problem of Recognition of States left. In principle, a subject of tready must be a state in the International Law. But they have not made Recognition of State which is demanded by International Law between North and South Koreas. Therefore, the Control committee must play a substantial part of prevention from pollution instead of the treaty. Finally, we concluded tentatively named 「Convention on Regional Cooperation for Protection of Marine Environment of the Yellow Sea from Pollution」 if the matter is settled which is related to Recognition of States in the International Law.
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