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        검색결과 181

        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the contrasting reports of the THAAD deployment in South Korea, the conflicting national media stances are reflected in the discursive patterns of the Chinese and Korean newspapers' headlines. Grounded upon van Dijk's socio-cognitive perspective in the critical discourse analysis, these patterns are analyzed in terms of the Attitude systems of the Appraisal Theory. The data of headlines are collected from online articles in Chinese and Korean major daily newspapers. The findings show that the newspapers' contrasting stances on the THAAD issues are discursively differentiated into their attitudinal representations of the headlines. These results also demonstrate the discursive strategy of positive self and negative other presentation to establish each nation's solidarity involved in the THAAD issues.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine children's YouTube contents that intensively show the characteristics of a promotional society from the perspective of critical discourse studies. This starts to view of the concept of discourse as ‘use of language in a social context’. Discourse can be approached in terms of texts, discourse practices, and sociocultural practices. And the analysis was carried out within the dialectical relationship of these three dimensions. Children's YouTube discourse superficially pursues an entertainment genre, but has the characteristics of an advertising genre. The discourse practice of YouTube text makes it natural to watch a commercial presented before watching main contents. In addition, it commercializes play activities between parents and children in the home domain. Representing ‘play’ and ‘home’ at the text level as excessively abundant goods is related to ‘discourse on happiness through material’. In terms of discourse practices, the value of the play activities of parents and children as media products, and the guarantee of (advertising) viewing act for consumption of these texts, is based on the characteristics of the promotion and consumption society. Capturing the ideology of fetishism that penetrates these three dimensions contributes to the recognition of the act of watching as labor.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this s tudy is to analyz e the COVID-19 political discourse from the perspective of critical discourse analysis, to identify what linguistic strategies politicians use to reveal their position and ideologies, and how the social and political situations are reflected in their discourse. The data consist of speeches made by Donald Trump, the former U.S. president, and Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, in terms of text, discourse practice, and sociocultural practice using Fairclough’s 3D model. The findings show that the two politicians used terms that separate ‘us-group’ and ‘them-group’, while showing differences in specific vocabulary choices and discourse composition strategies. Trump tended to use positive self-presentation, optimistic expressions, and focused on economic policies, while Cuomo tended to use objective figures, emphasize seriousness, and focus on prevention policies. This forms the way the public perceives society, and conversely, social situations such as racial discrimination and hate issues also affect and interact with discourse strategies.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzes the user-generated reviews of Paris-based Michelin three-star restaurants in terms of how they are discursively constructed. Using the reviews posted in Tripadvisor in 2019 as data, it examines how positive reviews (PR) and negative reviews (NR) are framed with distinct discursive practices. While PR and NR a re both characteriz ed by the discursive practice of highlighting professed culinary expertise of the reviewer, this feature is more foregrounded in NR, where the reviewer is generally more oriented to showing themselves as being entitled to write a review. In terms of communicative styles, PR is also characterized by a heavy use of symbolic and metaphoric language, while more ordinary style of language is used in NR, embedded in the context of critiquing specific items of dish or service. While PR and NR both tend to make references to Michelin star status as a basis of their evaluation, they were shown to differ in terms of the tones or keys used in describing chefs, and also in the way the target of evaluation is formulated. The findings shed light on how and why the members of foodie community construct the language the way they do, and have implications for genre analysis.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study employed a bibliometric method to visualize the evolution of corpus-based discourse studies between 1995 and 2019, with a total of 2,174 English-language documents and their 83,184 references collected from Scopus, the Social Science Citation Index, and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. Co-citation analysis of the predominant authors, references, and publication sources disclosed that the field has expanded over the past 25 years from primary pattern analysis of descriptive and functional grammar to principal investigations of interdisciplinary issues, some of which are central to pragmatics and sociolinguistics. This shift of research focus is also evidenced by keyword analysis. Scholars have been progressively more fascinated by such social issues as news discourse, business discourse, gender and language, and identity. Some emerging topics like social media, media discourse, legal discourse, and the metadiscourse interpersonal model may represent research hotspots and trends in this area. Bibliometric approaches play an important role in providing hands-on evidence-based comparisons and visualizations of previous research outputs using different time bands.
        2021.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내에서 연구된 금융교육 유관 학술논문을 보다 객관적으로 이해하고자 논문 초록에서 추출된 키워드를 중심으로 주요 토픽을 추론하여 포괄적인 담론들을 알아보고자 한다. 연구의 효율성을 높이고 반복될 수 있는 후속과제 연구를 위하여 빅 데이터 분석기법(텍스트 마이닝 - LDA)을 활용하였고 주요토픽에 대한 단어들을 추출하였다. 총 208건의 유관된 학술 논문을 전 처리 한 후에 추출된 명사 32,523건 중 상위빈도 1,201건에 대하여 LDA 토픽모델링을 실시한 결과 16개의 토픽 군이 형성되었다. 최다 빈도의 단어는 “금융이해력” 이었고 다음은 “학생”, “금융소비자” 순이었는데 추론 된 토픽들의 공통적인 주요 요소에는 학교와 학생들에게 교육을 제공하거나 공급하는 과정에 관심을 가지고 있다는 것이었다. 핵심 텍스트와 토픽을 정의하면서 피교육자의 사회적 요구와 성인을 위한 금융교육 관심도가 미흡하여 향후 지속적인 연구영역 확대 가 필요하다는 시사점을 발견하게 되었다.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to reveal through discourse analysis the processes and patterns in which discrimination and hate in Korean society is produced. The social aspect of discrimination and hatred is practiced and reproduced through discourse. Discourses related to dogs were selected for this inquiry, because discrimination and hatred against dogs, especially large dogs today, are confirmed through various discourse(language sources) of the media. For this critical discourse study, van Dijk's approach, emphasizing the cognitive component when exploring the relationship between discourse and society, was applied. As a result of the analysis, it was identified that the polarized distinction between ‘we’ group and ‘they’ groups according to categorization, discrimination based on prejudice and stereotypes, and hatred due to contemptuous attitudes were sequentially developed. And it was found that the division and discrimination were represented and reproduced through the discourse at the macro-level of society, and the hate was represented through the discourse at the micro-level.
        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국은 2000년을 기점으로 국내 복지국가에 대한 논의와 연구가 활발히 진행 되고 있는 상황이다. 대부분의 연구 주제는 한국이 복지국가가 되기 위한 조건이 무엇이며 그 전략이 무엇인가에 대한 것이다. 그러나 많은 연구들이 한국은 이미 복지국가라는 것을 상정한 상태로 논의를 하고 있거나 한국의 목표가 유럽의 복지국가라는 전제하에서 논의되고 있는 상태다. 즉, 복지국가의 유형이나 성격 논쟁 등 대부분의 연구가 유럽 의 복지국가로 수렴 되어지는 결론을 보여주고 있다. 하지만 과연 한국의 여러 제한된 시스템 속에서 ‘유럽의 복지국가 모델이 합리적인 대안이 될 수 있는가’ 또, 한국의 복지 철학과 정치 시스템을 바탕으로 ‘유럽의 복 지국가 모델을 적용하는 것이 가능한가’ 라는 문제의식을 갖게 한다. 본 고는 거시적인 관점에서 복지국가론을 비판하고 한국이 나아가야 할 국가모델이 복지국가에만 있는 것이 아니라 다른 발전된 미래 모델에도 있다는 것을 제시함에 목적이 있다. 먼저 에스핑 앤더슨의 ‘복지국가 유형 분류’를 이용하여 유럽 복지국가의 모델을 설명하고 복지국가의 성공 요인을 다섯 가지로 논하였다. 그리고 한국과 유럽의 정치구조를 비교한 후 한국이 지향하는 복지국가 형태에 따른 저해 요소들에 대하여 설명하고, 새로운 국가모델로 공진 국가, 생태 국가, 혁신국가, 소강 국가, 지식 국가를 제시하였다. 결론적으로 본고는 한국의 프레임 속 복지가 과연 완벽한 복지 시스템인가를 생각해보고, 미래 한국의 발전을 위해 복지국가 이외의 새로운 국가모델을 제시해 본 시론적 성격의 논문이다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The interest in text mining is recently increasing in the humanities and social sciences. Using a topic-modeling technique, this study analyzed a corpus of study abroad applications to explore a discursive field of study abroad. By doing so, this project finds the ways in which the new text analysis technique can contribute to the methodology of discourse analysis. For this purpose, 4,585 applications for a variety of undergraduate study-abroad programs were collected and sorted out into the corpora of successful and unsuccessful applications. The topic-modeling results show that generated topics generally match the discourses and themes that the existing research of study abroad have considered so far. The comparison of the results between successful and unsuccessful applications reveals that the former tends to exhibit a set of more clearly defined topics and use abstract and generalized words to describe actions engaging with study abroad. This study suggests that the topic-modeling technique can be a useful discourse-analytic tool as it helps understand a broad thematic and discursive terrain in a large size of textual data. This paper also discusses how traditional discourse analysis methods can contribute to addressing methodological limitations in text mining techniques.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 《2020창원조각비엔날레》의 주제인 비조각 담론의 큐레이팅을 분석한다. 그레마스의 기호학에서 '비(not)'의 모순 논리를 빌려온 로잘린드 크라우스의 연구나, 비조각적 재료를 통해 비조각을 실험했던 이승택의 작품에서도 중성화는 주요한 개념이다. 본 연구는 비조각에 내 재한 자기모순과 자기반성의 중성화 담론에 대한 큐레이팅을 위해서 ‘빗금( / )’의 메타포를 제시 한다. ‘빗금의 경계’ 또는 ‘빗금 큐레이팅’은 A와 B의 영역을 계보학처럼 명확히 구별하지도 않지만, 그렇다고 리좀처럼 허물지도 않는다. 그것은 A와 B를 빗금의 경계 양쪽에 위치시키되 서로의 영역을 일정 부분 공유하는 화해와 소통을 지향하기 때문이다. 또한 이 연구는 야외/실내, 처음/ 마지막, 작품/작품, 작품/환경 그리고 조각/비조각의 영역에서 실제로 실험했던 빗금 큐레이팅을 분석하면서 비조각 담론의 큐레이팅 모델을 다각도로 탐구한다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical overview of the discourse-analytic studies in Korean sociolinguistics, mainly analyzing articles published in The Sociolingustic Journal of Korea. To achieve this goal, this article discusses definitions of ‘discourse’ and ‘discourse analysis’, and approaches to discourse. The examination of the articles in the journal shows that major studies in Korean sociolinguistics can be summarized as in the following: (i) functional approaches to language and discourse markers, (ii) conversation analysis and interactional linguistics, (iv) media discourse and critical discourse analysis, (v) analysis of public speeches and advertisements, (vi) electronic discourse (internet and SNS discourse), among others. This overview shows that discourse-analytic studies in Korean linguistics have focused on certain specific topics such as discourse markers, conversation-analytic studies, critical discourse studies, and electronic discourse, differing in topics from sociolinguistic studies in American and other societies. This overview suggests that more sociolinguistic studies need to be carried out in the fields such as intercultural communication, electronic discourse, and gender-based discourse as further research topics in Korean sociolinguistics.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a researcher transcribed Korean negation sentences presented on four episodes of the [Love of 7.7 Billion] and analyzed the discourses of foreign panel members by focusing on Korean negation sentences. The aims of this study are to (1) analyze types and accuracy of Korean negation sentences in foreign panel members’ discourse and (2) present pedagogical implications for efficient Korean education on negation sentences. This study was launched as an attempt to analyze how correctly and variously foreign panel members in the program use Korean negation sentences in their discourse. Since discourse is closely related to the ordinary life of humans, discourses which appeared on the [Love of 7.7 Billion] would be suitable data to analyze since it is a discussion-based program. Therefore, discourse is useful from a pedagogical standpoint to look into the Korean language proficiency of them. Through discourse analysis, several implications were found. (1) foreign panels tended to use short negation sentences rather than long negation sentences; (2) panels’ use of Korean negation sentences was not various; (3) panels divided Korean negation sentences into often-used negation sentences and rarely-used negation sentences; (4) the use of negative polarity was not found that much.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims to use a critical discourse analysis (CDA) to analyze types of online news headlines about COVID-19 on cruise ship, the Diamond Princess, and to identify different traits between conservative newspapers and progressive ones. 480 articles were collected from five major news outlets in Korea: Chosun Ilbo, Joongang Ilbo, Donga Ilbo, Hankyoreh, and Kyunghyang Shinmun. The results show that the headlines tend to contain negative or extreme vocabulary and to employ quotes from experts or even from unknown sources in order to criticize Japan and blame the Japanese government for their way of dealing with the situation. In the case of differences between politically biased sources, it was found that the conservative media inclines toward framing negative images of the Japanese government by publishing more articles than the progressive media and by using numbers and statistics to clearly describe the surge of infected people on the ship. They also published more articles than the progressive media about Korea's actions to bring Koreans back home from the ship, framing positive images about the Korean government. As can be seen, the online news headlines are politically biased and manipulatively framed, so readers' discretion is necessary.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article investigates from a critical discourse studies perspective the news media representations of inbound international students in Korean higher education. In light of the ideological workings of discourse and the media's social impact on the public consciousness, the current study examines the structures and detailed meanings of the media portrayals of international students as regards the three dimensions of the textual feature, discursive practice, and social practice. The findings suggest that the media representations of international students are racialized according to stratified power relations in the context of Korean higher education, and that the racialization and stratification is undergirded by neoliberal capitalist ideology of internationalization, ambivalent diversity discourse of Others, and benevolent care discourse of the minoritized. A range of discursive othering strategies are deployed in the news texts to render more newsworthy the reported issues and incidents concerning international students. The article concludes and argues that more fluid approaches to diversity should be developed to account for the complexity and multiplicity of transnational subjectivities.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        News media discourses almost inevitably reflect their social and national context. A useful text case of this may be demonstrated with a critical analysis of the discursive patterns of metaphors in accounts of the social phenomenon known as the Arab Spring. In order to analyze those patterns, this paper uses data collected from online articles in the British national daily newspaper, The Guardian and the English version of the Chinese national daily newspaper, The People's Daily. The results demonstrate how the different ideological contexts of the two national newspapers are affirmed and reinforced in the discursive choices of metaphors on the Arab Spring. These results also reveal the newspapers' discursive strategy of positive self and negative other presentation to support their respective national context in the macro structure of political power and ideology.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 한국전쟁 직후에 식민지 세대 화가ㆍ평론가들이 제기한 추상 담론이 한국근현대 미술사에서 어떤 의미와 위상을 차지하고 있는지를 재검토하는 작업의 일부이다. 추상 담론은 식민지 유산인 《대한민국미술전람회》를 중심으로 미술계가 재편된 가운데 제기되었다. 그들은 한국전쟁 후 폐허 같은 상황에서 이른바 세계화ㆍ현대화라는 시대적 과제를 설정하고, 서구의 전후 추상 물결을 현대성으로 인식하는 한편, 실존주의 사상과 문학에 공감하는 가운데 추상 담론을 전개했다. 그들은 주로 1930년대 초부터 1940년대 전반기의 동양주의 추상 담론을 재인식하는 가운데 추상을 통하여 동양적/한국적 정체성을 확보하고자 했다. 하지만 그들과 뒤이은 전후 세대가 냉전공간에 현대성을 지시하는 기호로서 추상을 신화화하는 동안, 식민지 근대성을 해체하는 또 다른 시대적 과제는 묻히게 되었다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 숭고와 숭고의 역개념인 역숭고 사이의 역동적 상호작용을 탐구하여 음악이론과 대중음악담론 사이의 관계를 새롭게 이해하기 위한 연구이다. 이 연구는 음악적 숭고 개념을 다루는 음악이론과 대중음악담론의 최근 연구를 분석하고, 현재 음악학 담론의 관점에서 칸트의 숭고 개념 과장 파울의 역숭고 개념을 재해석함으로써 음악적 숭고와 역숭고의 이론적, 이념적 성격을 파악 한다. 나아가 음악분석을 숭고와 역숭고의 체험으로 재개념화하여 설명하는 과정을 통해 현재의 음악분석의 문제적 측면에 대해 재고하는 한편, 음악이론과 대중음악담론이 음악 자체라는 문제적 대상을 다루는 방식을 비교, 분석함으로써 두담론의 접점과 차이를 구체화하고자 한다.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        호남학회 성립 이전에 호남지역에서 상경한 뜻있는 인사들은 주권이 심각한 위협을 받고 있는 상황에서 국권 회복을 갈망했다. 그러한 열망을 품은 당대 호남의 지식인들은 계몽 단체에 참여 하여 활약하는 동시에 국운 회복을 위해 다양한 활동을 전개하였다. 이러한 상황에서 재경호남 지식인들은 호남지역의 계몽과 신교육의 진흥을 목적으로 호남학회를 조직하였다. 호남학회를 근거지로 회원들이 모여들기 시작하면서 호남을 기반으로 특정 지향점을 공유하는 지식인 공동 체가 면모를 갖추게 되었다. 본고는 호남학회 활동시기 참여자들의 공론장 형성 활동을 기술하 고자 하였다. 특히 공론장의 주요 의사소통 행위자로 활약한 이들의 공론 표출 양상을 중심으로 논의를 전개하고자 하였다. 이와 함께 호남학회와 『호남학보』를 중심으로 형성된 지식인 공동 체의 성격과 유학적 관계망을 통한 호남 공론장의 특성을 규명하고자 하였다. 이러한 작업은 근 대전환기 호남의 공론장 연구를 한 단계 더 진전시킬 수 있는 계기가 될 것이다.
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