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        검색결과 64

        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Human embryonic stem (hES) cell lines have been derived from human blastocysts and are expected to have far-reaching applications in regenerative medicine. The objective of this study is to improve freezing method with less cryo-injuries and best survival rates in hES cells by comparing various vitrification conditions. For the vitrifications, ES cells are exposed to the 4 different cryoprotectants, ethylene glycol (EG), 1,2-propanediol (PROH), EG with dime-thylsulfoxide (DMSO) and EG with PROH. We compared to types of vehicles, such as open pulled straw (OPS) or electron microscopic cooper grids (EM grids). Thawed hES cells were dipped into sequentially holding media with 0.2 M sucrose for 1 min, 0.1 M sucrose for 5 min and holding media for 5 min twice and plated onto a fresh feeder layer. Survival rates of vitrified hES cells were assessed by counting of undifferentiated colonies. It shows high survival rates of hES cells frozen with EG and DMSO (60.8%), or EG and PROH(65.8%) on EM grids better than those of OPS, compared to those frozen with EG alone (2.4%) or PROH alone (0%) alone. The hES cells vitrified with EM grid showed relatively constant colony forming efficiency and survival rates, compared to those of unverified hES cells. The vitrified hES cells retained the normal morphology, alkaline phosphates activity, and the expression of SSEA-3 and 4. Through RT-PCR analysis showed Oct-4 gene expression was down-regulated and embryonic germ layer markers were up-regulated in the vitrified hES cells during spontaneous differentiation. These results show that vitrification method by using EM grid supplemented with EG and PROH in hES cells may be most efficient at present to minimize cyto-toxicity and cellular damage derived by ice crystal formation and furthermore may be employed for clinical application.
        2018.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this paper, a friction loss estimation method of PS tendon using EM sensor is proposed. PSC girder has many advantages. It is higher in performance and lower in cost design than existing concrete girder. So It is widely used in many structures such as bridges nowadays. However, though in the performance evaluation of PSC girder it is verified whether or not the design tension is applied before construction, the part about the management of the tension loss during construction is insufficient. In this study, the experimental data of friction loss obtained by introducing tensile force on 50m PSC girder and the theoretical values calculated by friction coefficient are compared and analyzed.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 현재 크게 성장하고 있는 AI(인공지능)이 어떻게 게임에서 적용되고 발전되고 있는지에 대해서 탐구한다. 오늘 날 대중들이 가장 즐겨하고 있는 게임 중 하나인 포커(Poker)에서의 인공지능의 현실을 분석하고 논리적인 발전방향을 제시한다. 구체적으로, 본 연구는 다양한 포커 게임들 중 전 세계적으로 인기가 있는 종류인 텍사스 홀덤(Texas Hold’em)을 중심으로, 이 게임에 적용 되었던 2가지 AI인 Libratus와 DeepStack을 다루도록 한다. 여러 뉴스 기사 인공지능의 성장을 보고 하였으나, 본 연구는 정확히 어떻게 그리고 왜 인공 지능이 포커 게임에서 적용이 되는지, 또한 무엇이 진짜 문제이고 발전 방향인지에 대해서 입체적으로 논의한다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For the underwater localization, acoustic sensor systems are widely used due to greater penetration properties of acoustic signals in underwater environments. On the other hand, the good penetration property causes multipath and interference effects in structured environment too. To overcome this demerit, a localization method using the attenuation of electro-magnetic(EM) waves was proposed in several literatures, in which distance estimation and 2D-localization experiments show remarkable results. However, in 3D-localization application, the estimation difficulties increase due to the nonuniform (doughnut like) radiation pattern of an omni-directional antenna related to the depth direction. For solving this problem, we added a depth sensor for improving underwater 3D-localization with the EM wave method. A micro scale pressure sensor is located in the mobile node antenna, and the depth data from the pressure sensor is calibrated by the curve fitting algorithm. We adapted the depth(z) data to 3D EM wave pattern model for the error reduction of the localization. Finally, some experiments were executed for 3D localization with the fast calculation and less errors.
        2015.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A PSC girder with I-typed section is one of the most common types applied to road and rail bridges in South Korea. As public service life of PSC bridges is on increase, lots of effort has been devoted to verify safety of PSC bridges. On the safety of PSC bridges, effective prestress force is one of the most important factor. At the current time, however, indirect measurements are mostly employed to measure the effective prestress force during construction. In this study, performances of FBG and EM sensors, which can directly measure the effective prestress force, are tested and investigated. The test result can be useful to develop block-out PSC girders with FBG and EM sensors monitoring effective prestress force during service life.
        2015.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The dry weight of mother plants' leaves had the highest increase rate in both NS (single-use) and NS+EM (mixed-use) mixed with NS 0.8 (customary use). In seafood amino acid fertilizer (SAF) application, the increase rate was highest in SAF solution at a 300-fold dilution. Mother plants' crown diameter, plant height, leaf length, leaf width, petiole length and leaf number showed the greatest growth amount when NS 0.8 (customary use) was mixed to NS (single-use) or NS+EM (mixed-use) solution. The growth was highest in SAF solution diluted 300 folds, but lowest in SAF solution diluted 100 folds. Of all inorganic nutrients, excluding sulfur, total amount of nitrogen, available phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium had the highest increase rate in both NS (single-use) and NS+EM (mixed-use) with the treatment of NS 0.8 (customary use). Total nitrogen, in particular, was increased by 3.1% in NS 0.4, 6.0% in NS 0.8, and 4.5% in NS 0.8 with the application of NS+EM at a 500-fold dilution compared to NS alone. Total nitrogen amount showed the highest increase rate in SAF solution diluted 300 folds. Total nitrogen, available phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and EC in soils applied with culture solutions (NS, NS+EM) had increasing tendencies after fertilizer application. The results were comparable to those of SAF treatment. The increase rate of each inorganic nutrient composition declined in soils applied with NS+EM solution diluted 500 folds compared to NS alone.
        2015.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was aimed to determine the effect of basal application of Effective Microorganisms (EM) on the grow and yield of cucumber. For treatments, the EM was applied to soil with fertilizer composed with N-P2O5-K2O-manure (24.0-16.4-23.8-2,000kg) in the 1.0 strength (defined as EM+1S), 2/3 strength (defined as EM+2/3S), 1/2 strength (defined as EM+1/2S), without fertilizer (defined as EM), or only fertilizer in the 1.0 strength (defined as 1S). In result, there was no significant differences of organic substance content and pH with the EM treatment. While the EC (Electric conductivity) concentration was decreased, plant-available P (phosphorus) was markedly increased. Chlorophyll content was highest in the treatment of EM+standard application rate for both semi-forcing and retarding culture. In contrast, no significant difference was found in plant height and internode length under the fertilizer treatment. Weekly harvested number of cucumber was highest at the treatment of EM+standard application for the semi-forcing culture, while it was 3.6 at the EM+1/2 application for the retarding culture. Weekly yield was greatest at the EM+standard application treatment and decreased with the decrease of fertilizer application rate. In addition, weekly yield was significantly reduced in the treatment of EM . There was no significant difference in yields by production time with the fertilizer applications?. Yield was increased with temperature for the semi-forcing culture, while consistent pattern was maintained for the retarding culture.
        2014.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 생물학적 정화기술의 효율향상을 목적으로 유류분해 유용미생물에 의한 TPH 농도 저감효과를 알아보았다. 하절기와 동절기 각 13주간 실제 정화현장의 각 섹터별 유류오염토양에 유용미생물들을 수분, 영양염류 등과 함께 투입하여 주 2회 정기적으로 뒤집기를 실시하였다. 하절기의 경우 유용미생물을 투입한 조건의 경우 평균 60%의 TPH 제거율을 보인 반면에 유용미생물을 투입하지 않은 대조군의 경우 평균 41%의 TPH 제거율을 나타내었다. 동절기의 경우에 유용미생물을 투입한 조건의 경우 평균 41%의 TPH 제거율을 보인 반면에 유용미생물을 투입하지 않은 대조군의 경우 평균 13%의 낮은 TPH 제거율을 나타내었다.결론적으로 하절기와 동절기 모두 유용미생물을 투입하여 TPH의 제거효율의 향상 효과를 얻을 수 있었으며, 하절기에 비하여 동절기의 TPH 제거효과가 낮은 이유는 초기 높은 오염농도와 상대적으로 낮은 기온의 영향인 것으로 판단된다.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this paper, we designed and fabricated the Electromagnetic(EM) wave absorber for an Electronic Toll Collection(ETC or Hi-pass) system by using Amorphous metal powder and CPE. The material properties and the absorption properties of the samples containing 50 wt.%, 60 wt.%, 70 wt.%, and 80 wt.% of Amorphous. Moreover, the EM wave absorption abilities were simulated for the different thicknesses of the EM absorbers by adopting the measured permittivity and permeability, and then the EM wave absorber was fabricated based on the simulated design values. As a result, the EM wave absorber with the composition of Amorphous metal powder : CPE = 50 : 50 wt.% with the thickness of 2.6 mm has excellent absorption ability more than 40 dB at 5.8 GHz.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this paper, we designed and fabricated the Electro-Magnetic (EM) wave absorber for wireless LAN by using Amorphous and CPE. The material constants and the absorption properties were measured for the samples containing 50 %, 60 %, and 70 % weight fraction of Amorphous. Moreover, the EM wave absorption abilities were simulated for the EM absorbers in different thicknesses by adopting the measured permittivity and permeability, and then the EM wave absorber was fabricated based on the simulated design values. As a result, the EM wave absorber with the composition ratio in Amorphous : CPE = 60 : 40 wt.% with the thickness of 4 mm has the absorption ability more than 35 dB at 2.4 GHz. Thus, it is expected the wireless LAN environment can be improved by using the developed absorber.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this paper, the EM wave absorber was developed for the 94-GHz detecting radar system. To analysis an EM wave absorber in millimeter wave band, we fabricated three absorber samples using carbon black and titanium dioxide and permalloy with chlorinated polyethylene. After measuring the complex relative permittivity, the absorption characteristics are simulated by 1D FDTD according to different thicknesses of less than 1.0 mm. Then, the EM wave absorber was fabricated based on the FDTD simulation. As a result, the measured results agreed well with the simulated ones, and the developed EM wave absorber with a thickness of 0.7 mm had the desired absorption characteristics of more than 14 dB in the frequency range of the 94-GHz band.
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