
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 71

        2018.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the area around Jeju Island, the squid jigging fishery and the hair-tail angling are popular. Therefore, the study on the characteristics of the formation and shift of fishing grounds is very important. We have received and analyzed AIS data of all vessels around Jeju Island from October 16, 2016 to October 16, 2017, and extracted the positions of the fishing vessels with the same operational characteristics as the fishing vessels of their fisheries. The distribution chart of the frequency of fishing vessels appearing in each predefined fishing grid (1 NM × 1 NM) was analyzed. So we took a analogy with the monthly shift of fishing grounds. Many fishing vessels appeared in the seas around Jeju Island from November 2016 to January 2017, and the frequency of their appearance was maintained. In November, however, fishing vessels were mostly concentrated in coastal waters. Yet, the density gradually weakened as they moved into January. From February, the frequency itself began to decline, making it the worst in April. The high concentration of fishing vessels in the waters leading from Jeju Island's northwest coast to south coast in November is believed to be related to the yellowtail fishery that are formed annually in the coastal waters off the island of Marado. In May 2017, the appearance frequency of fishing vessels increased and began to show a concentration in coastal waters around Jeju Island. Fishing vessels began to flock in waters northwest of Jeju Island beginning in July and peaked in August, and by September, fishing vessels were moving south along the coast of Jeju Island, weakening the density and spreading out. Between July and August, fishing vessels were concentrated in waters surrounding Jeju Island, which is believed to be related to the operations of fishing vessels for the squid jigging fishery and the hair-tail angling.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the rapid development of the global economy, transport safety and security have become the key issues in maritime transportation all over the world. In practical applications, the Automatic Identification System (AIS)-based measurement of similarities between different vessel trajectories plays an important role in improving maritime transportation, e.g., maritime navigation, maritime supervision and management. However, the received AIS datasets are usually composed of a large amount of redundant information which could significantly increase the computational complexity. To deal with this problem, a Douglas-Peucker (DP)-based calculation method is introduced in this paper to accurately compress the spatio-temporal AIS trajectories while preserving the main geometrical structures. Based on the compressed trajectories, it is able to accelerate the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm for the measurement of similarities between different vessel trajectories. In particular, the combination of DP and DTW has the capacity of significantly reducing the computational cost and guaranteeing the accuracy of similarity measures. The experimental results have demonstrated the superior performance of the proposed method in terms of computational cost and accuracy of similarity measures.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Application Specific Messages(ASM)은 다수 선박들의 AIS사용으로 인한 통신 과부하 문제를 해결하기 위해 IMO, ITU, IALA와 같 은 국제기구들에 의해 해상에서의 적용이 결정되었다. ASM을 이용한 통신은 기상 정보, 사고보고 및 항해 경고를 포함하여 해양에서 많 은 양의 안전 관련 정보를 전송할 수 있다. 특히 ASM통신 시스템은 음성을 통한 선박 간, 선박과 육상 간(4S) VHF통신의 일부를 메시지 로 전달이 가능할 것으로 기대된다. 해상의 4S통신에서 중요도가 높은 문장을 표준통신메시지로 선정하여 ASM통신에 이용한다면, 정확 하고 신속한 메시지의 송수신이 가능할 것이다. 표준통신메시지의 결정은 사용자의 의견이 적극적으로 반영되어야 하며, 이를 위해 본 연 구에서는 57명의 항해사와 50명의 Vessel Traffic Service(VTS) 관제사를 대상으로 설문을 실시하였다. 설문의 결과를 분석하여 해상통신에 서 사용빈도가 높은 53개의 표준통신메시지를 제시하였다. 제시된 표준통신메시지는 해상에서 사용되는 주요 문장들에 대한 실제적인 정 보이며, ASM을 이용한 통신장비 및 인터페이스 개발을 위한 참고 자료로 이용될 수 있을 것이다.
        2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The constant increase in marine traffic and the simultaneous growth of the demand for exploiting marine areas (e.g., installing offshore wind power plants) require an adequate planning strategy for managing high traffic volumes. Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) is the process of public development of an allocation plan for distributing, both spatially and temporally, human activities in marine areas. The adoption of e-Navigation is a possible solution for improving safety and security at sea by integrating maritime information on board and ashore. Automatic Identification System (AIS) data represents a fundamental source of information, since the analysis of AIS data can highlight the presence of congested areas as well as of illegal actions, such as smuggling, pollution, and unauthorized phishing in protected areas. Indeed, those activities are often characterized by abnormal manoeuvres that can be recognized by analyzing the routes of the vessels. However, the huge dimension of the AIS data to process requires the adoption of careful strategies for the data visualization. In this paper, we present a complete pipeline for visualizing ship routes from raw AIS data, which is a fundamental pre-requisite for carrying out a significant AIS-based route analysis, and describe a real case study, where 90 million AIS records, corresponding to one month of world-wide observations, are visualized using only open-source software.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해상에서 발생하는 선박 간 음성통신의 문제점을 보완하기 위한 방법으로, 언어적 오류와 VHF 사용제한 및 잡음 등에 영향을 받지 않는 텍스트 기반의 통신시스템을 AIS의 통신기능과 ECDIS의 화면전시 및 입력기능을 연계하는 방법에 착안하여 설계하였다. 개발된 문자통신시스템은 메시지를 이용해 정확한 의사전달이 가능하며, 사용자 편의성 향상을 위한 다양한 UI들을 소프트웨어를 통해 구현하였다. 하드웨어의 추가적인 설치와 개조 없이 구현되고, Message Banner Interface를 이용해 통신문장을 키보드 입력 없이 선택만으로 송신할 수 있으며, 자체 메시지 코딩과 디코딩을 통해 처리속도를 향상시키는 장점을 가진다. 문자통신시스템의 실선적용은 사용자의 언어적 한계와 인식오류를 감소시킬 수 있고, 다양한 VHF 음성통신의 문제를 해결할 수 있는 가장 실용적인 대안으로 판단된다. 또한 해상교통량이 많은 수역에서의 VHF 통신량 감소와 텍스트 기반의 정확한 의사전달과 협력동작 요청으로 선박 간 충돌사고 예방에 도움이 될 것이다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Peu de recherches ont été réalisées sur les cours numériques en français. Donc, ce papier a pour but d'examiner les effets de cours numériques offerts dans les classes françaises d'université. Nous avons une expérience d’avoir donné trois types de classes numériques comme la grammaire française, la traduction et l'écoute. Ces trois ont été organisés par une méthode hybride, en ligne et en présentiel pendant un semestre. À partir de cette expérience, nous avons retenu quelques particularités liées aux cours numériques. Il existe quelques points positifs aussi bien que négatifs. Parmi les points positifs, nous pouvons mentionner les possibilités d'inciter les étudiants à développer leurs potentiels et de faire travailler en coopération avec d'autres. Les points négatifs sont liés à l'incapacité de vérifier comment les étudiants travaillent ou s'ils travaillent réellement en ligne. Et le professeur doit être toujours vigilant aux questions posées par les étudiants. Cela donne un fardeau au professeur.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims to present some arguments for introducing Korean culture in teaching of French at Korean high schools. First, it is compatible with Intercultural Approach, a general trend for foreign culture education. Second, it is helpful to the communicative competence of the Korean students who are supposed to communicate with French interlocutors. In a natural communication situation, a French speaking person is likely to ask a Korean interlocutor questions concerning the Korean culture, which makes it necessary for Korean highschool students to learn how to explain it in French. Third, it can help Korean learners to take up positive attitudes towards French learning with higher motivation for French speaking and stronger confidence in themselves. Finally, it is recommended that the elements of the Korean culture introduced in French lessons should concern everyday lives rather than the sophisticated intellectual culture and that they be introduced through ‘intercultural dialogues’ in French. l’introduction de la culture coréenne dans l’enseignement du français au sein des lycées coréens. Premièrement, son introduction permet aux lycéens coréens, tout en apprenant le français, d’être sensibilisés à l’approche interculturelle, préalable à une éducation des cultures étangères. Deuxièmement, elle peut leur servir à développer leur compétence de communication lors de leurs interactions avec des francophones. Il est en effet naturel que, dans les situations de communication dans lesquelles un lycéen coréen et un francophone dialoguent, le francophone pose des questions sur la culture coréenne et que le coréen y réponde. D’où la nécessité de préparer les lycéens coréens à en parler en français. Troisièmement, cette capacité à parler de culture coréenne en français, avec ses principaux corollaires : une grande confiance en soi et un comportement plus participatif, peut favoriser une acquisition plus aisée de la compétence de communication en français. Enfin, nous recommandons que les éléments de la culture coréenne portent sur le quotidien et que ces éléments prennent la forme de ‘dialogues interculturels’ en français entre un francophone et un coréen.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        After the content items of the secondary French curriculum changed to an achievement standards format, the new format appeared to be inconsistent with French education’s current content structure—language skills, language materials, and culture. This study aims to enhance the validity of the creation of the achievement standards by reshaping the curriculum to be more in line with the newly developed standards. This study provides a historical analysis of French curriculum structure and a review of existing literature on the second language education. And it also analyzes the foreign language curriculum structures in several foreign countries. Based on the discussion of preceding chapters, a restructuralization of French curriculum is suggested. The essence of the restructuralization is to divide the achievement standards into language achievement and cultural achievement, as well as to present language skills and materials—subcategories of language achievement in achievement standards formats. Also needed are standards for comprehensive skills including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. To be consistent with the purpose of the achievement standards format, the objectives, teaching and learning methods, and evaluation in French curriculum need to be modified. Finally, I suggest to the entities who are involved in the 2015 curriculum revision the need for scrutiny of the current curriculum format, as well as a change to the format in future development. Après le changement des éléments de contenu faisant partie du curriculum de l’enseignement du français au niveau secondaire pour un nouveau format basé sur les critères d’accomplissement, la structure actuelle de l’enseignement, composée de compétences langagières, de matières langagières et de contenus culturels, n’est plus conforme avec celle modifiée. Par conséquent, cette thèse vise à restucturer le cadre des contenus du curriculum, compte tenu des critères d’accomplissement développés, afin de réhausser la pertinence de l’établissement de ces critères. Cette étude explique l’analyse de la structure des contenus de tous les anciens curriculums et les résultats issus des études et de l’analyse précédentes portant sur les contenus de l’enseignement des langues vivantes. Elle présente ensuite les résultats de l’analyse des contenus des programmes en vigueur à l’étranger, ce qui nous conduit au dernier chapitre qui propose un programme restructuré. Pour résumer ce dernier, les points essentiels consistent à décliner les critères d’accompplissement en deux - critères langagiers et culturels ; proposer les compétences et les matières langagières, sous-catégorie des critères langagiers, sous forme du nouveau format des critères d’accomplissement ; présenter les critères d’accomplissement pour les compétences intégrales comprenant la compréhension et la production orales et écrites ; enfin, faire adapter d’autres points sous ce nouveau format des critères, tels que les objectifs d’enseignement, les méthodes didactiques et celles d’apprentissage, les critères d’évaluation dans le cadre du curriculum de l’enseignement du français. Avec cette proposition, cette thèse invite les chercheurs étudiant le nouveau curriculum 2015 à examiner avec prudence la stucture des contenus actuelle et à réfléchir à la nécessité de la restructuration des contenus à réaliser dans l’avenir.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The dynamic information of radar and automatic identification system (AIS) for targets obtained from the traffic vessels operating in the north outer harbor and surrounding waters of Busan port, Korea. The target information was analyzed to investigate the potential collision risk resulting from the invalid true heading (HDT) information of AIS and the integration ambiguity in the graphic presentation of both tracked data sets for two systems. An integrated display system (IDS) for supporting the navigator of offshore fishing vessels was also developed to find possible maneuvering solutions for collision avoidance by comparing radar data with AIS data in real-time at sea. Consequently, the multiple functions of IDS can provide additional information that is potentially valuable for taking action to avoid the collision in offshore fishing vessels. However, the integration criteria of radar and AIS targets in the IDS must be carefully established to eliminate the fusion ambiguity in the graphic presentation of both AIS and radar symbols such as the one or two physical targets which are very close to each other.
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