
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 610

        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        수박 부위별 산란습성은 상위엽과 하위엽보다는 중간부위의 잎에 산란량이 많았고 잎자루와 줄기보다는 잎에, 잎의 앞면보다는 뒷면에 주로 산란하였다. 목화바둑명나방 유충의 작물 선호도는 오이, 박, 수박 등의 순이었고, 참외, 동아, 멜론, 안동오이 등은 중간정도이었고 수세미와 목화는 매우 낮은 선호도를 보였다. 수박시험장에서 수집한 유전자원과 육성중인 계통에 대한 목화바둑명나방 유충의 선호도는 품종 및 계통간의 뚜렷한 차이가 없었으며 보유중인 품종 중에서는 목화바둑명나방에 대한 저항성 계통을 발견할 수가 없었다. 목화바둑명나방의 섭식량을 추정하기 위한 일별 배설량은 유충 초기에 배설량이 매우 적었고 점차 증가하여 16~18일차에 최고에 달하며 그후 다시 급격히 감소하였다.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 한글을 디자인 요소로 활용하기 위하여 객관적인 정보를 제공하려는 목표를 가지고 있다. 연구의 세부 목표는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 사람들이 한글 글꼴을 분류할 때 어떤 기준으로 평가를 하는지 알아본다. 둘째, 사람들은 어떤 한글 글꼴을 선호하는지 알아보고, 선호하는 한글 글꼴의 조형적 특징을 파악한다. 첫 번째 목표를 밝히기 위해 요인 분석을 실시한 결과, 사람들은 한글을 평가할 때 크게 4가지의 기준으로 평가한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 사람들은 한글 글꼴을 정교한, 깔끔한, 신뢰감 가는, 편안한, 차분한, 친근한, 운치 있는 이미지의 「정갈한」 요인, 부드러운, 약한, 여성적인, 산뜻한 이미지의 「유연한」 요인, 미래적인, 진보적인 이미지의 「사이버」 요인, 소박한 이미지의 「소박한」 요인의 순서로 평가하였다. 두 번째 목표를 밝히기 위해 선호도 분석을 실시한 결과, 응답자가 선호하는 한글 글꼴은 예쁜, 친근한, 세련된, 부드러운, 정교한, 시원스러운, 깔끔한 이미지를 가지고 있었다. 선호 글꼴을 결정하는 가장 중요한 요인은 친숙성이라고 할 수 있었다. 응답자들이 선호하는 한글 글꼴의 조형적 특징은, 네모꼴이고, 쉐리프가 없으며, 중간 정도의 굵기로, 중심선의 변화도 없고, 기울기 변화도 없으며, 모서리가 둥근 편이었다. 조형요소가 극단적으로 치우친 독특하고 강한 이미지의 글꼴은 선호되지 않았다.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2002년 5월부터 2002년 11월까지 조사기간동안 백두대간의 만복대에서 시리봉까지 구간 및 인근지역에서 관찰된 조류는 총 7목 23과 49종 901개체였다. 계곡부가 33종 251개체, 도로구간이 21종 217개체, 높은 능선(1,433m) 구간 19종 140개체, 낮은 능선(846m) 구간 24종 86개체, 농경지 구간이 20종 207개체가 관찰되었다 최우점종은 박새(8.88%)였으며, 다음은 되새(8.66%), 참새(7.88%), 까치(7.66%), 오목눈이(7 10%)의 순서였다. 종다양도(H')는 낮은 능선이 2.85로 가장 높았으며 , 높은 능선이 1.83으로 가장 낮았다 조사결과 백두대간의 관리범위설정을 위해서는 조류의 서식지 선호에서 가장 높게 나타난 계곡부가 가장 중요한 지역이라 할 수 있으며, 낮은 능선이나 평지도 조류의 선호도가 높게 나타나 계곡부와 낮은 능선 및 농경지를 포함하는 공간적 범위를 가져야한다고 사료된다 또한, 백두대간의 계곡부를 통과하거나 인접하는 도로가 있을 경우 차량통행을 제한하는 둥의 관리가 요구된다.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Purpose of this study was to investigate the perception and preference of the college student about Korean traditional rice cakes. Self admistered questionnaires were collected from 512 college students in Seoul, Kyungki, Chungchungdo, Kungsangdo, Junlado and Gangwondo area. Data was analysed by t-test, one-way ANOVA and correlation. The recognition of Korean traditional rice cake was generally low except for the items that could be easily seen as either seasonable or festive foods. There was a significant difference in the average score of recognition and preference for each kinds of Korean traditional rice cake according to the major, gender and grade of subjects. Baiksulgi, Injulmi, Yaksik, Bindaeduk, Songpyun and Garaeduk are highly prefered Korean traditional rice cakes when as Gaepiduk, Ssookjulpyun, Kongchalduk and Garaeduk are poorly among college students.
        2002.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate the perception and the preference of Korean traditional foods such as traditional holiday foods, rice cakes and beverages. The subjects were 598 elementary school students(male 310, female 288) in fifth or sixth grades. The most favorite traditional holiday food was rice cake soup(57.4%) and 92.4% of subjects wanted to keep the traditional holiday foods because of the traditional custom. The traditional beverages mainly drinking at home were sikhye(35.6%), misugalou(30.2%), green tea(18.5%), etc. Children's most favorite beverage was misugalou(90.5%) and they had no taste for ginseng tea(39.6%). Children did not know well about booggumi(64.1%), dootubdduk(63.3%), whajun(39.6%), etc. and liked gguldduk(94.2%) better than the others. They liked the rice cake because of its good taste(69.0%) and disliked it because of chocking(30.9%), not eating frequently(29.5%), hard and tough(18.2%), and so on. And they wanted to make the rice cake softer and sweeter like the cake and mostly ate it on the traditional holidays.
        2002.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We studied the relations between variables related to fan''s preference in a area of pro-baseball which is the most popular one among pro-sports. The dependent variables are pro-baseball team fan‘s preference to both the team and the products of the compa
        2002.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The survey was conducted from Sep. to Oct. 2001 by questionnaires in order to investigate the patterns and preference of eating out of 321 workers men in JinJu. The frequency of eating out was different with the age of subjects and the purpose for which meals were eaten. However the price of a meal was not different with the purpose of eating out except for purchasing foods at lunch or dinner. Even though small group in 30s and 40s over aged, there are some peoples willing to pay for expensive foods for family or friends. So it needs to develop luxury food items which appeal to these target customer groups. Bibimbab(rice with assorted vegetables) and Naengmyun(cold noodle) had higher ranking for a lunch on the 26-list of famous dishes of commercial restaurents in JinJu. Subjects also preferred Hanjungshik(basic type of Korean menu pattern) and Haemultang(sea food casserole) for a dinner. They had preferences Hanjungshik, Sashimi, Beef Bulgogi for business, social, family meetings. They recommended Hanjungshik, Bibimbab, Beef Bulgogi, Jangeogui(grilled eel), Sashimi to foreign tourists for the best JinJu food with pride. Subjects liked Pizza, Hamburger, Soondae(Korean sausage) for a snack in a day and Pizza, Soondae, Yangnyeumtongdak(spicy fried chicken) were preferred for a snack at night.
        2002.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 우리 나라에서는 국립공원의 지정 목적을 효과적으로 달성하기 위한 정책들이 등장하고 있다. 가슴반달곰 보호를 위한 등산로 폐쇄, 병원균 확산을 막기 위한 애완동물 출입금지, 화재를 예방하기 위한 화기 반입 금지 등이 그 예이다. 이러한 정책들은 다소간 국립공원 방문객과 지역주민들에게 불편을 야기할 수 있으므로 그로 인한 저항과 반발을 줄이고 정책의 원활한 추진을 위해 대중 참여를 통한 의사결정의 중요성이 커지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 생태계 관리 정책을 수립하는 과정에서 흔히 발생하는 선호와 가치 사이의 갈등 문제를 국립공원을 사례로 설문 조사를 통해 분석하였다. 242명의 대학생이 참여한 본 연구의 결과, 응답자들의 절대다수(93.%)가 생태계 관리 정책을 수립하는 과정에 대중이 참여하는 것이 필요하다고 응답하였으며, 그 이유로는 대중이나 지역주민이 원하는 바를 정책에 적절히 반영할 수 있다는 점을 꼽았다(51 7%). 또한 생물종보존을 위해 개인의 재산권이 제한될 수 있지만. 그에 대한 보상이 이루어져야 한다고 응답하였다. 가슴반달곰에 대한 개인적 선호를 넘어서 절대 다수의 응답자(97.1%)가 반달곰 보호를 위한 등산로 폐쇄 정책을 지지하는 것으로 나타났다. 국립공원 내 식물 채취에 대해서는 과거부터 해 오던 일이라면 주민들의 식물 채취는 허가해야 한다는 의견이 많았다(53.3%). 본 연구의 결과는 국립공원 생태계 관리 정책 수립 과정에서 대중의 참여를 포함시킬 때 개인적 선호를 넘어 집단적 가치의 측면에서 판단하도록 유도하고. 대중에게 충분한 정보와 토론할 기회를 제공하는 것이 중요하다는 선행 연구의 결론을 지지하는 것으로 생각된다.
        2002.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research aimed to find out menu preference for middle school students and was conducted in a form of questionnaire sampled form middle school students in 10 schools where the meal program under commission was operating in Seoul. The questionnaire was distributed from Dec. 1 to 20, 2000 and gathered menu preference of staple, soup or stew, side dishes and dessert by each meal, season, gender. Statistical data analysis was completea using the SAS package, such as average and standard deviation, frequency analysis and T-test. The results can be summarized as follows : Most of the schools provided rice for lunch, while the students preferred noodles, mandu and bread. Most of students preferd beef rib soup. Gimchi stew with clear soup was favored for breakfast and stews for lunch and dinner. Side dishes were more favored by female students, in which shows the differences between male and female students. Students preferred dessert the most with fruits(4.49). It is required that the quality of school meals should be improved through the service of various kinds of desserts.
        2001.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken to assess grade and gender differences in dietary behavior, food preference and perception about body image of students in 4, 5 and 6th grades in elementary school in Kwangju. Anthropometric data showed that mean height and weight were 137.98±6.79cm 32.69±6.09kg, in the 4th grade, 144.11±6.91cm, 36.88±7.60kg in the 5th grade and 151.52±7.47cm, 42.68±8.06kg in the 6th grade. Height and weight of male and female students of each grade were very similar to those of the Korean standard Growth data. Females in the 5th and 6th grades were taller than those in male students, which suggested the height growth spurt in females. Furthermore, both genders showed marked variability even in the same group. All the three different obesity indices(BMI, Rohrer and % of ideal body weight) showed higher value in males than in females consistently. Male respondents desired taller and heavier body shape while females perceived they were heavy and desired only taller and thinner body image. There were significant differences in satisfaction with height, weight and body image by grade(p〈0.05). 36.7% of subjects responded that they did not eat despite hunger. In higher grade they felt guilty after eating sweet things. Strikingly, it was noted a small number of students tried to take a diet pills or vomited on purpose. Data on food preference showed that female did not like sweet food and pork. While male students preferred red meat and chicken. Thus result indicated that there was a great difference in food preference by gender.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to develop menu planning in the elementary food service system. This survey conducted in 10 elementary schools located in Inchon area. Among 300 questionnaires, 258 responses were collected and were analyzed by SAS program. Household income levels, food habits and preference of menu were investigated using frequency and percentiles with chi-square test. The result showed that mostly people belonged to lower middle income classes. As for preference of school food service menu, elementary students chose correction of unbalanced diet and good nutrition, while mothers of them ranked correction of unbalanced diet and convenience of preparing food. Regardness of mothers for menu preference of the elementary school students came to an agreement overall.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken to investigate meal pattern, nutrition knowledge and food preference of 438 rural middle school students living in ChunNam area. As far as nutrition knowledge is concerned, most subjects did not answer correctly on the items of basic five food groups, animal fat and vegetable oil, empty source of soft drink, nutrient requirement and water's role in energy metabolism. However they responded well on the item of iron deficiency and dietary source of Ca. Male students were significantly better in the answering the items of dietary source of energy and nutrient requirement than females, while female students were significantly better on the items of water's role in energy metabolism related to obesity. Generally the respondents did neither consume oil often nor consider consumption of salty food. Furthermore, only 38.6% of subjects drink milk daily in spite of understanding dietary source of Ca, which suggested that they should incorporate nutrition knowledge into dietary behavior. The preferred foods for most subjects were fruit, kimbab and ice cream. Contrastingly the food that they did not prefer was fermented vegetable probably due to strong flavor.