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        검색결과 732

        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Fusarium head blight (FHB), also known as head scab of wheat causes serious yield losses and deteriorated grain and may also contaminate the grain with mycotoxins. Many researches have been conducted to minimize damage caused by FHB and to improve resistance to FHB in many countries. However, little information of FHB in Korean wheats is available. In this study, 23 Korean wheat cultivars and F8 population were evaluated FHB symptoms infected two types of inoculations, both spray and point inoculation. Grain properties of Korean wheat cultivars, including grain morphology, antioxidant activity and ion content, were also evaluated to elucidated the relationship to the degree of infection of FHB. Anbaek, Eunpa and Milsung showed lower degree of infection by spray inoculation than any other cultivars, in spite of higher infection degree than Sumai3, which have been known as resistant to FHB. The degree of infection by point inoculation of Milsung, Gobun and Olgeuru was comparable to that of Sumai3. Poly phenol oxidase activity and total polyphenol content negatively correlated with the degree of infection by spray inoculation (r = -0.388, r = -0.466* respectively). Roundness of grain positively correlated with the degree of infection by point inoculation (r = 0.419*). In F8 population of 234 lines derived from the cross between Sumai3 and Korean wheat cultivar, 33 lines (14.1%) showed lower degree of infection by spray inoculation than parental cultivars, although there was no line comparable resistance of FHB to Sumai3. Fourteen lines (6.0%) showed lower degree of infection by point inoculation than Sumai3 and 135 lines (57.6%) were comparable to Sumai3 and parental cultivars.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the previous study (Yuan et al. 2009), a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for grain weight was detected on the short arm of chromosome 5 using an advanced backcross lines (BC3F3) between Hwayeongbye (Oryza sativa) and W1944(Oryza rufipogon Griff.) .For detection of gw5 locus, a line CR6 (BC3F4) was selected and crossed to Hwayeongbyeo produce S1F2 and S1F3 population. And a plant from S1F3 population, carried W1944 homozygous segment for target region at gw5 was crossed to Hwayeong to produce S2F2 population. All these population including some S1F3 lines were grown in the field in 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively (fig1). Frequency distribution of grain weight followed the Mendelian ratios(3:1) for single locus segregation (Χ2=1.22, 0.76, 1.34 in 2007, 2008 and 2009 respectively).In Hwayeongbye genetic background, the W1944 allele at the gw5 locusde creased grain weight, QTL analysis showed that gw5 co-segregated with RM18003 and RM194 (R2=62.7, 69.5 and 37.1% in 2007, 2008 and 2009 respectively). Addition, five QTLs plant height, culm length, secondary branch, spikelet number perplant and rationing ability were detected in the region around gw5, in 2008 and 2009. Substitution mapping with 32F3 lines, gw5 QTL was flanked by two SSRmarkers, RM18003 and RM194, in a300kb to 1.7Mb physical distance region,. QTL analysis indicated that 5 others QTLs plant height, culm length, secondary branch, spikelet number per plant and rationing ability were tightly linked.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The wild relative’s diploid species, which are reproductively isolated from one another, compromise populations with marked morphological variation, wide climatic tolerance, and adaptation to diverse habitats, and also vary genetically in biotic, abiotic stresses, and in seed protein content and quality. Large-scale proteomic analysis of three wild relatives of wheat grain (AA, BB, and DD genome) using matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization- time of flight (MALDI-TOF-MS), multi-dimensional protein identification technology (MudPIT), allowed the detection and classification of 213, 255 unique proteins (peptide match ≥ 2), which represents the most wide-ranging proteome exploitation to date. Development of standard proteomes exhibiting all of the proteins involved in normal physiology will facilitate the delineation of disease/defense (no. of unique protein (n) =33, 51), metabolism (n=15, 32), energy metabolism (n= 21, 27), protein synthesis (n=16, 22), folding/stability (n=17, 18), transcription (n=6, 18), cell growth/division (n=17, 17), signal transduction (n=16, 15), cellular organization (n=11, 12), development (n=9, 9), storage protein (n= 30, 7), transport facilitation (n=8, 6), and unclear classification (n= 14, 21), which is identification by using MALDI-TOF and LCQ DECA mass spectrometry couple to mascot database search, respectively. For instance, ABA inducible protein PHVA1 (HVA1), which can be induced by drought, cold, heat and salinity condition, and also basic endochitinase (RSCC, RSCA) showed defense against chitin containing fungal pathogens. Gluten (glutenin and gliadin), which is very important determinant for making high quality bread, noodles, and also associated with visco-elasticity. By using MALDI-TOF, we identified abundant disease related protein such as NBS-LRR involves in response to the presence of a foreign body or the occurrence of an injury, which result in restriction of damage to the organism attacked or prevention/recovery from the infection caused by the attack, puroindoline (a & b) and grain softness protein represents the molecular-genetic basis of grain texture. In addition, the PIN A and PIN B gene products have anti microbial properties with potential role in plant defense. Recent advances in mass spectrometry and bioinformatics have provided the means to characterize complex protein landscapes from a wide variety of organisms. Hierarchical clustering could be applied to protein information from different samples using Gene Pattern and NCSS software. Here we report also genome specific protein interaction network using Cytoscape software, which provides further insight into the molecular mechanism of biochemical pathways. By integrating shotgun proteomics with statistical and computation alanalyses, we developed promising understand about expressed protein and protein functions. Our approach should be applicable for marker assisted breeding or genetransfer for quality and stress research of cultivated wheat.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A total of 40 Korean rice cultivars were exposed to high temperature during grain filling stage in the greenhouse condition and changes in head rice ratio of brown rice, whiteness of milled rice, amylose and protein contents were investigated in comparison with field-grown plants. Testing cultivars were categorized into four groups according to maturation period and accumulated temperature was 1216.4~1775.8oC in the field condition and 1275.8~ 1893.7oC in the greenhouse condition during grain filling stage. Reduction ratio of head rice and whiteness under high temperature in the four groups were 23.6, 17.7, 13.0, 8.7% and 12.7, 12.3, 9.5, 6.0%, respectively, in which early-maturing group showed more severe deterioration due to the early exposure to high temperature. Rice cultivar Dongan and Daeya were the most tolerant to high temperature among the tested cultivars showing 0.5 and 6.6% of the head rice reduction ratio and 0 and 1.2% of whiteness reduction ratio under high temperature, respectively. Amylose contents of the four groups were reduced by 11.7, 11.3, 8.8, 8.5% under high temperature in group Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, respectively, whereas protein contents were increased by 14.2, 6.3, 4.4, 4.4% in the four groups, respectively.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Temperature rise during grain filling stage by global warming causes deterioration in rice yield and quality. This study was conducted to investigate proper panicle traits for improving grain filling under high temperature. A total of 40 Korean rice cultivars were grouped according to maturation period and exposed to high temperature during grain filling stage in greenhouse with ventilating fans. Average temperature in greenhouse was 1.1~1.5oC higher than ambient condition. Main panicle traits such as number of spikelets per panicle, number of primary rachis branches(PRBs) and secondary rachis branches(SRBs) per panicle, number of spikelets setting on PRBs and SRBs were counted after harvest and their relationship with grain ripened ratio was investigated. Grain ripened ratio under high temperature showed significant negative correlations with number of spikelets per panicle, number of total rachis branches, number of SRBs, number of total and average spikelets setting on SRBs, and ratio of number of SRBs to number of PRBs. Especially, number of total and average spikelets setting on SRBs showed highly negative correlations with ripened grain ratio, which implies grain filling under high temperature might have been more severely decreased in the cultivars with bigger sink size due to higher number of spikelets setting on SRBs.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Climate warming has the potential to deteriorate grain yield and quality of rice (Oryza sativa L.), offsetting the stimulative effects of elevating CO2. To know how the change in sink-source balances by reducing sink-size (RSS) may affect grain yield and quality of rice grown under various climate change scenarios, we conducted a temperature gradient chamber experiment with/without CO2 fumigation systems which were established in paddy field. Rice crops (cv. Ilmybyeo) were exposed to either ambient (396ppmV) or elevated CO2 of 673ppmV in three levels of air temperature [(Ta), local ambient Ta (24.8℃), 1.3℃ and 2.4℃ above ambient Ta] over whole seasons. Thus, the experiment was a 2×3 factorial design with three replicate plots of each CO2×Ta combination. At flowering, for two hills from each combination treatment total thirty (10 per each top, middle and basal parts of panicle) spikelets per panicle were removed with order of panicle appearance by scissors. This corresponded to a 25% reduction of total sink-size per hill. In ambient Ta and CO2 , grain yield decreased with RSS by 23.4%, approximately mirroring the reduced sink-size. With rising Ta, however, the yield reduction by RSS was significantly mitigated (-5.6% in 1.3℃ above ambient Ta), and the yield rather increased with RSS by 9.3% in 2.4℃ above ambient Ta. This was due primarily to the increased single grain mass with RSS. A similar response fashion of grain mass and yield with RSS to Ta was found in elevated CO2, but not CO2×Ta interaction. For brown rice, the fraction of normal rice was linearly reduced with rising Ta, ranging from 78.5~79.2% in local ambient Ta to 48.2~55.5% in 2.4℃ above ambient Ta over CO2 treatments. However, this deteriorative effect of rising Ta was significantly alleviated with RSS; the fractions of normal rice were a 81.9~84.1%, 75.9~77.2% and 64.0~66.3% in local ambient Ta, 1.3℃ and 2.4℃ above ambient Ta, respectively. The alleviative effect of RSS on rice quality was due mainly to the reduced immature rice, and was more conspicuous as Ta rises. These results suggest that current rice cultivars in Korea, at least cultivars tested in this experiment, will likely to be prone to source-limitation in the future projected warming with elevating CO2, and thereby will be needed a cultivar having either a greater source ability or a less sink size compared with current cultivars, in order to ensure a rice quality in the future warming conditions.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        잡곡유기종자 안정적인 생산을 위해 병해충 관리의 기본이 되는 잡곡의 중요 병해충발생 소장 및 발생시기와 밀도를 조사하고자 본 연구를 실시하였다. 1. 2008년 조, 기장, 수수의 유기잡곡종자 생산 포장에서 조사기간 동안 조명나방의 발생 밀도는 수수자원의 밀도가 가장 높았으며 조자원에서 가장 낮은 발생 밀도를 보였으며, 2009년도 조명나방의 발생 밀도는 수수재배 포장의 밀도가 가장 높았으며 조재배 포장에서 가장 낮은 발생 밀도를 보였다. 2. 2008년 조명나방에 의한 잡곡의 피해주율을 조사하였더니, 지속적으로 증가하여 10월 16일에는 조 (60%), 수수 (47.5%), 기장 (43.8%) 순으로 높게 조사되었다. 2009년에는 6월 8일부터 9월 4일까지 지속적으로 증가하여 9월 4일에는 조 (51.3%), 수수 (42.5%), 기장(32.5%) 순으로 높게 나타났으며 기장자원은 6월 8일부터 6월 26일 사이에 그 피해가 발생하지 않았다. 3. 멸강나방 성충의 발생 시기나 밀도를 조사하였으나, 2008년, 2009년 모두 전혀 유인되지 않았으나 멸강나방 유충에 의한 피해는 지속적으로 관찰되었으며, 각자원별로 피해주율을 살펴보면, 조, 수수, 기장 순으로나타났다. 4. 2008년, 2009년 모두 멸강나방 유충에 의한 피해주율은 조, 수수, 기장 순으로 높게 나타났으며, 2008년 조자원에 대한 피해주율은 11.25~35.0%로 지속적으로 증가하였고, 수수와 기장의 피해주율은 각각 3.8~26.3%, 7.5~22.5%의 변이를 보였다. 2009년 각 자원별로 평균 피해주율은 조 자원이 가장 높게 나타났으며, 조는 2.5~36.3%, 수수는 0~25.0%, 기장은 0~21.3% 순으로 나타났다 5. 잡곡포장에서의 노린재 발생은2008년 풀색노린재, 알락수염노린재, 썩덩나무노린재, 3종류가 발생하였으며, 조와 기장 자원에서 풀색노린재의 발생 밀도가 가장 높았고, 2009년은 4종 (풀색노린재, 알락수염노린재, 썩덩나무노린재, 톱다리노린재)의 노린재가 발생하였고 조와 기장 자원은 풀색노린재와 톱다리노린재가 우점종 이었으며 알락수염노린재의 발생밀도는 낮게 나타났다. 수수 자원은 썩덩나무노린재와 톱다리노린재가 우점종 이었으며 알락수염노린재와 풀색 노린재는 낮은 밀도를 나타내었다.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        종남벼는 고품질 안전 다수성 품종을 육성할 목적으로 '91/92년 겨울철에 고품질이면서 단간 내도복 내병성인 밀양 96호에 숙색이 좋고 밥맛이 양호하고 초형이 양호한 YR12734-B-B-22-2를 교배하dUT다. 1992년 여름철에 F1 수식 이미지식 물체를 양성한 후 '93 여름에 F2 수식 이미지양성하여 개체별로 1립씩 채종후 '93/'94겨울철 세대단축온실에서 F5 수식 이미지세대까지 1수 1계통으로 고정시키고 F6 수식
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        "보석"은 국립식량과학원 벼맥류부에서 2008년도에 육성한 조생 고품질 내냉성 품종으로 주요특성과 수량성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 보통기 보비재배에서 평균 출수기가 7월 29일, 남부중산간지에서는 7월 26일로 오대벼보다 3일정도 빠른 조생종이다. 2. 오대벼에 해 주당수수와 수당립수는 많고, 등숙비율은 다소 높으나 현미천립중은 오대벼보다 가벼운 편이다. 3. 위조현상은 없고 성숙기 하엽노화가 늦고 수발아는 오대벼 보다 잘되는 편이다. 유묘기 내냉
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We conducted a QTL analysis of grain quality traits using 117 BC3F4 and BC3F5 lines developed from a cross between Ilpumbyeo and Moroberekan. Genotypes of 117 BC3F5 lines were determined using 134 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. A linkage map constructed using 134 SSR markers was employed to characterize quantitative trait loci (QTL). The 117 BC3F4 and BC3F5 lines were evaluated for eleven grain quality traits in 2005 and 2006. A total of 18 QTLs were identified for eleven traits, and the phenotypic variance explained by each QTL ranged from 9.9% to 35.2%. Moroberekan alleles contributed positive effects in the Ilpumbyeo background at two QTL loci for 1,000 grain weight. Four QTLs, two for chalky rice and one each for 1,000 grain weight and head rice were consistently detected in two consecutive years indicating that these QTLs are stable. Clusters of QTLs were observed in three chromosome regions. One cluster harboring five QTLs including head rice and brown rice ratio near SSR markers RM190 and RM314 was detected on chromosome 6. Another cluster harboring grain weight and white belly was detected on chromosome 2. Increase in white belly at this locus might be due to the increase in grain weight due to the presence of the Moroberekan allele. The Moroberekan alleles at two QTL loci, gw3 and gw4 associated with increased grain weight might be useful in breeding programs to develop high-yielding cultivars.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        고품위석회석의 품질 개념에서 특히 중요한 결정도 및 조직 관계는 계측상의 어려움 때문에 석회석 평가에서 그 동안 효과적으로 잘 적용될 수 없었다. 이를 극복하기 위해서 이 연구에서는 석회석 원광의 품질을 평가하는 방식으로서 영상분석시스템 하에서 결정의 형상계수 및 경계 빈도수의 측정법을 처음으로 적용하였다. 이 같은 석회석 원광 품질 평가방식을 국내산 소성용 석회석에 적용하여 광석별로 비교 검토하였다. 그 결과, 원광의 방해석 함량, 즉 품위와 그 결정 입도가 비슷하더라도 결정 형상계수와 경계빈도수에 의해서 생석회의 품질은 현격한 차이를 보인다. 즉, 원광의 결정 형상이 불규칙하고 경계 빈도수가 높을수록 이로부터 합성된 생석회는 소성율, 공극률, 반응성, 소결 정도 및 분화율과 같은 모든 품질 부문에서 우수한 특성을 보였다. 그렇지만 결정 형상계수와 경계빈도수가 상대적으로 너무 클 경우에는 쉽게 과소성되기 때문에 고품질의 생석회를 제조하는 데에는 가열처리 시간을 최소화하는 공정상의 기술이 요구된다. 석회석 산업에서 이같은 품질 평가 방식은 결정 입도는 물론 수치화할 수 없었던 결정 형상 및 조직적 사항들이 모두 고려되어 기존의 평균 입도 등에 의거한 평가보다 훨씬 합리적인 것으로 사료된다.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Puroindoline alleles, grain characteristics, milling performances and physical properties of flour of 22 Korean wheat cultivars were evaluated to determine the influence of puroindolines genotypes on grain and flour characteristics and to provide useful information for improving milling and end-use quality in Korean wheat breeding programs. Nine Korean wheat cultivars carried with Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1a, 11 cultivars had Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1b and 2 cultivars were Pina-D1b/Pinb-D1a. Korean wheats carrying with Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1a genotypes showed lower test weight and thousand kernel weight, area and roundness of grain and hardness index in grain characteristics, lower flour yield and higher proportion of break flour in milling performances and lower average particle size of flour, ash and damaged starch content, water retention capacity, yellowness-blueness and higher lightness of flour than wheats with Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1b or Pina-D1b/Pina-D1a genotypes. Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1b genotypes showed lower 1000-kernel weight, grain area, higher average of particle size of flour, higher ash and damaged starch content than Pina-D1b/Pina-D1a genotypes. There was no difference in hardness index of grain, milling performances, flour color between Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1b and Pina-D1b/Pina-D1a genotypes. These results could present the information to improve milling quality and physical properties of flour in Korean wheat breeding programs.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        수확량 모니터링 시스템의 개발은 미국에서부터 시작되어 점차 발전되어 왔으며, 현 시점에서 가장 활발하게 이용되고 있는 정밀농업 기술 중 하나이다. 수확량 모니터링 시스템 개발과 함께 이루어져야 할 것이 수확량 정보의 공간변이성 해석이다. 본 실험은 논 포장에서의 수확량의 공간변이성과 한계수확량 및 수분함량이 수확량에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하며 수행되었다. 2002년 10월 서울대학교 부속 실험농장 소재의 두 기계 이앙 재배 답작 포장(0.2 ha)과, 전북 김제 만경평야 소재의 두 직파재배 포장(0.4 ha)에서 구획별 수확량 정보를 획득한후 각 포장별로 통계분석을 통해서 포장 내의 수량변이를 조사 및 해석하였다. 그리고 각 포장의 수확작업 시 구획별로 샘플을 획득하여 수분함량을 측정한 후 수분함량 보정전과 보정후의 수량을 비교 분석하고, 수분함량과 수확량에 대한 비교 분석과, 수분함량 지도를 작성하여 수확량 지도와의 비교를 통해 수분함량과 수확량간의 관계를 조사하였다. 정확한 수확량 지도 작성을 위해서는 샘플링 간격을 최소화하는 것이 효과적일 것이나 콤바인의 예취 폭과 포장면적을 고려하여 조절해야 할 것이다. 수확량 정보를 얻을 때 한 구획의 넓이는 포장 면적에 따라서 조절이 가능하겠지만 가로 세로 길이로 봤을 때 5 m이상 15 m이하가 적당할 것으로 판단되었다. 변량시비 처리가 실시된 포장의 경우 같은 조건에서 일반시비로 재배된 포장에 비해서 수량은 비슷하나 변이는 적게나타남을 알 수 있었다. 각 포장내의 변이의 크기는 일반적으로 평균 수확량의 절반이상의 편차를 보이고 있으므로 포장내의 지점별 수획량의 변이는 상당하다고 판단할 수 있다. Sensor를 이용한 수확량 측정에서는 위에서 나타난 값으로 보았을 때 최소 300 kg/10a 이하에서 최대 1000 kg/10a 이상까지 측정이 가능하도록 설계되어야 할 것이다. 수분함량은 한 포장 내에서의 변이가 큰 편은 아니었고 공간의존성도 크게 나타나지 않았다. 그러나 포장간의 변이는 수확 전의 기상상황에 따라서 차이가 나타나게 된다. 수분함량 자체의 포장 내 변이가 크지 않으므로 수확량의 공간의존도에 대한 변화는 크지 않았다.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        "주남조생"은 소득작물 전 후작에 적응하는 벼를 육성하고자, '98/'99년 동계에 밥맛이 좋은 것으로 알려진 일본의 고시히까리에 밀양165호(주남벼)를 2회 여교배하여 육성한 조생종 단기성 품종으로 주요특성과 수량성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 주남조생의 영남 평야지의 소득작물 후작 만기재배에서 8월 26일로 "금오벼"보다 6일 빠른 조생종 품종으로 주당수수는 12개로 금오벼보다 2개 많은 편이고, 수당립수는 약간 적은편이며 현미천립중은 금오벼보다