
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 620

        2001.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper deals with Activity Analysis Method that is important procedure in Activity Based Costing System Implementation. There are many existing Activity Analysis Method, for example Interview, Questionnaire, Specialist Discussion and Work Measurement. Activity Analysis Data gained through this method has high reliability but this method bring about high cost. In case that certain company needs a strategic costing system, Activity Analysis Method which has high reliability will be need. But, if companies want the costing system as a internal decision making tool only, they need to design the ABC system fast and cheaply. This paper explains that Activity Analysis using existing finn material is good alternatives. So, this paper show the feasibility of Activity Analysis using existing firm material with comparing between job description, job specification information and Activity Analysis information.
        2001.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the help of the Internet, communication with customers and the frequency and speed of the problem solving has improved greatly At this point mayor enterprises are paying much attention to CRM and their related markets are expanding rapidly I'll give a bnef introduction to the CRM system and go Into the problems that should be considered and which phase to emphasize when building this system.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Developing a new commercial product, it is need to connect the end users demand of quality to the industrial technology of company. For this reason, this study is to build up the users demand for the imminent marketing product of a certain company by Analytic Hierarchy Process, analyze quantitatively users subjective thoughts collected by Group Consensus, calculate the added-value of users demands and verify the consistency of users opinions by consistency-exponential-calculation. The added value obtained by this method is substituted into a user-demand item of Quality Function Deployment. And, the technical characteristic data transferred from the extracted essential factor for developing and manufacturing a new product is substituted into a technical characteristic item of QFD. The faculty of quality is firstly finished by this procedure. But, because the relation a technical characterization with users demand do not be known in new product, Wassermans method was introduced for the correlation users demand with technology and for the processing and marketing of a new product. The all assumption on this thesis was based on the reliable real data of a certain company.
        2000.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the advent of the internet era, web-based virtual training system is gaining its importance in recent years. Because of the fact that the training can take place in any place and at any time, the virtual system is now replacing many of the conventional off-line classes. Hardware environments such as communication bandwidth and computer performance gets fast enough to accommodate the virtual education. Based on the observations on current virtual training system, this paper proposes three critical design rules required when developing a new virtual training system: i) With conceptual mapping, the menu hierarchy can be organized in a clear-cut manner, ii) Extensive use of multimedia tools can help students keep their attention to the lecture materials, and iii) Provision of interaction mechanisms helps students to gain their identity and motivation.
        2000.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 건물 구조 통합 구조설계 시스템의 구현을 위한 설계모델인 설계 객체 모델을 제안하였다. 건물 구조에 대한 구조 설계 정보를 단계(초기구조설계, 해석, 상세설계) / 계층(시스템, 서브시스템, 콤퍼넌트)별로 분류 모델링한 후, 제시된 요구조건에 대한 세부관점별 해결방법을 고려하여 설계 객체 모델을 개발하였다. 이와 같은 방법론을 통하여 시스템 구현을 고려한 설계 객체 모델의 체계적 분석과 모델링이 가능하였다. 제시된 설계 객체 모델은 계획 설계 측면의 설계정보 표현을 통하여 효율적인 설계정보의 관리가 가능하며, 위상 설계 객체에 의한 공간상 구조부재의 인식이 용이하고, 해석 관련 설계정보를 이해하기 용이한 표현으로 관리할 수 있게 한다.
        2000.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The paper describes creation methods of background scenes to implement realistic virtual environments in the VRSS (Virtual Reality Ship Simulator). VRSS is next-generation system constructed with virtual tools in a virtual space. Thus, it could have many benefits compared to conventional ship simulators composed with heavy bridge mock-up system and wide visual presentations. In this work, we developed effective 3D object modeling techniques, and constructed virtual harbor scene by using 3D-Webmaster authoring tool. The virtual harbor was built with object-oriented 3D objects modeled to interact with user's action. With the immersion-type VR system, we created virtual harbor environments in a virtual space, and discussed on the naturalness of the scene with test results of SDMPA (Semantic Differential Method for Psychophysical Assessment) by 10 subjects. As the results of subject assessment, all of the participants could felt natural-like harbor. Therefore, we found that the proposed creation methods and procedures of background scene are enabling to fit to the full mission VRSS construction.
        1999.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        월드 와이드 웹(WWW)의 발달로 인터넷을 기반으로 하는 전자상거래(Electronic Commerce) 이용 등 전세계적으로 네트워크의 사용이 늘어나게 되었고, 더불어 네트워크에 대한 보안과 암호화의 문제가 이슈로 떠오르고 있다. 하지만 신뢰감 부족으로 인하여 인터넷을 통한 제품 구매를 선호하지 않는다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 이러한 문제점을 개선하기 위해 웹서버와 클라이언트사이에 SSL(Secure Socket Layer)을 사용하는 전자상거래 시스템을 구현하여 보았다. 이것은 전자화폐의 지불과정이나, 거래자의 인증과정에 앞서서 수행되므로, 아직 보안상 불완전한 거래에 사용자들로 하여금 신뢰를 줄 수 있다.
        1999.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인터넷폰을 기반으로 한 무선상에서 데이터의 높은 신뢰성과 망 구축을 구현하고자 한다. 음성신호에 대한 음성질을 평가하여 보다 나은 전송률과 신뢰성을 검증하도록 하였다. 그리고 현 실생활에 적용될 수 있는 생산성을 평가하고 검증하는데 중점들 두도록 하였다. 이에 본 연구에서는 최근에 급부상하고 있는 정보통신 분야의 핵심이 될 수 있는 유ㆍ무선 네트워크 데이터 전송은 최적의 신뢰성과 유용성을 보장하는 망 구축을 목표로 하고 있다.