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        검색결과 731

        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        농촌진흥청이 세계농업발전을 위해서 공헌한 연구 업적 가운데 가장 뛰어난 3가지 업적은 온대지방에서 열대 지역에서 육종한 단간종 IR8을 이용해서 통일벼를 육성 주식인 쌀 자급을 이룩한 것이고, 둘째가 미국의 선진 옥수수 육종기술인 단교잡종 하이브리드를 세계 최초로 자체 힘으로 개발 강원, 충북, 경북산간지 농가 의 옥수수 생산량을 5년내에 3배 높이고, 이 기술을 인도, 태국, 필리핀, 인도네시아, 중국, 북한 등에 기술 이전을 한 것이고 세 번째 업적은 아마도 비닐온실 혁명일 것이다. 위의 1, 2 농업혁명을 위해서 연구직과 지도직공무원들은 나라의 식량증산과 농업발전을 위해서 죽으면 죽으리라는 각오로 밤낮을 가리지 않고 일 했다. 새마을 운동이 성공하고 오늘의 한국이 있기 까지 외화를 벌기 위해서 피땀 흘려 일한 우리의 애국 노무자들, 기업인들, 적은 박봉이지만 국민의 종이라는 자부심을 가졌던 공무원들의 노력이 있었다. 국제경쟁 력이 있는 친환경 정직 농업을 연구하고, 지도하고, 친환경 농산물을 생산 할 때 농업이 선진국 한국 발전의 버팀목이 될 수 있다.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As people get aged, we need to pay more attention to the elderly living condition with respect to welfare policy. The present study focuses on housing condition of elderly people living in rural area, and analyzes its determinants, periodical difference, and regional disparities, incorporating an index of minimum housing standard. This study applies multi-level logit model that has a strong statistical advantage that can take random aspects of household and regional context into account. We found that married couple household, presence of economically-active family members, higher education, specialized profession, migration and higher level of land price tend to lower the probability of residing in substandard housings. We also found that housing conditions for elderly people prove to be different by regions and it is particularly noticeable in mountainous rural areas in Gyeongsangnam-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do with the poorest elderly housing conditions. Results also implies that housing welfare policies should be implemented differently considering the target groups based on regional differences. We conclude with some additional policy implications for the elderly living in rural areas.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        With the cognition of the problems on propulsion system of rural development program, the requirement for accurate diagnosis of the problems and for reform scheme is increasing. This study was performed to solve the above requirement especially on the level of a local government, Chungnam province as an instance. For accurate diagnosis of the problems, the present situation of propulsion system, i.e. organization and governance, planning and policy making, implementation and supervision of rural development program was investigated, and the cognition of public officials and specialists was surveyed. From the study, it showed that the problems of propulsion system for rural development program in Chungnam province are duplication of work sphere among departments, formal administration of governance, an absence of long-term plan with vision and strategy, and absence of department in charge of comprehensive supervision and so on. As a result of the study 9 reform schemes to solve the problems were suggested.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Although there have been carrying out various rural development projects related with village road improvement, most of village roads in Korea are under much poor condition. However, until now, their actual conditions have not been surveyed at all. So, this study aimed at analysing the actual conditions and characteristics of rural village roads in the general terms to provide the basic information for the proper improvement policy-making. Case study villages were chosen in flat/mountainous/seashore<SUB>urban areas, which be then classified as improved and not. In terms of road length per household, mountainous villages are highly dispersed and suburban ones moderately dispersed, while flat ones aggregated. Road widths in seashore</SUB>suburban/structure improved villages are narrower than flat/mountainous ones. Because about a quarter of road sites are registered as non-road, more positive scheme for transferring non-road sites into road ones.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aim of this paper is to investigate the applicability of high spatial resolution remote sensing images for conducting the rural amenity resources survey. There are a large number of rural amenity resources and field reconnaissance without a sufficient preliminary survey involves a big amount of cost and time even if the data quality cannot always be satisfied with the advanced study. Therefore, a new approach should be considered like the state-of-the-art remote sensing technology to support field survey of rural amenity resources as well as to identify the spatial attributes including the geographical location, pathway, area, and shape. Generally high-resolution satellite or aerial photo images are too expensive to cover a large area and not free of meteorological conditions, but recently rapidly-advanced internet-based image services, such as Google Earth, Microsoft Bing maps, Bluebirds, Daum maps, and so on, are expected to overcome the handicaps. The review of the different services shows that Google Earth would be the most feasible alternative for the survey of rural amenity resources in that it provides powerful tools to build spatial features and the attributes and the data format is completely compatible with other GIS(Geographic information system) software. Hence, this study tried to apply the Google Earth service to interpret the amenity resources and proposed the reformed work process conjugating the internet-based high-resolution images like satellite and aerial photo data.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study focuses on the application of landscape planning(i.e. including rural landscape character area designation and rural landscape planning etc.). That application of landscape planning provides the probably most operable and comprehensive version of what is generally accepted by the discipline. According to the planning discipline the schemes of planning are to; Firstly, we derived the improvement of landscape and the methods of landscape characterization subsequent to analyze the present condition and grasp the landscape resources in Yesan via reviewing the current study and field survey. Secondly, in order to achieve environmentally friendly rural landscape plan and characteristic rural landscape creation, we planed the draft landscape area such as woodland, hydrology area, urbanized area, rural communities, etc. which was classified by sphere of life moreover, we planed partly outdoor facilities, road and colour suchlike. Thirdly, we tried to seek the programme of conservation and utilization for scenic and characteristic rural landscape area via rural landscape character area designation. Lastly, it is proposed that rural landscape planning lead to inhabitant participation, system improvement, subject performance for carrying out efficient rural landscape planning.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In 1977, the Main Street Program(MSP) of the United States was founded by the National Trust for Historic Preservation to revitalize downtowns which suffered major declines in their economy and population. This study analyzed the methodology of MSP such as the Four-Point Approach and the Eight Principles, history of MSP, local program organizational structure, local program budgets and funding, official designation and so on. Three successful cases were discussed the background of an introduction to MSP, implementations, results and revitalization statistics. To be able to apply rural development projects in Korea, this study showed the implications such as the need for a program's ethic and methodology, a strong public-private partnership, a dedicated organization, a full-time professional program manager, a commitment to good design and comprehensive work plan, and an educational program of ongoing training for staff, volunteers and other residents.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed at analysing on consumer's behaviour to central functions in center villages of Hub-myun. Consumers in the center villages were classified as follows; residents in the center village and in the hinterland area, visitors. Through the interview works on the customers in 8-pilot project sites and differential analysis works of answered results, consumers' attitude in the center villages were grouped into two types; self-sufficient one and higher center-dependent one.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate issues and performance of development projects of Gurye Banggwang villages' key projects, especially directly or indirectly related to resident income augmentation. The agricultural products processing factory, the valley resting, the urban and rural exchange center, and the village festival have been closely selected as directly or indirectly related to the resident income. Analysis of survey of resident and two agriculture unions' members led the performance and problem of Banggwang villages' development projects. The income project has the difficulties of recruiting members, lack of professionalism of people in production and marketing of processed products, and conflict between members etc. For this reason, income projects being adopted as the comprehensive rural village development project is often negative. Compare to the other cases, Banggwang village has more reflection of the income project, and has lot of interest by policy makers whether it be pursued successfully. It is too early to evaluate a performance properly because it is the beginning of income projects and the experience are not yet being sufficient. However, the performance is appearing gradually from various sides. For example, dividend of business profits, employment opportunities and sales of agricultural products are developing increasingly. Income projects have strengthens the residents' participation and interest in comprehensive rural village development project and with securing stable funding it will help to maintain the facilities.