
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 972

        2005.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates the tendency of the word order of Japanese adjectives. Japanese adjectives are the representative adjectival modifiers and they define the nature, condition and characteristics of the words that are defined. There were not many studies on the word order among Japanese adjectives; however, their natural and general word order exists in case that the plural adjectives are used in the sentence. This study reveals the existence of a tendency in word order such as the adjectives representing the amount, the adjectives representing the old and new and the short- and long-term period and the adjectives representing the evaluation (judgment) by means of focusing on the word order among Japanese adjectives. Meanwhile, the adjectives representing the small and large, color and shape are not likely to have their word order. In short, this study suggests the following word order: amount〉time (old and new, long-term and short-term)〉small and large, color, shape〉evaluation> main noun.
        2005.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2005.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was peformed by questionnaire to investigate satisfaction for the menu qualify of Korean traditional food of Japanese tourists. The subjects of this study consisted of 280 Japanese tourists using the Gyeongju and Busan hotel. The results were summarized as follows: 63.9% of the subjects responded that frequency of visiting was 1-2 times a year and 42.1% responded that motivation of visiting was for tour and understanding of korea. Companion with friend scored high as 40.4%, and intention of revisiting was high on 'normal'. On overall satisfaction on korean traditional foods, 'satisfy' scored high as 43.2%. 61.1% of the subjects responded that the taste was the most important factor of food. On frequency of eating, 'over 8 times' scored high as 27.9%, and on motivation of eating, 'with visiting Korea' scored high as 48.2%. On satisfaction for the menu quality of korean traditional food, the highest item was 'taste(3.82 point)' and 'nutrition(3.82 point)', and but 'Japanese mark on menu(2.47 point)', 'Japanese mark on ingredient(2.61 point)' scored low. Overall satisfaction for korean traditional food had an effect on intention of revisiting, and therefore, improving the quality of the traditional food and the strategy for the classification of desires are earnestly requested.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hong, Minpyo. 2004. A Contrastive Analysis of Selections of and Responses to Conversation Topics at the First Meeting: A Case Study of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Australian University Students. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, 12(2). This paper conducts a contrastive analysis of dialogue topics and responses to the topics at the first meeting based on the data produced by Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, and Australians. The main research interest of this study lies in variation observed across nationality and gender. When the conversation topic at the first meeting was about entertainers, less than 20% of the respondents of the four countries reported uneasiness. More than 20% of the respondents showed discomfort regarding the topics of ideal opposite-sex type, one's phone number, or one's boy- or girl-friends. Concerning drinking capacity, most of Korean and Japanese female respondents reported uneasiness. Women of all countries felt discomfort about the topic of one's height. Korean and Japanese students overwhelmingly felt uneasy about topics of personality or future goals, but Chinese did not. Only Chinese showed discomfort about the topic of the residence place. Looking at gender variation, remarkable differences were observed in the Japanese and Australian data, but no differences were found from Koreans or Chinese. When people were asked what they wanted to know at the first meeting with a person of the opposite-sex, people from all countries preferred to know his/her name. People from Korea and China wanted to know his/her age; Japanese wanted to know where s/he was from; Australians wanted to know his/her hobbies. Koreans also liked to know his/her place of residence, but Chinese and Japanese also wanted to know about his/her hobbies.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is research on change of the meaning of the verb which it originally has by the meaning of a complement. The sentence showing transitivity will turn into an objective type reflexive usage sentence, if a body noun comes to an objective complement. If a body noun comes to a dative complement, it will become a dative type reflexive usage sentence, and if a body noun comes to a benefactive complement, it will become a benefactive type reflexive usage sentence. The subdivision of these three types was carried out further. The semantic element which becomes the standard of a classification is [±visibility], [±relativity] and [±resultativity]. Each type can be classified into the further subsort type according to the combination of these meaning element.