
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 71

        2003.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 사람의 시험관아기 프로그램에서 수정 후 1일째의 전핵 등급이 체외 수정란의 발달에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 정상적인 시험관 아기 시술을 시행한 실례 환자를 대상으로 과배란을 유기하여 배란 직전의 난자를 채취하여 정자를 주입한 다음 체외 수정을 유도하였다. 수정 유도 18시간 후 전핵과 핵인의 형태에 따라 전핵의 등급을 1 및 2등급으로 나누어 각각 3일 동안 체외 배양을 실시하여, 체외 수정란의 형태에 따라 1, 2 및 3등급으로 분류하였든
        2003.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 사람의 시험관아기 프로그램에서 체외 수정란의 질을 향상시키는 한 방법으로 난포액으로 처리된 정자를 체외 수정에 사용하여 생산된 체외 수정란의 전핵 등급과 발달 능력을 조사하였다. 정상적인 시험관 아기 시술을 시행한 실례 환자를 대상으로 과배란을 유기하여 배란 직전의 난자를 채취하여, 난포액으로 처리된 정자와 체외 수정시킨 후 사람 체외 수정란의 전핵 등급과 체외발달율을 조사하였다. 체외수정을 위한 정자의 처리 방법으로 synthetic ser
        2003.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Human sensibility is assessed by measuring and analyzing various physiological signals in an objective way, or by analyzing adjectives chosen by the subjects in a subjective way. The present study aimed at developing an integrative sensibility assessment system that measures changes in a person's objective and subjective sensibility in real-time and analyzes them in an integrative way. The present system is composed of a real-time subjective assessment system, an automatic subjective assessment system and a real time physiological signal measurement and analysis system, which are separated from one another and can be utilized individually, or can be combined as an integrative sensibility assessment system for comprehensive sensibility assessment.
        2003.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인체측정 시, sheet를 이용한 계측치 기록에 의한 직접측정 방법은 계측치 입력시간이 오래 걸리고, 입력과정에서 착오가 생길 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 계측치 입력과정에서 발생할 수 있는 착오를 감소시키고, 계측 소요시간을 단축시키기 위해 샅높이 항목과 큰․작은․둥근 수평자 항목에서의 인체측정 실시간 입력 프로그램을 개발하였다. 본 시스템은 인체측정과 동시에 입력 화면에 계측치가 실시간으로 입력되고, 모든 항목의 측정을 마치면 자동으로 각 피험자명으로 저장된 Excel파일과 Access DB가 생성된다. 남녀피험자 50명을 대상으로 새롭게 개발한 인체측정 실시간 입력 프로그램을 사용하여 계측을 실시한 결과 sheet를 이용하는 기존 Martin식 계측법과 비교하여 샅높이 항목과 큰․작은 수평자를 사용하는 항목에서 유의한 시간 절감 효과를 확인할 수 있었다.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the effects of vitrification solution and developmental stage on the survival rate of vitrified-thawed human blastocyst embryos. Human blastocyst embryos were cryopreserved by vitrification using EFS and GE solution, and their survival rates were examined after thawing and further culture. EFS solution was consisted of 40% ethylene glycol, 18% Ficoll 70 and 0.3M sucrose. GE solution was consisted of 25% glycerol and 25% ethylene glycol. Embryos were exposed to EFS and GE solution by 2 steps and 3 steps, respectively, and plunged into liquid nitrogen after loading into 0.25ml plastic straws. Blastocysts were classified into 4 groups in accordance with their developmental stage: into 1) EEB, 2) MEB and 3) EdB, of blastocysts developed on day 5, and 4) 6d-Bla(the blastocysts which formed on day 6). The blastocysts at each stage were vitrified by GE solution and cryopreserved in LN2. After thawing them, we examined their survival rates, respectively. The resulted of this study were as follows: 1. The survival rate of blastocysts vitrified by GE solution was 64.4%, significantly higher than that (5.7%) vitrified by EFS solution (P<0.001). 2. When the blastocysts were vitrified by GE solution according to each developmental stage, the survival rates of EEB, MEB, EdB and 6d-Bla were 65.9%, 65.9%, 73.2% and 58.1%, respectively. In conclusion, the cryopreservation of human blastocysts by vitrification is likely to have a marked advantage in terms of cost, work and time as compared to the conventional slow freezing in IVF-ET programs.
        1998.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The pronuclear injection of metallothionein-human growth hormone (MT-hGH) gene into rabbit zygotes was performed to establish in vitro developmental system and to detect the presence of the injected gene by nested PCR. Mature female New Zealand White rabbits were superovulated by eGG and hCG treatments. The rabbits were mated and the zygotes were collected from the oviducts 18-22 h after hCG injection by flushing with D-PBS. Two to three picoliters of MT-hGH gene was microinjected into male pronuclei. The foreign gene-injected zygotes were cultured in TCM-199 or RD mediurn containing 10% FCS with a monolayer of rabbit oviductal epithelial cefls in a 5% incubator. The presence of injected DNA in rabbit embryos or blastomeres at different developmental stages .vas detected by a nested PCR analysis. The results are summarized as follows ; 1.The developmental rate of the MT-hGH gene-injected zygotes to blastocyst was significantly higher in TCM-199 medium (68.1%) than in RD medium (42.9%). 2.The gene injection into pronuclei at 18 or 22 hours post hCG treatment during pronuclear stage did not much affect on the in vitro development of the rabbit embryos. 3.The rate of gene-positive embryos detected by the nested PCR analysis was significantly decreased when they developed to blastocysts. The results indicate that the screening of transgene in rabbit embryos by nested PCR analysis could be a prornisible method for the preselection of transgenic embryos. Furthermore, the preselection of transgenic embryos would greatly reduce hoth the cost and effort of production of transgenic animals.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzes human development convergence and the impact of funds transfer to the regions using σ and β-convergence analysis method. Observations were made in all Indonesia’s provinces in the period 2010-2019. The coefficient of variation calculation shows a dispersion in the inequality of human development, which means that convergence occurred. This is also documented by the clustering analysis results developed in the study. The results are in line with the hypothesis of neoclassical theory, which shows the tendency for provinces with lower human development levels to grow relatively faster. The dynamic panel data approach with the GMM model shows that a model built with explanatory variables for transfer of funds to regions may lead to the process of convergence of human development – 2.21% per year or 31 years to cover the half-life of convergence. This is a consequence of the Special Allocation Fund and the Village Fund, which positively impact the convergence process, and the General Allocation Fund and the Revenue Sharing Fund with negative signs slowing the convergence process. This evidence opens opportunities to review the justification of the weighting component in determining the amount of funds transferred to the region to accelerate the convergence process of human development.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 다문화 사회를 이끌어갈 주역인 초등학생들이 다문화 인권 인식을 함양할 필 요성과 함께 어린이가 주인공으로 등장하고 다문화 인권교육 요소를 충실히 포함하고 있는 최근 개봉 영화 ‘가버나움’ 에 주목하였다. 초등학교 저학년 학생을 위한 프로그램이 매우 부족한 상황에서 또래의 상황을 통한 감정이입과 교육적 효과가 기대되는 ‘가버나움’ 영화 를 활용한 다문화 인권교육 프로그램을 개발하고 그 효과를 검증하였다. 선행연구 고찰을 통해 초등학교 저학년생에게 적합한 ‘소수자 보호’, ‘차이의 존중’, ‘행복 추구’라는 세 가지 다문화 인권요소를 선정하였다. 이를 토대로 ‘가버나움’ 영화 중 위 요소에 적합한 2~3분 정도의 5개 장면을 선정하였고, 이를 활용한 총 5개 주제의 10차시 교수학습과정 안을 개 발하였다. 위와 같이 설계된 프로그램은 경기도 소재 H 초등학교 2학년 한 학급 28명을 대 상으로 창의적 체험 활동 시간에 주 1회 2차시로 총 10차시 수업을 시행하였고, 학생들의 수업 참여 관찰과 학습결과물 및 소감 발표 등을 통해 정성적인 평가를 시행하였다. 개발 된 프로그램은, 다양한 문화를 이해하기 위하여 가버나움 영화 속 등장인물이 되어 일기 써보기 활동, 성차별을 인지하고 차별받는 등장인물이 되어 양성평등을 다짐할 수 있도록 역할극 수행, 난민 문제를 알아보고 도와주는 방법 생각하기, 인종차별 문제의 심각성을 깨 닫고 이와 관련된 표어 짓기 및 캠페인 활동, 다문화가족의 어려움을 알아보고 도와주는 방법 토의의 총 5개 주제로 구성하였다. 학생들에게 프로그램을 적용한 결과, 소수자 보호, 차이의 존중, 행복 추구라는 세 가지 다문화 인권요소 측면에서 학생들의 소감 발표 및 활 동 결과물을 통해 학생들의 인식개선 효과를 확인할 수 있었다. 또한, ‘가버나움’이라는 한 종류의 영화로 수업을 적용하니 초등학교 저학년의 특성상 주인공에게 더욱 몰입하게 되어 다문화 사회에서 고통받는 인물들에 대해 진심으로 공감하고 진지하게 고민하는 모습이 관 찰되어 다문화 인권 인식 향상에 긍정적 영향을 주었음을 확인할 수 있었다. 향후 ‘가버나 움’ 영화는 학생들의 인지발달단계의 수준에 맞도록 활동을 개발한다면 초등학교뿐만 아니 라 중학교, 고등학교 교육 현실에 실질적인 도움이 되는 다문화 인권교육 프로그램의 소재 로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study aims to define the career competency of HRD practitioners based on an intelligent career framework. This intelligent career framework has been described as having been achieved by the accumulation of career capital through the three ways of knowing, including knowing why, knowing how, and knowing with whom. The data were collected from the interviews with 15 HRD practitioners. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from the HRD practitioners. For the orientation about the interview, the researcher explained the importance of gathering data about the personal experiences of the respondents on their work and career. After that explanation, the researcher asked several questions based on the pre-structured interview guide. The data collected were qualitatively analyzed on the basis of the intelligent career framework. Based on the analysis of the interviews, the subcategories of each way of knowing competency were identified. For the knowing why, identity, credibility, and career clarity were identified. The subcategories of knowing how are remaining updates, hard skills, and soft skills, while the subcategories of knowing with whom are personal networking and professional networking. The interdependency among the three career competencies was found. The findings provide theoretical implications of applying an intelligent career framework.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of the study is to analyze the main approaches to assessing human capital and develop proposals for its most objective assessment of it at the different levels of manifestation - individual, microeconomic and macroeconomic. The article considers the basic approaches to the evaluation of human capital, used in practice: retrospective (costly) and prospective (income based). Cost based methods involve measuring the value of human capital based on the total costs associated with its formation. The proposed additional evaluation criteria, in particular, the use of the expert approach and the developed indicators of a qualitative assessment of the human capital of the enterprise will allow development that is more efficient and use of available human resources. Human capital is becoming a major factor in the formation and development of an innovative economy and knowledge economy. Accordingly, the proposed additions to the assessment of human capital at the country level are aimed at assessing it from a new angle, taking into account the current global trends in the formation of an innovative economy and digitalization. They meet qualitatively new requirements for human capital as the main productive factor in the creation of new highly efficient technologies that promote the active development of the social sphere, science, education, health, etc.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the shipping industry, it is well known that around 80 % or more of all marine accidents are caused fully or at least in part by human error. In this regard, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) stated that the study of human factors would be important for improving maritime safety. Consequently, the IMO adopted the Casualty Investigation Code, including guidelines to assist investigators in the implementation of the Code, to prevent similar accidents occurring again in the future. In this paper, a process of the human factors investigation is proposed to provide investigators with a guide for determining the occurrence sequence of marine accidents, to identify and classify human error-inducing underlying factors, and to develop safety actions that can manage the risk of marine accidents. Also, an application of these investigation procedures to a collision accident is provided as a case study This is done to verify the applicability of the proposed human factors investigation procedures. The proposed human factors investigation process provides a systematic approach and consists of 3 steps: ‘Step 1: collect data & determine occurrence sequence’ using the SHEL model and the cognitive process model; ‘Step 2: identify and classify underlying human factors’ using the Maritime-Human Factor Analysis and Classification System (M-HFACS) model; and ‘Step 3: develop safety actions,’ using the causal chains. The case study shows that the proposed human factors investigation process is capable of identifying the underlying factors and indeveloping safety actions to prevent similar accidents from occurring.
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