
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 316

        2019.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A methodology to assess seismic fragility of a nuclear power plant (NPP) using a conditional mean spectrum is proposed as an alternative to using a uniform hazard response spectrum. Rather than the single-scenario conditional mean spectrum, which is the conventional conditional mean spectrum based on a single scenario, a multi-scenario conditional mean spectrum is proposed for the case in which no single scenario is dominant. The multi-scenario conditional mean spectrum is defined as the weighted average of different conditional mean spectra, each one of which corresponds to an individual scenario. The weighting factors for scenarios are obtained from a deaggregation of seismic hazards. As a validation example, a seismic fragility assessment of an NPP containment structure is performed using a uniform hazard response spectrum and different single-scenario conditional mean spectra and multi-scenario conditional mean spectra. In the example, the number of scenarios primarily influences the median capacity of the evaluated structure. Meanwhile, the control frequency, a key parameter of a conditional mean spectrum, plays an important role in reducing logarithmic standard deviation of the corresponding fragility curves and corresponding high confidence of low probability of failure (HCLPF) capacity.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to develop a dietary education program, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the education program for children from low-income families. A total of 242 children (122 education groups and 120 control groups) were run six times a dietary education program from April to December 2018, and a questionnaire was administered before and after the education to evaluate effectiveness. Elementary school students were the most prevalent in the education and the control group. In the education group, the body height and weigh were 137.27 cm and 33.69 kg, respectively, and in the control group the body height and weight were 143.48 cm and 40.64 kg, respectively. The education group showed positive change in dietary self-efficacy and dietary knowledge compared to the control group. In particular, ‘I can have meals regularly’ (Education Group: 4.00 points from 3.71 points) and 'I can choose fruits instead of cookies candies as snacks (Education Group: 4.01 points from 3.70 points) The score increased after participation in the program. In the change of nutritional and hygiene knowledge of children, the education group scored 3.63 of 10 points before education, but the score significantly increased to 5.70 points after education(p<0.001).
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to evaluate vulnerability of drought in small island areas. Vulnerability assessment factors of drought were selected by applying the factor analysis. Ninety Eup/Myon areas in small island were evaluated to vulnerability of drought by entropy method adapting objective weights. Vulnerability consisted of climate exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity. A total of 22 indicators were used to evaluate and analyze vulnerability of drought in small island areas. The results of entropy method showed that winter rainfall, no rainfall days, agricultural population rate, cultivation area rate, water supply rate and groundwater capacity have a significant impact on drought assessment. The overall assessment of vulnerability indicated that Seodo-myeon Ganghwa-gun, Seolcheon-myeon Namhae-gun and Samsan-myeon Ganghwa-gun were the most vulnerable to drought. Especially Ganghwa-gun should be considered policy priority to establish drought measures in the future, because it has a high vulnerability of drought.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study would present a risk analysis method to evaluate stable tap water supply in a multi-regional water supply system and propose a measure for the evaluation of the effect of the conjunctive operation of the multi-regional water supply system using this. Judging from the vulnerability for the crisis response of the entire N. multi-regional water supply system, as compared to the result of Scenario 1 in which no conjunctive pipes were operated, it was found that in Scenario 2, in which conjunctive pipes were partially operated, the vulnerability of crisis response decreased by about 30.6%, and as compared to Scenario 3, the vulnerability of crisis response decreased by 86.2%. In setting a plan for stable tap water supply in N multi-regional water supply system, using the estimated value and the method for the evaluation of the vulnerability of crisis response by pipe, by interval and by line, it is judged that this can be utilized as a basis for the judgment of the evaluation of the operation or the additional installation of conjunctive pipes.
        2019.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        부동산 가격상승으로 일반 서민 및 주거 취약계층은 본인 수입으로 집을 사기에는 어려워졌다. 이에 정부는 주거 취약계층의 부담을 줄이고자 임대주택을 공급하였지만, 중산층 및 서민의 주거 안정을 이루 었지만 실제 주거 취약계층은 아직도 쪽방촌, 여인숙, 비닐하우스 등 주거복지의 혜택을 받지 못하고 있다. 정부는 공공임대주택을 건설하여 공급하는데 한계가 있다고 생각되어 기존 주택을 매입하여 임대주택을 공급하고 있다. 이에 임대주택 공급량은 매해 증가하였으나 통계청에서 발표한 2019년도 기준 중위소 득 120% 이상의 일반인들이 입주 하였고 정작 기준 중위소득 50% 미만의 주거 취약계층은 입주율은 저조하였다. 이에 정주 요건을 고려하지 않아 원래의 취지와는 다르게 매입임대주택이 공급되었고 최저 주거기준에 미달하는 열악한 환경에서 거주하는 쪽방, 비닐하우스, 여인숙, 움막, 고시원, 컨테이너 기타 비주거에 거주하는 주거 취약계층은 삶의 바뀌지 않고 있다. LH 주거 취약계층지원 사업은 SH의 주거 취약계층 임대주택 사업에 한계를 개선하여 공급하였으나 여전히 개선점이 많이 있었다. 단순히 보증금 및 월세를 저렴하게 공급하여 내부에 집기, 비품 및 관리비 문제와 현재 생활반경 근처에서와는 한참 떨어진 곳에 주택을 공급하여 그 실효성이 거두지 못하고 있다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A two-year study was conducted from 2017 to 2018 by the establishment of a test field at Chungju-si and Cheongyang-gun. Plant height, number of leaves, insects and diseases, and fresh and dry matter yields for corn hybrid(‘Kwangpyeongok’) were investigated. Daily average, maximum, and minimum temperature, monthly average temperature, daily precipitation, and sunshine duration during the growing season were investigated. We selected climate-critical factors to corn productivity and conducted an evaluation of vulnerability to climate change from 1999 to 2018 for both regions. In 2018, the dry matter yield of forage corn was 6,475 and 7,511 kg/ha in Chungju and Cheongyang, respectively, which was half of that in 2017. The high temperature and drought phenomenon in the 2018 summer caused the corn yield to be low. As well as temperature, precipitation is an important climatic factor in corn production. As a result of climate impact vulnerability assessment, the vulnerability has increased recently compared to the past. It is anticipated that if the high temperature phenomenon and drought caused by climate change continues, a damage in corn production will occur.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 도시재생지역 중 노후주거지의 열환경을 개선하기 위한 계획방안을 제시하는 것이 목적이다. 이를 위해 노후주거지 재생을 추진하는 재생 창조거점으로 선정된 대구광역시 서구 비산2⋅3동을 연구 대상지로 선정하여, 기후노출, 적응능력, 민감도로 구성된 15개의 지표를 이용하여 대상지의 열취약성을 분석하였다. 이를 통해 도출된 열취약성 1등급 지역을 열환경 우선 개선지역으로 선정하고, 15개 지표를 대상으로 열취약 원인을 분석하였다. 그 결과, 열환경에 취약한 주요 원인은 수⋅녹지율, 일 최고기온 33℃ 이상인 날의 수, 지표면온도, 일 최저기온 25℃ 이상인 날의 수인 것으로 분석되었다. 이를 개선하기 위한 열환경 우선 개선지역에 소규모의 녹지 조성, 화이트루프의 적용, 쿨링포그 시스템 설치를 우선적으로 시행할 것을 제안하였다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        화력발전소 구조물 중 하나인 보일러 강구조물은 물탱크가 올라가게 되는 중요한 설비지만 그 중요성이 비해 지진에 대한 안전성 평가에 대한 연구가 미비하다. 본 연구에서는 취약도 곡선을 도출하고자 16개의 지진파에 12개의 PGA값을 선정하고 포 항지진을 포함해 총 200회의 동적 비선형 해석을 수행하였다. 강재의 인장, 압축응력과 강구조물의 상대변위를 측정하였다. 강재 재료적 특성의 경우 변형은 발생하였으나 파괴는 발생하지 않았고, 상대변위의 경우 한계점에 못 미치는 변위가 발생하였다. 취약도 곡선 도출결과 국내의 지진구역 구분 및 지역계수를 기준으로 강재의 재료적 변형(400MPa)에서는 인장이 38%, 압축이 62.5%로 변형이 발생하였고, 상대변위는 0%의 확률로 한계점을 넘었다. 이러한 보일러 강구조물에 대한 취약도 곡선은 대상구조물에 대한 한 계상태를 판별하는 정량적 근거와 지진에 대한 안전설계시 활용될 수 있다.
        2019.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Seismic performance of ordinary reinforced concrete shear wall systems commonly used in high-rise residential buildings is evaluated. Three types of shear walls exceeding 60m in height are designed by performance-based seismic design. Then, incremental dynamic analysis is performed collapse probability is assessed in accordance with the procedure of FEMA P695. As a result, story drift, plastic rotation, and compressive strain are observed to be major failure modes, but shear failure occur little. Collapse probability and collapse margin ratio of performance groups do not meet requirement of FEMA P695. It is observed that critical wall elements fail due to excessive compressive strain. Therefore, the compressive strain of concrete at the boundary area of the shear wall needs to be evaluated with more conservative acceptance criteria.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        범죄는 인적 또는 물적으로 피해를 일으키기 때문에 범죄가 발생한 이후에 조치를 취하는 것보다는 사전에 범죄를 예방하는 것이 중요하다. 또한, 범죄를 예방하기 위해서는 범죄발생에 취약한 지역을 추출해야 한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 범죄발생 위치정보 를 제공하지 않는 국내의 상황을 고려하여 실제 범죄정보를 직접적으로 사용하지 않으면서 시·공간적 특성을 고려한 범죄취약지역을 추출하는 연구를 수행하였다. 공간적인 특성정보는 연속수치지도에서 추출한 도로폭, 도로교차점, 도로교차각, 포장재질, 도로에 인접한 건물의 종류를 이용하여 범죄에 취약한 위험도로를 추출하였다. 또한 시간적인 특성정보는 점 형태로 제공되는 유동인구 데이터를 커널밀도 분석하여 추출하였다. 시·공간적인 분석을 위하여 두 가지 특성정보를 중첩 분석하여 범죄취약지역을 추출하였다. 취약지역을 검증하기 위해 다음포탈에서 제공하는 로드뷰 영상을 확인한 결과 추출된 취약지역이 노후화된 단독주택이 많고 도로주변이 잘 정비되지 않은 지역임을 알 수 있었다.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Diagonally reinforced concrete coupling beams (DRCBs) have been widely adopted in reinforced concrete (RC) bearing wall systems. DRCBs are known to act as a fuse element dissipating most of seismic energies imparted to the bearing wall systems during earthquakes. Despite such importance of DRCBs, the damage estimation of such components and the corresponding consequences within the knowledge of performance based seismic design framework is not well understood. In this paper, drift-based fragility functions are developed for in-plane loaded DRCBs. Fragility functions are developed to predict the damage and to decide the repair method required for DRCBs subjected to earthquake loading. Thirty-seven experimental results are collected from seventeen published literatures for this effort. Drift-based fragility functions are developed for four damage states of DRCBs subjected to cyclic and monotonic loading associated with minor cracking, severe cracking, onset of strength loss, and significant strength loss. Damage states are defined in a consistent manner. Cumulative distribution functions are fit to the empirical data and evaluated using standard statistical methods.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to increase the seismic safety of nuclear power plant (NPP) structures, a technique to reduce the seismic load transmitted to the NPP structure by using a seismic isolation device such as a lead-rubber bearing has recently been actively researched. In seismic design of NPP structures, three directional (two horizontal and one vertical directions) artificial synthetic earthquakes (G0 group) corresponding to the standard design spectrum are generally used. In this study, seismic analysis was performed by using three directional artificial synthetic earthquakes (M0 group) corresponding to the maximum-minimum spectrum reflecting uncertainty of incident direction of earthquake load. The design basis earthquake (DBE) and the beyond design basis earthquakes (BDBEs are equal to 150%, 167%, and 200% DBE) of G0 and M0 earthquake groups were respectively generated for 30 sets and used for the seismic analysis. The purpose of this study is to compare seismic responses and seismic fragility curves of seismically isolated NPP structures subjected to DBE and BDBE. From the seismic fragility curves, the probability of failure of the seismic isolation system when the peak ground acceleration (PGA) is 0.5 g is about 5% for the M0 earthquake group and about 3% for the G0 earthquake group.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Climate adaptation strategies for water utilities including 16 water treatment plants(WTPs) in Jeju were investigated. Drought, heat wave, and heavy rain were among the most significant climate factors affecting water utilities in Jeju. Heat wave increases water temperature, which in turn increases the concentration of algae, color, and odor materials. Some adaption strategies for the heat wave can be strengthening water monitoring and introducing advanced water treatments. Heavy rain increases raw water turbidity in surface water. The 7 WTPs that take raw water from streams or springs had a maximum turbidity of less than 50 NTU under heavy rain. However, due to concerns of turbidity spike in treated water, some WTPs discontinued intaking raw water when raw water turbidity increased more than 2 NTU. They instead received treated water from other WTPs which took groundwater for water supply. This happens because of the low skills of employees. Thus, there needs to be an increase in operator competency and upgrade of water facilities for the adaption of heavy rain. To improve adaption for the drought, there should be an increase in the capacity of intake facilities of surface water as well as a decrease in water loss. In addition, water consumption per person should be decreased.
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