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        검색결과 237

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Al-B4C neutron absorbers are currently widely used to maintain the subcriticality of both wet and dry storage facilities of spent nuclear fuel (SNF), thus long-term and high-temperature material integrity of the absorbers has to be guaranteed for the expected operation periods of those facilities. Surface corrosion solely has been the main issue for the absorber performance and safety; however, the possibility of irradiation-assisted degradation has been recently suggested from an investigation on Al-B4C surveillance coupons used in a Korean spent nuclear fuel pool (SFP). Larger radiation damage than expectation was speculated to be induced from 10B(n, α)7Li reactions, which emit about a MeV α-particles and Li ions. In this study, we experimentally emulated the radiation damage accumulated in an Al-B4C neutron absorber utilizing heavy-ion accelerator. The absorber specimens were irradiated with He ions at various estimated system temperatures for a model SNF storage facility (room temperature, 150, 270, and 400°C). Through the in-situ heated ion irradiation, three exponentially increasing level of radiation damages (0.01, 0.1, and 1 dpa or displacement per atom) were achieved to compare differential gas bubble formation at near surface of the absorber, which could cause premature absorber corrosion and subsequential 10B loss in an SNF storage system. An extremely high radiation damage (10 dpa), which is unlikely achievable during a dry storage period, was also emulated through high temperature irradiation (350°C) to further test the radiation resistance of the absorber, conservatively. The irradiated specimens were characterized using HR-TEM and the average size and number density of radiation-induced He bubbles were measured from the obtained bright field (BF) TEM micrographs. Measured helium bubble sizes tend to increase with increasing system (or irradiation) temperature while decrease in their number density. Helium bubbles were found from even the lowest radiation damage specimens (0.01 dpa). Bubble coalescence was significant at grain boundaries and the irradiated specimen morphology was particularly similar with the bubble morphology observed at the interface between aluminum alloy matrix and B4C particle of the surveillance coupons. These characterized irradiated specimens will be used for the corrosion test with high-temperature humid gas to further study the irradiation-assisted degradation mechanism of the absorber in dry SNF storage system.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the event of a loss of a SNF (spent nuclear fuel) transport cask during maritime transportation, it is essential to evaluate the critical depth at which the integrity of the cask can be maintained under high water pressure. SNF transport casks are classified as Type B containers and the integrity of of the containment boundary must be maintained up to a depth of 200 meters unless the containment boundary was breached under beyond-design basis accidents. However, if an intact SNF cask is lost at a depth deeper than 200-meter, release of radioactive material may occur due to breach of containment boundary with over-pressure. In this study, we developed a code for the evaluation of the pressure limit of SNF transport cask, which can be evaluated by inputting the main dimensions and loading conditions of cask. The evaluation model was coded as a computer module for ease of use. In the previous study, models with three different fidelities were developed to ensure the reliability of the calculation and maintain sufficient flexibility to deal with various input conditions. Those three models consisted of a high-fidelity model that provided the most realistic response, a low-fidelity model with parameterized simplified geometry, and a mathematical model based on the shell theory. The maximum stress evaluation of the three models confirmed that the mathematical model provides the most conservative results than the other two models. The previous results demonstrate that mathematical models can be used in the code of computer modules. In this study, additional models of transport cask were created using parametric modeling techniques to improve the accuracy of the pressure limit assessment code for different cask and situations. The same boundary conditions and loading conditions were imposed as in the previous simplified model, and the maximum stress results considering the change in the shape of the transport container were derived and compared with the mathematical model. The comparison results showed that the mathematical model had more conservative values than the simplified model even under various input conditions. Accordingly, we applied the mathematical model to develop a transportation container pressure limit evaluation code that can be simulated in various situations such as shape change and various situations.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Long-term safe storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) determines sustainability of the current light water reactor (LWR) fleet. In the U.S., SNF is stored in stainless steel canister in dry cask storage system (DCSS) after spending several years in wet pool storage system while there is no DSCC in Republic of Korea. The SNF storage time in DSCC is expected to be multiple decades since no permanent geological repositories are identified in both countries. One limiting factor for extended storage of SNF in DSCC is chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking (CISCC) in the welded regions of the stainless steel canisters. The propensity for the occurrence of CISCC has warranted the development of the mitigation and repair technologies to ensure the safe and long-term storage for both present and new canister although no CISCC failure was reported yet. This study investigates cold spray deposition coatings of 304 L and 316 L stainless steels on prototypical stainless steel canisters such as sensitized flat and C-ring samples. The cold spray technology has been identified as the most promising approach by Extended Storage Collaboration Program (ESCP) driven by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). The talk includes microstructural characterization, adhesion strength measurement, residual stress evaluation, and corrosion behavior of the coated materials in boiling MgCl2 solution and electrochemical corrosion tests in NaCl solution. In addition, the capability of repair of cracks on the canister surface using the coating technology will be presented.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nuclear inspection is necessary to verify nuclear activities. If North Korea takes denuclearization, North Korea’s nuclear materials should be verified through non-destructive testing and destructive testing for nuclear material production. Since destructive testing of all substances is impossible, nondestructive testing is essential. Most non-destructive tests are performed by measuring the energy of gamma rays, but the characteristics of nuclear fuel can be evaluated by measuring neutron sources when enclosed with thick shields and when shielding structures are difficult to remove. Before the neutron source evaluation of MAGNOX used by North Korea, the relative characteristics will be evaluated later by analyzing the burnup, enrichment, and cooling time of the spent nuclear fuels discharged from the domestic nuclear power plant. This study evaluated the source strength and major nuclides according to burnup for the WH17×17 nuclear fuel assembly. The depletion calculation was conducted using SCALE 6.2 ORIGEN, and 3.5wt% enrichment, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 MWd/kg burnup, and five years cooling time, the minimum requirement for transport specified in the notice of the Nuclear Safety Commission, was applied. Although the impact assessment on enrichment should be evaluated with MCNP Tally to consider the fission reaction of the generated neutrons, this study only evaluated the spontaneous fission and (a, n) reactions that occurred first because it only evaluates the burnup impact. As burnup increased, neutron generation increased, and most of the total neutron strength occurred through spontaneous fission from the 10 MWd/kg burnup step. The influence of Pu-240 nuclides was dominant in the 10 MWd/kg burnup step but most neutrons were generated in tiny amounts of Cm- 244 generated from 20 MWd/kg burnup. Since DPRK’s 5 MWe Yongbyon MAGNOX has very low burnup (about 0.7 MWd/kg), the primary neutron sources of 10 MWd/kg, Am-241 and Pu isotopes, especially Pu-240, are expected to be used as indicators for evaluating spent nuclear fuel characteristics. If only specific nuclides are evaluated as major neutron sources at lower burnup than those evaluated in this study, in that case, the accuracy of non-destructive testing can be improved. Additionally, the evaluation according to the enrichment and cooling time should be considered as well.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Given the domestic situation, all nuclear power plants are located at the seaside, where interim storage sites are also likely to be located and maritime transportation is considered inevitable. Currently, Korea does not have an independently developed maritime transportation risk assessment code, and no research has been conducted to evaluate the release rate of radioactive waste from a submerged transportation cask in the sea. Therefore, secure technology is necessary to assess the impact of immersion accidents and establish a regulatory framework to assess, mitigate, and prevent maritime transportation accidents causing serious radiological consequences. The flow rate through a gap in a containment boundary should be calculated to determine the accurate release rate of radionuclides. The fluid flow through the micro-scale gap can be evaluated by combining the flow inside and outside the transportation cask. In this study, detailed computational fluid dynamic and simplified models are constructed to evaluate the internal flow in a transportation cask and to capture the flow and heat transfer around the transportation cask in the sea, respectively. In the future, fluid flow through the gap will be evaluated by coupling the models developed in this study.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to dispose of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) in deep geological repository, source term evaluation considering its specification, enrichment, burnup, cooling time should be performed. In this study, the measured values of Takahama-3 pressurized water reactor SNF (WH 17×17) samples were analyzed with SCALE 6.1/ORIGEN-S and TRITON code calculation results for validation. Unlike the ORIGENS code, TRITON code calculations differed from two-dimensional neutron flux distribution by using the multi-group cross-section library. Both calculation results from ORIGEN-S and TRITON code showed higher errors in 234U, 239Pu, and 241Pu compared to other actinide nuclides. In the case of axial locations of fuel rods in fuel assembly, fuel rods located at the edge of the fuel assembly presented increased errors due to nuclear reaction cross-section. Overall, the ORIGEN-S predictions informed more accurate agreement with the measured results compared with TRITON results. Especially to 235U, 239Pu, and 240Pu radionuclides, ORIGEN-S errors were denoted more than twice as low as the TRITON results. Comparing the calculation results with experimental results implied that the ORIGENS code was more accurate code than the TRITON code for source term evaluation.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Many countries have been developing their own FEP (Feature, Event, Process) lists to formulate radionuclide release scenarios in deep disposal repository of spent nuclear fuels and to assess the safety. The main issue in developing a FEP list is to ensure its completeness and comprehensiveness in examining all plausible scenarios of radionuclide release in a repository of interest. To this end, the NEA International FEP (IFEP) list as a generic reference have been developed and updated through long-term international collaborations. Leading countries advanced in the research field of deep geologic disposal of spent nuclear fuels have comparatively mapped their project-specific FEP (PFEP) lists with the IFEP list. Recently in 2019, NEA has published an updated version of IFEP list (ver. 3.0) which has a different classification system: the IFEP version 3.0 has the five main categories including the waste package, repository, geosphere, biosphere and external factors while the previous IFEP versions were mainly classified into the external, environmental, and contaminant factors. Most leading countries in this field, Finland and Sweden, recently succeeded to obtain the design and/or construction licenses for deep geologic disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Therefore, their PFEP lists should be good benchmark cases to the following countries. However, their PFEP lists have not comparatively mapped with the most recent version of IFEP and thus some gaps may exist in showing completeness and comprehensiveness in comparison to the IFEP version 3.0. In this study, we comparatively map the PFEP lists of Finland and Sweden to the IFEP version 3.0. The comparatively mapped PFEP list could be used as the basis for verifying the comprehensiveness and completeness of the domestic PFEP list currently under development in Korea.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Spent nuclear fuels are temporarily stored in nuclear power plant site. When a problem such as cracking of spent nuclear fuel assembly or cladding occurs or uranium that has not been separated during the reprocessing remains, it is necessary to treat it. The borosilicate glasses have been considered to vitrify whole spent nuclear fuel assembly. However, a large amount of Pb addition was necessary to oxidize metals in assembly to make them suitable for oxide glass vitrifcation. Furthermore, these borosilicate glasses need to be melted at high temperatures (> 1,400°C) when UO2 content is more than 20wt%. Iron phosphate glasses can be melted at a relatively low temperature (< 1,300°C) even with a similar UO2 addition. A composition of iron phosphate glass for immobilization of uranium oxide has been developed. The glasses have glass transition temperatures of ~555°C that are high enough to maintain its phase stability in geological repositories. The waste loading of UO2 in the glass is ~33.73wt%. Normalized elemental releases from the product consistency test were well below the US regulation of 2 g/m2. Nuclear criticality safety and heat generation in deep geological repositories were calculated using MCNP and computational fluid dynamics simulation, respectively. The glass had effective neutron multiplication factor (keff) of 0.755, which is smaller than the nuclear- criticality safety regulation of 0.95. Surface temperature of the disposal canister is expected to lower than the limit temperature (< 100°C). Most of the U in the glass is in the 4+state, which is more chemically durable than the 6+state. As a result of long-term dissolution experiment, chemically-durable uranium pyrophosphate (UP2O7) crystals were formed.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Korea, research on the development of safety case, including the safety assessment of disposal facility for the spent nuclear fuel, is being conducted for long-term management planning. The safety assessment procedure on disposal facility for the spent nuclear fuel heavily involves creating scenarios in which radioactive materials from the repository reach the human biosphere by combining Features, Events and Processes (FEP) that describe processes or events occurring around the disposal area. Meanwhile, the general guidelines provided by the IAEA or top-tier regulatory requirements addressed by each country do not mention detailed methods of ‘how to develop scenarios by combining individual FEPs’. For this reason, the overall frameworks of developing scenarios are almost similar, but their details are quite different depending on situation. Therefore, in order to follow up and clearly analyze the methods of how to develop scenarios, it is necessary to understand and compare case studies performed by each institution. In the previous companion paper entitled ‘Research Status and Trends’, the characteristics and advantages/disadvantages of representative scenario development methods were described. In this paper, which is a next series of the companion papers, we investigate and review with a focus on details of scenario development methods officially documented. In particular, we summarize some cases for the most commonly utilized methods, which are categorized as the ‘systematic method’, and this method is addressed by Process Influence Diagram (PID) and Rock Engineering System (RES). The lessons-learned and insight of these approaches can be used to develop the scenarios for enhanced Korean disposal facility for the spent nuclear fuel in the future.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recently, the deep geological disposal system isolating a spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is considered a disposal method of high-level radioactive waste for the safety of humans or the natural environment. The one of important requirements for maintaining the thermal stability of these systems is that the temperature of the buffer does not exceed 100°C even though the decay heat is emitted from highlevel radioactive wastes loaded in the disposal container. In 2007, a deep geological disposal system based on the Swedish disposal concept was developed for the SNF in Korea. To respond to the development process, the thermal stability of the deep geological disposal system developed for the disposal of domestic pressurized light water reactor (PWR) SNFs with discharged burn-up of 55 GWD/MTU was evaluated in 2019. The thing is that the recent fuel activity is pursuing to operate further high burn-up fuel conditions, and it leads to emergency core cooling system (ECCS) revision for extending the license for up to 60 or more than 60 GWD/MTU in the world. In this regard, this study evaluates numerically the thermal stability of the deep geological disposal system for the high burn-up PWR SNF having large decay heat compared to previous conditions for two different length disposal containers classified according to the length of PWR SNFs discharged from domestic nuclear power plants. A finite element analysis using a computational program was used to evaluate the thermal design requirements. Results show that both types of disposal containers would increase the temperature which reduces or fails to meet the safety margin of the disposal system. This study suggests that the design of the previous disposal system is needed to be further developed for the high burn-up PWR SNF which would be used in future nuclear power plant systems.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As an alternative technology for the efficient disposal of spent nuclear fuel, various process flows can be selected based on the recovered and separated radioactive nuclide group. This is to examine the efficiency of the disposal area of spent nuclear fuel when various disposal technologies and several treatment processes are applied to spent nuclear fuel, compared to the deep geological disposal of burying the entire spent fuel in the ground. Above all, the biggest advantage of the optional treatment processes is that it can be applied to various disposal methods (deep borehole disposal, deep geological disposal) because it can process spent fuel in various sizes and separate into some groups according to the properties of radionuclides. These optional processes are not new technology and currently available as of today, and the level is classified based on the stepwise separation of high heat emission nuclides and long half-life nuclides. This is to increase the efficiency of the disposal of spent nuclear fuel by separating and managing high-risk radionuclides separately. Relatively various optional processes are possible depending on the level, and characteristic analysis is performed on wastes treated with alternative technologies. The mass balance for each option process is completed, and the amount of waste is also calculated accordingly. These are used as basic data for waste disposal area and economic evaluation. Besides it is easy to process spent fuel of various sizes suitable for deep geological disposal or deep borehole disposal technology when an optional treatment technology is applied to spent fuel. However, since this selective process is based on the process structure constructed in a broad framework, it is considered that additional follow-up studies are needed not only on detailed technology but also on the flow and amount of waste.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In case a spent nuclear fuel transport cask is lost in the sea due to an accident during maritime transport, it is necessary to evaluate the critical depth by which the pressure resistance of the cask is maintained. A licensed type B package should maintain the integrity of containment boundary under water up to 200 m of depth. However, if the cask is damaged during accidents of severity excessing those of design basis accidents, or it is submerged in a sea deeper than 200 m, detailed analyses should be performed to evaluated the condition of the cask and possible scenarios for the release of radioactive contents contained in the cask. In this work, models to evaluate pressure resistance of an undamaged cask in the deep sea are developed and coded into a computer module. To ensure the reliability of the models and to maintain enough flexibility to account for a variety of input conditions, models in three different fidelities are utilized. A very sophisticated finite element analysis model is constructed to provide accurate response of containment boundary against external pressure. A simplified finite element model which can be easily generated with parameters derived from the dimensions and material properties of the cask. Lastly, mathematical formulas based on the shell theory are utilized to evaluate the stress and strain of cask body, lid and the bolts. The models in mathematical formula will be coded into computer model once they show good agreement with the other two model with much higher fidelity. The evaluation of the cask was largely divided into the lid, body, and bottom, bolts of the cask. It was confirmed that the internal stress of the cask was increased in accordance with the hydrostatic pressure. In particular, the lid and bottom have a circular plate shape and showed a similar deformation pattern with deflection at the center. The maximum stress occurred where the lid was in the center and the bottom was in contact with the body. Because the body was simplified and evaluated as a cylinder, only simple compression without torsion and bending was observed. The maximum stress occurred in the tangential direction from the inner side of the cylinder. The bolt connecting the lid and the body was subjected to both bending and tension at the same time, and the maximum stress was evaluated considering both tension and bending loads. In general, the results calculated by the formulas were evaluated to have higher maximum stresses than the analysis results of the simplified model. The results of the maximum stress evaluation in this study confirms that the mathematical models provide conservative results than the finite element models and can be used in the computer module.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In ROK, when designing a spent nuclear fuel (SNF) storage facility and cask, criticality safety analysis is performed assuming that the SNF is a fresh fuel in order to ensure conservatism. Storage and transportation capacity can be increased by more than 30% by applying the burnup credit, but it has not been applied to the management of SNF. On the other hand, currently in criticality safety analysis, average burnup value is applied to axial burnup profiles, and it is not conservative because burnup of the middle of SNF is greater than average value. Thus, measuring burnup of SNF with high accuracy contributes to the economics and safety of the management of SNF. In this paper, nondestructive burnup evaluation methods for SNF are reviewed in order to study how to measure burnup more accurately. Gamma ray spectrometry and neutron counting have been used as non-destructive burnup evaluation methods of SNF. Gamma spectrum analysis uses the ratio of Cs-134/Cs-137 or Eu-154/Cs-137. The ratio of Cs-134/Cs-137 is used to SNF with cooling time less than 20 years, and the ratio of Eu- 154/Cs-137 is used to SNF with cooling time more than 20 years due to their half-life. In spectrum analysis, detector sensors with high efficiency and energy resolution are needed to clarify each spectrum. High-purity germanium (HPGe) detector has high energy resolution. However, it is not suitable for the analysis of the SNF in the spent fuel pool because it requires separate cooling system and large volume. Thus, CdZnTe (CZT) detector, which has medium energy resolution, is used as a detector of gamma ray spectrometry for the analysis of the SNF in the spent fuel pool. Recently, LaBr3 detector has been commercialized. Although it is difficult to compare clearly due to different conditions such as detector volume and crystal size, LaBr3 detector showed better resolution than CZT in the entire energy region. Neutron counting method has a large error compared to gamma spectrometry because the neutron flux is lower than gamma ray, and neutron absorption reaction, induced fission, and pool environment have to be considered. Large quantity of gamma energy is deposited in the detector by the fission fragments near the SNF. Therefore, fission chambers, which have the highest insensitivity to gamma rays, must be used as neutron detector in order to avoid noise from gamma rays.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For the transport of spent nuclear fuel, it is necessary to evaluate the amount of radioactivity for each assembly and the total amount of radioactivity for each cask. Currently, KHNP is evaluating the radioactivity using the Express mode of the OrigenArp program in the SCALE6.1 code. Express mode is a method to evaluate the radioactivity assuming that it has been burned with the same power per cycle, and Detail mode is a method to evaluate the actual combustion history such as power and cooling time for each cycle. For a total of 3,795 assemblies, including 1,391 assembliess for Kori Unit 1, 1,427 assemblies for Hanbit Unit 2, and 977 assemblies for Hanul Unit 3, the radioactivity was evaluated in Express mode and Detail mode, respectively, and the results were compared. As a result of the evaluation, it was confirmed that the results of the Express mode were evaluated more conservatively by 2.5~12.9% than that of the Detail mode. Accordingly, KHNP established a plan to change the evaluation method from Express mode to Detail mode in order to improve the accuracy of the radioactivity assessment results and eliminate conservatism.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For safe management of spent nuclear fuels, they should be delivered to repository or waste disposal site. As the amount of spent nuclear fuel transportation is expected to increase in the future due to the provision of an intermediate storage facility, the necessity to secure transportation cask is emerging. In order to secure the spent nuclear fuel transportation cask, it is necessary to analyze the regulatory processes for domestic and foreign spent nuclear fuel transportation cask. In this study, the regulatory processes for domestic and foreign spent nuclear fuel transportation cask was analyzed. In this study, the IAEA, US, and Korea spent nuclear fuel transportation cask regulatory processes were analyzed. The domestic and foreign spent nuclear fuel transportation cask regulatory processes consist of design phase, manufacturing phase, and operation phase. In the design stage, the transport requirements are designed in accordance with the safety requirements of international organizations and countries. The application to be submitted when applying for approval should include a safety analysis report, evidence proving compliance with safety requirements et al. In the manufacturing stage, it is a stage to check whether the safety requirements are satisfied before the first use after manufacturing the transportation cask. Inspections include welding inspection, leakage inspection, shielding inspection, and thermal inspection. In the operation stage, it is a stage of periodically performing inspections for continuous maintenance of the package when the transportation cask is used. The inspection items to be performed are similar to the manufacturing stage and typically include performance inspection of components and leakage inspection. In this study, domestic and foreign spent nuclear fuel transportation cask regulatory processes were analyzed. It was found that the domestic and foreign spent nuclear fuel transportation cask regulatory processes consist of the design phase, the manufacturing phase, and the operation phase. The results of this study can be used as basic data for policy decision-making for the spent nuclear fuel cask.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As the saturation rate of temporary storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel increases, regulatory demands such as interim storage and permanent disposal of spent nuclear fuel are expected to begin in earnest. Considering the domestic situation where all nuclear power plants are located on the waterfront site, the interim storage site is also likely to be located on the waterfront site, and maritime transportation is one of the essential management stages. Currently, there are no independently developed maritime transportation risk assessment code in Korea, and no research has been conducted to evaluate the release of radioactive waste due to the sinking of transport container. Therefore, it is necessary to secure technology to properly reflect the domestic maritime transportation environment and to assess the impact of the sinking accident and to carry out safety regulations. To accurately calculate the releaser rate of radionuclides contained in a cask with breached containment boundary, the flow rate through the gap generated in the containment boundary should be calculated. The fluid flow through this gap which is probably in micro scale in most situations should be evaluated combining the fluid flow inside and outside the cask. In this study, a detailed computational fluid dynamics model to evaluate the internal fluid flow in the cask and a simplified model to capture the fluid flow and the heat transfer around the cask in the sea are constructed. The results for the large scale model are compared with the analytic formula for verification of heat transfer coefficient and they showed good agreements. The heat transfer coefficient thus found can be used in the detailed model to provide more realistic data than those obtained from assumed heat transfer coefficient around the surface of the cask. In the future, fluid flow through the gap between the lid and the body of the cask will be evaluated coupling the models developed in this work.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Operating and decommissioning nuclear power plants generates radioactive waste. This radioactive waste can be categorized into several different levels, for example, low, intermediate, and high, according to the regulations. Currently, low and intermediate-level waste are stored in conventional 200-liter drums to be disposed. However, in Korea, the disposal of intermediate-level radioactive waste is virtually impossible as there are no available facilities. Furthermore, large-sized intermediate- level radioactive waste, such as reactor internals from decommissioning, need to be segmented into smaller sizes so they can be adequately stored in the conventional drums. This segmentation process requires additional costs and also produces secondary waste. Therefore, this paper suggests repurposing the no-longer-used spent nuclear fuel casks. The casks are larger in size than the conventional drums, thus requiring less segmentation of waste. Furthermore, the safety requirements of the spent nuclear fuel casks are severer than those of the drums. Hence, repurposed spent nuclear fuel casks could better address potential risks such as dropping, submerging, or a fire. In addition, the spent nuclear fuel casks need to be disposed in compliance with the regulations for low level radioactive waste. This cost may be avoided by repurposing the casks.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Thermodynamically, TRUOx, REOx, and SrOx can be chlorinated using ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) as a chlorinating agent, whereas uranium oxides (U3O8 and UO2) remain in the oxide form. In the preliminary experiments of this study, U3O8 and CeO2 are reacted separately with NH4Cl at 623 K in a sealed reactor. CeO2 is highly reactive with NH4Cl and becomes chlorinated into CeCl3. The chlorination yield ranges from 96% to 100%. By contrast, U3O8 remains as UO2 even after chlorination. We produced U/REOx- and U/SrOx-simulated fuels to understand the chlorination characteristics of the oxide compounds. Each simulated fuel is chlorinated with NH4Cl, and the products are dissolved in LiCl-KCl salt to separate the oxide compounds from the chloride salt. The oxide compounds precipitate at the bottom. The precipitate and salt phases are sampled and analyzed via X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive spectroscopy, and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy. The analysis results indicate that REOx and SrOx can be easily chlorinated from the simulated fuels; however, only a few of U oxide phases is chlorinated, particularly from the U/SrOx-simulated fuels.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Korea, research on the introduction of dry storage facility is being conducted as an alternative to saturation of temporary storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel. The introduction of dry storage facilities requires a radiological impact assessment on the workers of the facility, and for this, an appropriate exposure scenario must be derived through work procedure analysis. In this study, the procedure for storing spent nuclear fuel in dry storage facilities was analyzed based on the case of evaluating the radiological impact of workers in dry storage facilities abroad. We investigated cases of radiological impact assessment on workers at on-site dry storage facilities by PNNL, Dominion, and P. F. Weck. PNNL and Dominion analyzed the storage work procedure of the VSC (Vertical Storage Cask) method using CASTOR V/21, TN-32, respectively, and conducted a radiological impact assessment. P. F. Weck analyzed the storage work procedure of various spent nuclear fuel casks for VSC and HSM (Horizontal Storage Module), conducted a radiological impact assessment. As a result of comparing the procedure for storing spent nuclear fuel by case, it was found that the storage procedure was determined by the storage method and the cask type. In the case of VSC method, canister-type casks and basket-type casks are used, and the storage procedure are partially different according to each. Canister-type cask requires repackaging from transfer overpack to storage overpack, but basket-type cask doesn’t require that procedure. In the case of the HSM method, only the canister type cask was found to be used. However, the storage procedure was different depending on the type of HSM system. Depending on the type of HSM system, the necessity of cask for on-site transport was different. In this study, we investigated and analyzed the work procedure according to the storage method of dry storage facilities abroad. It was found that the dry storage procedure of spent nuclear fuel different according to the storage method and type of cask. The results of this study can be used as basic when deriving the exposure scenario for spent nuclear fuel dry storage workers suitable for the domestic situation.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To rationalize the protection of spent nuclear fuel transport storage cask, we intend to investigate the status of domestic and foreign safety regulations and related technologies to develop sabotage scenarios and analyze the protection performance and radiation impact of transport storage cask. It is essential to conduct an aircraft collision safety evaluation on spent nuclear fuel transportation and storage casks in Korea due to changes in laws and regulations related to nuclear power plant design and demand for enhanced safety. Domestic and foreign research on the protection performance of spent nuclear fuel transport storage cask was based on 9.11 events, and the results of all studies show that the speed of the aircraft and leakage of nuclear materials are insignificant. The Sandia National Laboratory (SNL) calculates Aerosol emissions from spent fuel damage in the event of sabotage and calculates Source Term based on the Durbin-Luna model. In this paper, radiation sensitivity analysis was performed due to damage to the carrier according to the size of the accident, assuming that there was a hole enough to basket from the external shell among the collision scenarios identified for domestic cask models.
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