
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3,239

        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Precise determination of insemination time is an important factor. However, the detection is intensive labor observing behaviors of sows. Previous researchers have tried to find indicators for easy detection of optimum time of insemination. The one of the indicators is change of temperature for estrous cycle. Therefore, this study was conducted to determined alteration of vulvar and rectal temperature in Duroc sows during estrus period for detection of optimum time of insemination. Experimental animals were twelve Duroc sows 2 parity for winter season. The sows were feeding 5 ml regumate (estrus synchronization agent) during 15 days, and then measured temperature of vulva and rectum when half day by thermal camera and thermometer. Also, conventional method was utilized as control. By the conventional method, estrus was identified at four days after ending supply of regumate. At the same time, temperature of the vulva and rectum was higher than other days. Average temperature in valva and rectum was 38.8 ℃ in estrous sows, wherease non-estrous sows were 38.7℃. This difference of temperature suggested feasibility as indicator inseminating optimum time. Henceforward, ummanned estrous detection system can be useful by economic improvement via reduction of labor in swine farm.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Results of this study appeared chicken breeding households nationwide in 3,323 households. Local broiler breeding two numbers are Jeonbuk>Chungnam>Jeonnam> Gyeonggi>Gyeongbuk>Chungbuk>Gyeongnam>Gangwon>Jeju appeared in other net. Local chicken breeding numbers are Chungnam>Jeonbuk>Gyeongbuk>Jeonam> Chungbuk>Gyeongnam>Gangwon appeared in order. Livestock mortality is 482,000 numbers in 2012, and 911,000 numbers in 2014 and 2.494,000 numbers in 2015, a significant increase year by to 4.298,000 numbers in 2016. Insurance 11.2 billion in 2012, 49.8 billion in 2013, 21.2 billion in 2014, 74.5 million won was paid in 2015 is expected to be paid in 2016, 128.4 billion won. A study on the future, preventing livestock damage caused by high temperature will have to continue.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Amblyseius eharai is a good candidate for biological control agent for major agricultural pest mites such as twospotted spider mites, rust mites, etc. in orchard systems. A. eharai is a native predatory mite of East Asia, and is one of the abundant predatory mites in orchards in Korea. However, ecological studies on this species including its reproductive ability have not been studied yet. Thus, in this study, temperature-dependent developmental rate of adult A. eharai, and three major oviposition related models were studied using six constant temperatures (18.0, 21.6, 24.1, 27.4, 30.2 and 33.2 ℃) with Tetranychus urticae as prey. Temperature-dependent developmental rate, survival rate and oviposition rate of A. eharai adults were well described with a non-linear equation (r2=0.99), a reverse sigmoid function (r2=0.94), and a Weibull function (r2=0.98), respectively. The fecundity was fitted with an Extreme value function (r2=0.99) and the highest in 24.3 ℃. These results would be helpful to verify the abilities of A. eharai as a bio-control agent in the fruit trees.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The azuki bean weevil, Callosobruchus chinensis L., which is one of the notorious stored grain insect pest. Temperature-dependent development of C. chinensis. was examined at six temperatures of 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, and 34℃ on azuki bean and cowpea seeds. The total developmental time (egg to adult) decreased with increasing temperature from 14 to 34℃ on both seeds. However, total developmental time varied from 127.9 and 125.9 days at 14℃ to 19.9 and 20.3 days at 34℃ on azuki bean and cowpea seeds, respectively. The lower temperature thresholds (Tmin) were estimated to be 9.52℃ and 10.36℃, and the thermal constants (K) were 526.31 DD and 454.54 DD, on azuki bean and cowpea using general linear model, respectively, and the lower temperature thresholds and the thermal constants estimated by Ikemoto-Takai linear models were 10.63℃ and 10.79℃, and were 466.18 DD and 436.28 DD, on azuki bean and cowpea, respectively. These findings on thermal requirements and temperature thresholds can be used to predict the occurrence, number of generations and population dynamics of C. chinensis.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The spring emergence of individual insect would be influenced by surface temperature during winter season. The oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta, overwinter as a full-grown larva within spherical and compactly woven cocoons in the clefts of tree bark. It consume new shoots early and fruits later in the growing season. To estimate the spring emergence of G. molesta, we used the lower developmental threshold (8.14°C) and thermal constant (279.3) for overwintering G. molesta. The climate data were obtained from the web site of the Korea Meterological Administration(KMA) from 1975 to 2015 at 61 locations, respectively. The spring emergence of G. molesta was changed depending on ambient temperature of each year.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Asiatic apple leafminer, Phyllonorycter ringoniella Matsumura (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) is an important insect pest in apple orchard, however little is known about its demography and relationship with environmental factors. The effect of five constant temperatures (13.3, 15.3, 20.7, 26.1, and 30.0℃) on the demography of P. ringoniella was examined based on jackknife randomization method in the laboratory. The lowest (34.0%) and highest (63.3%) survivorship of immature stages occurred at 30.0 and 20.7℃, respectively. Sex ratio was estimated to be 0.5 and was unaffected by the temperature. Mean developmental times of immature stage were inversely related to temperature and varied from 25.9 days at 26.1℃ to 76.4 days at 13.3℃. Female adult longevity was longest at 15.3℃ (18.6 ± 0.96 days) and shortest at 30℃ (5.4 ± 0.27 days). The highest (86.24) and lowest (13.59) gross fecundity rate occurred at 15.3 and 30.0℃, respectively, while daily egg production displayed its highest (6.48) and lowest (2.12) values at 26.1 and 30.0℃, respectively. The highest net reproductive rate (R0), intrinsic rate of increase (r), and finite rate of increase (λ) obtained at 20.7℃ were 12.43, 0.064, and 1.067, respectively. Mean generation time (T) decreased with increasing temperatures from 85.24 days at 13.3℃ to 30.48 days at 30.0℃. Doubling time (DT) varied significantly with temperature and the shortest value (10.75 days) was obtained at 20.7℃. The life expectancies of female adult were estimated to be 16.2, 18.6, 10.8, 7.2, and 5.4 days at 13.3, 15.3, 20.7, 26.1, and 30.0℃, respectively. This study was the first time to report demographic biology of P. ringoniella, thus it provide potential direction for future research on P. ringoniella and its natural enemies in apple orchards.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A self-powered time-temperature indicator (TTI) was optimized to enhance the performance of the TTI by modifying a biofuel cell using different immobilization, redox mediators, and status of electrode. The performance of the TTI was measured by output voltage of the TTI. The enzymes and combinations of lacasse mediators (HBT (1-hydroxybenzotriazole), Rupy (Bis-(bipyridine)-(5-aminophenanthroline) ruthenium bis (hexafluorophosphate)), MB (Methylene blue), SDP (4,4- sulfonyldiphenol)) and glucose oxidase mediators (FA (Ferroceneboxaldehyde), DBQ(2,5-dihydroxybenzoquinone), HQS (8-hydroxyquinoline-5sulfonic acid hydrate), FHFP (Ferrocenium hexafluorophosphate)) were immobilized with stabilizers (pyrrole) on a glassy carbon electrode by electrodeposition by applying a square wave, cross-linking and physical immobilization. MWCNTs were used to modify glassy carbon electrodes. MWCNTs coated electrodes produced higher output voltage than uncoated electrodes. The optimum and stable performance of the self-powered TTI was that the output voltage of 64 mV and duration time was 3hr at 25°C, when the combination of Rupy, MB for laccase mediators and HQS, FHFP for glucose oxidase mediators were immobilized on MWCNTs coated electrodes by applying a square wave method. In the application, the concentrations of enzyme and glucose were adjusted to prolong the shelf-life of TTI at much lower output voltage.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Time-temperature indicators or integrators (TTIs) indicate food quality changes based on time-temperature history. Whilst many types of TTIs have been developed and commercialized, educated consumers often refuse to purchase food products with attached TTI labels showing even a slight color change. In this study, a novel on-off diffusion-based TTI coupled with polydiacetylene/silica nanocomposites has been proposed. The prototype TTI tag has a multilayer structure comprised of a self-adhesive base layer, a middle microporous sheet, and an upper opaque white layer coupled with a square reservoir of Tween 20 attached to an activation stripe. At the end of the diffusion path, polydiacetylene/silica nanocomposites were injected into a loading site as a fine blue stripe. After activation, Tween 20 diffused and reached the loading site, where it rapidly changed from blue-to-red via solvatochromism. This alternative and innovative TTI continuously showed a blue color until reaching the end point, at which stage a red color rapidly appeared, indicating product rejection. Thus, this novel TTI it is of great benefit to the brand owner. The developed prototype was characterized and evaluated for its ability to monitor microbial quality based on published, isothermal, microbial growth data of modified-atmosphere packaged minced beef, Mediterranean fish, and ground pork. The diffusion of Tween 20 in the TTI system was measured under various isothermal conditions and a kinetic model, based on the association between diffusion and time-temperature, was investigated. The Gaussian-estimated activation energy value was 51.082kJ mol-1. Tween 20 diffusion of 6.10, 5.15 and 6.15mm along the TTI systems were considered to be end points and the 95% confidence interval between the times taken for TTI to display OFF and for the foods to reach their deterioration thresholds were 23.30-23.70, 23.00-23.50 and 23.44-24.05h for total aerobic bacteria, Shewanella putrefaciens, and Pseudomonas spp. respectively. The TTI performance test for reproducibility and accuracy revealed a normal frequency distribution with 35004.90, 1200.254.82 and 549.811.09min at 0, 11 and 25C, respectively in accordance with the investigation of diffusion in the TTI.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the development of marketing, time-temperature indicator (TTI) is applied to monitor the storage temperature and time to predict the shelf-life of food by irreversible color change. This study mainly focused on developing the solid-type enzymatic time temperature indicator as a first exploration on printable TTI. It was based on the phenomenon that starch would change its color into blue when meets iodine, and the hydrolysis of enzyme make the color turn to colorless gradually. Combining the microencapsulation technology to immobilize enzyme, several TTIs with different formulas were achieved, and hopefully to be applied on different foods, whose storage temperature is 4 and their shelf-life could be 5-6 days. Chilled pork meat was chosen as an indicating target to figure out a suitable specific TTI by activation energy comparing and lasting time matching.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aims: The objective of this study was to demonstrate the possible use of the psycrhotrophic, acid producing, and non-pathogenic microflora of the target chilled food (e.g. imitation crab sticks, ICSs) as time-temperature integrator-based materials for a quality indicator of the food. Methods and Results: Three strains out of four hundred and twelve psychrotrophic LAB colonies isolated from the ICSs were selected and identified as the genus Weissella (16S rDNA gene sequences), Gram-positive, catalase-negative, acid producing, and not hemolytic. Three prototype TTIs were correspondingly developed. A modified imitation crab medium was used as the bacterial nutrient source. The color change of a particular TTI in response to the experimental static and dynamic temperature conditions well represented the microbial growth and spoilage points of the Pseudomonas spp. and LAB which were justified as the spoilage microorganisms of thirty-three commercial ICSs. Conclusions: The psychrotrophic LAB based TTI is likely to be an effective tool for monitoring ICSs shelf life during storage and distribution. Significance and Impact of the Study: This finding suggests that the indigenous microflora of target food can be considered as potential materials for customizing a new TTI particularly for the target food. The food analog is potentially used as the microbial medium.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the mixing method of positive paste and mixing temperature to improve the capacity of the lead-acid batteries has been investigated. The results show that the initial current capacity of lead acid battery depend on the mixing temperature and mixing method of positive paste. In the results of the capacity cycle repetition tests for estimating the life cycle, the 3BS showed the PCL. but the fine 4BS represented certain improved cycles compared to that of the coarse 4BS. It was considered that the fine 4BS showed higher bond strength between active materials than the coarse 4BS and represented large contact areas and that lead to prevent possible sulfation due to the suppression of insulating layers.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목 적: 화학수송법으로 성장시킨 Ga2Se3 및 Ga2Se3 : Co2+ 단결정의 광학적 에너지 띠 간격 energy band gap의 온도의존성을 규명하고, 이로부터 기초적 열역학 함수를 추정고자 한다. 방 법: gallium(99.9999 %, 2 mol), selenium(99.9999 %, 3 mol), cobalt(99.99 %, 0.1 mol %) 그리고 수송물질로 iodine(99.99 %, 6 mg/cm3)을 함께 석영관에 넣고 내부를 5×10-6 torr로 유지하면서 봉입하여 성장용 ampoule을 만들었다. 성장용 ampoule을 2단 전기로의 중앙에 위치시키고, 결정 성장측의 잔류불순 물을 깨끗이 제거한 후, 시료 출발측을 890 ℃, 성장측을 780 ℃로 6일간 유지하여 단결정을 성장시켰다. 기초 흡수단 부근에서 에너지 띠 간격의 온도의존성을 구하기 위하여 저온장치(Air Products, SH-4)가 부 착된 UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer(Hitachi, U-3501)를 사용하여 광흡수 스펙트럼을 측정하였다. 결과 및 고찰: Ga2Se3 및 Ga2Se3 : Co2+ 단결정들의 광흡수 스펙트럼은 순수한 Ga2Se3 단결정의 경우 570 nm영역에서, Ga2Se3 : Co2+ 단결정의 경우 594 nm영역에서 광흡수가 급격히 증가하여 cobalt를 첨가한 단 결정의 기초 흡수단이 장파장 측으로 이동됨을 볼 수 있었다. 또한 에너지 띠 간격의 온도의존성은 Varshni 가 제안한 실험식으로부터 구하였다. 결 론: 성장된 단결정의 구조는 cubic구조이었고, 이들의 격자상수 값은 Ga2Se3 및 Ga2Se3 : Co2+ 단결정 들에 대하여 각각 a = 5.442 Å, a = 5.672 Å이었다. 광흡수 스펙트럼으로부터 구한 optical energy band gap(Eg)의 band구조는 직접 전이형이었고, 에너지 띠 간격의 온도의존성은 Varshni방정식이 잘 적용되었 다. 이때 구한 상수 값은 Ga2Se3 단결정의 경우 Eg(0) = 2.177 eV, α= 7.8×10-4eV/K, β= 378 K로 주어 지고, Ga2Se3 : Co2+단결정의 경우 Eg(0) = 2.089 eV, α= 1.20×10-3 eV/K, β= 349 K로 주어졌다. 이들 값 으로부터 구한 에너지 띠 간격의 온도의존성으로부터 열역학 함수인 entropy(SCV), heat capacity(CCV), enthalpy(HCV) 값을 추정할 수 있었다.