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        검색결과 143

        2021.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, strawberry cultivation environment in a greenhouse located in Jeonju was monitored and internal environmental parameters were analyzed. Temperature, humidity, RAD, and PPF sensors were installed to monitor environmental conditions in the test greenhouse. Data were collected every 10 minutes during four winter months from sensors placed across the greenhouse to assess its permeability and environmental uniformity. Temperature and humidity inside the greenhouse were relatively uniform with negligible deviations among the center, south, and north; however, it was judged that further analysis of gradients of these parameters f rom the east to t he w est of t he g reenhouse w ould b e needed. Both R AD (Total solar radiation) a nd P PF (Photosynthetic photon flux) had high values on the south and were low on the north and the reduction rate of these parameters was 54% and 61%, respectively, indicating that a significant amount of light could not be transmitted. This implied a significant decrease in the amount of light entering the greenhouse during winter. Therefore, it is concluded that environmental control devices and auxiliary lighting are needed to achieve uniform greenhouse environment for efficient strawberry cultivation.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Technology used by human beings has developed drastically over the years. Although people enjoy affluent lives as a result of this development, the depletion of resources has brought about a variety of environmental problems such as emission of fine dust, treatment of waste water, and global warming. Although studies on environmental pollution are being conducted continuously, there are a limited number of studies that analyze research trends from quantitative and qualitative perspectives. In order to examine the current research landscape, we employed Scopus to combine research interest in environmental science with bibliographic analysis. Among 74,089 papers published in 57 journals of environmental science, 3,212 papers were published by Korean authors and citations per publications and Field-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI) of those papers were 7.3 and 1.0, respectively. By assessing the bibliometric indicators in the field of environmental science, this study provides insight into research trends and related data to aid researchers in developing research strategies.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the water quality components (pH, BOD, COD, TOC, SS, DO, TP) and the water quality, observed for 10 years (2008~2017) in the five tributaries of the Nakdong River with the highest flow rates, were analyzed. Monthly levels of the water quality components were estimated and regression functions were used to quantitatively explain the changes in the BOD and COD components, with respect to the TOC components. The results of analyzing the water quality levels in terms of the living environmental standards show that the lowest water quality was observed midstream (ST-3) and the highest water quality was observed upstream (ST-1 and ST-2). The regression function was estimated to be a linear function in all five tributaries, and the goodness of fit of the function was high upstream (ST-2), midstream (ST-3), and downstream (ST-4). According to the regression analysis using the observation data from 2008~2017, we found that the consumption of dissolved oxygen increased with an increase in organic matter in the major tributaries of the Nakdong River.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The National Environmental Specimen Bank (NESB) has been sampling and cryogenically preserving various wildlife specimens to monitor bio-accumulations of chemical pollutants since 2010. Recently, the NESB set up a plan to develop reference materials at their facility to assure the analytical quality of and validate the analytical methods for their monitoring samples. One of the crucial characteristics of reference materials is intra- and inter-bottle homogeneity. In this study, we used ANOVA for total mercury concentrations in some samples to validate their homogeneities after milling and homogenization. We examined the intra- and inter-bottle homogeneities of two cryogenically-milled samples (Korean mussel (Mytilus coruscus) and black-tailed gull’s egg (Larus crassirostris). The variations in the total mercury concentrations were not significantly different intra- and inter-bottle (mussel: F=0.74, p=0.67; gull egg: F=1.96, p=0.10). Additionally, the relative standard deviations of the total mercury concentrations showed low values (mussel: 2.02%, gull egg: 1.78%). Therefore, the cryogenic-milling process statistically proves the homogeneity of the materials of mussels and sea gull eggs for chemical analysis for total mercury.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed to analyze socioeconomic effect of eco-friendly free school food supply system by Seoul, which has been consistently extended since 2011. To do so, effect of eco-friendly free school food supply system on the beneficiaries, Seoul citizens, was analyzed by using ‘labor & income panel’, while that on rural society was analyzed by using the surveys on the eco-friendly agricultural product supply performance by the ‘Eco-friendly Agricultural Products Retail Center’ as well as for students, school parents, nutrition teachers and nutritionists. The results of analysis showed that eco-friendly school food supply system contributes to income redistribution among the Seoul citizens to a certain extent, provides the eco-friendly agricultural product producers in the rural society with the stable market, and positively influences them to secure stable incomes. In addition, eco-friendly free school food reduced the amount of carbon emissions through the use of environmentally friendly agricultural products resulting in environmental improvements and economic benefits. Considering such effects, free school food supply using the eco-friendly agricultural products needs to be consistently maintained in the future without politic change by political ideology and to be extended to middle school level in medium and short-term.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study revolved around the forests of Yangjae Citizen’s Forest, a park where the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) was applied. The survey methods for analysis are as follows. From August to October, a total of eight surveys were conducted and 147 of the 300 samples collected were utilized for analysis. According to the results of the survey, 43.5% of participants were males and 56.5% were females. The highest number of participants visited the forest at midday and aged twenties visited most among all age groups. The participants visited the forest mostly with family and the main purpose of visit was for walking exercise including strolling. In case of criminal experience two sexual harassment (6.0%), and a fraud crime (3.0%) were tallied. Insecurity analysis resulted that “other users’ drinking” and “few Closed-Circuit Televisions (CCTVs)” were found to increase visitor’s insecurity. According to the psychological security analysis, participants reported they felt safer in open space than the enclosed areas. They also responded that dense wooded areas along the trails would increase the level of insecurity, while open space and resting areas were effectively relieve unsafe feelings. CCTVs and lighting fixtures facilities in the study area play an important role to effectively manage the park to prevent crime.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzes an economic efficiency of environmental friendly farm and conventional farm using the data envelopment analysis (DEA). We compare the economic efficiency of Environmental Friendly farm and Conventional farm. We also analyze the effects of some explanatory variables on allocative efficiency (AE), pure technology efficiency (PTE) and scale efficiency (SE). In the case of strawberries farm, environmental friendly farm has higher overall efficiency (OE) than conventional farm. But tomatoes farm has higher overall efficiency (OE) than conventional farm. And We measure returns to scale of farms. Most strawberries and tomatoes farms showed Increasing to Scale (IRS).
        2017.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        원전 주변의 농경지에서 생산되는 농산물은 방사능 오염으로 인해 체내 방사능 오염을 유발할 가능성을 가질 수 있다. 이에 원전 주변에서 채취된 농산물을 건조 처리하여 섭취에 의한 내부피폭선량 평가를 위해 90Sr의 방사능 농도의 한계치를 알아보고자 하였다. 감마동위원소 분석결과 모든 시료에서 인공핵종은 검출 되지 않았으며, 쌀에서 < 0.0166~0.0336 Bq/kg-fresh, 배추에서 <0.00586~0.0421 Bq/kg-fresh, 열무에서 <0.013 5 ~0.106 Bq/kg-fresh, 배에서 0.0114 ~ 0.0901 Bq/kg-fresh 로서 평상변동범위 수준이었다. 일반인에 대한 연간 선량한도인 1.0 mSv 대비 쌀, 배추, 열무의 90Sr에 대해 각각 0.0177%, 0.0222%, 0.0376%, 0.00243%가 나 왔으며, 이 값은 일반인에 대한 법적 기준치 1 mSv/yr∙man 비해 0.1 % 미만의 값이 나타났다. 따라서 식생활에서 음식 섭취량 또는 연령을 고려하여 어린이, 어른이 섭취하는 식품에 대한 폭넓은 평가가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
        2017.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        국제연합식량농업기구(FAO)는 2050년, 전 세계 인구 수가 약 90억에 이를 것으로 예측하였다. 이와 같은 인구 증가는 여러 식량 및 환경 문제들을 야기할 수 있다. 또한 식량 및 에너지원 생산과정에서 자연계에 과잉으로 배출되는 질소, 인은 토양 산성화 및 부영양화 등의 환경문제를 유발할 수 있다. 이에 대한 해결책으로 FAO에서는 ‘곤충’을 자원(식・약품, 사료, 비료 등)으로 활용하는 것을 제시하였다. 현재 국내 연구는 곤충의 이용가능성 여부 및 활용기술개발 위주의 연구에 치중되어있어 곤충활용에 따른 환경성 연구는 전무한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 국내에서 식용곤충으로 인정받은 곤충 6종 중 갈색거저리와 벼메뚜기를 선정하여 곤충의 활용방안에 따른 환경성 평가를 진행하였다. 갈색거저리는 최근 식량자원으로써 각광받고 있는 종이며 번데기까지 사용할 수 있는 완전변태 곤충이다. 벼메뚜기는 예로부터 식품으로 이용된 친숙한 종이며 대표적인 불완전변태 곤충이다. 본 연구의 목적은 곤충 분류(번데기의 유무)에 따른 활용방안의 환경성을 비교・평가하고 이를 기존 단백질원과 비교하는 것이다. 갈색거저리와 벼메뚜기의 환경성 평가는 질소, 인 흐름분석 및 전과정평가를 사용하였다. 이는 인간이 곤충을 단백질원으로 섭취하였을 경우와 곤충 사료로 키운 가축을 섭취하였을 경우로 나누어 분석하였다. 이를 토대로 물질흐름의 각 단계를 비료, 작물, 곤충, 가축, 사람으로 나누어 유입, 유출되는 질소와 인의 양을 산정하고 이에 따른 질소, 인 이용효율을 산정하였다. 또한 갈색거저리와 벼메뚜기 사육 시 발생하는 온실가스 량을 기존의 단백질원 생산과 비교 하였다.연구 결과 갈색거저리가 기존 단백질원인 한우와 벼메뚜기보다 질소, 인이용효율이 높았으며 온실가스 발생량이 적었다. 또한 갈색거저리는 번데기까지 사료로써 이용이 가능하기 때문에 활용범위가 넓을 것이라 생각한다.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        산업활동으로 인한 대량생산, 대량소비, 대량폐기의 사회체계는 자원고갈, 지구온난화 등의 환경문제를 유발시켜 인류의 지속가능성을 위협하고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 자원순환형 사회체계 구축은 다양성, 자립성, 안전성, 순환성을 강조하는 지속가능성의 관점에서 인류의 생존을 위한 필수적인 방향으로 인식되고 있다. 자원순환형 경제 및 산업구조 구축을 위해서는 자원순환기술의 개발을 통한 폐기물의 자원화 실현이 수행되어야 한다. 한편 폐기물 자원화를 위한 재활용기술 역시 공정가동을 위해 사용되는 에너지 및 자원으로 인해 환경오염이 발생되고, 경제적인 측면에서 새로운 자원을 채취하는 것보다 많은 비용을 발생시킬 수 있다. 따라서 재활용재와 신재에 대한 전과정평가 수행을 통해 환경·경제적 가치를 분석하고 재활용 기술의 경쟁력 증진을 위한 개선안을 도출하는 것은 지속가능한 자원순환형 경제 및 산업구조 구축을 위해 매우 중요하다. 본 연구는 LCD, 반도체 등의 생산공정에서 발생하는 공정폐액에서 귀금속(금, 은)을 회수하는 재활용 기술을 대상으로 전과정평가를 수행하여 지구온난화, 자원소모, 산성화, 부영양화, 광화학적산화물생성의 5대 영향 범주에 대해 환경영향을 평가하였다. 공정폐액 1L 처리 시 지구온난화 영향은 5.26E-02 kg CO2 eq., 자원소모 영향은 3.06E-04 kg Sb eq., 산성화 영향은 1.31E-04 kg SO2 eq. 부영양화 영향은 9.70E-05 kg PO43- eq., 광화학적산화물생성 영향은 5.82E-05 kg C2H4 eq.로 도출되었다. 전과정평가 결과를 바탕으로 공정폐액 재활용 기술을 통해 회수되는 재생금의 환경・경제적 가치 분석을 수행하였다. 5대 영향범주에 대해 비용편익 분석기법에 기초하여 사회적 편익을 포함하는 영향범주 별 경제적 원단위를 적용하였다. 공정폐액을 재활용하여 회수되는 재생금 1kg을 기준으로 평가하였을 때 환경・경제적으로 31,481원의 이득을 취할 수 있으며, 공정 1cycle인 300,000L의 공정폐액을 처리할 경우 85.8kg의 재생금이 생산되므로 2,691,651원의 이득을 얻을 수 있다. 공정폐액 재활용 기술에 대한 전체 환경영향 범주에 있어 전기와 KCN으로 인한 기여도가 가장 크므로 에너지 효율을 위한 에너지원 변경 및 신재생에너지 적용 등의 방안 및 KCN을 대체 할 수 있는 물질에 대한 원단위 환경영향 비교가 필요하다. 또한, 금, 은에 대한 환경영향 회피효과가 매우 크고, 경제성 또한 확보되기 때문에 다양한 활용이 가능할 것으로 보인다.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an important policy implemented before starting development projects to estimate and reduce environmental impact. However, the difficulty of quantification on several rating categories has hampered comprehensive analysis. Instead of it, the current EIA just summarizes outcome of investigation. Therefore, EIA fails to definitively ascertain whether the development shold be approved or not. This study aimed at providing the way to comprehensive decision-making by applying Emergy analysis and Emergy indicators to EIA. Production (P), Emergy Yield Ratio (EYR), Environmental Loading Ratio (ELR) and Emergy Sustainability Index (ESI) were selected for indicators. The indicators of range approving the development were set up with comparing before and after development or according to circumstances of which view of average that was classified as region or industry is appropriate to analysis. As a result, the value after development of P should be higher than the value before development. EYR and ESI of the value before development should be higher than region or industry average. On the contrary to these, ELR of the value after development should be lower than region or industry average. To verify applying Emergy indicators to EIA comprehensive analysis, Emergy evaluation was conducted to real case. As a result, applying Emergy analysis could suggest whether the development is appropriate or not. These indices and the result of this research are expected to be applied decision-making on environmental impact for sustainable development.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to clarify the environmental changes and human activities before and after the fortification of the Seongsan Sanseong Fortress (hereinafter mountain fortress) in Haman through using pollen analysis. For this purpose, samples were taken at the Tr-2 site in the Warm-temperate forest. The results of the analysis are as follow. ① Before and after the fortification of the mountain fortress, the area around it has changed from a broad-leaved forest (The HS-I period) into a deciduous broad-leaved forest (The HS-II period) and finally into a the mixed conifer and deciduous broad-leaved forest (The HS-III period). ② The HS-I period (before the middle of the 6th century, compared to the nationwide pollen zone RIIIa during the Postglacial) was covered with cool-temperate southern forests(including some species of Warm-temperate trees) and was very similar to the current climate environment during the Gaya period before the fortification. ③ The HS-II period (mid to late 6th century, pollen zone RIIIa) was covered with typical cool-temperate southern forests after the fortification and the temperature was slightly lower than the first stage. ④ The HS-III period (7th~8th century/9th century, pollen zone RIIIb) is an era of clear human interference, causing the destruction of forests in earnest and paving an active agricultural life.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims at analysing the process of introduction and the development of the agri-environment policy of the UK and identifying the implication for the Korean government. The UK introduced the AES policy in order to reduce the negative impact of the farming practice on biodiversity and habitats. The initial process was only possible for the enormous research results on the relationship between the farming and environment. Since the UK launched the ESA scheme in 1987, it has extended the designated areas for four stages. Based on the success of the ESA scheme, it started CSS and other schemes. However, these had a modest success and were integrated into the CSS scheme, which from then on became the main measures of the AES in the UK. The whole process of the UK case tells us that the most important work for the start of the AES in Korea would be the necessity and feasibility of the environment protection measures in Korea which could be identified from academic and scientific research on the impact of agricultural practice on the rural environment in Korea.
        2016.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we analyzed the content and compensation factors of 337 cases of national environmental disputes from five recent years (2000~2014). Causes of damage were noise-vibration in 234 cases (69%), sunlight in 48 cases (14%), air pollution in 19 cases (6%), water pollution in 15 cases (4%), odor in 13 cases (4%), and others factors in 8 cases (3%). Sources of damage were construction in 224 cases (66%), structures in 36 cases (11%), vehicle on road in 31 cases (9%), industry in 18 cases (5%), environmental facility in 11 cases (3%), livestock facility in 6 cases (2%), and other sources in 11 cases (3%). From the results of logistic regression analysis, important factors associated with compensation were found to be damage amount, damage distance, zoning districts, source, and administrative disposition.
        2016.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Algal blooming in 4 major rivers introduces substantial impacts to water front activity. Concentrations of algae are increasing at major points along the Geum River. Ecosystem food webs can be affected by algal blooming because blue-green algae release toxic materials. Even though there have been many studies on blue-green algae, its causality to environmental factors has not been completely determined yet. This study analyzed the exclusive correlation between various hydrometeorological, water quality, and hydrologic variables and the cell number of cyanobacteria to understand causality of blue-green algae in the Geum River. A prewhitening process was introduced to remove the autocorrelation structure and periodicity, which is useful to evaluate the effective relationship between two time series.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims at providing with the implication of the EU agri-environmental policy which modestly started in 1985 as an optional policy for the Member States and developed as one of main measures for the reformed CAP in 2013. The first AES was the ESA scheme which had a focus on specific areas where were regarded as having a high natural value and assisted farmers who were voluntarily participated in the scheme. Such a small scale measure has developed as a main policy of the CAP from several reforming processes. It is now applying for the entire land of the EU and necessary for every Member State to introduce the AES measures in their rural development plan. With the principle of cross-compliance and the whole farm approach, it is possible to encourage the European farmers to change their ways of farming into low-input farming. This is the best way to achieve sustainable farming and rural development. This analysis on the changing process of the AES provides the Korean government with somewhat logical perspective on the reform of agricultural policy. The most important thing is to recognise that protecting and restorating environmental and biological resource must precede economical utilising the rural resource.
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