
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 205

        2012.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The reproductive ecology of the glowbelly, Acropoma japonicum was examined using 637 specimens collected monthly from January to December 2006 in the coastal waters off Gori, Korea. The specimens ranged in standard length (cm, SL) from 2.9 to 11.4cm for female, 2.7 to 10.5cm for male. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) of female was highest in September and decreased until December, and the spawning season lasted from August to November. The monthly sex was not different significantly (2-test, p〉0.05). The size at 50% maturity was estimated at 6.0cm SL. A. japonicum was multiple spawner that spawn on more than one occasion in a single spawning season, and the maximum egg diameter was 0.75mm. Fecundity (F) ranged from 12,052 to 104,246 eggs, with the mean of 38,321 eggs. The relationships between fecundity and standard length (cm, SL), body weight (g, BW) were estimated as F=86.278SL2.9652 (R2=0.7970) and F=3036BW1.0081 (R2=0.7992), respectively.
        2012.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 완도근해 해역을 대상으로 2009년 8월 중순경과 2010년 8월 하순경에 대한 수온과 염분 분포 특성 및 식물플랑크톤 군집분석을 통하여 한국의 남서해역에 대한 기초 모니터링 자료를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 2009년 8월 중순경의 자료를 보면 대부분의 정점에서 균일한 수온과 염분 분포를 나타내고 있다. 이러한 원인으로 7월부터 시작된 긴 장마와 일조량 부족으로 판단되다. 그러나 2010년 8월 하순경에는 수온과 염분의 성층화 현상이 나타났다. 성층화의 주요인으로는 8월 중순경부터 시작된 집중적인 일조량으로 인하여 발달된 것으로 추정된다. 저층의 경우 20℃ 이하를 보여 표층과 큰 수온차를 보여주고 있으며 강진만과 고금도를 중심으로 한 해역과는 수온분포 차이를 볼 수 있다. 이러한 원인으로 고금도 근해에서 유입되는 외양수의 영향이 강진만까지 확대되지 못하고 직접적인 연안수의 영향으로 수온차를 나타내는 것으로 사료된다. 또한 투명도도 강진만과 고금도 근해해역과는 차이가 약 2배 이상 차이를 보여 수괴가 다소 상이한 것을 알 수 있다. 그러나 용존산소와 포화도는 조사일수에 관계없이 저층으로 갈수록 높아지는 경향을 보였다. 2009년 8월 중순경의 강진만은 규조류가 우점한 반면에 고금도 근해해역에는 Gonyaulax polygramma 종이 월등히 높은 세포밀도를 보여 2009년 8월 남해안에서 발생한 G. polygramma 적조가 유입된 것으로 추정된다. 2010년 8월 하순경에는 규조류로 점유되는 관계로 본 해역은 높은 부유물질에 관계없이 규조류가 월등히 높은 밀도를 보이는 원인으로 와편모조류의 급성장에는 적합하지 못한 해역으로 판단된다. 따라서 Cochlodinium polykrikoides 적조가 발생된 기록을 가지고 있지만 본 종이 지속적인 성장을 위한 해역으로 좋지 못한 환경을 가지고 있으며 본 해역에서 출현된 규조류는 조개류의 주요 먹이원으로 작용될 뿐만 아니라 기초생태계를 형성하는데 주요한 인자로 작용될 것으로 판단된다.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a basic study to improve hooking ability of long line fishing gear, which is widely used around Jeju-do coast, the researcher performed hooking experiment of parrot fish by manufacturing and installing 7 kinds of model long line fishing gears, whose thickness of branch line are different and 8 kinds of model long line fishing gear, whose length of branch line are different, in indoor circular aquarium, which is installed for the model experiment of thickness and length of branch line that are various by fishing implement and improper. The hooking rate depending on thickness and length of branch line was calculated and the effect of thickness and length of branch line on hooking rate was analyzed. Its results are as follows. When branch line was thin and long, high hooking rate appeared. In the scope of value setting, the relationship between thickness (Bt) of branch line and total hooking rate (Thr) can be shown as following formula as. In the scope of value setting, the relationship between length (Bt) of branch line and total hooking rate (Bt) can be shown as Thr=-20.83Bt+26.04. Through Pearson correlation analysis, the coefficient of correlation between thickness of branch line and hooking rate was -0.718. Therefore it showed significance in 0.01 significance level. Through Pearson correlation analysis, the coefficient of correlation between length of branch line and hooking rate was 0.431. Therefore it showed significance in 0.01 significance level.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 해양 식물플랑크톤의 개체수 및 생체량과 chlorophyll a 농도간의 연관성을 파악하기 위하여 2000년부터 2010년까지 인천, 통영, 울산 해역의 34개 정점에서 1160개 시료를 분석하였다. 연구결과 개체수와 chlorophyll a 농도가 생체량과 chlorophyll a 농도보다 높은 상관성을 보여 우리나라 연안해역에서는 1차 생산의 분석에 있어서 개체수 지표를 사용하는 것이 생체량을 사용하는 것보다 더 효율적일 것으로
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigated short-term variations of phytoplankton community structure according to marine environmental condition with data set of phytoplankton composition, nutrients, physical parameters and precipitation. The 13 sampling stations were located in the southeast coastal waters of Korea, the survey monthly carried out from March to November. The study area can be divided into two zone according to the characteristics of marine environment. Zone I is the occupied with Thalassiosira decipiens, Skeletonema costatum, Eucampia zodiacus, Cheatoceros spp. and Asterionellopsis glacialis due to continuous freshwater input and high concentration of nutrients. Zone II was dominated by Pseudo-nitzschia spp. probably due to rainfall and self eutrophication of aquaculture farm.
        2011.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was investigated seasonal variation and species composition of fish species at artificial reefs (octangle three-stage compartment type and dice type)and natural rock in the Shinyang-Ri coastal waters off Jeju Island with visual census method in January 2009, April 2009, July 2009, September 2009, December 2009, March 2010, June 2010, and September 2010. A total of 44 fish species was occurred, and the dominant fish species were Apogon semilineatus, Chromis notata, Trachurus japonicus, Sebastes thompsoni and Apogon doederleini. The number of individuals of fishes was higher at April 2009 and March 2010, however, lower at June 2010 and September 2010. The number of fish speices was higher at artificial reefs than those of at natural rock. Apogon semilineatus was dominant at octangle three-stage compartment type and the dice type artificial reefs, whereas Chromis notata was for natural rock. These results indicated that artificial reefs were good habitats for a variety of fish species in the Shinyang-Ri coastal waters off Jeju Island.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        서해안과 남해안의 기수역과 연안해역에서 우점하는 곁노벌레과(Paracalanidae) 2종 간의 수온과 염분에 따른 출현 양상을 파악하고자 영광 인근해역을 중심으로 2007년 가을철, 2008년 겨울철, 봄철, 그리고 여름철에 걸쳐 사계절조사를 실시하였다. Bestiolina coreana는 봄철과 겨울철에 출현하지 않았으며, Paracalanus parvus s. l.는 연중 출현하는 것으로 나타났다. 이들 종간의 수온과 염분에 따른 출현 양상에서는
        2010.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The forming of fishing ground and the population ecological characteristics of yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata, in the coastal waters off Gim-nyeong of Jeju Island were investigated. The stock of yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata, between Jeju Island and coastal areas of the East Sea is probably the same. Water temperature probably is a major factor for controlling distribution of yellowtails in deeper, offshore areas off Jeju Island. However, the major factor that determines aggregation of yellowtails in coastal areas of Jeju Island, especially off Gim-nyeong is probably strong tidal currents driven by distribution of yellowtails rather than hydrological conditions such as Yellowtails collected off Jeju Island were from 1 to 4yrs old and about 50% of them were 1-yr old, probably indicating overfishing. Jack mackerel was the major prey item for yellowtails off Gim-nyeong from October to March, suggesting concurrence of the two species.
        2010.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This investigation was carried out to research on the actual states for bycatch and discards of catches caught by funnel net from December, 2007 to June, 2010. Fishing grounds were Manheung-dong and Ocheon-dong in the coastal waters of Yeosu. The number of the investigation was 21 in Manheung-dong and 7 in Ocheon-dong fishing ground. In Manheung-dong, the species of catches were 26 of fish, 6 of cephalopod and 5 of crustacean. In Ocheon-dong, the species of catches were 25 of fish, 6 of cephalopod and 4 of crustacean. In the two all fishing grounds, the largest amount of species was revealed as gray mullet. Among these catches, the number of non marketable species that were classified and discarded ones, were 9 in Manheung-dong and 7 in Ocheon-dong. Also, among the marketable species which were small entity or too tiny catches to commercialize and not fresh ones were discarded. The proportion that they dominate in the whole catches was 37.1% in the number of catches and 5.4% in the weight of catches in Manheung-dong, and 6.9% in the number of catches and 0.3% in the weight of catches in Ocheon-dong. In case of Manheung-dong, the monthly discarding proportion was the highest with 59.4% in the number of catches in may and 17.6% in the weight of catches in November, and in case of Ocheon-dong, the both of them were the highest in February, with 28.0% in the number of catches and 5.1% in the weight of catches.
        2010.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study monitored a variety of marine fish communities in artificial reefs unit of the total 5 types (Dice type, Octagonal turtle type, Two-stage tube type, Gazebo type, Tetrapod type) which are located in the marine ranching at Jeju island by scuba diving in May, July, October and December 2009. Underwater photographing was accomplished at total 3 phases (condition of artificial reefs photographing, concentric circle movement photographing and line transect photographing). The preservation condition of artificial reefs facility was very good, and the dominant species were Chromis notatus, Sebastes thompsoni, Oplegnathus fasciatus and Halichoeres poecilopterus. Fish abundance was high in May and June, and low in October and December, 2009. Chromis notatus was dominant at the all types of artificial reefs, Halichoeres poecilopterus for Gazebo type and Tetrapod type of artificial reefs, and Sebastes thompsoni for Dice type, Octagonal turtle type and Two-stage tube type of artificial reefs.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cochlodinium polykrikoides has occurs regularly during the summer in the South Sea of Korea. To investigate photosynthetic pigments concerned with phytoplankton community structure as bloom of Cochlodinium polykrikoides, the experiment was sampled at 20 s
        2010.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        월성원자력발전소 주변해역에서 출현한 동물플랑크톤은 종 수준까지 동정이 가능한 32종을 포함하여, 총 63종과 85~28,087개체 m-3 범위였다. 연구해역에 분포하는 동물플랑크톤 군집의 구조를 분석한 결과, 전반적으로 배수구를 중심으로 북쪽과 동쪽에 위치한 정점군(그룹 A)과 취수구 아래쪽 정점군(그룹 B)의 두 개의 그룹으로 구분되었다. 동물플랑크톤 군집의 분리는 10월에 출현 종수가, 그 밖의 시기인 1월, 5월 및 8월에는 개체수가 영향
        2009.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Maturation and spawning of the jack mackerel, Trachurus japonicus was investigated based on the samples captured in the coastal waters around Jeju Island from January 2007 to December 2008. Gonadosomatic index began to increase in March, and reached a maximum between April to June. After spawning it began to decrease from August. Reproductive season was estimated to March-July, with peak in April. Fecundity was proportional to the size of the female, with the clutch size varying from 33,493 eggs in the smallest female(FL=27.0cm) to 627,061 eggs in the largest(FL=40.6cm). Size at 50% sexual maturity(FL50), determined from mature females, was 26.6cm FL. Annual reproductive cycles of this species could be divided into six successive stages; immature stage(September-December), nucleolus stage(January-February), yolk vesicle stage(February-March), vitellogenic stage(March-April), ripe stage(April-July) and spent stage(July-September).
        2009.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The fisheries resources by a set net in the coastal waters off Neungpo, Goeje Island from 2003 to 2004 were studied to determine species composition and catch variation. The main fishing period by a set net were from April to December in 2003 and from May to December in 2004. A total weight of 48 species caught through the survey period was 540,688.0kg. Most of them were 44 species of fishes and a few were 4 species of cephalopods. Dominant species was Trachurus japonicus accounting to 57.5% in total catch. Sub-dominant species were Trichiurus lepturus(12.9%), Engraulis japonicus(10.6%), Scomber japonicus(6.9%), Clupea pallasii(4.5%), Todarodes pacificus(2.8%) and Parapristipoma trilineaturm(1.3%). The remnant species showed a low catch, indicating the catch had less than 1% in total, respectively. T. japonicus and T. lepturus were caught throughout the survey period, but C. pallasii, Gadus macrocephalus, Oncorhynchus keta in low temperature season and Thunnus obesus in high temperature season. The fishing ground temperature was 11.7-24.0℃ in range and the catch by a set net was higher in autumn than in spring and in summer with the variation of fishing ground temperature. The annual catch by a set net was much higher in 2004 than in 2003 due to high temperature(〉17℃) and the recruitment of T. japonicus from offshore seas. Therefore we concluded that the catch of Neungpo fishing ground by a set net was highly related to the variation of T. japonicus catch with fishing ground temperature.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 2005년부터 2007년까지 3년 동안 전남서부해역을 대상으로 수질환경 및 영양염류를 분석하여 양식어장의 해양환경 특성을 파악하고자 실시하였다. 겨울철과 여름철은 봄철과 가을철에 비하여 수온차가 최고 5℃ 이상을 나타냄과 아울러 염분도 봄철과 여름철에 목포해역에 표층수가 최저 9 psu에 근접하는 경향을 보이고 있다. 영양염류의 경우 대부분의 해역에 COD 2 mg/L 이하를 보여 수질등급 II수준을 유지하여 비교적 양호한 수질을 보이고 있고, T-N과 T-P모두 연중 고른 공간적 분포를 보이고 있다. 그러나 SS의 경우 연중 매우 높은 농도를 보이고 있는 반면에, Chl. a의 공간적 분포도 연중 목포를 제외한 나머지 해역들은 고른 양상을 보이고 있다. 각 정정별에서도 목포를 제외한 나머지 해역들은 표층과 저층 모두 큰 차이을 보여 주지 못하고 있다. Redfield ratio도 대부분의 해역에서 16 이하를 보여 기초생물생산에 필요한 질산질소가 제한인자로 작용될 수 있는 것으로 보였다. Chl. a는 영양염류 뿐만 아니라 COD와 양의 상관관계이며, 특히 COD와는 매우 강한 양의 상관관계를 보인다. 이러한 관계는 겨울, 봄, 여름철에 잘 나타나고 있다. 유연관계를 보면 목포 7번 정점은 다른 해역에 속하지 않고 독립적인 위치를 보이고 있다. 또한 거리도 2이상을 보여 상당히 다른 수질환경을 나타냄을 알 수 있다. 그러나 진도, 완도, 해남해역은 다른 해역과 달리 상호 매우 근접한 거리를 나타내고 있다. 따라서 전남서부해역은 영산강 하구둑의 영향을 받는 목포를 제외한 나머지 해역들은 비교적 안정된 수질과 영양염류를 보여 양식어장의 환경으로 적합한 환경을 보이고 있다.
        2009.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is to investigate the effect of the immersion time in the traditional hairtail hand line for developing the fishing methods and the fishing gear in the coast of jeju. The operating of 32 times was made with each different immersion time of hairtail hand line, and the relations between the catch and the immersion time were examined. As the result, targeted species rate was over 98% of total catch. From about 800 seconds after casting, the hooking rate was decreased and the bite loss rate was increased, it seems to be made by the decreasing factors of predators including the cutting of branch lines etc. In addition, it was supposed that the hooking rate and the bait loss rate had a deep connection with feeding time zone. The level of the correlation coefficient of the bait loss rate according to the immersion time was 0.54 at p≤0.01, in the case of the hooking rate, 0.59 was chosen after about 800 seconds. The hooking rate and the bait loss rate according to the hook number were not irrelevant to the fish school layer. Additionally, it was assumed that the bait loss rate was related to the depth of water.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A taxonomic survey of the dinoflagellate genus Ceratium Schrank was conducted on 17 locations off the coast of Korea. A total of sixteen species and four varieties have been collected, of which Ceratium arcticum, C. longirostrum, C. praelongum, C. tripos
        2008.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The fundamental data on the catch fluctuation in the rectangular set net according to the tide age were developed based on the catches recorded from the year 1986 to 2004 in the coastal waters of Hamdeok, Jeju. Total catch by the rectangular set net had a deep connection with the tide age. In particular, during increasing tide, total catch were reduced gradually from the neap tide to the high tide. As it turned out, the slope of total catch declined by degree and showed a correlation coefficient of determination of 0.76. On the contrary, in the case of decreasing tide, there was little sign of rise in total catch. In particular, large catch seemed to occur at the next tide to the neap tide. In the relation between the catch and the tide age, the level of the correlation coefficient chosen at p≤0.05 decreased in the order rabbitfish(-0.84) and horse mackerel(-0.71), while the significance of other dominant species were not selected.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2004년 9월, 11월 그리고 2005년 2월 총 3회에 걸쳐 제주 차귀도 연안해역 10개 정점 표층수와 저층수에서 종속영양세균의 개체수를 조사하였고, 또한 해당 해역 수질의 이화학적 특성을 조사하였다. 2004년 9월, 11월 그리고 2005년 2월에 종속영양세균의 수는 각각 표층수에서는 3.5×101~1.16×103 cfu mL-1, 0.4×101~5.6×101 cfu mL