
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,676

        2023.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Technological developments have led to the creation of a mechanical device capable of providing a representative massage as a passive treatment. The use of mechanical massage offers the distinct advantage of being user-friendly and available for use at any given time. Objectives: To investigated present the outcomes of utilizing a massage bed on the range of motion (ROM) and pressure pain threshold (PPT) in patients diagnosed with chronic low back pain. Design: ABA design of a single case study. Methods: To measure the ROM of the subject's trunk flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation, a tape measure and goniometer were utilized. Furthermore, PPT was measured using an electronic pressure pain meter. Baseline A and Baseline A’ periods were conducted for 5 consecutive days without intervention. Following the baseline periods, a massage bed intervention was administered for 1 hour daily for a total of 10 days during the Intervention B period. Daily assessments were performed, and the Intervention B period was conducted after the intervention. Results: The ROM effect was confirmed in trunk lateral flexion and rotation, while the PPT was effective in both L1, right L2, left L4, and left L5. Conclusion: The results of this study confirmed that the use of a massage bed improved the ROM and PPT in patients suffering from chronic back pain. Further randomized controlled trials involving a larger sample size are necessary to validate these findings.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 글로벌 정치․경제 환경의 대전환으로 미국과 유럽 국가들은‘재산업화 전략’으로 제조업 회복을 추진하고 있고, 중국도 ‘중국제조 2025’를 통해 제조업의 질적 발전과 고도화에 집중하고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 본 연구는 외국인직접투자(Inward Foreign Direct Investment, IFDI)가 중국 제조업 고도화에 미치는 영향에 대해 실 증적 분석을 통해 검증해 보고자 하였다. 제조업 가운데 첨단기술 산업의 비중을 중국 제조업 고도화의 지표로 이용하여 2004년부터 2020년까지의 17개년도 중국 31개 성(省)별 패널데이터로 고정효과 모형과 FGLS 모형 을 활용하여 실증분석을 하였다. 분석 결과, 중국 전체와 중국의 동부, 중부, 동북 지역, 장강경제벨트는 IFDI가 중국 제조업 고도화에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났지만, 서부지역에 대해서는 영향을 미치지 않는 것 으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 통해 IFDI가 중국 제조업 고도화에 미치는 영향은 지역별로 다소 차이가 존재 하고 있음을 입증하였다. 분석 결과는 중국 정부의 IFDI를 통한 지역 균형 발전정책이 중부와 동북 지역에 대 해서는 효과적이었음을 알 수 있었던 반면 중국 서부지역에 대해서는 IFDI를 통한 첨단기술 산업 고도화의 정 책 목표와 전략을 수정할 필요가 있음을 시사한다. 한편 통제변수로 활용된 변수인 수출과 수입으로 측정된 개 방정도와 첨단기술에 대한 연구개발 투자는 제조업 고도화에 매우 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 일관되게 나 타나고 있다.
        2023.01 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is a descriptive research study attempted to identify factors influencing depression of new nurses, focusing on job stress, self-efficacy, resilience, and social support factors of new nurses. The subjects of this study were 174 new nurses with less than one year of nursing experience, who worked at five university hospitals in the metropolitan area. A self-report questionnaire was used for the data collection of this study. The collected data were subjected to stepwise multiple regression to analyze the factors affecting depression using the SAS 9.4 program. As a result of the study, the average score of depression of the subjects was 13.01 out of 80, Factors influencing the subject's depression were identified including job stress(p<.001), self-efficacy(p=.044), resilience(p=.013), social support(p=.012), work department(p=.021), and work type(p=.001). It was found that the higher the job stress of the subject, the higher the degree of depression, while the higher the self-efficacy, resilience, and social support of the subject, the lower the degree of depression. In this study, it was confirmed that job stress, self-efficacy, resilience, and social support were factors influencing the depression of new nurses. In order to prevent depression of new nurses and actively manage with depression, it is suggested that arbitration programs for new nurses will be needed to reduce job stress of new nurses, strengthen self-efficacy, resilience and social support. It is also thought that strategies supporting for new nurses at the organizational level, such as the establishment of various social support systems, are needed
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        COVID-19로 인한 팬데믹은 21세기 인류가 당면한 가장 큰 고난 중의 하나라고 할 수 있다. 전방위로 모든 산업에 심각한 피해 를 줬으며 특히, 산업현장의 노동자는 COVID-19로 변화된 근로 및 생활환경으로 많은 고통과 어려움을 지금도 겪고 있다. 선원은 팬데믹 이 시작된 후 일찍이 필수업무종사자의 지위를 국제사회로부터 인정받았다. 또한 국제적으로는 해사노동협약을 통해서 이들의 권리 보장 과 국제노동기준의 이행을 통해서 공정한 경쟁체제 확립에 노력하고 있다. 그러나 당사국이 준수해야 할 국제협약상의 의무와 국제기구 의 권고에도 불구하고 해사노동협약상의 선원권리는 침해받고 선원의 안전보건이 더욱 위협받는 상황이 팬데믹 동안 발생하였다. 이 논 문은 COVID-19에 대한 각국의 대응조치가 국제해운업계와 해사노동협약 이행에 끼친 영향분석과 함께 제4차 특별삼자간위원회를 통해서 채택된 2022년 해사노동협약 개정을 회의준비문서와 보고서를 중심으로 분석하였다. 채택된 8개의 해사노동협약 개정문은 선원의 권리와 안전보건에 있어서 향후 긍정적인 영향을 줄 것으로 기대되지만 선원의 최대근로시간, 최대승무기간 및 송환의 문제는 여전히 난제로 남 아 있기 때문에 국제사회의 노력이 지속되어야 할 것이다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We deduced the proper estimation methodology for the amount of carbon sequestration by damaged trees for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The nine development projects related to renewable energy, damaged trees occur, assessment status and used method of evaluating the carbon storage of damaged trees were summarized. And after re-calculating the carbon storage of damaged trees through allometric equations, the difference between the two groups, re-calculated the damaged trees carbon storage and the damaged trees carbon storage in the report, was validated. As a result, damaged trees carbon storage in words was more than the re-calculated damaged trees carbon storage, and it was statistically significant (p<0.005). This result means that the existing method for calculating damaged tree carbon storage is overcalculated. It was judged that it was necessary to improve the calculation method. Therefore, allometric equations suitable for each dominated-tree species should be used when calculating the damaged tree carbon storage. Furthermore, we propose to establish a carbon storage calculation system based on actual data from the ecosystem so that researchers can efficiently and accurately the damaged trees carbon storage. Key words: damaged vegetation, carbon sequestration, allometric equation, environmental impact
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of ImmunoSEB as an immune-booster additive on the performance of broiler chicks. A total of 1150 broiler chickens were randomly allotted to three treatments on the basis of body weight (10 pens per treatment with 40 broilers in each pen): the control (CON), CON + ImmunoSEB 0.025% in feed (SEB25), and CON + ImmunoSEB 0.050% in feed (SEB50). The experiment was conducted for d 42 in three phases (phase 1, d 0–14; phase 2, d 15–28; and phase 3, d 29–42). There were significant differences in the average daily gain (ADG) and feed intake. The ADG at d 14 in the SEB50 treatment was greater than that in the CON treatment. The overall ADG in the SEB50 treatment was greater than that in the CON treatment. During d 0–14, the feed intake of chickens in the SEB50 treatment increased compared to that in the CON treatment. The crude protein and lysine digestibility improved in the SEB25 and SEB50 treatments compared to those in the CON treatment at d 28. Superoxide dismutase concentration significantly increased in the SEB50 treatment compared to that in the CON treatment. The interleukin-1β and tumor necrosis factor-α concentrations were higher in the cecum of chickens in the CON treatment than in the SEB25 and SEB50 treatments. A lower population of E. coli was detected in the ileum and cecum of broilers fed the SEB50 diet compared to those of broilers fed the CON diet. The overall result showed the beneficial effects of using ImmunoSEB at a dose of 0.050% in broiler chickens.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, the construction of tall buildings utilized by high strength-concrete in the whole world is tending to be on the rise. The application of high-rise structural system in buildings results in the excellent cut-down effect in construction materials due to section reduction. Therefore, in order to investigate the CO2 and resource reduction effect for the high-rise structural system, comparisons of GWP and ADP in embodied energy of structural materlais between 4 type of high-rise structural system have been performed. As a result, GWP emission increased in the order of steel structure outrigger system, RC shear wall system, and RC outrigger system. On the other hand, ADP emissions increased in the order of RC shear wall system, RC outrigger system, and steel structure outrigger system.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : In this study, emissions from asphalt mixture production and construction processes are calculated and used to estimate the emission from each asphalt pavement layer. The calculated emissions for the processes are used as fundamental data to estimate the total emission from the entire life cycle of pavement engineering in South Korea. METHODS : A design proposal and the Korean standard, which provide quantitative information for activities, were used to estimate the amount of construction materials and energy consumption. Subsequently, the LCI DB from NAPA and the LCIA DB from EPA were utilized in conjunction with the estimated quantity to assess the effect of the emissions to determine their environmental impact categories. RESULTS : Calculation results show that 5.84 million ton of CO2eq is discharged from production and construction processes, whereas 3.24 million ton of CO2eq is discharged from operation processes in the pavement engineering sector. The total GHG emission, i.e., 9.08 million ton of CO2eq, is approximately 1.25% of the national GHG emission in 2018. The asphalt mixture production process results in the highest GHG emission in the life cycle of asphalt pavements. CONCLUSIONS : An LCI DB that accounts for the industrial characteristics of South Korea must be established to provide more reliable emission data to be used for national GHG reduction plans, including those for the pavement engineering sector.
        2022.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        선박의 운항이 유인(有人)으로부터 무인(無人)상태로 변화함에 관한 새로운 기술의 등장은, 사람의 탑승을 전제로 하여 마련되었던 전통적인 법적 패러다 임의 근본적인 변화를 가져오게 될 것이다. 본 논문은 자율운항 선박의 AI 및 사이버보안과 같은 신기술이 영국 법제하에서 책임 및 해상보험에 어떠한 영향 을 미칠지에 특히 관심을 기울이고자 하였다. 자율운항선박의 개념에 관하여 간단히 소개를 한 뒤, 영국 법과 법원이 자율주행차량 및 자율운항기체에 관해 어떠한 입장을 가지고 있는지와 자율주행차량의 보험제도 등을 다루기 위해 새 로이 입법된 영국 Automated and Electric Vehicles Act 2018을 소개한다. 영국법제하에서의 AI 책임 문제에 관하여서는 AI의 법적 지위에 기반하여, 패러다 임 시프트가 일어나는 동안의 현실과 법제의 괴리를 해소하기 위한 제안을 하 고자 노력하였다. 마지막으로, 해상보험 관련법의 해석 관련, AI 및 사이버보안 등은 자율운항선박 감항성의 요인으로서 묵시적 보증의 요소가 될 수 있으며 나아가 예측가능하지 않은 수준의 사이버보안 문제 등도 부보가능한 위험으로 해석하여야 함을 밝히고자 하였다. 다시 말해, 본 논문의 목적은 신기술이 영국 법제하에서 자율운항선박 관련 영향을 미칠 수 있는 분야를 개괄적으로 제시하 고 그에 관하여 발생할 수 있는 법적 문제를 포괄적으로 정리하는 데에 있다고 하겠다.
        2022.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 최고경영자의 은퇴시기가 기업의 국제화 정도에 미치는 영향을 탐구한다. 구체적으로 은퇴 시기가 비교적 길게 남은 CEO의 경우 위험 감수 성향이 높기 때문에 해외 사업에 집중 혹은 확장하려는 경향을 보일 것이라는 가설을 제시한다. 반면, 은퇴 시기가 비교적 짧게 남은 CEO는 위험 감수성이 낮지만, 높은 오너십을 소유하고 있을 때 위험이 따르는 해외 시장 진출과 확장을 추구하는 경향을 보일 것이라는 가설을 예측한다. 다양한 산업 군에 있는 미국 기업들을 대상으로 위 가설들을 검증한 결과, 비교적 은퇴 시기가 길게 남은 CEO들이 국제화에 보다 적극적으로 참 여할 것이라는 주장이 지지되었다. 하지만 CEO의 은퇴시기와 더불어 오너십의 긍정적인 영향을 줄 것이라는 조절효과 가설은 지지되지 않았으며 오히려 높은 오너십의 경우 은퇴시기가 가까운 CEO는 국제화에 소극적인 결과를 확인하였다. 이러한 실증 분석 결과는 최고경영자 관점에서 기 업의 국제화 의사 결정 과정을 이해하는데 의미 있는 학문적, 실무적 시사점을 제공한다.
        2022.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The government has recently introduced the human rights management system of public institutions in accordance with the OECD guidelines for multinational corporations and the UN guidelines for business and human rights implementation. For this reason, public institutions receive a human rights impact assessment to be reflected in the institutional management evaluation based on the human rights management manual of public institutions issued by the National Human Rights Commission of Korea. Human rights impact assessment is an institution’s management activities that identify and evaluate actual and potential human rights risks in advance and is divided into institutional and business operations. The institutional operation evaluation is conducted in 10 areas, including human rights management system, employment, labor rights, industrial safety, supply chain, and local residents’ protection, and the project operation evaluation is conducted by itself or by a specialized institution by selecting main projects and fields that can affect human rights of stakeholders. This study compares and analyzes the results of the human rights impact assessment of public institutions and specialized institutions and derives how much they contribute to improving human rights risk and respect for human rights, and what will be improved in the future. Therefore, the results of this study are expected to be of great help in the introduction and internalization of the human rights management system of public institutions.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 한중 FTA로 인하여 우리나라 대중 농산물 수입액이 어떠한 영향을 받았는 지를 품목별 미시자료와 다기간 이중차분모형을 적용하여 분석하였다. 2010년부터 2019년까지 FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization)의 품목별 대중 농산물 수입액과 연도별 양허 자료를 이용하여 2015년 이후 한중 FTA로 인한 품목별 양허가 우리나라 대중 농산물 수입액에 미친 영향을 분석하였다. 연도별 양허효과가 동일하다고 가정하면 양허로 인하여 양허대상 품목이 약 680~693만 불의 수입 증가 효과가 존재하고 있었다. 그리고 연도별 양허효과가 상이하다고 가정하면 2016년, 2017년 및 2019년은 양허대상 품목의 수입증가 효과가 통계적으로 유의한 것으로 나타났지만 2018년은 통계적 유의성이 낮았다.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) states that every environmental report prepared for the licensing stage of a Pressurized Water Reactor shall contain a statement concerning risk during the transportation of fuel and radioactive wastes to and from the reactor. Thus, the licensee should ensure that the radiological effect in accidents, as well as normal conditions in transport, do not exceed certain criteria or be small if cannot be numerically quantified. These are specified in 10 CFR Part 51 and applied in NUREG-1555 Supplement 1 Revision 1, which deals with Environmental Standard Review Plan. Corresponding regulations in Korea would be the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission Notice No. 2020-7. In Appendix 2 of the Notice, guides on the radiological environmental report for production and utilization facilities, spent nuclear fuel interim storage facilities, and radioactive waste disposal facilities. In this guide, unlike the regulations in the U.S., there are no obligations for radiological dose assessment for workers and public during the transportation. Therefore, overall regulations and their legal basis related to risk assessment during transportation conducted for the environmental report in the U.S. were analyzed in this study. On top of that, through the comparison with regulations in Korea, differences between the two systems were figured out. Finally, this study aims to find the points in terms of assessing transport risk to be revised in the current regulatory system in Korea.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Important medical radionuclides for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) are producing using cyclotrons. There are about 1,200 PET cyclotrons operated in 95 countries based upon IAEA database (2020). Besides, including PET cyclotrons, demands for particle accelerators are continuously increasing. In Korea, about 40 PET cyclotrons are in operating phases (2020). Considering design lifetime (about 30-40 years) and actual operating duration (about 20-30 years) of cyclotrons, there will be demands for decommissioning cyclotron facilities in the near future. PET cyclotron produces radionuclides by irradiating accelerated charged particles to the targets. During this phase, nuclear reactions (18O(p,n)18F etc.) produce secondary neutrons which induce neutron activation of accelerator itself as well as surrounding infrastructures (the ancillary subsystems, peripheral equipment, concrete walls etc.). Generally, experienced cyclotron personnel prefer an unshielded cyclotron because of the repair and maintenance time. In unshielded cyclotron, water cooling systems, air compressor, and other equipment and structures could be existed for operating purposes. Almost all the equipment and structures are consisted of steel, and these affect neutron distribution in vault especially thermal neutron on the concrete wall. In addition, most of them can be classified as very low level radioactive wastes by Nuclear Safety and Security notice (NSSC Notice No. 2020-6). However, few studies were estimating radioactivity concentrations (Bq/g) of surrounding structures using mathematical calculation/simulation codes, and they were not evaluating the effect of surrounding structures on neutron distribution. In this study, by using computational neutron transport code (MCNP 6.2), and source term calculation code (FISPACT- II), we evaluated effect of the interaction between surrounding structures (including surrounding equipment) and secondary neutrons. Discrepancies of activation distribution on/in concrete wall will be occur depending on thickness of structure, distance between structures and walls, and consideration of interaction between structures and neutrons. Throughout this study, we could find that the influence of those structures can affect neutron distribution in concrete walls even if, thickness of the structure was small. For estimating activation distribution in unshielded cyclotron vault more precisely, not only considering cyclotron components and geometry of target, but also, considering surrounding structures will be much more helpful.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Currently, as the saturation capacity of wet storage pool for spent nuclear fuel (SNF) of PWR in Korea has reached approximately 75%, Dry Storage Facilities (DSF) are necessary for sustainable operation of nuclear power plants. It is necessary to develop acceptance requirements for the delivery of SNF from reactor storage site to Centralized DSF. To do this end, the mechanical integrity of SNF is directly related to its repacking, retrieving, and transporting/handling performances. And also, this integrity is a key factor associated with the criticality safety that is connected to the damaged status of SNF. According to the NUREG/CR-6835, the NRC expects that the potential for nuclear fuel failures will increase because of the increase of the fuel discharge burnup and the degradation of fuel and clad material properties. Due to such damages and/or degradation, the fuel rods in the fuel assembly may be extracted and empty for following treatments (transportation, storage, handling etc). This condition can have a detrimental effect on the criticality safety of SNF. Thus, this study investigated whether extracted and empty of damaged SNF rod affects criticality safety. In this analysis, it is assumed that up to four fuel rods are missed. As a result of the analysis, As the number of fuel rods miss up to a certain number, the value of multiplication factor value of the fuel assembly increases. In addition, since the fuel rods located at the outermost layer contained relatively less fissile material than the fuel rods located center of the lattice, and neutrons were lost by the absorption material, the effective multiplication factor value gradually decreased. Nevertheless, the criticality safety was assessed to be maintained.