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        검색결과 8

        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        중국 동북지방의 조선족 전통민가는 함경도와 평안도, 그리고 만주 지방형을 토대로 다양한 평면구성형태를 구성하고 있 다. 특히 길림성, 흑룡강성, 요녕성 내륙지역과 중-러 국경지역에 산재된 조선족 민가는 두만강, 압록강 등 집중거주지역에 분포된 조선족 전통 민가와는 달리 이문화의 갈등과 동화 속에서 지역특성에 알맞은 공간형태의 변형을 돋보이고 있다. 그 중 띠캉 공간의 출현이 가장 대표적이다. 바닥을 원형으로 조성된 한족, 만주족 전통민가의 단순공간변형과는 대조적으로 조선족 전통민가의 띠캉은 마루방을 원형으로 주생활 행위의 계절성 변용에 집중하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 띠캉(地炕) 공간을 중심으로 조선족전통민가의 공간변형과 주생활 양식의 변천에 대한 고찰을 통해 주문화의 전통지속과 농촌주거의 진흥에 도모하고자 한다.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mugiyeondang(舞沂蓮塘) is the garden that the provincial noble family in Yeongnam(嶺南) has constructed since the late Joseon period. Mugiyeondang is well known as a typical case of traditional garden in Joseon period. But it is also an exceptional case because of its informal layout that infers gradual space transition. This study aims to establish the historical story of the garden beyond the superficial description about existing spatial status and literature materials. Mugiyeondang had been constructed by seven generations of the family during two hundred years, and there were significant events at every transition points. The figure and name of elements reflects each historical change of the family. Mugiyeondang is an important case to notice that a garden was not just a subsidiary space for mere leisure life of the gentry of Joseon period, But it was an important for some families as their representative and symbolic space.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Based on travel literatures written by the Joseon literati, the different picture of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Buseok monastery from the one today emerges. Not only do the buildings removed from the monastery today reappear, but the quite different way of the monastic operation comes to light. This observation leads to a speculation that the monastery was functionally and spatially divided into two territories; that of the Immeasurable life hall and of the Dharma hall. The Immeasurable life hall's precinct was built at the site open to the west providing a grand vista of mountainous area. This siting, originally having a close relation with the visualization such as the Sixteen contemplation, not simply gave such a special attraction that the first built architectural composition has lasted through the centuries to the late Joseon, but also granted to the Chwiweon pavilion located at the western side of the precinct a special meditative quality. As the monastery has suffered from a number of heavy duties in the Joseon period, the architectural attraction of the precinct was mobilized to promote the monastic identity as the legitimate monastery first built by Uisang, the founder of Hwaeom Buddhsim. Especially, the Chwiweon pavilion offered a mental space so that the literati might form an affirmative attitude toward the monastery and the monks. The Dharma hall's precinct was built based on the direct replication of the architectural layout presented in liturgy books for the Water and Land rite as well as the Vulture Peak rite. This layout is generally called the Court-type enclosed by four buildings, which has been widely fashioned in the late Joseon period. This characteristic gave to the Dharma hall precinct an arbitrary and anonymous quality, which helped not only avoid the tourism of the literati, but also secure the sacrality and ritual efficacy at occasions of Buddhist rites. This division of territories of the monastery can be understood as the strategic reaction from the monks in order to survive in the age of oppression against Buddhism. In result, the identity of Buseok monastery in the late Joseon was established as the Nine-rank sanctuary where Bodhisattvas permanently resided.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is focused on a space for man in upper classes house that is one of appeared characteristics as Korea, China and Japan imported Confucianism become common cultural base in these countries. Because a space for man in these countries has the same nature represented as a typical space in a upper classes house, and this space is differentiated by regional features, a way of thinking, a way of life and social structure as well, these characteristics are compared one another. Import of Confucianism influenced formation of a upper classes house and the spaces of the house are divided by generation, sexuality and classes. A space for man become a center of the house as well as a space for reception in accordance with patriarchism because this space stands for hierarchy of the house. A space for man of each country, Korea, China and Japan, has differences; that is, Chinese Jeongbang is used as a space for family as well as for guests; Korean Sarangchae is for only men and used as a reception space; Japanese Zasiki is used just for reception. These differences among countries are caused by owner's class, a civil officer or a military officer, and this class differentiated the characteristics of reception for guest. Even though the these countries take the space for man for meeting, Chinese is for family, Korean is for ancestors and Japanese is for guests.
        1992.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료