대한민국 기상청에서 사용하고 있는 UM (Unified Model, UM) 모델의 국지예측시스템(Local Data Assimilation and Prediction System, LDAPS)은 수치모델 모의 시 대기경계층 유형에 따라 물리과정을 다르게 계산하기 때문에 이 과정을 검증하는 것은 모델의 정확도 향상에 중요하다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 수치모델의 대기경계층 유형을 관측자료 를 기반으로 검증하였다. 관측자료를 기반으로 대기경계층 유형을 분류하기 위해서 보성 표준기상관측소에서 수행한 여름철 집중관측자료(라디오존데, 플럭스관측장비, 도플러 라이다, 운고계)를 활용하였으며, 2019년 6월 18일 부터 8월 17일 까지 61일 동안에 총 201회의 관측자료를 분석하였다. 또한 관측자료와 수치모델 결과가 다른 경우를 보면, 관측자료를 기반으로 한 대기경계층 유형 분류 결과에서 2유형으로 분류되는 사례가 수치모델에서는 1유형으로 분류된 사례가 53회로 가장 많이 나타났다. 그 다음으로는 관측자료를 기반으로 한 대기경계층 유형 분류 결과에서 5유형과 6유형 으로 분류되는 사례가 수치모델에서는 3유형으로 분류된 사례가 많이 나타났다(각각 24회, 15회). 관측결과와 수치모델 모의 결과가 일치하지 않은 사례는 모두 층적운 접합 여부 및 적운 모의 등 수치모델의 구름물리 부분의 모의 성능에 기인하여 발생한 것이라고 분석된다. 따라서, 대기경계층 유형 분류의 구름물리과정의 모의 정확도를 개선하면 수치모델 성능이 향상 될 것으로 판단된다.
본 연구는 기상청 현업모델(LDAPS)로부터 예측된 서울의 도시열섬 강도와 지상 기온을 AWS 관측과 비교 평가하였다. 관측된 서울의 열섬 강도는 봄과 겨울동안 증가하며 여름동안 감소한다. 열섬 강도의 시간적 변동 경향은 새벽 시간 최대, 오후에 최소를 보인다. 기상청 국지기상예측시스템(LDAPS)으로부터 예측된 열섬 강도는 여름철 과대모의, 겨울철 과소모의 특징을 보인다. 특히 여름철은 주간에 과대 모의 경향이 증가하며, 겨울은 새벽 시간 과소 모의 오차가 크게 나타난다. LDAPS에서 예측된 지면 기온의 오차는 여름철 감소하며 겨울철 증가한다. 겨울철 열섬 강도의 과소 모의는 도시 기온의 과소 모의와 관련되었으며, 여름철 열섬 강도의 과대 모의는 교외 지역 기온의 과소 모의로부터 기인하는것으로 판단된다. 도시 열섬강도 예측성 개선을 위하여 도시효과를 고려하는 도시캐노피모델을 LDAPS와 결합하여 2017년 여름 기간동안 모의하였다. 도시캐노피모델 적용 후 도시의 지면 기온의 오차는 개선되었다. 특히 오전시간 과소모의되는 기온의 오차 개선 효과가 뚜렷하였다. 도시캐노피모델은 여름동안 과대 모의하는 도시열섬강도를 약화시키는 개선 효과를 보였다.
본 연구에서는 2016-2017년 봄철(3-5월) 동안 보성 지역에서의 해풍 발생 시 연직 기상 특성을 분석하기 위해, 해풍 발생에 대한 선정 기준을 마련하였다. 이를 위해 지상에서 측정된 강수량, 운량, 풍향과 지상과 해상 기온의 차이, 1km 고도에서의 윈드프로파일러 및 수치모델 자료를 이용한 풍속 값이 사용되었다. 선정 기준에 따라 보성지역에서의 해풍일을 분류하였고, 해풍 발생 시간 및 고도와 풍속의 크기 분석을 통해 해풍의 시공간적 특성을 파악하였다. 해풍의 발생일은 총 183일 중 23일(12%)로서, 보성지역의 경우 봄철 10일 중 최소 1.2일은 해풍이 나타났다. 해풍은 1200 LST부터 1800 LST로 낮 시간에 지상에서부터 700 m 고도까지 주로 발생하였다. 또한, 최대 풍속은 평균 4.9 m s−1로 1600 LST에 40 m 고도에서 나타나, 선행연구보다 비교적 낮은 값을 보였다. 이는 해안지형이 복잡하여 지형 효과에 따른 풍속 감소로 인한 것으로 보인다.
본 연구는 낙동강 하구 주변해역의 파랑 특성을 분석하기 위해 2007년 춘계(4월, 5월)에 낙동강 하구 중앙 해상 지점에서 관측된 파랑자료와 기상청에서 운영하고 있는 거제도 해양기상 부이에서 동일시점에 관측된 결과와 비교 검증하고 관측기간동안의 두 지점에서의 기상인자(기압, 기온, 풍속 및 풍향)와의 상관성을 비교하였다. 이상에서 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. (1) 2007년 춘계(4월과 5월)의 거제도 해양기상 부이 파랑 관측자료가 최대파고 약 3-4m, 유의파고 약 2m, 주기 약 5-8sec의 범위에 해당하는 반면에 낙동강 하구에서의 파랑 관측자료는 파고가 대체적으로 1m미만의 상태로 정온한 상태를 보이며 주기는 4-7sec의 범위를 가진다. (2) 춘계 파랑 관측자료에서 바람에 의한 파랑 감쇄가 없을 경우 거제도 해양기상 부이에서부터 천수 또는 굴절에 의한 파랑변형의 효과로 인해 낙동강 하구 중앙부까지 파랑이 전달되면서 최대파고값은 약 2.2m, 유의파고값은 약 1.3m정도 감소된다. (3) 낙동강 하구역으로 내습하는 해양파랑은 대상해역의 기상조건, 특히 바람의 영향(풍속 및 풍향)에 따라서 증감하는 것을 알 수 있는데, 특히 풍향이 역풍이 부는 경우 유의파고는 감소하는 경향을 나타내며 풍속이 클수록 그 감소 기울기도 더욱 커짐을 알 수 있다.
The characteristics of local climate in the vicinity of Duckyang Bay have been investigated with the analysis of the surface observation data of Gohug District and the aerological data of Kwangju. In principal features of local climate, the annual range in temperature appeared identical with the mean value(24~25℃) of the south coastal area, and evaporation from April to September was likely less than precipitation. The average speed of surface wind in Summer seemed higher than in other seasons on account of wea breeze. Relative humidity was 74%, annual average. In the mean cloud cover Summer(6.4) showed greater deal of amount than Winter(4.2). Duration of sunshine was the longest in May(268.4hrs), while the shortest in February(188.4hrs). The amount of the precipitable water was the greatest in July, whereas the least in January, and in Summer the greatest, in Autumn the second greatest, and in Spring the third greatest, and in Winter the least in consideration of seasonal orders. The Summer deviation was most remarkable around all sides. The direction of vector wind appeared the most changeable on the earth surface. At an altitude of 300mb all the winds blew west around all months. Moreover, water vapor transport was measured to be the greatest in Summer; while the least in Winter. So was the deviation of water vapor transport. And lastly frequency of occurrence of days in which a little cloud appeared(less than 5/10) was high except for Summer, when northerly winds blew; while frequency of occurrence of day plenty of clouds floated was outstandingly high at the time of strong southerly winds.
In this study, the impacts of local meteorology caused by tidal changes in the West Sea on ozone distributions in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (SMA) were analyzed using a meteorological model (WRF) and an air quality (CMAQ) model. This study was carried out during the day (1200–1800 LST) between August 3 and 9, 2016. The total area of tidal flats along with the tidal changes was calculated to be approximately 912 km2, based on data provided by the Environmental Geographic Information Service (EGIS) and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF). Modeling was carried out based on three experiments, and the land cover of the tidal flats for each experiment was designed using the coastal wetlands, water bodies (i.e., high tide), and the barren or sparsely vegetated areas (i.e., low tide). The land cover parameters of the coastal wetlands used in this study were improved in the herbaceous wetland of the WRF using updated albedo, roughness length, and soil heat capacity. The results showed that the land cover variation during high tide caused a decrease in temperature (maximum 4.5℃) and planetary boundary layer (PBL) height (maximum 1200 m), and an increase in humidity (maximum 25%) and wind speed (maximum 1.5 ms-1). These meteorological changes increased the ozone concentration (about 5.0 ppb) in the coastal areas including the tidal flats. The increase in the ozone concentration during high tide may be caused by a weak diffusion to the upper layer due to a decrease in the PBL height. The changes in the meteorological variables and ozone concentration during low tide were lesser than those occurring during high tide. This study suggests that the meteorological variations caused by tidal changes have a meaningful effect on the ozone concentration in the SMA.
Relocation of weather station leads to changes in geographical climate factors such as latitude, longitude, elevation, topographical relief and land cover of surrounding area that inf luence on local climate. This study analyzes spatio-temporal characteristics and relationships between geographical factors such as location, topographical relief and land cover, and changes in climate data such as temperature, precipitation and wind due to relocation of 12 weather stations in South Korea. Changes in temperature and moisture are attributed to changes in land cover by the relocation. Wonju and Gumi where the stations were relocated from rural to new built-up area show increases in temperature, while temperature in Sokcho, Changwon, Cheonan, Daejeon, Gunsan and Mokpo decreased with the relocations from urban to rural area. Relative humidity in Mokpo, Gunsan and Daejeon increases due to increase in farming land. Changes in topographical relief influence on precipitation, wind and duration of sunshine. The relocation in Chungju to interior of basin led to decreases in precipitation and duration of sunshine, and Boryeong shows decrease in precipitation by the relocation from windward slope to hilly coastal area. Wind speed in Gunsan with the relocation from coastal to inland area decreased due to influence of neighboring hills. Shadow effect by neighboring building or vegetation can be attributed to changes in duration of sunshine in Gwangju and Wonju.
Long-term variations of PM10 and the characteristics of local meteorology related to its concentration changes were analyzed at 4 air quality sites (Ido-dong, Yeon-dong, Donghong-dong, and Gosan) in Jeju during two different periods, such as PI (2001-2006) and PII (2007-2013), over a 13-year period. Overall, the long-term trend of PM10 was very slightly downward during the whole study period, while the high PM10 concentrations in PII were observed more frequently than those in PI. The concentration variations of PM10 during the study period was clarified in correlation between PM10 and meteorological variables, e.g. the low (high) PM10 concentration with large (small) precipitation or high (low) radiation and in part high PM10 concentrations (especially, Donghong-dong and Gosan) with strong wind speed and the westerly/northwesterly winds. This was likely to be caused by the transport effect (from the polluted regions of China) rather than the contribution of local emission sources. The PM10 concentrations in “Asian dust” and “Haze” weather types were higher, whereas those in “Precipitation”, “Fog”, and “Thunder and Lighting” weather types were lower. The contribution of long-range transport to the observed PM10 levels in the urban center (Ido-dong, Yeon-dong, and Donghong-dong), if estimated by comparison to the data of the background site (Gosan), was found to explain about 80% (on average) of its input.
In order to clarify the characteristics of Photo-Volatic(PV) power generation over the Korean peninsula with complex terrain, special meteorological observation campaign was carried out for one year from 25 May 2011. Analysis is based on the comparison between observed meteorological elements and PV values generated at rated capacity 200 kW power plants.
Solar radiation observed at 15° inclined surface is 11 % larger than that observed at horizontal surface due to low elevation angel of the sun during winter season. The PV power generation tend to be more similar the variation of inclined surface irradiance than horizontal surface irradiance. Increasing air temperature often induce disturbance of the PV power generation. However, the higher the air temperature in winter season, the higher PV power generation because the PV module may be more activated at higher air temperature. PV generating efficiency tends to be conversed the value of 15%.
In order to clarify the impact of regional warming on the meteorological field and air quality over southeastern part of Korean Peninsula, several numerical experiment were carried out. Numerical models used in this study are WRF for the estimate the meteorological elements and CMAQ for assessment of ozone concentration. According to the global warming impact, initial air temperature were changed and its warming rate reach at 2 degree which was based on the global warming scenarios provided by IPCC. The experiments considering the global warming at initial stage were presented as case T_UP. Air temperature over inland area during night time for case T_UP is higher than that for Base case. During time since the higher temperature over inland area is maintained during daytime more intensified sea breeze should be induced and also decrease the air temperature in vicinity of coast area. In case of T_UP, high level concentrations ozone distribution area was narrowed and their disappearance were faster after 1800LST. As a results, wind and temperature fields due to the global warming at initial stage mainly results in the pattern of ozone concentration and its temporal variation at South-Eastern Part of the Korean Peninsula.
The impact of urbanization on local meteorology (e.g., surface temperature, PBL height, wind speed, etc.) in the Greater Seoul Area (GSA) was quantitatively evaluated based on a numerical modeling approach during a 1-month period of 2001 (9 Sep. through 8 Oct. 2001). The analysis was carried out by two sets of simulation scenarios: (1) with the global land use and topographic data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in 1990s (i.e., LU-USGS case) and (2) with the land use data from the Environmental Geographic Information System (EGIS) along with the 3 sec elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) in 2000s (i.e., LU-EGIS case). The extension of urban areas in the GSA (especially, the southern parts of Seoul) accounted for 1.8% in the LU-USGS case and 6.2% in the LU-EGIS case. For the simulations, the surface temperature and PBL height due to urbanization in the LU-EGIS case was higher (the differences of up to 0.1 ℃ and 36 m, respectively) than those in the LU-USGS case, whereas the wind speed (up to 0.3 ms-1) in the former was lower than that in the latter at 1500 LST. The increase in surface temperature due to urbanization in the GSA (especially, the southern parts of Seoul) was led to the strong convergence of air masses, causing the early sea breeze and its rapid propagation to inland locations. In addition, the vertical mixing motion in the extended urban areas for the LU-EGIS case was predicted to be stronger than that for the LU-USGS case and vice versa for the original urban areas.
In this study, we analyzed the impact of orographic and thermal forcing on the atmospheric flow field over the urban metropolitan areas on urban artificial buildings and future development plan. Several numerical experiments have been undertaken in order to clarify the impacts of the future development plan on urban area by analyzing practical urban ground conditions, we revealed that there were large differences in the meteorological differences in each case.
The prognostic meteorological fields over complex areas of Seoul, Korea are generated by the PSU/NCAR mesoscale model(MM5). we carried out a comparative examination on the meteorological fields of topography and land-use that had building information and future development plan. A higher wind speed at daytimes tends to be forecasted when using new topography and land use data that have a high resolution with an appropriate limitation to the mixing height and the nocturnal boundary layer(NCB). During nighttime periods, since radiation cooling development is stronger after development plan, the decreased wind speed is often generated.
In this study, climate analysis and wind sector division were conducted for a propriety assessment to determine the location of air quality monitoring sites in the Busan metropolitan area. The results based on the meteorological data(2000~2004) indicated hat air temperature is strongly correlated between 9 atmospheric monitoring sites, while wind speed and direction are not. This is because wind is strongly affected by the surrounding terrain and the obstacles such as building and tree. In the next stage, we performed cluster analysis to divide wind sector over the Busan metropolitan area. The cluster analysis showed that the Busan metropolitan area is divided into 6 wind sectors. However 1 downtown and 2 suburbs an area covering significantly broad region in Busan are not divided into independent sectors, because of the absence of atmospheric monitoring site. As such, the Busan metropolitan area is finally divided into 9 sectors.
This study was carried out for reading the change of local meteorological environment according to dam construction of Nakdong-river using numerical model. The study used PSU/NCAR Mesoscale Model version5(MM5) for inquiring effect of formation of artificial lake after dam construction. The colleague simulated temperature mixing ratio, latent heat flux and sensible heat flux in two cause of existing lake and not. Temperature and mixing ratio in southwest of Andong lake increased because of the air that was warm and moist above the lake moved to southwest due to the northeasterly wind. In the case of existing lake around Andong, latent heat flux increased much in the daytime after sunrise. However, sensible heat flux decreased but it didn't change distinctly in southwest of Andong like the other values.
This study was carried out for reading the change of local meteorological environment according to dam construction of Nakdong-river using meteorological data analysis, and modeling. The meteorological data analysised are mean temperature, foggy day, precipittion day and sunshine time. As the result of analyzing meteorological data of before and after the construction of dam in Andong and Hapchon, some discrepancy were observed by month because the lakes have different effect on the region as wind field. The common phenomenons that are revealed after dam construction are increase of foggy day and decrease of sunshine time.
Diurnal variations of air quality due to the characteristic features of local weather phenomena over Kunsan, Taegu, and Pohang are analyzed using various synoptic wind fields and the characteristics of local weather during the period of 1990 to 1992.
The air pollutants analyzed are sulfur dioxide(SO_2), nitrogen dioxide(NO_2), and oxidants (O_3). The synoptic wind fields estimated at over the 850 hPa geopotential height are divided in terms of four wind directions and two wind speed categories for each season. The synoptic weather conditions are also classified into two categories depending on the total cloud amounts.
The present study shows that the SO_2 concentration over Kunsan, and Taegu was maximum at the two or three hours after sunrise and second primary was three or four hours after sunset. On the other hand, its concentration over Kunsan was maximum at 1900 LST or 2000 LST. The O_3 concentration over the three cities shows its maximum in the afternoon when the solar radiation is strong. The NO_2 concentration over Kunsan shows in reverse proportion to the 0_3 concentration over the Kunsan.