
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The compositions of ethnic groups in Macau vary with time. Prior to the opening of the port, the majority of the residents in Macau were Chinese people, including those living on land and at sea. After the port was opened, with the increase of Portugal businessmen and missionaries, the population was divided into Chinese people and foreigners (so-called ‘Yiren’ or 夷人in Chinese). Chinese people living on land were mainly of Hakka, Fujian, and Cantonese descent. Those living at sea were referred to as ‘Tanka People’ (named ‘Danmin’ or 蜑民in Chinese). They lived on floating boats for their entire lives and were similar to the ‘drifters’ in Japan. Since modern times, many refugees from mainland China and Southeast Asia flooded into Macau due to warfare. The development of industrialization required a larger number of laborers, and some ‘coolies’ entered Macau in legal or illegal ways, making it a multi-ethnic city. However, the Tanka people were not considered a minority ethnic group under the national ethnic policy of 56 ethnic groups since they did not have an exclusive language and shared dialects in different regions. As the ports inhabited by Tanka people gradually restored foreign trade, the boats and stilt houses used by Tanka people were dismantled to expand the infrastructure area of the ports. Many Tanka people began to live on land and marry people on land, leading to the disappearance of the Tanka group in Macau. The fishing boats and stilt houses used by Tanka people have also disappeared, with only a few remaining in areas such as Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong. This paper examines the natural and social environment of Tanka people in Macau from the Ming and Qing dynasties to the Republic of China, as well as the adaptive changes they adopted for the aforementioned environment in terms of living space and architectural type, on the basis of summarizing the historical activities of Tanka people. Finally, this study provides a layout plan and interior structure of the most commonly used boat for Tanka people from the Ming and Qing dynasties to the Republic of China, with the use of CAD and other technical software, along with reference to written historical documentation, and provides a case study for further research on the architectural history of Macau's inner harbor cities, from anthropological and folklore perspectives.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        상하이는 국제도시로 세계의 다양한 지식과 정보가 모이는 곳이었기 때문에 중국 그 어느 도시보다 지식인들이 집결하는 도시로 성장하였다. 상하이의 진보적 지식인은 국제정세 속에 서 중국이 처한 상황을 깨닫게 되었고, 서구 열강의 침략에 맞서기 위해 자연스럽게 상무정 신을 고취하였다. 많은 지식인은 중국 역사와 민간의 전통 속에서 협객을 발굴하였으며 그들 의 상무정신을 찬양하였다. 한편, 상하이는 노동 이주민의 도시였다. 세계대전 후 서구의 자 본이 상하이에 몰리게 되면서 국제도시 상하이는 중국 최대의 상공업도시로 성장하게 된다. 이에 상하이에는 다양한 국가, 인종, 지역민이 모여들었다. 이주민들은 그들의 생존과 이익을 위해 업종별, 출신 지역별로 다양한 조직을 결성하였고, 이들 조직은 조직의 결속을 위해 민 간의 협의정신을 적극 수용하였다. 결론적으로 근대시기 상하이에는 위로는 상류층 지식인의 엘리트문화에서 아래로는 하층 노동자들의 하위문화에 이르기까지 모두가 협의정신을 찬양하는 문화가 형성되었다. 이는 근대시기 상하이가 지식과 지식인, 자본과 노동자를 끌어들이는 동북아해역의 인문네트워크 중심도시로 성장한 것과 밀접한 관련이 있는 것이었다. 그리고 이것이 1920-30년대 상하이에 협의서사가 흥성하게 된 주요배경이 되었다.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the present study is to figure out what the issues faced by architecture were at the time immediately before the transition to modern era centering of the works of Otto Wagner who acted in Vienna, Austria at the Fin de siècle. Therefore, the following points were examined in the present study; first, how were new spaces necessary to accommodate modern lives organized and how were the plans changed; second, how did the external expressions of architecture pursued by Otto Wagner appeared between arts and technologies, between historicism and modernity, and between decorations and functions. Through the study, it could be seen that Wagner began from historicism and traditionalism and tried to compromise them with modernity. Many modern characteristics appeared a priori in Wagner’s works from the construction of ‘Linke Wien Zeile housing block’ in 1898, his works completely broke from the typical historicism styles to open the period of inventive ‘Secession styles.’ At that time, Wagner concentrated on so called ‘flat decorations.’ Thereafter, his residential architecture completed to modern styles with ‘Neustiftgasse housing block’ as the peak. The characteristics of modern housing as above became a cornerstone of the modern functionalism later.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the characteristics of cotton production of Damyang-gun & Hwasun-gun, Yeongsan River compared with that of Gurye-gun, Seomjingang River in modern times. To do this, research method was both literature and fieldwork research, results were as follows. First, as for cotton fiber cultivation in Damyang-gun & Hwasun-gun, Chinese cotton (在來綿) has been cultivated during Japanese Colonial era unlike Gurye-gun. Especially, Yellow cotton (黃綿) has been cultivated in Hwasungun. Second, as for spinning in Damyang-gun, Hwasun-gun and Gurye-gun, some of cotton spinning process have been gradually changed to mechanization by market shop equipped with mechanized cotton gin and cotton whipping tool since Japanese colonial era. Third, the loom types also, like spinning tools, have been changed from the traditional Korean back-strap loom to the treadle loom in Damyang-gun, Hwasungun and Gurye-gun. Chemical dyeing with chemical dyestuff also has been done since Japanese Colonial era. Fourth, since the 1970s, the outputs of cotton production have been reduced in both Damyang-gun & Hwasun-gun. For Damyang-gun, this has been connected with bamboo craft since the Joseon Dynasty period. So, Damyang-gun has more concentrated on bamboo craft than cotton production. For Hwasun-gun, since Japanese Colonial era, sericulture has been very important. So, Hwasun-gun also has more concentrated on sericulture than cotton production. The main reason to discontinue cotton production in Damyang-gun, Hwasun-gun and Gurye-gun was related to the local choice like economic added value.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the characteristics of and changes in hemp textile production practices at Gurye in Jeollanam-do in modern times. To do this, in this study, both a literature review and fieldwork research were utilized as research methods. The literature review focused on Gurye's hemp data, and the fieldwork research involved two separate trials. Male and Female residents of Gurye who had experience in the area of hemp production from the 1920s to the 1980s participated in this study. The results were as follows. First, regarding hemp fiber cultivation in Gurye, hemp cultivation continued to the 1970s and there were no changes in hemp cultivation practices during the Japanese colonial-era. Second, there have been very important changes in hemp kilns over time. In the 1950s, there were both single-body kilns and separate-body kilns in Gurye. Later, specifically in the 1950s, a new type of kiln using an iron pot appeared, and the most modern kilns were concrete structures. Third, in Gurye, women cooperatively removed hemp husks immediately after stemming, subsequently bleaching the hemp by soaking it in lye or caustic soda. Over time, there have been changes in ash types and in soaking periods. Fourth, loom types changed from the traditional Korean back-strap loom to the treadle loom in the 1930s- to 1940s. Fifth, since the 1970s, the hemp textile output levels of Gurye have been reduced due to the westernization of clothing styles, the inflow of Chinese hemp fiber and government regulations pertaining to hemp cultivation.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine the Western perspective on the food and food culture of Modern Times in Korea (from the late of Joseon Dynasty until Japanese colonial era). Literature and written records were analyzed. This analysis revealed that the heart of the mill in this period involved rice, and that a common beverage was sungnyung made from boiled scorched rice (in contrast to tea as the common beverage in Japan or China). The most important subsidiary food in Joseon was vegetables, especially Kimchi. Westerners viewed Kimchi as a smell symbolizing Joseon and their meal times. Even though both Kimchi and cheese are fermented food, just like Westerners could not stand the smell of Kimchi, Koreans viewed the smell of cheese unpleasant. Westerners viewed German sauerkraut as Western food counterpart to Kimchi, as sauerkraut is also fermented food made of cabbage. Regarding the eating of dog meat in Joseon, most Westerners viewed it as brutal; however some interpreted it as a difference in food culture. In addition, the eating of raw fish and its intestines felt crude to Westerners. The biggest difference between Joseon's food and Western food was that Joseon had no dairy products and no sugar. The most highly preferred fruit for Westerners was the persimmon, and ginseng was already widely recognized and recorded as a medicinal plant. Joseon's desserts were also favorably evaluated. In contrast, the excessive gluttony, heavy drinking, and unsanitary conditions in Joseon were problems pointed out in many records.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Novels in China were recognized as the humble literature style and remained on the periphery for a long time. Getting to modern ages, novels were understood by the ways a save-the-nation drive and the Enlightenment and began to be written actively. Also novels occupied the central part of literature due to their diverse theories. Although the process was fairly unnatural, it aroused unprecedented development. Later it led to the birth of new novels of China after 4th May. It tried to study Zhuboshi; such as the social reality, wishes and anguish which they wanted to include by exploring novel theories and real creation of short stories which were actively discussed at that time.