전남 서남부지역의 참다래 과수원에서 발생하는 과숙썩음병원균(fruit rot, Botryosphaeria dothidea)에 대한 항균작용이 우수한 세균성 균주를 선발하기 위하여 참다래 과수원 토양으로부터 단일균주를 분리하였으며, 과숙썩음병원균(Botryosphaeria dothidea)에 대한 생물적 제어 능력을 검정하고 균주 동정을 실시하였다. 참다래 과수원에서 분리한 총 250여종의 단일균주 중에서 참다래에서 발생하는 과숙척음병원균에 대하여 길항작용이 우수한 균주를 1차적으로 6종 선발하였고, 이 중에서 참다래 과숙썩음병원균에 대하여 길항 작용이 96.0% 정도로 우수한 Strain #120을 최종적으로 선발하였다. 길항균 #120의 포자배열은 rectiflexibles 하였고, 포자표면은 smooth형이었으며, 분리균 세포벽내 LL-type이 DAP를 갖는 wall chemotype I 이었다. 길항균 #120의 균주 형태학적 특성, 생리 생화학적 그리고 화학 분류학적 특성 등을 종합하여 볼 때 길항균 #120은 Streptomyces sp. #120으로 동정되었다.
This study was carried out to clarify the effects of antifungal bacterial strains isolated from the greenhouse soil grown strawberry plants on the growth inhibition of plant pathogen, gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) infected in strawberry plants in Damyang and Jangheung districts. Antagonistic bacterial strains were isolated and investigated into the antagonistic activity against gray mold. Screened ten bacterial strains which strongly inhibited Botrytis cinerea were isolated from the greenhouse grown strawberry plants, and the best antifungal microorganism designated as SB 143 was finally selected. Antifungal bacterial strain SB 143 was identified to be the genus Bacillus sp. based on the morphological and biochemical characterization. Bacillus sp. SB 143 showed 59.4% of antifungal activity against Botrytis cinerea. By the bacterialization of culture broth and heated filtrates of culture broth, Bacillus sp. SB 143 showed 93.1% and 32.1% of antagonistic activity against Botrytis cinerea.
This study was carried out to screen and select the effects of antifungal bacterial strains which inhibit the growth of plant pathogen, Fusarium oxysporum (fusarium wilt) occurred in carnation plants in greenhouse. We isolated an effective bacterial strains and investigated into the antifungal activity of the antagonistic microorganism and it’s identification. Twenty bacterial strains which strongly inhibited Fusarium oxysporum were isolated from roots of carnation plants and the soil in greenhouse, and the best antifungal bacteria designated as C121, was finally selected. Antagonistic bacterial strain, C121 was identified to be the genus Bacillus sp. based on the morphological, biochemical and cultural characterizations. The Bacillus sp. C121 showed 58.1% of antifungal activity against the growth of Fusarium oxysporum. By the bacterialization of the cultural broth and the heat bacterialization culture filtrate of it, Bacillus sp. C121 was shown 92.1% and 21.0% of antifungal activity, respectively.