The shell & tube-type heat exchanger has been frequently used because it shows simple structure, easy manufacturing and wide operation conditions among many heat exchangers. This study aims to investigate the characteristics for thermal flow of coolant and the possibility of damage for tube equipped with shell due to thermal stress. For these purposes, The thermal flow of coolant in tube was simulated using ANSYS-CFX program and thus the behaviors of coolant were evaluated with standard k-ε turbulence model. As the results, as the flow rate of coolant in tube was increased, the mean relative pressure was also increased with quadratic curve, however, as the surface temperature of tube was increased, mean temperature difference was linearly increased. Finally it showed that the damage of tube could be predicted, that is, which tube was the most weak due to thermal stress.
In this study, the load fluctuation of the main engine is considered to be a disturbance for the jacket coolant temperature control system of the low-speed two-stroke main diesel engine on the ships. A nonlinear PID temperature control system with satisfactory disturbance rejection performance was designed by rapidly transmitting the load change value to the controller for following the reference set value. The feed-forwarded load fluctuation is considered the set points of the dual loop control system to be changed. Real-coded genetic algorithms were used as an optimization tool to tune the gains for the nonlinear PID controller. ITAE was used as an evaluation function for optimization. For the evaluation function, the engine jacket coolant outlet temperature was considered. As a result of simulating the proposed cascade nonlinear PID control system, it was confirmed that the disturbance caused by the load fluctuation was eliminated with satisfactory performance and that the changed set value was followed.
Direct water quenching technique can be used in hot stamping process to obtain higher cooling rate compared to that of the normal die cooling method. In the direct water quenching process, setting proper water flow rate in consideration of material thickness and the size of the area directly cooled in the component is important to ensure uniform microstructure and mechanical properties. In this study, to derive proper water flow rate conditions that can achieve uniform microstructure and mechanical properties, microstructure and hardness distribution in various water flow rate conditions are measured for 3.2 mm thick boron steel sheet. Hardness distribution is uniform under the flow condition of 1.5 L/min or higher. However, due to the lower cooling rate in that area, the lower flow conditions result in a drastic decrease in hardness in some areas in the hot-stamped part, resulting in low martensite fraction. From these results, it is found that the selection of proper water flow rate is an important factor in hot stamping with direct water quenching process to ensure uniform mechanical properties.
In this study, the change of cooling water temperature (72, 85, 95 ℃) and engine speed (1,800, 2,000, 2,200, 2,400rpm) were experimentally investigated to confirm the operation performance characteristics of auxiliary engine for refrigeration unit. The experimental setup consisted of fuel consumption meter, power meter, and heat transfer unit. The operation performances such as BSFC, exhaust temperature, power generation, and engine efficiency of the auxiliary engine showed similar characteristics in the present experimental range, according to the change of cooling water temperatures and rpms. As the torque increased, the BSFC decreased significantly and the exhaust temperature increased. The power generation increased linearly and the efficiency was insignificant at more than 40 Nm torque.
In this paper, a structural integrity on the test rig with assembly plug to perform intermediate examination is evaluated. Structural analysis results between the test rig with non assembly plug and assembly plug are compared, because the assembly plug has an effect on the flow of the coolant in the test rig. A equivalent stress value on the test rig with assembly plug is increased more than the stress on the test rig with non-assembly plug. A shape optimization of the assembly plug is performed to decrease the stress. Considering a connection with the transport tool, a optimized shape of the assembly plug is presented to minimize the stress on the test rig. Using the optimized assembly plug, the equivalent stress on the test rig with the optimized plug is less than the stress on the test rig with the non-optimized plug.
GRP pipe (Glass-fiber Reinforced Plastic Pipe) lines making use of FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic) are generally thinner, lighter, and stronger than the existing concrete or steel pipe lines, and it is excellent in stiffness/strength per unit weight. In this study, we present the result of field test for buried GRP pipes with large diameter(2,400mm). The vertical and horizontal ring deflections are measured for 387 days. The short-term deflection measured by the field test is compared with the result predicted by the Iowa formula. In addition, the long-term ring deflection is predicted by using the procedure suggested in ASTM D 5365(ANNEX) in the range of 40 to 60 years of service life of the pipe based on the experimental results. From the study, it was found that the long-term vertical and horizontal ring deflection up to 60 years is less than the 5% ring deflection limitation.
This experiment evaluated the interaction effect of extreme heat diet(EHD), inverse lighting, and cool water on the growth performance of broiler chickens under extreme heat stress. There were 4 experimental groups (T1: EHD 1, 10:00-19:00 dark, 19:00-10:00 light, cold water 9℃; T2: EHD 2, 10:00-19:00 dark, 19:00-10:00 light, cold water 9℃; T3: EHD 1, 09:00-18:00 dark, 18:00-09:00 light, cold water 14℃; T4: EHD 2, 09:00-18:00 dark, 18:00-09:00 light, cold water 14℃), each group composed of 25 broilers and the experiment was repeated 3 times. EHD 1 contained soybean oil, molasses, methionine and lysine. EHD 2 contained all nutrients of EHD 1 and vitamin C additionally. As a result, T1 and T2 displayed higher body weight increase and diet intake compared to T3 and T4 (p<0.05). The weights of their liver and gizzard were similar but the weights of the thymus and bursa F were higher for T1 and T2 compared to that of T3 and T4 (p<0.05). It was observed that T1 and T2 displayed higher concentrations of blood triglyceride, total cholesterol, HDL-C and blood sugar compared to that of T3 and T4 but LDL-C level was higher for T3 and T4 compared to that of T1 and T2 (p<0.05). T1 and T2 displayed higher levels of immunity substances such as IgG, IgA and IgM compared to T3 and T4 but the blood level of corticosterone displayed to be lower for T1 and T2 compared to T3 and T4 (p<0.05). The T1 and T2 contained a higher amount of fecal lactobacillus compared to that of T3 and T4 but the T3 and T4 contained a higher amount of fecal E. coli, total aerobic bacteria, coliform bacteria compared o that of T1 and T2 (p<0.05). T1 and T2 displayed higher concentrations of cecal acetic acid, ropionic acid and total short chain fatty acids compared to T3 and T4 but T3 and T4 displayed igher concentrations of butyric acid, isobutyric acid, valeric acid and isovaleric acid compared to T1 and T2 (p<0.05). These results have been observed that broiler chickens exposed to extreme eat stress with feeding EHD, inverse lighting and cold water would improve blood lipid, and elevate the production of immunity substance, beneficial microorganisms, and short chain fatty acids. This provision would also reduce the blood sugar consumption rate as energy sources and these effects will improve the growth performance of the broilers exposed to extreme heat.
Recently, underground pipes are utilized in various fields of applications such as sewer lines, drain lines, water mains, gas lines, telephone and electrical conduits, culverts, oil lines, etc. Most of pipes are installed for long-term purposes and they should be safely installed in consideration of installation conditions because there are unexpected various terrestrial loading conditions. In this paper, we present the result of investigation pertaining to the structural behavior of glass fiber reinforced thermosetting polymer plastic (GFRP) flexible pipes buried underground. The mechanical properties of the GFRP flexible pipes produced in the domestic manufacturer are determined and the results are reported in this paper. In addition, ring deflection is measured by the field tests and the finite element analysis (FEA) is also conducted to simulate the structural behavior of GFRP pipes buried underground. From the field test results, we predicted long-term, up to 50 years, ring deflection of GFRP pipes buried underground based on the method suggested by the existing literature. It was found that the GFRP flexible pipe to be used for cooling water intake system in the nuclear power plant is appropriate because 5% ring deflection limitation for 50 years could be satisfied.
The small break loss-of-coolant accidents for the HANARO fuel test loop have been predicted by MARS code. Conservative method was used for the prediction of the loss-of-coolant accidents. The maximum peak cladding temperature was calculated as 1286K, which was lower than the design limit temperature (1477K) of nuclear fuels for the HANARO fuel test loop. The maximum peak cladding temperature occurred for the cold leg break in the HANARO pool. The hydrogen generation and oxidation of the fuel cladding were also negligible. Consequently, it is ensured that the emergency cooling water system for the HANARO fuel test loop is appropriate for the small break loss-of-coolant accidents.
인류의 한정된 석유자원의 개발은 유가의 상승과 함께 필연적으로 심해지역의 유전을 탐사하고 개발하고 있다. 이러한 심해지역에 는 심층수의 온도가 약 4℃이고 표층수의 온도는 약 30℃로 이때의 온도 차이를 이용하여 발전설비를 가동하는 Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion(OTEC) 기술에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 기존의 심해지역에 설치되는 FPSO(Floating Production Storage Offloading; 부유식 생산설비)에서 수심 100m의 해수를 냉각수로 이용하는 조건을 400m까지 변경하는 조건으로 하고, FPSO에서 냉 각수로 사용되고 배출되는 해수를 이용하여 Discharged Thermal Energy Conversion(DTEC) 발전장치를 적용하는 방안을 설계하고 해석하 였다. 기존의 설계 수심보다 깊은 수심에서 냉각수를 취수하여 DTEC 시스템을 적용하면 수심에 따라 보다 많은 전력을 생산할 수 있는 시스 템의 설계가 가능한 것을 확인하였다. FPSO와 OTEC 발전설비의 유사성을 고려하였을 때, 심해지역의 FPSO에 DTEC 시스템을 적용하여 기술을 축적하고 유전의 수명이 다한 뒤에 OTEC 발전설비로 개조한다면 자원개발과 지속가능한 발전이라는 두 가지 중요한 과제를 이룰 수 있을 것이다.
As the Photovoltaic system market increases, various technologies are emerging to improve system operation efficiency. Such additional systems of the power generation system are generally referred to as ‘Balance of System’, for example a panel cooling, a panel cleaning and a panel angle adjusting apparatus. In this paper, we discuss an algorithm to calculate the target temperature of cooling in response to changes in the installation environment conditions of the power generation system so that the efficiency improvement rate target set by the user can be achieved with respect to the control method of the cooling water injection system among various panel cooling apparatuses. In order to calculate the target temperature of cooling, the output enhancement coefficient is calculated experimentally based on the temperature change according to the solar radiation condition of the PV panel, and the required reduction temperature of each irradiation condition is calculated considering the efficiency improvement rate. In addition, the efficiency improvement ratio is calculated considering the installation condition of the general power generation system without a separate control group. The thermal performance coefficient of the PV panel test body for calculating the expected temperature of the PV panel is calculated experimentally. The target temperature of cooling is calculated as the sum of the expected temperature of the PV panel and the required reduction temperature, and the injection system that tracks the target temperature by cooling water injection is constructed and compared with the power generation improvement rate and the user setting efficiency improvement rate.
In this study, an analytical study on cooling period of vertical pipe cooling method was performed to determine the discontinuance time of pipe cooling.
This study was investigated to control the corrosion and scale at the cooling water system in steel works. Laboratory and field tests were performed for the indirect cooling water system of plate mill. Throughout the experiment, various factors such as leakage of pipes, heating rate and capacity, and the reaction between existing and substitute inhibitors were carefully monitored. The results showed that the harmful effect of high temperature could be minimized, and satisfactory corrosion/scale controls were effectively achieved using inhibitor, even at the increased temperature of 80℃. The batch and field tests in the gas scrubbing cooling water system of blast furnace and cooling water system of corex plant indicated that the new inhibitor was more effective for the prevention of corrosion and scale than the existing one.