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        검색결과 12

        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 러시아와 국제사회가 인식하고 있는 러시아 제2의 도시 상 트페테르부르크의 도시 이미지에 주목하고자 하며, 인터넷 동영상 플랫 폼인 유튜브를 통해 도시이미지를 비교해 볼 계획이다. 본 연구는 기존 의 연구와 차별을 두어 정량적 방법론 중 정성적 해석이 가능한 혼합적 방법론인 의미 연결망 분석법을 활용했다. 본 연구는 영어판과 러시아판 으로 제작된 상트페테르부르크 관련 동영상을 SNS 분석 도구인 노드엑 셀(Node XL)을 활용해 수집 및 분석을 진행하였다. 본 연구에서 러시아 와 국제사회가 인식하는 상트페테르부르크의 이미지는 상당히 유사했다. 본 연구에서 발견한 가장 명확한 차이점은 러시아는 상트페테르부르크를 삶의 공간으로 인식하고 있는 한편, 국제사회는 여행지로 인식하고 있다 는 점이다. 그러나 향후의 러시아와 우크라이나 전쟁의 전개에 따라 상 트페테르부르크가 국제사회로부터 고립될 수 있기에 러시아로서는 이를 극복하고자 하는 상당한 노력이 필요할 것이다.
        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper analyses the foreign language curriculum of general high schools in China. The Chinese educational authority announced an experimental version of its language curriculum in 2003, revised it in 2017, and revised it in 2020. In 2003, the foreign language curriculum included only three foreign languages: English, Japanese, and Russian. German, French, and Spanish were added from the 2017 curriculum. The 2017 curriculum consists of three categories: ‘required’, ‘required optional’, and ‘optional’. The required courses meet the requirements for graduation by all students. Students intending to go to college must complete all required optional courses. The six foreign language curriculums equally set four core competencies: language ability, cultural consciousness, thinking ability, and learning ability. In addition, this paper investigated curriculum structure of the six foreign languages, learning vocabulary, and items included in the appendix, and compared the foreign language curriculum in China and Korea. In conclusion, Korea’s next curriculum suggested that achievement standards and evaluation criteria should be more specific in preparation for the high school credit system, and that achievement standards and evaluation criteria should be described so that the curriculum and college entrance can be linked.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Настоящая работа посвящена особенностям результативных конс трукций русского и корейского языков в сравнении с английс кимязыком. Так как морфологические и синтаксические свойств а результативных конструкций отличаются друг от друга в раз личных языках, то важным для перевода данных конструкций с одного языка на другой является правильное и точное их по нимание. Так, например, в русском языке не существует так наз ываемойвторичнойпредикации, которая возможна в корейском и английском языках. Вместо этого в русском языке существуе т множество глаголов с приставками и глаголов с приставками и возвратным суффиксом(-ся), имеющих ту же самую семантиче скую структуру, что и в результативных конструкциях. Корейс кие результативные конструкции тесно связаны с морфологией, в корейском языке есть результативные морфемы ‘-게, -도록’, к оторые так же употребляются в других значениях помимо резул ьтативного. В статье подробно описываются способы перевода р езультативных конструций русского и корейского языков в соо тветствии с типами глаголов.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study proposes how to teach aspectual derivations of the verb in the Russian language based on the prefixation and suffixation. The author argues that for the intermediate/advanced learners the traditional aspectual pair system needs to be replaced by the aspectual cluster system and the derivations of the imperfective verbs through the suffixation needs to be taught based on the classification of the infinitives. The hierarchical structure of verb stem in Russian is as follows: superlexical prefixes (po-, etc.) > -yva- > superlexical prefixes (ot-, etc.) > intermediate prefixes (do-, pere-) > -nu-/-a- > lexical prefixes > stem. The study also proposes that the syntactic structure needs to contain the split AspPs (PerfP1 > ImpfP > PerfP2 > PerfP3) outside of the vP and another AspP inside the vP in order to derive the above-mentioned hierarchical structure.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explores how smartphone applications can be used for Russian education. The progresses made in the ICT field, such as smartphones and the wireless Internet, have changed the environment of language education. The rapid development and implementation of smart technology in every aspect of society have led to the generation of the new learning environment called ‘smart learning’, applying those technologies in education. The definition of smart learning, however, is still evolving, while some attempts have been made slightly more in technology-oriented rather than pedagogy-oriented direction. But the importance of smart learning is that it can make it possible for learners to do self-directed learning utilizing ICT. Recently, in particular, smartphones have captured tremendous attention of foreign language teachers and learners as an ideal tool for satisfying new needs of the mobile learning era. Especially, the launch of iphone service has brought in a massive amount of educational applications to the market. Research has shown that many applications for Russian language education have been made in various categories. Despite some problems, using applications in learning the Russian language has bright prospects.
        2005.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The article proposes some ways for improving students writing skills while teaching Russian in Korean universities. One has to admit that existing textbooks cannot be efficiently used in groups which include students with different level of language competence (such situation is currently common in Korean universities). Hence teachers need methods which, being are used together with textbooks, allow to raise learning efficiency in such non-homogeneous environment. One of the proposed ways is the use of private photos which should be prepared by students in advance. Such photos are necessarily related to individual memories of each student, so during exercises students rely on their own personal experiences evoked by the pictures. To describe a situation depicted by the photos, students are asked to write down some sentences. In her turn, a teacher should also suggest some questions connected with a situation which is reflected by a photo. A usual set consists of six questions (as a rule, with inclusion of the most widespread interrogative words: “when”, “where”, “who”, “what”, “how”, “why”). On each question the student should give a full answer in writing. The questions should be closely connected with the grammar studied by the students. Another proposed method is based on use of the short texts of Russian fiction. Since most Korean students are interested in Russian literature, these materials are quite useful. For exercise I usually chose Pushkin’s poem I loved you. This poem is not only a remarkable literary piece, but also possesses peculiar and representative grammar structure. Teacher asks students to count verbs, adjectives, and nouns which are encountered in the text of the poem. Then they should conjugate the verbs and decline the nouns and adjectives, to demonstrate the forms used in the dictionaries. This helps students to understand peculiar features of cases and conjugations. After they have mastered all words in the text, poem is divided into fragments which should be arranged in correct order. As a result students get acquainted with of Pushkin‘s language, and also learn some features of Russian verses. These methods encourage interest among students and can be successful used while teaching groups of students with different level of language skills.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper aims at revisiting the information structure of sentences in languages such as Korean, English, Spanish and Russian. For this purpose, we refered to three types of focus structure, suggested by Lambrecht (1994), which include predicate-focus, argument-focus and sentence-focus structures. The information structure can be represented by the categorical statement and the thetic statement. The first is divided into two information segments- and , which typically corresponds to predicate-focus structure, while the second can not be divided but constitutes only one unit , which represents the sentence-focus structure. Given that the existence of `topic` is the factor of determining categorical/thetic statements, there`ll be possibility of interpreting certain argument-focus structures as secondary thetic sentences and of considering some of Lambrecht`s thetic structures as categorical sentences. On the other hand, the linguistic ways to realize the information division vary across languages, even if they are commonly available in affirming or negating the existence of `topic`.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Heung-Su Im. 2003. Concept "Woman" in Russian phraseological units. Studies in Modern Grammar 32, 205-220. Most of the Russian phraseological units(PU) reflect the ethnic-cultural experience of the Russian people. Essentially the functional approach to the correlation of the peculiarities of ethnic culture and phraseology is a topical problem of investigations in phraseology. The study of the question gives an opportunity to regard the ontological picture of language as a social phenomenon. This paper aims at analysing the peculiarities of the semantic structure of the PU and the semantic importance of cultural cannotations realized in them which reflect the characteristics of national mentality. The PU play a special role in cultural heritage and ethnic identity because the picture of world of ethnic culture is realized in the metaphorical contents of the phraseology. We will analyze various types of the PU as much as possible to describe the above-mentioned facts in this paper. The PU realize the cultural heritage of the speakers, at the same time, work on the formation of their collective consciousness. Therefore, the culturally colored picture of world works on the speakers, by shaping cultural and linguistic self-consciousness through the reflection in language. In the process of analysis, it is revealed that not only the national identity but also the certain collective self-consciousness resulting from the definite cultural or temporal sphere in society can be reflected in the formation of the PU.
        2000.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Heung-Su Im. 2000. Russian Idioms as Reflection of the Characteristics of National Mentality. Studies in Modern Grammar 21, 87-114. The primary purpose of this article is to examine the relationships between language and spiritual culture, language and national mentality, with special reference to the process of embodiment of national culture in the idioms and the semantic im portance of cultural connotations realized in them which reflect the characteristics of national mentality. Analyzing various types of idioms, we will show that the cultural and the anthropological factors work on the formation of the idioms, and that the idioms functions as paradigm of national mentality and cultural code. We will also reveal that not only the national identity but also the certain collective self-consciousness resulting from the definite cultural or temporal sphere in society can be reflected in the formation of the idioms.