최근 들어 심해역에 대한 개발과 합섬섬유 재질 케이블의 발달로 인하여 저장력 케이블의 사용이 증가되었다. 저장력 케이블은 장력에 의한 복원력이 작기 때문에 대변위가 발생하게 되며, 따라서 기하학적 비선형이 강하게 나타나게 된다. 또한 해양환경에서는 유체 비선형도 작용하게 된다. 본 연구에서는 수치해석적 방법을 통하여 불균일하게 구성된 예인되는 저장력 케이블의 3차원 동적거동 해석을 수행한다. 수치해석에서는 유체 및 기하학적 비선형과 굽힘강성이 고려되며, 유한차분법(음해법)을 적용하여 풀이된다. 비선형 해를 구하기 위해서 뉴톤-랍슨 방법을 사용한다. 대형 행렬을 풀이하기 위하여 불록삼중대각행렬 풀이법이 적용되는데, 이 방법은 일반적인 행렬 풀이법인 가우스-조르단 방법에 비하여 계산시간을 상당히 줄일 수 있었다. 선배열 음탐 케이블에 대한 다양한 예제해석을 수행하였으며, 해석결과는 미국 우즈홀 해양연구소에서 개발된 프로그램 결과와 잘 일치하였다.
Background: The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of packaging material on the growth of rootstock of Liriope platyphylla.
Methods and Results: This study examined the effects of two types of packaging material, LDPE (low density polyethylene) and functional film on the growth of the tubers of L. platyphylla, at 5℃. During the 16-weeks of storage period, the ratio of loss and decay of the tubers was examined at intervals of 4, 8, and 16 weeks to detect the quality of the plant. After 16 weeks of storage, the treated tubers were own. Subsequently, plant height and the number of leaves were recorded. The results revealed that functional film at 5℃ was the ideal material for the storage of L. platyphylla tubers. The rate of loss was the highest (57.42%) with a onion net and the lowest (22.12%) with a functional film. Similarly, the rate of tuber decay was highest (8.20%) using onion net and the least (4.60%) when the functional film was used.
Conclusions: Thus, the use of the functional film proved to be the most effective in the storage of L. platyphylla tubers when compared with the LDPE.
본 시험은 논과 밭재배에 따른 양파생육 및 채종용 모구 생산, 저장력의 차이를 구명하고자 실시하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 시험전후 토양의 화학적 성분을 보면 질소, 인산, 칼리는 밭토양에서 많았으며 칼슘, 마그네슘, 나트륨은 논토양에서 많았다. 토양수분은 논토양에서 많았고 지중온도는 밭 토양에서 높았다. 2. 양파의 지상부 생육은 밭재배가 양호했으나, 구의 발달은 월동이후 초기에는 논재배에서 빨랐으나 구 비대기 이후에는 밭재배가 더 컸다. 3. 구의 평균 무게는 밭재배가 무거으며, 양파구의 수분함량은 밭재배가 더 많았다. 경도는 논재배가 더 단단했으며 당도는 밭재배에서 더 높았다. 4. 양파의 무기성분 함량은 질소, 인산, 칼리는 밭재배에서 많았고 칼슘, 마그네슘, 나트륨은 논재배에서 많았다. 5. 구중 분포를 보면 밭재배에서는 구가 큰 양파가 많이 분포했으며 논재배에서는 작은 크기의 양파가 많이 분포하였고 양파 채종에 알맞은 모구 생산 비율은 논재배가 63~70% 로 밭재배에 비해 8~26% 더 많았다. 6. 부패율은 논재배가 27.2~34.6% 이고 밭재배가 37.5~51.4% 로 논재배가 8.7~24.2% 적었다.
Grapes (large seed strains)were treated with fumigation using SO\ulcorner and seal-packaged by PE film, then storage at 0 at 90 RH for the test of storage life. The fruits weight loss and abnormal fruits increased with storage. The abnormal fruits were rapidly produced after 80 days, however, these rates of Rubel muscat and Shingyoku were only 8.0 and 8.3%, respectively. After 90 days, the rate of Rubel muscat was 19.1%, resulting in the least rate. Moisture content of Kaiji and Honey black slightly increased and that of other grapes decreased. Soluble solids content and acidity decreased except Shingyoku and Honey black, however, sugar/acid ratio increased with these strains. The external appearances were depressed with storage but sensory test value of Shingyoku, Honey black, Rubel muscat were ranged from 7 to 9, showing good evaluation. The hardness of Honey black after 90 days resulted in the highest value 0.51 and that of Izunishiki and Kaiji were 0.23-0.25, showing the least value.
This experiment carried out to find the storage life according to the kinds of packaging material. Sheridan(Grape) which was fumigated SO2 were wrapped with polyethylenes(Bio-PE and PE) and stored at under 90% RH modified condition. The resorts were summarized as follow. Natural weight loss was increased according to the storage time during the 135days storage that was only 1.0-1.7% in sealing section while 10% in non-sealing section. Abonrmal fruits were increased as the storage time was increased and it was 6.6-6.7% in sealing section while 100% in non-sealing during the 135days storage. Quality of appearance and taste are better in sealing section than non-sealing section and it was good in Bio-PE sealing section between packaging materials. Moistrue content was de creased as the storage range was increased and the decreasing rate of that during the storage was 4.9-5.2% in sealing section between treatments. During the storage range increased, the soluble solid degree was increased in non-sealing section but decreased in sealing section.