PURPOSES : The pole electrode method damaged the concrete pavement on inserting the electrode into the pavement surface. This study examined the feasibility of the flat electrode method to observe the concrete pavement instead of the pole electrode method and analyzed the resistivity characteristics of the concrete by performing laboratory tests.
METHODS : The resistivity of the concrete specimens manufactured with three different mixing ratios (38.50%, 39.50%, and 40.50%) were measured using the pole and flat electrode methods according to the concrete age (7 and 28 days) and electrode spacing (20 mm, 30 mm, and 40 mm).
RESULTS : In both pole and flat electrode methods, the resistivity increased with increasing fine aggregate proportion regardless of the concrete age. The resistivity measured at a concrete age of 28 days was slightly larger than that measured at 7 days. In the case of a concrete age of 7 days, the resistivity measured by the flat electrode method was larger than that measured by the pole electrode method. The difference disappeared at 28 days.
CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the flat electrode method can replace the pole electrode method because the resistivity measured by both methods was similar. Hence, the development of a technology to apply the flat electrode method to actual concrete pavement is necessary.
The shape of tire footprint is one of the important factor which affects to the performance of tire such as handling, ride and wear. In this study, the effect of the stiffness for tire footprint is investigated. Some tires on the market were selected and tested the vertical stiffness, lateral stiffness by stiffness measuring system. And the contact length, contact width and contact area are tested, too. The contact width and length is reduced by the increase of the tire stiffness. According to the change of the tire stiffness, the leading edge and trailing edge in the footprint have a different shape.
본 논문에서는 지진시 역 T형 옹벽에 작용하는 기초 접지압의 변화를 Mononobe-Okabe공식을 이용하는 기존의 유사정적 설계기법과, 지반의 비선형 부지증폭현상 고려한 유한차분해석을 이용하여 살펴 보았다. 옹벽 설계에 있어서 높이 10m를 초과하는역 T형 옹벽의 경우 상시 안정조건을 만족함에도 불구하고 지진시 지지력 안정조건을 만족하지 못하는 경우가 발생한다. 안정조건을 만족시키지 못하는 주요 원인은 동토압으로 야기되는 편심하중 증가로 인한 기초 유효저면적의 감소이다. 본 논문에서는 역 T형 옹벽의 지진시 유효저면적의 변화를 유한차분해석프로그램(FLAC)을 이용하여 살펴보았으며, 그 결과로부터 동적지지력 계수의 설계 적용성을 검토하였다.
본 논문에서는 3차원 유한요소법과 층탄성프로그램인 BISAR를 통해 얇은 아스팔트 콘크리트 표층의 피로균열 수명에 영향을 줄 수 있는 아스팔트 표층에서의 예측 인장변형률 결과를 광폭타이어와 바이어스 프라이 타이어를 이용하여 비교하였다. 본 논문에서는 11R22.5와 10×20 bias ply 타이어의 접지압력 분포도를 분석하였으며, 서로 다른 해석방법을 이용하여 아스팔트 표층 하단부와 상단부에서의 예측인장변형률을 비교하였다. 분석결과, 두 타이어의 접지압 분포는 유사했지만 11R22.5광폭타이어가 10×20 bias ply타이어와 비교해 상당히 큰 연직방향 접지압력을 보였다. 타이어 중앙에서 아스팔트 콘크리트 표층 하단부에서의 예측 인장변형률은 타이어 접지면적을 측정하여 충탄성프로그램인 BISAR에 적용한 BM해석법이 컸으며, 타이어 가장자리로부터 3.5cm 떨어진 곳에서의 상층부 예측 인장변형률은 3차원 접지압을 이용한 3차원유한요소법에 의한 해석이 가장 큰 값을 보였다.
차량의 동적특성, 즉 소음, 진동, 승차감 및 조종안정성능 등에 중요한 영향을 미치는 부품중에 하나로 차체의 중량을 지지하고 노면과 접촉하여 회전하면서 조타성을 지니는 타이어를 고려하지 않을 수 없다. 지금까지의 이러한 타이어 최적설계에 이용되어지고 있는 예측기법으로는 유한요소해석 방법이 널리 활용되어 지고 있으나, 이는 타이어에 공기압 주입 및 차량의 조종안정성능이 우수한 타이어 제품개발 및 개선을 위해 차량 주행시 타이어와 노면과의 접지면에 작용하는 힘과 모멘트를 예측할 수 있는 유한요소해석 적용기법을 개발하였으며,이러한 해석기법을 통한 결과와 실측치는 매우 유사한 관계를 지니고 있음을 알 수 있었다.
접지전지 설계를 위한 Zn, Al 및 Mg의 합급양극의 특성을 실험적으로 조사한 결과를 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 1. 환경비저항 1000 Ω.cm 이하에서는 Zn합금양극이, 1000 Ω.cm 이상에서는 Mg합금양극이 접지전지 설계에 좋다. 2. 비저항 500 Ω.cm 이하에서는 Al합금양극이 Mg 합금양극보다 접지전지 설계를 위한 유전양극 특성이 좋으나 모든 비저항에서 Zn합금양극보다 특성이 떨어진다. 3. 배유전유밀도가 급격히 증가하는 일정인가전압은 다음과 같다. ① E 하(Zn)=log (4.9465/σ상(0.0639))+11×10 상(-6)σ상(0.8923i) ② E 하(Al)=log (4.9306/σ상(0.0525))+13×10 상(-6)σ상(0.9314i) ˚led3 E 하(Mg)= log (3.7086/σ상(0.0988))+181×10 상(-6)σ상(0.5406i) 4. 유전양극의 종류 및 환경의 비저항에 따라 인가전압과 배유전유밀도의 관계는 다음과 같은 일반식으로 표시할 수 있다. logi=g+root(n.E+r)
To verify the accuracy of the numerical experiment of Part I, measurements at the matured rice canopy located around Junam reservoir were performed at August 14, 1995. According to the measured data, the foliage temperature recorded the highest value, and the ground temperature was the lowest around noon, and these results coincided with those of the numerical experiment using the combined model of Part I. From the estimation using measured data, the maximum value of the latent heat flux was 380 Wm2, the highest value among energy balance terms, and the energy redistribution ratio of the latent heat flux was averaged as 0.5, the highest values among redistribution ratios. These results are the same as those of the numerical experiment in tendency, but they reveals a little lower in the absolute values than those from the numerical experiment.
To estimate the thermal effect of the vegetation canopy on the surface sublayer environment numerically, we used the combined model of Pielke's1) single layer model for vegetation and Deardorff's2) Force restore method(FRM) for soil layer. Application of present combined model to three surface conditions, ie., unsaturated bare soil, saturated bare soil and saturated vegetation canopy, showed followings;
The diurnal temperature range of saturated vegetation canopy is only 20K, while saturated bare soil and unsaturated bare soil surface are 30K, 35K, respectively. The maximum temperature of vegetation canopy occurs at noon, about 2 hours earlier than that of the non-vegetation cases. The peak latent heat fluxes of vegetation canopy is simulated as a 600Wm2 a at 1300 LST. They have higher values during afternoon than beforenoon. Furthermore, the energy redistribution ratios to latent heat fluxes also increased in the late afternoon. Therefore, oasis effect driving from the vegetation canopy is reinforced during late afternoon compared with the non-vegetated conditions.
Meteorological measurements were carried out in the basin of Cheong-Kwan located Yang-San near Pusan city, from Oct. 30 to Nov. 1, 1988. According to the measured data, we verified the close relationship between the variation of nocturnal inversion layer and the meteorological elements. The nocturnal inversion layer by radiative cooling in this site extends up to 130 meters or so. And the nocturnal jet appears just above or at the top of the inversion layer, and the stronger of the prevailing wind blows, and the lower of the jet level appears. Some meteorological features such as heating, cooling etc., began to change in or in the slightly higher level of the inversion layer, when they are formed, reinforced and disappeared. And the air in the basin preserves its character because it is not affected by local scale air flow.
The field observation was carried out to investigate the characteristics of surface inversion layer at Kimhae using the feild observed data and upper layer meteorological data during 4-5 February 1993. The results of the study can be summarized as follows: The maximum height of surface inversion layer observed at Kimhae is 194m and the height of upper level inversion layer ranges from 200m to 300m. The surface weather elements was influenced the formation of surface inversion layer. According to the pasquill stability and time variation of temperature with height, both the surface heating from insolation and the disturbance of upper level of inversion layer was influenced the disappearance of inversion layer. And the stability of surface temperature inversion layer generally belongs to the class of F, that of upper level temperature inversion layer commonly to the class of E.