The effects of stigma removal from floral organ and treatment of auxin on those regions were evaluated on the fruit growth and quality in strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.). The removal of stigma reduced the fruit weight, fruit length, and fruit width, while fruit growth declined as the number of removed stigma increased. The removal of stigma also resulted in reduced fruit firmness, sugar content, and total anthocyanin content, and decreased value of Hunter a for red color and increased value of Hunter b for yellow. The number of seeds deceased as the regions of removed stigma increased. The treatment of auxin on the region of removed stigma improved fruit size, while it reduced fruit firmness, sugar content, and anthocyanin content. The delay in fruit ripening was observed from both stigma removal and auxin treatment. The incidence of malformed fruits increased as the regions with removed stigma increased. The treatment of auxin also promoted fruit malformation.