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        검색결과 8

        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The purpose of this study is to develop a traffic accident prediction model using statistical data, to analyze child traffic accidents in school zones. Furthermore, we analyze the factors affecting child traffic accidents, as obtained from the results of the developed model. METHODS : From the literature review, we obtained data for child traffic accidents and various variables relating to road geometry and traffic safety facilities in school zones. We used these variables and data to develop a child traffic accident analysis model. The model was then developed into three types using the Limdep 9.0 statistical tool. RESULTS: As a result of the overdispersion test, the Poisson regression model was applied to all types of models with an overdispersion coefficient of close to zero. The results of the model development are as follows. The main model (all scope of analysis) was for a kindergarten, considering a local roadway, the accessibility of the roadway, the number of unsignalized intersections, and the school zones in commercial area as variables that increase traffic accidents. Sub-model typeⅠ(only the roadway connected to the main entrance) was for a kindergarten, considering a local roadway, skid resistant pavement, no-parking signs, the number of unsignalized intersections, and the number of commercial facilities as variables that increase traffic accidents. The main model and sub-model type Ⅰ showed a reduction in accidents when using forward-type traffic signals. Sub-model typeⅡ(only the roadway not connected to the main entrance) shows that the local roadway is the variable that most increases the probability of traffic accidents. However, when the roadway and walkway are separated, the probability of traffic accidents decreases significantly, by up to 90%. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study demonstrate the need to restructure the method used to improve school zones. Moreover, the effect of various traffic safety facilities was quantitatively analyzed.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The objective of this study is to estimate required minimum spacing between Freeway IC for high-speed roadways. METHODS: Since high-speed roadways with over 140 km/h design speed do not exist in Korea, VISSIM Simulation Program was used for analysis. Acceleration noise and conflicts were selected for Evaluation Index. Standard deviation size for acceleration and deceleration was calculated by VISSIM to estimate acceleration noise. Conflicts were produced in areas between Freeway IC with SSAM. RESULTS : As a result, required minimum spacing was 6 km for acceleration noise analysis, while 5 km was deducted for conflict analysis. For Model Evaluation, with SAS, conflicts did not show much difference in 5~6 km area by 90% confidence interval. CONCLUSIONS : For acceleration noise, results showed lacking in its discrimination between index per Minimum Spacing. However, conflicts were valid in difference; required minimum spacing was 5 km by validation result.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was to analyze the inland signal-fire which is the main facility of military protective duty for safety ofland in chosun dynasty.The results ofthis researchweredescribedseparatelyasfollows. 1.Five types of site plan of signal-fire were observed,which is circle,oval, rectangular,indeterminateform.Themajoritieswereovaltype. 2.Plan configuration of brazier which is separated with circle,rectangular type roughly wasconstructed with circle type generally.The heightofbrazierwas about 3~4.5m.The diameter ofbrazier was 1.5~2.5m.Building base thatprotectground moistureandinfilteration ofrainfallwasfoundin 5inlandsingal-fire,theheightofit wasabout0.3m~2.5m. 3.Theheightofprotectivewallremaineduntilpresentwasabout1m,thedepthwas aboutaverage1.2m. 4.Entrance was mainly stairs or open type and average width was 1.0~1.2m. Howeverthe depth was almostobserved as 1m,originally,itwas estimated ithas moredepth. 5.The storage of inland signal-fire has rectangular dimension,severaltypes of 1.8×1.2m~5.7×4.4m,square(間) of 1×1~2×1.The building material was stone and locatedbelow ornearthebrazier