The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes of protein patterns in granulosa cells and corpus luteum in ovaries during the estrus cycle in cows. The estrus cycle was devided into five steps of follicular, ovulatory, early-luteal, mid-luteal and late-luteal phases. In results, 61 spots of total 85 spots were repeated on follicular phase and 51 spots of total 114 spots were repeated on ovulatory phase. The 40 spots of total 129 spots were repeated on early-luteal phase and 49 spots of total 104 spots were repeated on mid-luteal phase. Also 41 spots of total 60 spots were repeated on late-luteal phase. On the other hands, the 16 spots were indicated difference in follicular phase and ovulation phase had a difference 10 spots. It was showed difference No. 103 spot in ovulation phase, No. 135 spot in early-luteal phase and No. 175 and 176 spots in mid-luteal phase. Also, the 11 spots were expressed specifically in mid-luteal phase and No. 178 and 179 spots were difference of expression in late-luteal phase. We confirmed that there were 7 spots for ovulation, 4 spots for luteinization and 2 spots for luteolysis. Spot No. 89~93 in ovulation phase were transferrin, and spot No.94~98 were HSP60. Spot No. 103 was Dusty PK, spot No. 135 was OGDC- E2, and spot No. 175 and 176 were Rab GDI beta from luteinization. Spot No. 178 and 179 in luteolysis were vimentin. This results suggest that will be help to basic data about infertility.
본 연구는 도축된 한우의 황체난소, 낭종난소, 정상난소를 이용하여 체외 수정란 생산 시, 각각의 난소별 수정란 생산율을 분석하기 위하여 각 난소별 미성숙 난자의 회수율을 조사하였다. 15 18℃로 운반된 도축 유래 난소로부터 18G 주사침이 장착된 10 ml 주사 기를 이용하여 적색체 또는 황체가 형성된 난소, 직경 15 mm 이상의 낭종성 난소 및 4 10 mm의 정상난소로부터 미성숙 난자를 회수하여, 체외수정을 통한 분할율을 확인하 였다. 총 회수된 미성숙 난자와 이용 가능한 미성숙 난자의 수를 조사한 결과, 황체난소, 낭종난소 및 정상난소에서 총 회수된 미성숙 난자는 18.94±1.11, 18.57±1.42 및 20.24± 2.28개로 관찰되었으며, 그 중 성숙 배양에 이용된 미성숙 난자는 7.92±0.77, 8.22±1.31 및 10.70±1.02개로 확인되었고, 모두 유의적인 차이는 관찰되지 않았다(p<0.05). 또한, 난 소에서 총 회수된 미성숙 난자에 대한 성숙 배양으로의 효율은 황체난소, 낭종난소 및 정상난소에서 각 42.39±5.01, 43.60±5.15 및 53.55±3.19%로 조사되었으며 유의적인 차 이는 나타나지 않았다(p<0.05). 한편, 황체난소, 낭종난소 및 정상난소로부터 회수된 미성 숙 난자의 분할율은 77.46±1.60, 74.91±2.03 및 77.39±2.39%로 관찰되었고 유의적인 차 이는 나타나지 않았다(p<0.05). 본 연구의 실험 결과 황체 및 낭종난소와 정상난소에서 회수된 미성숙 난자의 개수 및 분할율에는 차이가 없다는 것을 알 수 있으며 이와 같은 결과를 통해 황체 및 낭종난소에서도 정상적인 난소에서와 마찬가지로 미성숙 난자가 채 란되며 이용가능하다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 하지만 보다 정확한 결과를 얻기 위해서는 추가적으로 성숙 및 발달율에 대한 조사가 이루어져 할 것이라고 생각된다.
본 연구는 도축된 제주마의 난소를 이용하여 초음파 유도난포란 채취 기술을 확립하고자 난소, 난포 및 황체의 크기를 초음파상과 육안적 측정치를 비교하고자 하였다. 초음파상 측정치와 caliper를 이용한 실제 크기의 측정치 비교에서는 통계학적 차이는 보이지 않았다. 배란 직전의 난포를 조사한 결과, 초음파상에서 관찰한 것은 난소 한 개 당 평균 0.83개와 평균 크기는 2.86 m였으며, 육안으로 관찰된 것은 난소 한 개 당 평균 0.75개와 평균 크기는
This study was carried out to compare the actual size(length and height) of ovaries, follicles and corpora lutea of Korean native cow with those on sonograms. We used 3 different probes(3.5 MHz abdominal probe, 6.5 MHz transvaginal probe and 5.0 MHz transrectal probe) and a calipher for measurements of ovaries, follicles and corpora lutea on sonograms and actual size. Under water immersion, 157 ovaries were scanned with 3 probes and measured in actual size and compared each other. The average height and width of ovaries of Korean native cows were 17.403.99 and 34.236.02mm, respectively. In comparison of height, length of ovaries and preovulation follicles, we found that image with a transvaginal probe was nearly the same as the actual size(p<0.01), but with an abdominal probe the image was appeared larger than the actual size. In measurement(diameter) of preovulation follicles the transvaginal probe was proven to be more accurate to the actual size than other probes and in corpus luteum measurement all probes were accurate. In the comparison of number of follicles by different size ranges, there was no statistical difference in the count of follicles over 10 mm in diameter between the transvaginal probe and naked eyes.
Recent studies have demonstrated that apoptotic cell death plays an important role in the mechanism underlying follicular atresia and luteolysis. However, the mechanisms responsible for initiating these processes have not been elucidated. In in vitro fertilization (IVF) programs, it is highly possible that continuous and repeated administration of FSH/hMG and GnRH agonists for the usage of ovarian hyperstimulation may induce apoptotic death of granulosa cells leading to atresia in the human ovarian follicles. The present study was performed to investigate whether FSH/hMG and GnRh agonists used for a longer period in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation has any effect on the apoptosis of granulosa-luteal (GL) cells obtained from hyperstimulated ovaries. To examine apoptotic cell death in the GL cells, cells were stained with acridie orange followed by observed in some of GL cells. Similar but distinct staining of apoptotic GL cells was observed when the cells were examined by using in situ TUNEL method. The healthy-looking cells with normal nuclear morphology were not stained, whereas cells with pyknotic nuclei or with apoptotic nuclei were intensively stained. After examining the ultrastructural features of GL cells by TEM, it was confirmed that the majority of cells seemed to have normal nuclei while GL cells undergoing apoptotic cel death were rarely found. The DNA extracted from GL cells showed a typical pattern of fragmentation following DNA electrophoretic analysis. We have confirmed that the apoptosis occurs in granulosa-luteal cells obtained from hyperstimulated ovaries. Technically, in situ apoptosis detection method is simple and reproducible and is well suited to identify the quality of oocytes retrieved from hyperstimulated ovaries.