
Development & Reproduction KCI 등재 발생과 생식

이 간행물 논문 검색


Vol. 1 No. 1 (1997년 2월) 10

1997.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
본 연구는 단순배양체계내 소 난포란의 성숙에 요구된는 탄수화물 (glucose, lactate와 pyruvate)을 검토하기 위해 수행하였다. GV(germinal vesicle) 단계의 난구세포로 둘러싸인 소 난자를 단백질, 아미노산 및 호르몬이 첨가되지 않은 modified Tyrodes (mT)에서 24시간, 5% CO2 배양기를 이용하여 성숙배양하였다. Glucose 무첨가군 (0-61%)에 비해 5.6mM의 glucose 첨가군 (71
1997.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
To investigate the process of spermiogenesis of the Korean eastern Daubenton's bat, Myotis daubentonii ussuriensis, the testis obtained from mature male bats was studied by transmission electron microscope and were based on the variety and diagnostic characters of cell organells. The results obtained from the present study are as follows. According to the differentiation of the cell organells, the spermiogenesis of the Korean eastern Daubenton's bat, M. d. ussuriensis, was divided into Golg, cap, acrosome, maturation and spermiation phases. Besides, these Golgi, cap, acrosome, and maturation phase were subdivided into the steps of early and late phases repectively and matruation phase was subdivided into step of early, mid and late phases. Therfore, the spermiogenesisof M. d. ussuriensis has been divided into a total of 11 phases. The chromatin granules began to condense at the early cap phase, regularized at the acrosome phase, and a perfect nucleus of sperm was formed at the maturation phase. The chromatoid body was occurred in the upper cytoplasm of nucleus at the early Golgi phase, and it was accurred the posterior cytoplasm of the nucleus at the early maturatio phase. The formation of sperm tail began to be develop in the early golgi phase, and completed at the spermiation phase. The fiber structure of middle piece was consisted of nine outer doublets and two central singlet microtubules and Nos. 1, 5, 6 and 9 in the outer dense were larger than the others(2, 3, 4, 7, 8).
1997.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The present study was conducted to determine the effect of recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone (rhFSH) on the estrogen synthesis by human fetal ovarian tissues. Fetal ovaries were 18-19 weeks old (18 wks:n=1, 19 wks:n=2). One case of 19-week-old fetal ovaries were obtained from anencephalic fetus. Obtained ovarieswere cleaned and diced around pieces, and cultured in the sandwich agar bed system for 21-23 days. Estrone () and estradiol-17 () in the medium was measured by radioimmunoassay. Amount of synthesis was greater than in both normal cases. In contrast, fetal ovaries from anencephalic fetus did not produce neither nor in the presence or absence of rhFSH. Results suggest that the fetal ovaries have a capacity of estrogen production at 18-19 weeks of gestation Existence of FSH receptor is also supposed. Different results by anecephalic fetal ovaries suggest the difference in the development between normal and anencephalic fetal ovaries.
1997.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Experiments were performed to study the effects of diluents, cryoprotectant, equilibration time, thawing temperature and addition of BSA and egg yolk. Among the various diluents, Alsever's solution was the best for sperm cryopreservation. A combination of Alsever's solution and 15% ethylene glycol showed the better results than others did. Sperm activity indection and survival rate gradually decreased with the equilibration time. The appropriate thawing temperature was 30 C. These results indicate that sperm cryopreservation methods can be developed in tiger puffer.
1997.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
DNA 회복효소인 MPG는 DNA의 퓨린기에 결합되어 있는 메틸기 등 이물질을 염기와 함께 제거하는 작용을 한다. 본 연구에서는 노던 블롯팅 방법을 이용하여 Balb/c mice의 각 조직별로 발생단계별 mRNA 발현 정도를 조사하였다. 뇌와 콩팥조직에서는 출생직후에 발현이 가장 활발하였으며, 성체시기까지 비교적 높은 활성도가 유지되었다. 위장 조직에서는 출생직후에서 일주일 후까지는 명확히 관찰되었으나, 그 이후는 발현이 약화되었다. 간장과 폐조직에서는
1997.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Befor fertilization, mammalian oocytes undergo meiotic maturation, which consists of nuclear and cytoplasmic differentiation. In this study, changes of stores in mouse oocytes were examined during meiotic maturation and the role of in the regulation of the maturation was investigated by using monoclonal antibodies against smooth endoplasmic reticulum -ATPase(SERCA-ATPase) and calreticulin. Observations were made under epifluorescence microscope and/or confocal laser scanning microscope. In immature oocytes which did not resume meiotic maturation, SERCA-ATPases were mostly localized in the vicinity of the germinal vesicle and calreticulins were distributed evenly throughout the cytoplasm. In mature oocytes, SERCA-ATPases were observed throughout the cytoplasm, butwere absent from the nuclear region. In contrast, calreticulins were localized mostl in the cortex of the oocyte and were absent from the cytoplasm. However, bright fluoresence stainings were wbserved in the perimeiotic spindle region of mature oocyte when labeled with antibodies against calreticulin. These results indicate that mouse oocytes undergo distinct rearrangement of the localization of -ATPases and calreticulins during meiotic maturation. Thus it can be suggested that redistribution of the stores, as revealed by differential fluorescence stainings, is deeply involved in the regulatory mechanism of mammalian oocyte maturation.
1997.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
생쥐의 부정소에서 진행되는 정자 성숙과정 동안의 첨체반응 능력의 변화를 조사하였다. 자발적 첨체반응 및 난포액, 프로게스테론, 또는 A23187에 의해 유발되는 첨체반응은 모두 정자의 성숙에 의존저긍로 일어났다. 두부 부정소의 매우 적은 정자만이 난포액 및 프로게스테론에 반응하여 첨체반응을 일으켰으며 체부 및 미부 부정소간에 첨체반응율에 차이가 없었다. 반면 A23187 처리시 상당수의 두부 부정소 정자가 첨체반응을 진행하였다. 이러한 결과에서 두부 부
1997.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Mammalian ovary consists of various growing stages of follicles. Ovarian follicular growth and differentiation, however, can be distinguished into recruitment, growth, selectiona nd ovulation. while only minute of the selected follicles ovulate their oocytes, all the rest follicles disappear by atresia. this atresia is an important event of which physiological mechanism must be resolved. The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of various doses of pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG) on the oocyte quality, ovulation rate, and the early embryonic development in immature mice. Immature mice were administrated with 5, 20, or 40 IU PMSG. At every 12 hour up to 72 hour after treatment, body and ovary weights were measured. Oocytes were flushed from the oviducts under the dissecting microscope and observed under the inverted microscope. Late 2-cell embryos were collected from the mice which were superovulated by the same dosage of PMSG followed by 5 IU hCG 47 hours after PMSG-treatment. The percentage of abnormal oocytes was higher in 20 or 40 IU PMSG-treated animals than 5 IU PMSG-treated ones. Ovulation occured at 12 hours afger PMSG injection in all experimental groups. The percentage of retrieved abnormal oocytes increased in the 20 or 40 IU PMSG-treated goups but not in 5 IU PMSG-treated group. There was no significant difference in the mating rate among the groups [52.6% (10/19), 66.7% (10/15), 44.0% (11/25) : 5, 20, 40 IU group respectively] ; however, ther was a significant (p<0.01) increase of embryo retrieval rates in 5 and 20 IU-treated groups compared with that in 40 IU-treated group [89.2% (239-268), 85.5% (224/262), 40.0% (18/45)]. There was significant (p<0.01) increase of embryo development rates in 5 IU-treated group compared with that in 20 and 40 IU-treated group [231/239(96.7), 179/224(79.9), 77.8(14/18)]. In conclusion, higher doses of PMSG injection increased the occurrence of abnormal oocytes ovulation in immature mice. The most of oocytes collected from 5 or 20 IU-PMSG-treated group has fertilizabioity. But in mice injected iwth higher doses of PMSG, their oocytes exhibit less fertilizability and, even fertilized, all oocytes are not fully capable of development.
1997.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Recent studies have demonstrated that apoptotic cell death plays an important role in the mechanism underlying follicular atresia and luteolysis. However, the mechanisms responsible for initiating these processes have not been elucidated. In in vitro fertilization (IVF) programs, it is highly possible that continuous and repeated administration of FSH/hMG and GnRH agonists for the usage of ovarian hyperstimulation may induce apoptotic death of granulosa cells leading to atresia in the human ovarian follicles. The present study was performed to investigate whether FSH/hMG and GnRh agonists used for a longer period in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation has any effect on the apoptosis of granulosa-luteal (GL) cells obtained from hyperstimulated ovaries. To examine apoptotic cell death in the GL cells, cells were stained with acridie orange followed by observed in some of GL cells. Similar but distinct staining of apoptotic GL cells was observed when the cells were examined by using in situ TUNEL method. The healthy-looking cells with normal nuclear morphology were not stained, whereas cells with pyknotic nuclei or with apoptotic nuclei were intensively stained. After examining the ultrastructural features of GL cells by TEM, it was confirmed that the majority of cells seemed to have normal nuclei while GL cells undergoing apoptotic cel death were rarely found. The DNA extracted from GL cells showed a typical pattern of fragmentation following DNA electrophoretic analysis. We have confirmed that the apoptosis occurs in granulosa-luteal cells obtained from hyperstimulated ovaries. Technically, in situ apoptosis detection method is simple and reproducible and is well suited to identify the quality of oocytes retrieved from hyperstimulated ovaries.
1997.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
In order to study the reproductive physiology of Sand ell(Hypoptichus dybowskii) catched at kangwon-do, Wooamjin Bay, spawning and egg development were investigated in April and May, 1996. The observed spawning period was from the middle of April to the end of May with the water temperature above C. Body size and colouration were distinguished between male and female. The type of testicular structure is lobular, and the ovary is a pair of sac-sahaped covering with a fibromuscula capsule and comprising a mature egg of average 86. The unfertilzed egg are demersal and adhesive, and their diameter were 1.65-1.95 mm. the colour of yolk is light yellow and contained a lot of tiny oil globules. The average spawned egg was 62 in sargasso weeds. Hatching was observed in 12 days after fertilization with the water temperature of 14 C. The average size of larva after hatching was 6.850.23mm in total length, and larva were containing yolk including globule.