
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the optimal artificial insemination (AI) time with diagnostic kit at ovulation time. We already applied the patent about the protein in the cow heat mucose in external reproductive tract. And we would examine the accuracy for detection of cow heat by the kit produced with the protein. Evaluation of optimal heat detection was tried two time at 12 hrs and 24 hrs after the heat. And then, AI service also performed two times with no relation to the results of heat diagnosis by heat detection kit and pregnancy rates were checked with rectal palpation on 60th day after AI. Heat diagnostic results by kit in natural heat after 12 hrs in Hanwoo cows were showed 31.3~75.0% on positive in first heat detection and 33.3~100.0% on positve in second heat detection. In the 1st positive results were significant different (p<0.05), but 2nd positive were not. The results of heat detection showed different result on regional influence and individual cow effects. The pregnancy rates of first trial of heat detection were showed 34.4~78.7% on positive and 21.3~68.8% on negative after the diagnosis by heat detection kit. And the pregnancy rates of next trial of heat detection were showed 33.3~85.7% on positive and 14.3~66.6% on negative after the heat diagnosis. Both positive results of first trial and next trial also were showed significant different (p<0.05), but negative results were not. In positive result, first trial of total pregnancy rates was higher than the next trial of pregnancy, but there showed opposite results on negative results. In conclusion, the optimal heat detection kit is suitable to ordinary Hanwoo cows and it suggested that we have to improve the kit’s accuracy by detecting the materials like proteins related optimal AI time.