
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study enrolled enterprise business owners/managers in the U.S. as the subjects to investigate the relationship among four factors: personal motivation, the social expectation of stakeholders, business performance, and their CSR toward the local community. The research results showed that: (1) small enterprise’s perceived expectation from stakeholders has a positive effect on their decision to engage in CSR toward community; (2) their perception of business performance has a positive effect on their decision to engage in CSR toward the community. Based on these research results, public policymakers or relevant units are advised to further achieve the goal of nurturing a flourishing community by increasing awareness of stakeholder’s expectations for small enterprise’s CSR commitment. Also, it is clearly pronounced in this study that regardless of their personal motivation to support the local community, unless financially successful, small businesses are less likely to engage in CSR toward the local community. This result makes a good sense that having a successful business operation is a necessary condition for small enterprises to pay attention to a higher-level value such as CSR toward the local community.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the advancement of digital technologies, the importance of inbound marketing in the B2B is increasing rapidly. Previous studies on B2B marketing suggested that compelling content is a key component in B2B suppliers' inbound marketing. The most representative marketing content of B2B supplier firms is BRC (business reference content). BRC refers to a content, such as a ‘case study’ and/or a ‘success story’ that describes, in detail, deliveries of existing satisfied customers. Prior researchers argued that using existing customers as referrers enhances the confidence of potential customers, lowers perception of purchase risk. For these reasons, many B2B marketing experts consider BRC as the core of B2B digital marketing. Nonetheless, little is known regarding with researches on BRC in the academic domain. Therefore, there is urgent need for empirical research and an integrated model that can clarify the underlying mechanism of BRC. The focus of this study is to identify how BRC influences prospective customers' purchase decisions. To examine the underlying mechanism of BRC, our research focused on two unique aspects of BRC: 1) BRC format (narrative formant vs non-narrative format), and 2) ‘transportation’ to explain BRC effect process. Using a scenario-based online experiment, our results provide several interesting insights on the BRC. Results showed that stronger transportation takes place in narrative BRC (vs non-narrative BRC). In addition, narrative BRC has a positive impact on a favorable attitude toward referrer through transportation, which in turn lowers purchase risks (e.g. product performance risk, psychosocial risk, potential financial risk, and potential time risk). The results provide a clear basis for why it is important to use BRC in B2B supplier firms' marketing communication.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        South Korea has led the global online game markets successfully in the mobile game platform based social network service with commercialization and showed the potential of the mobile game market. Currently, Korea's game industry is accelerating the global expansion for the mobile game market based on online game technology and mobile infrastructure. However, recently as mobile games attract attention in the mobile business and digital entertainment markets, the competition grows so fast. Cooperation between game developers and publishers have important implications in mobile games as well as online games for competitiveness through selection and concentration. This study was designed to support decision making at the outsourcing for publisher and the development of mobile games with key success factor analysis. The key evaluation factors of the mobile game were extracted through the literature review and expert groups, and then the relative importance between each factor was derived to take advantage of the AHP, Multi-criteria decision method. Differences between the online game and mobile game were analysed in this evaluation process. Also we were able to verify this evaluation model by applying the released mobile game. As a result, accomplishment and gambling in the mobile game was found to be a key factor. Also differentiation factors from online game were social factor, scalability, reliability. Unlike the previous studies which have been focused on online games, this study offers the guideline of the decision making for the business success in the mobile game development and the sourcing, the most important steps in publishing business.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        대형마트를 운영하는 회사들은 2012. 1. 17. 「유통산업발전법」이 개정 되어 지방자치단체장들로부터 영업시간 제한 및 의무휴업일 지정의 영업 규제를 받자 이에 불복하여 소송을 제기하였고, 대법원은 2015. 11. 19. 선고 2015두295 전원합의체 판결로 지방자치단체장들의 대형마트에 대 한 영업시간 제한 및 의무휴업일 지정 처분은 적법하다고 판시하였다. 위 대법원 판결에서 다수의견·반대의견·보충의견이 첨예하게 대립한 논쟁의 쟁점은 대형마트 내에 입점하여 있는 용역제공 장소가 영업시간 제한 및 의무휴업일 지정 규제의 대상이 되는지와 관련하여 대형마트로 등록된 대규모점포 의 요건에 관한 구 「유통산업발전법」 및 동법시행령의 해석에 관한 것이었다. 위와 같이 대법원 전원합의체에서 다수의견·반대의견·보충의견이 나 뉠 정도로 「유통산업발전법」 체계가 혼란스럽고 내용이 불명확하여 많은 문제점이 발생하고 있다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해서는 「유통산업 발전법」상 용어인 매장·점포·시장 등에 대한 개념의 명확화, 대규모점 포 등의 영업형태 분류의 현실화 및 체계화, 영업형태와 관련한 영업규 제의 필요성 등이 반영된 입법 수정작업을 하여 대형마트의 용역제공 장 소를 둘러싼 논쟁을 근본적으로 해결하여야 할 것이다. 또한 「유통산업 발전법」의 입법취지에 반하여 특정한 영업형태를 규제하려는 것은 오히 려 영업형태의 발전과 진화를 막는 결과를 초래하고 유통산업의 발전을 저해하는 결과를 초래할 것이므로 출점규제 내지 영업규제를 최소화 하 여야 하는 방향으로 입법이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 궁극적으로는 대형마 트를 비롯한 대규모점포의 규제는 중소유통업자를 보호하기 위한 경제적 목적 규제 가 아닌 외국 선진 입법례와 같이 환경, 교통, 토지의 효율적 이용 등을 목적으로 하는 사회적 목적의 규제 로 전환하는 입법이 이루 어져야 할 것이다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nowadays, the human resources of an organization are very important in order to survive in competitive business environment. This study investigates the influence of four decision-making styles in Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and working conditions on organizational effectiveness. Job satisfaction and immersion have been regarded as key conceptions of organizational effectiveness. The result of this study has shown that organizational effectiveness are influenced by personality types and working conditions. Based on the result, an enterprise must provide working conditions which are conducive and suitable for all decision-mak- ing styles. For ST-type, the composition of good relationship with superiors, clear organization’s visions and goals and rewarding compensation on original idea contribution need to be provided. On the other hand, autonomic authority and job assistance in co-worker are more suitable for NT-type. Finally, in the case of SF-type, the organization must give job assistance in co-worker.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper proposes a methodology to measure the risk level in real-time for Business Activity Monitoring (BAM). A decision-tree methodology was employed to analyze the effect of process attributes on the result of the process execution. In the course of
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          In this paper the economic value of weather forecasts is valuated for profit-oriented enterprise decision-making situations. Value is estimated in terms of monetary profits (or benefits) resulted from the forecast user’s decision under the specific payo
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Such effects would be paid off in the right way only when management of the firms perform marketing activities focusing on long term effectiveness, which would drive company profits up and keep them for long. Demands of customers are being changed and varied. In this result with the advantage of mass marketing and database marketing have been drawing attentions from company. To fulfill these demands of customer, they need a concept of eCRM(Web based Customer Relationship Management), and go from selling products and services, or gathering customer requests, up to the phase of solving customer's problem by real time or previous action. With the help of internet, the frequency and speed of the problem solving has improved greatly. For these purposes, we try to determine the most important and most urgent factors in eCRM: utilization by using SN Ratio Decision making, one of the Multi-criteria decision-making methods SN Ratio Decision making is widely used for determining relative magnitude per evaluation item, i. e. priority on problems and is expected to make more systematic and objective evaluations than conventional methods do. Even in the present situation where any general criterion on eCRM dose not exist, utilization of eCRM is expected to be actively continued, which will cause many problems. In this regard, evaluating eCRM counts.
        2019.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study aims to investigate factors influencing business households’ decision for borrowing credit: the case of commercial banks in Tra Vinh Province, VietNam. The study was conducted by collecting data from 300 business households traded at four commercial banks in Tra Vinh province (Viet Nam bank for agriculture and rural development, Tra Vinh Branch; Viet Nam jointstock commercial bank industry and trade, Tra Vinh Branch; Asia joinstock commercial bank, Tra Vinh Branch; Viet Nam jointstock commercial bank for foreign trade, Tra Vinh Branch). By the use of the Binary Logistic regression method, the research found out that the factors influencing to borrow credit of household business’s decision including: banks brand names, loan interest rates, service attitude, and loan procedures. Of those, the banks brand names and lending interest rates have the strongest impacts on borrow credit decision of business households at commercials banks in Tra Vinh province. Since then, the study has proposed solutions to improve access to credit of business households in commercial banks in Tra Vinh province in the coming time, such as: developing a bank brand; the development of flexible lending interest rate policies; improve service style of bank staff; at the same time, simplifying lending procedures.