본 연구는 폐쇄형 식물공장에서 시금치 수경재배시 세가지의 인공광이 생육, 광합성 및 품질에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위해 수행되었다. 세가지 광 처리구는 적색 (660nm), 청색 (450nm) 및 녹색 (550nm) LED를 사용하여, R660 / B450 = 4/1 (RBL), R660 / B450 / G550 = 5/2/3 (WWL); R660 / B450 / G550 = 1/1/1 (WL) 비율로 혼합하였고, 동일한 광도로 설정하였다 (PPFD = 190 μmol‧m-2 ‧s-1). 생육조사결과 초장, 엽수는 WL이 가장 적었다. SPAD, 순광합성율, Fv/Fm, LAI, 근권부 생육은 RBL이 가장 높았고 통계적으로 유의하였다. 줄기, 잎, 뿌리의 생체중, 뿌리의 건물중은 세가지 처리구에서 유의한 차이를 보였다. 대조적으로 WL의 칼륨의 함량은 WWL과 RBL 가운데 가장 높았지만, 반면 칼륨과 철의 함량은 RBL이 가장 높았다. 비타민C 함량도 시험구간 유의한 차이를 보였다. 질소와 옥살산 함량은 WL이 가장 높았고, 용해성 고체와 비타민C 함량은 RBL이 가장 높았다. 옥살산, 질소 함량은 WWL에서 감소하는 경향을 보였고, RBL의 옥살산 함량은 WL와 WWL과 차이가 없었다. 모든 처리구에서 Salmonella, E.coli.는 감염되지 않았다. 결론적으로, RBL이 시금치의 생육에 적합하지만, 적색, 청색과 적정하게 혼합된 녹색광은 시금치의 생육에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다고 판단된다.
A quality of forage under optimal condition needs to be evaluated because an optimal condition for high productivity does not guarantee high quality product. In this study, we aimed at investigating a quality of barley grown under optimal conditions for maximizing productivity by comparing its ingredient contents with those under other conditions in plant factory-type fresh forage growing system. To compare the ingredient in barley grown at 4 conditions, we used multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and Tukey’s post-hoc test. The optimal growth condition (20 and 63% of humidity) was applied to the first group (group 1), while other groups were cultivated under 20 / 90% (group 2), 18 / 63% (group 3), and 23 / 63% (group 4). In the analysis, contents of ingredients in each sample were measured at two parts, i.e., roots and shoots. Result showed that roots included 86.68% of moisture, 1.86% of crude-protein, 0.58% of crude-fat, 2.13% of crude-fiber, 195.78 ppm of minerals, and 231.48 μmol/g of amino acids. For shoots, 92.42% of moisture, 2.52% of crude-protein, 0.16% of crude-fat, 1.86% of crude-fiber, 263.78 ppm of minerals, and 208.34 μmol/g of amino acids were contained. When comparing by groups, moisture, crude-fat, and some minerals (Fe, Na, and P) were not significantly different by groups. In contrast, crude-protein, crude-fiber, and few minerals (Ca and K) were different. Overall, the variation in total amount of ingredient was less than 20% among groups, suggesting quality of barley under optimal conditions for productivity was acceptable. In conclusion, the optimal condition for yielding maximal productivity maintains barley quality, but an operating conditions needs to be changed when emphasizing functional aspect of forage.
This study was designed to determine the antioxidant activity of solvent fractions of broccoli sprouts grown by controlling the growing environment at the plant factory system. Fractionation was achieved with chloroform, n-hexane, ethyl acetate, butanol, water by 70% EtOH extract of the broccoli sprouts. Each solvent fraction was put through TLC and HPLC to separate active components. Higher antioxidant activities were observed for the butanol and ethyl acetate layers. Further evaluation of each of the 5 layers (LH1 to LH5) of the butanol fraction showed that the refined LH3 extract had a high antioxidant effect. Components with similar Rf values from TLC had the same retention times and peaks in the HPLC analysis. It was also determined that the sulforaphane content was high at the chloroform and butanol layers and the sulforaphane was responsible for, the high antioxidant activity. Thus, to use for functional materials, the butanol extract/layer of broccoli sprouts is recommended as the most effective.
Recently, an interest in functional foods has been increasing. It was recommended placing a short definition. Therefore, we performed research on the chemical functions and antioxidant ability of broccoli. This research is vital for preparing the most favorable conditions and environment for highly-functional broccoli. Broccoli produced after applying sprouting and light sources were used for research. The chemical properties of the broccoli, including composition, free sugar, citric acid, mineral and vitamin (A, C, E) content, were analyzed. In addition, the ability of broccoli compounds to reduce total phenolic compounds, SOD-liked activity, EDA (electron donating ability), and hydroxyl radicals were inspected. Total analysis relied on the SAS (statistical analysis system). Broccoli sprouts produced through plant factory system's photosynthesis, treated under different light sources, had superior amounts of crude protein, crude fat, and crude ash, compared to normal sprouts under fluorescent light. Is it a facility or does it refer to the inner metabolism of the cell? Broccoli sprouts under red light had superior amounts of glucose, fructose, malic acid, and oxalic acid, while broccoli sprouts under turquoise light had superior amounts of citric acid. Broccoli sprouts under white light had superior amounts of various minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, and sodium. In terms of antioxidant activity, data from the plant factory system shows an increase in EDA antioxidants (1.63 mg/mL, 30.82%). Sprouts applied with turquoise light had superior amounts of hydroxyl radical scavenging (65.62%), and sprouts applied with white light had superior amounts of activated SOD-like activity (52.69%). Research on dehydrated broccoli sprouts showed that sprouts dehydrated with cold air had superior amount of malic, citric, oxalic acid compared to sprouts dehydrated with hot air. In terms of vitamin levels, sprouts dehydrated with cold air had five times the normal amount of vitamin A and E, whereas sprouts dehydrated with hot air had higher amounts of vitamin C. Dehydration at low temperature also produced a higher amount of activated antioxidants (1.6 mg/mL of activated antioxidant ability, 63.04% of SOD-like activity, and 67.76% of hydroxyl radical scavenging). Our results show that antioxidant ability can vary by the type of photosynthesis and temperature level in which the sprouts are dehydrated. Therefore, thorough foundational data is required to product the most functional broccoli.
Antioxidant activity of Astragalus membranaceus, Polygonatum stenophyllum, Angelica gigas, Acanthopanax sessiliflorus and Angelica pubescens extracts cultivated in Jecheon prepared with different solvents were determined by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrzyl(DPPH) radical scarvenging ability and thiocyanate method . The highest hydroxy radical scarvenging activity was shown in Acanthopanax sessiliflorus, while the lowest was in Polygonatum stenophyllum. Angelica gigas showed strong antioxidant activity by thiocyanate method. Methanol extracts and water extracts showed higher antioxidant activities than ethanol extracts. Angelica pubescens showed the highest polyphenol contents and Acanthopanax sessiliflorus showed the highest flavonoid contents. Direct correlation between the hydroxy radical scavenging activity and polyphenol contents or flavonoid contents was established by simple regression(r>0.8) in each solvent extracts. Among medicinal plants cultivated in Jecheon, Acanthopanax sessiliflorus and Angelica pubescens showed strong antioxidant activities. These results suggest that methanol or water extracts of several medicinal plant cultivated in Jecheon could be used as natural antioxidants.
땅콩의 착협비대기인 '98. 8. 5 - 8. 6 사이 2일간 207 mm에 달하는 집중호우에 의거 침수피해가 발생된 지역에서 약 1개월 후 시료를 채취하여 땅콩의 생육, 수량 및 품질변화에 대하여 조사한 결과, 주경장, 분지장, 생체중 등 지상부 생육과 종실수량은 침수일수가 길수록 현저히 감소되었고, 침수기간이 1일 정도 짧아도 침수기간 3일과 큰 차이없이 피해가 컸으며 땅콩종실의 저장기간중 지질의 산패율은 침수일수가 길수록 산패가 빨랐고, 불