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        검색결과 36

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study investigated the effectiveness of various chlorinating agents in partitioning light water reactor spent fuel, with the aim of optimizing the chlorination process. Through thermodynamic equilibrium calculations, the effects of using MgCl2, NH4Cl, and Cl2 as a single chlorinating agent or applying MgCl2, NH4Cl, and Cl2 sequentially for spent fuel chlorination were evaluated Furthermore, in this study, assuming the actual process operation situation, where only a part of the semi-volatile nuclides is removed during the heat treatment process, and including the process of precipitating the molten salt from the chlorination process with K3PO4 and K2CO3 precipitants, the percentage distribution of 50 nuclides in the light water reactor spent fuel into each process stream was quantitatively calculated using the simulation function of the HSC program and tabulated for intuitive viewing. Compared to a single chlorinator, sequential chlorination more effectively separated the heat and radioactivity of the spent fuel from the uranium-dominated product solids. Specifically, the sequential application of the chlorinating agents following heat treatment led to a final solid separation characterized by 93.1% mass retention, 5.1% radioactivity, and 15.4% decay heat, relative to the original spent fuel. The findings underscore that sequential chlorination can be an effective method for spent fuel partitioning, either as a standalone approach or in combination with other partitioning processes such as pyroprocessing.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the efficacy of various chlorinating agents in partitioning light water reactor spent fuel, with the aim of optimizing the chlorination process. Through thermodynamic equilibrium calculations, we assessed the outcomes of employing MgCl2, NH4Cl, and Cl2 as chlorinating agents. A comparison was drawn between using a single agent and a sequential approach involving all three agents (MgCl2, NH4Cl, and Cl2). Following heat treatment, the utilization of MgCl2 as the sole chlorinating agent resulted in a moderate separation. Specifically, this method yielded a solid separation with 96.9% mass retention, 31.7% radioactivity, and 44.2% decay heat, relative to the initial spent fuel. In contrast, the sequential application of the chlorinating agents following heat treatment led to a final solid separation characterized by 93.1% mass retention, 5.1% radioactivity, and 15.4% decay heat, relative to the original spent fuel. The findings underscore the potential effectiveness of a sequential chlorination strategy for partitioning spent fuel. This approach holds promise as a standalone technique or as a complementary process alongside other partitioning processes such as pyroprocessing. Overall, our findings contribute to the advancement of spent fuel management strategies.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As temporary storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel (SNF) are becoming saturated, there is a growing interest in finding solutions for treating SNF, which is recognized as an urgent task. Although direct disposal is a common method for handling SNF, it results in the entire fuel assembly being classified as high-level waste, which increases the burden of disposal. Therefore, it is necessary to develop SNF treatment technologies that can minimize the disposal burden while improving long-term storage safety, and this requires continuous efforts from a national policy perspective. In this context, this study focused on reducing the volume of high-level waste from light water reactor fuel by separating uranium, which represents the majority of SNF. We confirmed the chlorination characteristics of uranium (U), rare earth (RE), and strontium (Sr) oxides with ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) in previous study. Therefore, we prepared U-RE-SrOx simulated fuel by pelletizing each elements which was sintered at high temperature. The sintered fuel was again powdered by heating under air environment. The powdered fuel was reacted with NH4Cl to selectively chlorinate the RE and Sr elements for the separation. We will share and discuss the detailed results of our study.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Thermodynamically, TRUOx, REOx, and SrOx can be chlorinated using ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) as a chlorinating agent, whereas uranium oxides (U3O8 and UO2) remain in the oxide form. In the preliminary experiments of this study, U3O8 and CeO2 are reacted separately with NH4Cl at 623 K in a sealed reactor. CeO2 is highly reactive with NH4Cl and becomes chlorinated into CeCl3. The chlorination yield ranges from 96% to 100%. By contrast, U3O8 remains as UO2 even after chlorination. We produced U/REOx- and U/SrOx-simulated fuels to understand the chlorination characteristics of the oxide compounds. Each simulated fuel is chlorinated with NH4Cl, and the products are dissolved in LiCl-KCl salt to separate the oxide compounds from the chloride salt. The oxide compounds precipitate at the bottom. The precipitate and salt phases are sampled and analyzed via X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive spectroscopy, and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy. The analysis results indicate that REOx and SrOx can be easily chlorinated from the simulated fuels; however, only a few of U oxide phases is chlorinated, particularly from the U/SrOx-simulated fuels.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Facing the problem of saturation of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) stored in temporary storage facilities on sites, interest in the treatment of SNF is increasing, and it is recognized as a task that needs to be solved promptly. Although direct disposal is a general method for dealing with SNF, the entire fuel assembly is classified as high-level waste; thus, the burden of disposal is high. In order to minimize the disposal burden with enhancing safety for long term storage, it is necessary to develop SNF treatment technologies and continuous efforts are required from a national policy perspective. The present study focused on minimizing the volume of high level waste from light water reactor fuel by separation of uranium, which accounts for most of SNF. The chlorination characteristics of uranium (U), rare earth (RE) oxides were confirmed through lab-scale experiments, and the possibility of uranium separation from U-RE simulated fuel was evaluated using NH4Cl chlorinating agent. The detailed results will be posted and discussed.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To estimate the removal efficiency of TRU and rare earth elements in an oxide spent fuel, basic dissolution experiments were performed for the reaction of rare earth elements from the prepared simfuel with chlorination reagents in LiCl-KCl molten salt. Based on the literature survey, NH4Cl, UCl3, and ZrCl4 were selected as chlorination reagent. CeO2 and Gd2O3 powders were mixed with uranium oxide as a representative material of rare earth elements. Simfuel pellets were prepared through molding and sintering processes, and mechanically pulverized to a powder form. The experiments for the reaction of the simfuel powder and chlorination reagents were carried out in a LiCl-KCl molten salt at 500°C. To observe the dissolution behavior of rare earth elements, molten salt samples were collected before and after the reactions, and concentration analysis was performed using ICP. After the reaction completed, the remaining oxide was washed with water and separated from the molten salt, and XRD was used for structural analysis. As a result of salt concentration analysis, the dissolution performance of rare earth elements was confirmed in the reaction experiments of all chlorination reagents. In an experiment using NH4Cl and ZrCl4, the uranium concentration in the molten salt was also measured. In other words, it seemed that not only rare elements but also uranium oxide, which is a main component of simfuel, was dissolved. Therefore, it is thought that the dissolution of rare earth elements is also possible due to the collapse of the uranium oxide structure of the solid powder and the reaction with the oxide of rare earth elements exposed to molten salt. As a result of analyzing the concentration changes of Simfuel before and after each reaction, there was little loss of uranium and rare earth elements (Ce/Gd) in the NH4Cl experiment, but a significant amount of rare earth elements were found to be reduced in the UCl3 experiment, and a large amount of rare earth elements were reduced in the ZrCl4 reaction.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Strontium-90 is a high heat-generating nuclide in spent nuclear fuel. The removal of the nuclide separation is indispensable to reduce the burden of storage and disposal of high-level radioactive waste. Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute has developed the molten salt immersion technique to separate the strontium by the chlorination of the strontium oxide in molten salt. It is needed to separate the salt for the recovery of strontium from the salt solution after the chlorination reaction. In this study, it was investigated on the recovery of the strontium from the salt. Vacuum distillation was used for the separation of strontium from the molten salt. The vapor pressures of the candidate salts were calculated by HSC chemistry and the apparent evaporation rates (AER) were measured at 830°C to evaluate the salts for strontium recovery. The candidate salts were LiCl, KCl, MgCl2, NaCl and CaCl2. The AERs of MgCl2 and NaCl were 1.9 and 1.3 g/cm2-h, respectively. Those two salts can be separated from the strontium compound even though the AER values are much lower than those of LiCl-KCl (~ 8 g/cm2-h). CaCl2 salt was rarely evaporated (AER < 0.03 g/cm2-h) and it is not suitable to use as a strontium recovery salt. Therefore, MgCl2, NaCl, LiCl and KCl can be regarded as candidates for a strontium recovery salt.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a chlorination technique for recycling Li2ZrO3, a reaction product of ZrO2-assisted rinsing process, was investigated to minimize the generation of secondary radioactive pyroprocessing waste. It was found that the reaction temperature was a key parameter that determined the reaction rate and maximum conversion ratio. In the temperature range of 400−600℃, an increase in the reaction temperature resulted in a profound increase in the reaction rate. Hence, according to the experimental results, a reaction temperature of at least 450℃ was proposed to ensure a Li2ZrO3 conversion ratio that exceeded 80% within 8 h of the reaction time. The activation energy was found to be 102 ± 2 kJ·mol−1·K−1 between 450 and 500℃. The formation of LiCl and ZrO2 as reaction products was confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis. The experimental results obtained at various total flow rates revealed that the overall reaction rate depends on the Cl2 mass transfer rate in the experimental condition. The results of this study prove that the chlorination technique provides a solution to minimize the amount of radioactive waste generated during the ZrO2-assisted rinsing process.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The reaction between Li2CO3 and Cl2 was investigated to verify its occurrence during a carbon-anode-based oxide reduction (OR) process. The reaction temperature was identified as a key factor that determines the reaction rate and maximum conversion ratio. It was found that the reaction should be conducted at or above 500℃ to convert more than 90% of the Li2CO3 to LiCl. Experiments conducted at various total flow rate (Q) / initial sample weight (W i) ratios revealed that the reaction rate was controlled by the Cl2 mass transfer under the experimental conditions adopted in this work. A linear increase in the progress of reaction with an increase in Cl2 partial pressure (pCl2) was observed in the pCl2 region of 2.03–10.1 kPa for a constant Q of 100 mL∙min−1 and W i of 1.00 g. The results of this study indicate that the reaction between Li2CO3 and Cl2 is fast at 650℃ and the reaction is feasible during the OR process.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a model to optimize residual chlorine concentrations in a water supply system was developed using a multi-objective genetic algorithm. Moreover, to quantify the effects of optimized residual chlorine concentration management and to consider customer service requirements, this study developed indices to quantify the spatial and temporal distributions of residual chlorine concentration. Based on the results, the most economical operational method to manage booster chlorination was derived, which would supply water that satisfies the service level required by consumers, as well as the cost-effectiveness and operation requirements relevant to the service providers. A simulation model was then created based on an actual water supply system (i.e., the Multi-regional Water Supply W in Korea). Simulated optimizations were successful, evidencing that it is possible to meet the residual chlorine concentration demanded by consumers at a low cost.
        2019.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Global fitting functions for Fe-selective chlorination in ilmenite(FeTiO2) and successive chlorination of beneficiated TiO2 are proposed and validated based on a comparison with experimental data collected from the literature. The Fe-selective chlorination reaction is expressed by the unreacted shrinking core model, which covers the diffusion-controlling step of chlorinated Fe gas that escapes through porous materials of beneficiated TiO2 formed by Fe-selective chlorination, and the chemical reaction-controlling step of the surface reaction of unreacted solid ilmenite. The fitting function is applied for both chemical controlling steps of the unreacted shrinking core model. The validation shows that our fitting function is quite effective to fit with experimental data by minimum and maximum values of determination coefficients of R2 as low as 0.9698 and 0.9988, respectively, for operating parameters such as temperature, Cl2 pressure, carbon ratio and particle size that change comprehensively. The global fitting functions proposed in this study are expressed simply as exponential functions of chlorination rate(X) vs. time(t), and each of them are validated by a single equation for various reaction conditions. There is therefore a certain practical merit for the optimal process design and performance analysis for field engineers of chlorination reactions of ilmenite and TiO2.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There has been an accelerating increase in water reuse due to growing world population, rapid urbanization, and increasing scarcity of water resources. However, it is well recognized that water reuse practice is associated with many human health and ecological risks due to numerous chemicals and pathogenic microorganisms. Especially, the potential transmission of infectious disease by hundreds of pathogenic viruses in wastewater is one of the most serious human health risks associated with water reuse. In this study, we determined the response of different bacteriophages representing various bacteriophage groups to chlorination in real wastewater in order to identify a more reliable bacteriophage indicator system for chlorination in wastewater. Different bacteriophages were spiked into secondary effluents from wastewater plants from three different geographic areas, and then subjected to various doses of free chlorine and contact time at 5˚C in a bench-scale batch disinfection system. The inactivation of φX174 was relatively rapid and reached ∼4 log10 with a CT value of 5 mg/L*min. On the other hand, the inactivation of bacteriophage PRD1 and MS2 were much slower than the one for φX174 and only ~1 log10 inactivation was achieved by a CT value of 10 mg/L*min. Overall, the results of this study suggest that bacteriophage both MS2 and PRD1 could be a reliable indicator for human pathogenic viruses for chlorination in wastewater treatment processes and water reuse practice.
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