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        검색결과 12

        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The current paper examines how parasocial interaction (PSI), imaginary and illusory relationships with fashion designers, enhances luxury consumers’ social media contributions. SEM results (Mplus 7.4) from an online survey with visual stimuli (n = 555) show that PSI with fashion designers increases opinion leadership and content production. Specifically, opinion leadership mediates the impact of PSI on user-generated content (UGC) creation, but not electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). Luxury consumers only produce UGC when their leadership abilities are emboldened through PSI with fashion designers. Overall, these findings contribute to a growing body of digital luxury studies while helping luxury firms to counterbalance their legacies and brand awareness through social media.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Digital and social media has become an indispensable channel of promotion and marketing to the enterprises. For example, compared to other means of promotional channels, such as television advertising, newspapers, social network services (SNS) are more competitive, more convenient, and lower-cost. Because individuals compose or share those posts anytime, anywhere, information spreads fast and wide on social media. SNS posts can affect people's perception, thus affecting their purchase intention and behavior. A large number of researchers investigated academic issues involved SNS, such as the influence of eWOM in social media on consumers' purchase intentions (Erkan & Evans, 2016). According to Lin and Lu’s research (2011), which suggests that gender difference also exists in social media. In addition, a study identified attributes of social media messaging activities and examined the relationships among those perceived activities, value equity, relationship equity, brand equity, customer equity, and purchase intention through a structural equation model (Kim & Ko, 2012). In this study, we focus on the motivational antecedents of digital buzz on digital and social media. Among many performance metrics of digital marketing, the most important one that really matters to advertisers is click-through. Click-through is believed to reflect viewers’ interest in the product contents that are being shown on screen, and based on that assumption, it opens a new navigation tab, such as the advertiser’s web site that can provide information about products and services of an advertising company. However, there is a caveat here. Since advertisements in digital and social media are often placed on top of the contents that the viewers have already been reading, viewers can accidentally click on the internet advertisements in which they have no interests. Viewers are only annoyed by intrusive re-routing during their digital activities. Hence, it is important that the digital media marketer to be able to distinguish between the click-throughs, knowing the difference between the clicks that are genuinely reflective of a viewer’s interest, or the rest of clicks that are not. For this purpose, we propose consumer curiosity and anticipation as drivers of click-through that are meaningful to digital markers. Consumer curiosity is an important variable that results in click-through behavior, digital propagation or buzz, and further stimulates consumers' consumption activities. In recent years, there are many studies to verify this theory. Online atmospherics have an impact on customer emotions, and perceptual curiosity has a moderating effect existed in the two variables (Koo & Ju, 2010). However, the research about curiosity’s mediation effect on purchase intention aroused by SNS contents is still limited. In addition, the neural research in this field is still limited. The research seeks to understand how the SNS contents affect customer’s curiosity toward the product which the content mentioned. Furthermore, to find the relationship between curiosity and the purchase intention by using neuromarketing methodology. Our goal is to discover the neural signatures of consumers’ motivational state that leads to click-through, exploration of contents, and finally digital buzz behavior. EEG and fMRI are commonly research approaches used in the neuroscience field. EEG detect electric activities in the brain waves and fMRI measures hemodynamic events to discover individuals’ cognitive and motivational states. After content-analyzing top 10 most shared posts in the fashion brands Facebook official account which included luxury brands such as GUCCI, Luis Vuitton, and Hermès), we extract the attractive posts’ content attributes to be the level of accuracy, graphic quality, and information value. Then, we create two different simulations of social media activities that instigates viewer curiosity at differing levels. By designing an online experiment that examines how different arrays of information can create different levels viewer curiosity in user posts, and by measuring viewers’ intention to propagate the posts, we are able to discover neural signatures of digital buzz. Potential implications to digital marketing of this research in establishing meaningful performance metrics for digital marketing are discussed.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Through the theoretical lens of self-concept and by conducting 27 in-depth interviews, the study shows that social media provides an arena for the development, negotiation and maintenance of home and host identity self-schemas, as well reducing negative emotional effects. However due to simultaneous online surveillance from multiple agents, maintaining disparate expectations is found to result in social anxiety and the practice of self-regulation.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study aims to identify Service Quality factors that affect purchase decision on Click and Collect service through the mediating variable of customer emotions at Mobile World stores in Ho Chi Minh City. This study employs a mixed methods research design. Data were collected through online self-completion questionnaire distributed to 316 customers who used to experience Click and Collect service at the Mobile World stores in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The theoretical model was tested through two-stage regression analysis (PATH model). The findings show that factors of service quality such as Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Tangibility, and Emotions affect the decision to purchase online and receive products directly at Mobile World stores in Ho Chi Minh City. Responsiveness and Assurance have a significant positive impact on the customer's emotions. Consequently, these factors should be considered and addressed when conducting multi-channel services. Obviously, employees must first be trained to be able to deliver the promise of the retailer to their customers. Based on the results of the study, the authors provide managerial implications for retailers in Vietnam in the multi-channel retail environment to develop Click and Collect at retail stores across the country and the world.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose - Today’s world revolves around search engines which are the driving force behind any marketer. The thirst for marketing has led to the evolution of online ‘Pay per click’ over last few years and is the most widely used instrument. Research design, data, and methodology - Exploratory research design highlights many marketing variables getting affected by pay per click marketing. To analyze the said phenomenon, the data was gathered through questionnaire from the sample of 338 respondents which were selected by simple random sampling method mostly from the National Capital Region (NCR) of Delhi in India. The data collected from the respondents was loaded on SAS base for exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. Results - Pay per click as a marketing tool has significant impact on the consumers. The most prominent factors of pay per click marketing identified in the research are Ad quality, Competition, Targeting, Trend and Budget. Conclusions - Organic as well as inorganic ads, keeping in mind the end goal to gage the exchange of these two postings in the marked look territory. Additionally, here we dissected supported pursuit promotions in all. It would be beneficial to break down the impact of promotion position on the pay per click marketing.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this paper, I undertake the study of click fraud by Cases Analysis and Law Analysis. Click fraud is a type of fraud that occurs on the Internet search advertising in pay-per-click (PPC) when a person, automated script or computer program imitates a legitimate user of a web browser clicking on an ad. PPC advertising is an arrangement in which operators of websites display links from advertisers in exchange for a charge per click. Competitors of advertisers may wish to harm a competitor who advertises in the same market by clicking on their ads. Click-fraud perpetrators essentially pile up and burn their competitors’ marketing budgets in the one place they can attack them. The perpetrators do not profit directly but force the advertiser to pay for irrelevant clicks, thus weakening or eliminating a source of competition. Using a computer to commit click fraud is a felony. According to the Act on promotion of information and communications network utilization and information protection, etc in Korea, No one shall cause a trouble to an information and communications network purposely to interfere with stable operation of the information and communications network by sending a large amount of signals or data, letting the network process an illegitimate order, etc. Also according to the criminal act, Any person who interferes with another person’s business by damaging or destroying any data processor, such as computer, or special media records, such as electromagnetic records, or inputting false information or improper order into the data processor, or making any impediment in processing any data by other way, shall also be subject to the same punishment as referred to in paragraph. In this paper, I have described the concept; ‘letting the network process an illegitimate order’ and inputting false information or improper order.