쇠고기 이력추적제는 소 개체마다 이력번호를 부여하여 수입쇠고기가 한우고기로 둔갑하는 사례를 막고, 소비자 에게 구입한 한우고기의 세부 이력 정보들을 제공하는 데 도움을 준다. 이번 연구는 2021년-2022년 서울지역 대형 축산물판매업소에서 유통되는 한우고기 344건에서 DNA 동일성 검사를 실시하여 이력번호 등 주요 표시정보들의 진위를 판별하였다. 그 결과 45건(13.1%)에서 이력번호가 불일치한 것으로 확인되었다. 불일치율은 2021년(14.7%) 에 비해 2022년(11.3%) 감소하였고, 도심서북권 20.7%, 동 북권 14.4%, 서남권 및 동남권 10.2% 순으로, 북부권 (16.9%)이 남부권(10.2%)에 비해 높게 나타났다. 또한 6개 브랜드 중 B사 및 D사는 이력관리가 양호한 반면, E사 및 A사는 이력관리가 취약한 것으로 확인되었고, 통계적 으로 유의한 결과 차이를 보였다(P<0.001). 이력번호 불일 치 시료의 실제 이력번호는 업소 내 입(출)고 거래내역 자 료를 근거로 조사하였고, 그 결과 실제 이력번호 확인율 은 53.9%에 불과하였으나, 확인된 범위 내에서 시료의 표 시정보 진위 판별 결과, 거짓 표시는 이력번호 13.1%, 성 별 2.9%, 도축장명 2.2%, 등급 1.6% 순으로 나타났고, 품종 (한우) 거짓 표시는 없었다. 거짓 표시 축산물의 유통 차 단을 위해 표시정보의 신속한 진위 판별이 중요하므로 업 소 내 이력번호가 기재된 날짜별 부분육 소분할 작업내역 작성을 의무화하는 법적 근거 마련이 필요하다. 본 연구 결과는 투명한 축산물 유통 거래 질서 정착을 위한 이력 관리 방향 설정에 참고자료로 활용하고자 한다.
Analysis of meat quality grade based on the DNA identity test samples were done on 320 Hanwoo (Korean cattle) raised in Gyeonggi region of Korea. 62.29% of cows and 91.35% of steers showed high quality which was above 1st beef grade. However, differences were observed between Gyeonggi Hanwoo and total slaughtered Hanwoo in Gyeonggi in the year 2009, though the sampling was entirely based high quality meat. Meat samples of pedigree registered cattle showed high rate of above 1st meat grade compared to advanced and fundamentally registered cattle. Pedigree registry is associated with quality grade of beef like the sex of cattle. Appearance rate of above 1st beef grade in offsprings of the top 9 Korean Proven Bulls produced through mating to Gyeonggi Hanwoo was 43.27% which was found to be higher than the average grade in cows (47.3%) and was 13.08% higher than the average grade in steers (77.49%). Our results showed superior genetic characters of Korean Proven Bulls which favors and influence the meat quality grade of their offsprings. Furthermore, our results claim that sex of Hanwoo irrespective of pedigreed or Korean Proven Bulls affects and/or influence the meat quality. Conclusively, the results could therefore be used as a basic data for the improvement of beef quality. However, paternity test by DNA typing and huge sample needs to be analysed to authenticate the findings.
In this study, the analysis of meat quality grade was carried out on the DNA identity test samples of 452 Hanwoo (Korean cattle) raised in Gyeongnam region in the year 2009. Appearance rate of above 1st grade from cow (70%) and steer (93.16%) showed high quality grade. On the other hand, there were the difference between this study and slaughtered Hanwoo in Gyeongnam in the year 2009 - appearance rate of above 1st grade from cow (58.77%) and steer (82.99%). It expect considered influence of the samples for beef DNA identity test that collected mainly high quality meat. Quality grade by registry classification about collected samples showed correlation between pedigree classification and quality grade that appearance rate of above 1st grade highly observed pedigree registry more than advanced registry, advanced registry than fundamental registry. Although limited to DNA identity test samples, KPN (Korean Proven Bull's Number) 452 and KPN 407 was preferred for breeding in Gyeongnam. Also average appearance rate of above 1st grade in offsprings of the top 10 Korean Proven Bulls used mating is 95.35%. It means that Korean Proven Bulls influence meat quality of offsprings positively. Thus, this analysis is expected to be a base data for the improvement of meat quality of Hanwoo raised in Gyeongnam region.