본 연구의 목적은 간호대학생의 성인지감수성, 성적자기주장, 데이트폭력간의 관계를 확인하고, 데이트폭력에 미치는 영향 요인을 파악하기 위한 서술적 연구이다. 연구대상자는 간호대학생 366명이며 자가 보고 설문을 통해 수집된 자료를 t-test, ANOVA, 상관분석, 다중회귀분석을 사용하여 분석하였다. 연구결과 성인지감수성과 성적자기주장간에는 유의한 양의 상관관계(r=.172, p<.001), 성인지감수성과 데 이트폭력간에는 유의한 음의 상관관계(r=-.105, p<.005), 성적자기주장과 데이트폭력간에도 유의한 음의 상관관계가 나타났다(r=-.024, p<.05). 간호대학생의 데이트폭력에 미치는 영향 요인은 연령(β=.184), 학 년(β=.145)이었고, 데이트폭력에 대한 설명력은 7.1%이었다. 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 간호대학생들이 성 인지감수성과 성적자기주장을 높이고 데이트폭력을 예방할 수 있는 프로그램 개발 및 적용이 필요하다.
Rhaphidophoridae (Orthoptera: Ensifera), commonly known as cave crickets, are a wingless family and considered the most ancient lineage within Tettigoniidea. However, previous molecular phylogenetic studies and morphological hypotheses have shown inconsistencies. Although their fossils have been found in Baltic amber, their systematic placement remains unrevealed. This study reconstructed a comprehensive phylogeny integrating both extant and fossil lineages. Initially, we revealed relationships within extant lineages through molecular phylogenetics including all extant subfamilies for the first time. Subsequently, using a cladistic approach based on morphology, we confirmed the systematic position of fossil taxa †Protroglophilinae with a report of a new species. Integrating molecular and morphological phylogeney by total evidence tip-dating, we present the comprehensive phylogeny of Rhaphidophoridae considering both extant and fossil groups.
Commercial condom advertisements usually emphasize the sexual pleasure of branded products, which leads to controversial public views. Some people agree that commercial condom advertisements can also benefit public health, whereas others disapprove of such commercial condom advertisements because their contents are usually offensive, low-tasted, and pornographic. Despite controversy over commercial condom advertising, we know little about the spillover effect of commercial condom advertisement. On one hand, sexual-related content in the commercial condom advertisement may have an arousal effect. That is, it can evoke sexual arousal, leading to more sex intercourses. More frequent sex behaviors, especially casual sex behaviors, may then lead to a risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). On the other hand, commercial condom advertisements may have an educational effect. That is, it can persuade people to use condoms, helping people get in the habit of using condoms, thus reducing the STD trends. In the short term when condom commercials are aired, the arousal effect and educating effect coexists, which motivates the net short-term effect as an open empirical question. In the long-term when the condom commercial no longer aired, the educating effect remains, which decreases the STD trends.
The inscription of Cheonsang Yeolcha Bunyajido (天象列次分野之圖) has the sun’s locations at the equinoxes, which must have been copied from the astronomical treatises in Chinese historical annals, Songshu (宋書) and Jinshu (晉書). According to the treatises, an astronomer Wang Fan (王蕃, 228–266 CE) referred those values from a calendrical system called Qianxiangli (乾象 曆, 223 CE), from which it is confirmed that it adopted the sun’s location at the winter solstice of the (211 4 )th du of the 8th lunar lodge Dou (斗) as the reference direction for equatorial lodge angles. This indicates that the sun’s locations at equinoxes and solstices in the calendrical system are the same as those in Jingchuli (景初曆, 237 CE). Hence, we propose that the sun’s location at the autumnal equinox in Cheonsang Yeolcha Bunyajido should be corrected from ‘wu du shao ruo’ (五度少弱), meaning the (51 6 )th du, to ‘wu du ruo’ (五度弱), meaning the (411 12 )th du, of the first lunar lodge Jiao (角), as seen in Jingchuli. We reconstruct the polar coordinate system used in circular star charts, assuming that the mean motion rule was applied and its reference direction was the sun’s location at the winter solstice. Considering the precession, we determined the observational epoch of the sun’s location at the winter solstice to be 𝑡o = −18.3 ± 43.0 adopting the observational error of the so-called archaic determinatives (古度). It is noteworthy that the sun’s locations at equinoxes inscribed in Cheonsang Yeolcha Bunyajido originated from Houhan Sifenli (後漢四分曆) of the Latter Han dynasty (85 CE), while the coordinate origin in the star chart is related to Taichuli (太初 曆) of the Former Han dynasty (104 BCE).
Shoushili was the official calendrical method promulgated in 1280 CE by the Yuan dynasty. It contains a list of the angular spans in right ascensions for the 28 lunar lodges. They are known to have been measured by Guo Shoujing with his advanced instruments with an unprecedented precision or reading error of 5′. Such precise data are useful to determine their observational epoch with an error range which is narrow enough to pinpoint on which historical occasion they were observed. Using the precise SIMBAD data based on eDR3 of GAIA and carefully identified determinative stars and considering the precession of equinoxes and proper motions, we apply linear regression methods to those data and obtain the observational epoch of 1271 ± 16 CE and the measurement error of 4.1′. We also have polar distances corresponding to declinations written in another manuscript of the Ming dynasty. Since the two data sets have similar significant digits, they were suggested to have the same origin. However, we obtain their observational epoch of 1364±5 CE and the measurement error of 5.7′. They must have been measured with different instruments and on a different occasion from the observations related to Shoushili. We review the history of the calendrical reform during the 13th century in the Yuan dynasty. We conclude that the observational epoch obtained from lodge spans in Shoushili agrees with the period of observations led by Guo Shoujing or 1276–1279 CE, which is also supported by the fact that the ecliptic lodge span values listed in Shoushili were calculated from the equatorial lodge spans.
게임의 세계는 최근 몇 년간 빠르게 진화해 왔다. 특히 여성 게이머들의 수가 증가하면서, 이들의 구체적인 요구를 이해할 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 본 연구는 여성 데이트 시뮬레이션 모바일 게임 및 게임 캐릭터 디자 인 분야에서 여성 게임 이용자의 요구와 선호를 분석하고자 한다. 최근에는 여성 중심의 게임에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있지만, 여성 게임 플레이어를 대상으로 한 게임은 아직 충분히 개발되지 않았다. 따라서 본 연구에 서는 광범위한 문헌 검토와 설문조사를 통해 여성 게이머들의 선호를 파악하고, 이를 바탕으로 여성 데이트 시뮬레이션 모바일 게임의 캐릭터 디자인 방향을 제안한다. 이를 통해 게임 디자이너 및 개발자들은 현대 여 성들의 요구를 더욱 잘 이해하고, 높은 수준의 게임을 개발할 수 있을 것이다. 더 줄일 수 있다. 그리고 제안 된 모델은 앞으로 다른 게임이나 스포츠 게임에도 적용될 것이다.
The parent and daughter nuclides in a radioactive decay chain arrive at secular equilibrium once they have a large half-life difference. The characteristics of this equilibrium state can be used to estimate the production time of nuclear materials. In this study, a mathematical model and algorithm that can be applied to radio-chronometry using the radioactive equilibrium relationship were investigated, reviewed, and implemented. A Bateman equation that can analyze the decay of radioactive materials over time was used for the mathematical model. To obtain a differential-based solution of the Bateman equation, an algebraic numerical solution approach and two different matrix exponential functions (Moral and Levy) were implemented. The obtained result was compared with those of commonly used algorithms, such as the Chebyshev rational approximation method and WISE Uranium. The experimental analysis confirmed the similarity of the results. However, the Moral method led to an increasing calculation uncertainty once there was a branching decay, so this aspect must be improved. The time period corresponding to the production of nuclear materials or nuclear activity can be estimated using the proposed algorithm when uranium or its daughter nuclides are included in the target materials for nuclear forensics.
A methodology is under development to restore and predict the long-term evolution of the natural barrier comprise the site of radioactive waste disposal for surface geological outcrop, tunnel face and drill core. Considering the condition that the radioactive waste repository should be located in the deep part, the drill core is an important subject that can identify deep geological properties that could not be confirmed near the surface. In this study, we investigated proper age dating methods to construct lithological model of the disposal site with regard to the long-term safety. Also, preliminary age dating locations were selected using the lithological distribution results by depth through geochemical and micro-structural analysis for the deep drill cores excavated around KURT. In the study area, the dikes presumed the Cretaceous were intruded by Jurassic granites. As for the granotoids, U-Pb age dating for zircon, which is resistant to deformation or metamorphism and has loss, is often used. In the case of the dikes, K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar age dating for the argon captured in the rocks after magmatism is often used. Through U-Pb zircon ages of KURT site granotoids, we expect to solve the clustering problem (granite and granodiorite), which is different from precious chemical analysis (XRF) results and TAS-diagrams. 40Ar/39Ar age dating to be used for the dikes is suitable for the perspective of lithological model of the disposal site. Because, it can compensate for accuracy problems such as sample heterogeneity in K-Ar age dating and is used for volcanic rocks. In the further study, we plan to determine the appropriate sampling locations by the selected age dating methods from the perspective of disposal in this study.
As the online dating service market continues to grow, damages or crimes due to the posting of false profiles have also emerged as a serious social issue. This calls for regulations on not only the users but also the service providers so that this issue could be resolved at a low cost. Ex-ante regulations on the service providers can be divided into regulations through law and regulations through terms and conditions. Although Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. and Marriage Brokers Business Management Act partly apply to the former, laws should be enacted and revised for sufficient regulation. Regarding the latter regulation through terms and conditions, there is no standard terms that could be directly applied to online dating services. Ex-post regulations on service providers are divided into sanctioning through punishments or administrative punishments and sanctioning through compensation for damage in civil actions, the latter of which has been proven to be more effective. If a provider had made it appear as if it would provide genuine profiles, it would generally be liable for nonfulfillment of obligation for posting fake profiles. Tort liability may be recognized if a provider has not taken all possible measures to manage and control the false profiles. Although the regulations on the services may seem to be a burden on the service providers, it is also a way to contribute to the market’s long-term growth. Regulatory mechanisms have so far been lacking, but acts and standard terms are expected to be revised as the number of legal disputes continues to increase, thus accumulating related precedents.
Etymological approaches can be applied to textual research on the dates of ancient texts. An article titled “Textual Research on ‘Qing’” found the connotations of “Qing” in literature expanded from its original limited use of denoting “nature” to include the connotation of affection and presented a preliminary judgment on the age of some documents. Following and critiquing that article, this paper examines connotations of “Qing” in the Guodian Chu Jian and Kongzi Jiayu and discusses the prerequisites for using an etymological approach in order to ensure their validity. The etymological approach is helpful in determining the relative times of different ancient documents and may provide objective evidence, subject to certain conditions, for determining the likely date when the composition of ancient texts began. It reveals that the date for the Guodian Chu Jian is later than 296 BCE.
Adopting a critical feminist lens largely informed by Judith Butler, this study seeks to offer a more nuanced understanding of the intersection of gender, markets and consumption by examining how the traditional dating scripts of gendered grooming are represented in popular romantic comedy movies and expressed in everyday dating relationships. Rethinking the gendered experience of personal grooming in dating: a comparison of dating as embodied in romantic comedies and everyday life
본 연구는 대학생의 양성평등 의식과 자아존중감이 데이트 폭력 인식에 미치는 영향을 연구하여 대학생의 데이트 폭력 인식을 높이는 것에 기여할 수 있는 교육프로그램을 위한 자료와 데이트 폭력 예방 및 데이트 폭력에 대한 피해를 최소화 할 수 있는 방안을 찾기 위한 자료를 제공하고자 실시하였다. 본 연구의 대상자는 충청지역 대학생을 대상으로 편의표집한 200명으로, 조사기간은 2018년 4월 28일부터 5월 12일까지였고, 배부된 225부 중 200부를 최종 분석하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 21.0 통계프로그램을 이용하였다. 연구결과, 변수간의 상관관계를 보였고, 대학생의 데이트 폭력 의식을 설명하는 선형회귀모형은 통계적으로 유의하였다(F=9.41, p<.001). 회귀모형의 설명력을 나타내는 수정된 결정계수 R2(adj. R2)=.36(.32)으로 회귀모형은 대학생활 적응 총 변화량의 36%를 설명하고 있으며, 그중에서도 폭력유무가 가장 영향력이 컸다. 대학생의 건전한 이성교제 및 올바른 남녀 성역할 인식을 통한 건강한 대학생활적응을 위해 프로그램 개발 및 상담이 필요하다.
It is basis of building phylogeny of Chinese Characters to study phase and dating of Chinese Characters Font. Therefore, the precondition of ontological researching of Chinese Characters on a certain stage is phase and dating the styles. However, it is difficult to do this kind of researching. The Stone Inscription of Wei, Jin, south and North Dynasties is in the transition stage of the Chinese characters from the clerical script to the regular script. It is more difficult to determine the Font of the stone inscription. This paper try to do some practical researches through selecting some typical stone inscription from The Database of Stone Inscription of Wei-Jin and South and North Dynasties《魏晉南北朝石刻數據庫》and making comparison between them. The database was made by Center for The Study and Application of Chinese Characters in ECNU.
해안단구와 육상에 남아있는 고해수준에 관한 기록들은 한반도 지반운동의 형태와 속성을 구분해 낼 가장 직접 적인 증거로 사용될 수 있음에도 불구하고 아직 고위 해안단구들의 형성시기에 관한 절대연대 측정이 현실적으로 어렵 다는 점과 과거 해수면 변동과 지반운동 간의 상대적 변화에 관한 부족한 정보로 인해 명확한 해석과 과학적 논의는 불완전한 상태이다. 본 연구는 한반도 고위 해안단구 연구에서 10Be을 대상으로 한 우주선 기원핵종 절대연대 측정법의 실험결과를 보고하고 있다. 실험 결과, 동해안의 강릉시 정동진 일대와 서해안 지역 서천군 비인면 일대에서 채취한 해 발고도 80 m 내외의 고위 해안단구 상의 기반암과 거력 퇴적물의 9 Be/ 10 Be 집적량비와 노출 연대는 상대적으로 매우 낮고 젊은 연대를 보이고 있다. 이러한 결과는 실험과정에서의 오류 가능성을 포함하여 고위 해안단구의 복잡한 노출 역사를 반영하는 것으로 판단된다. 특히 한반도의 기후환경과 해안단구가 육화된 뒤 겪을 것으로 추정되는 복잡한 노출 환경을 고려할 경우 앞으로 10Be 연대측정기술의 성공적인 적용을 위해서는 적합한 연구지역의 발굴과 시료채취가 가 장 중요한 요인이 될 것으로 판단된다.
We study galaxies drawn from the semi-analytic models of Guo et al. (2011) based on the Millennium Simulation. We establish a set of four observationally measurable parameters which can be used in combination to identify a subset of galaxy groups which are old, with a very high probability. We therefore argue that a sample of fossil groups selected based on the luminosity gap will result in a contaminated sample of old galaxy groups. By adding constraints on the luminosity of the brightest galaxy, and its offset from the group luminosity centroid, we can considerably improve the age-dating.
Vollenhovia emeryi (Hymenoptera: Myrmicinae) is dimorphic in its wing morphology of alate females: the long-winged and the short-winged. In our previous study, we found that the long-winged is ancestral and the short-winged is derived. Intriguingly, the former is infected with the intracellular symbiotic Wolbachia bacterium and the derived is void of the bacterium indicating that the latter somehow evolved resistance to the bacterium.
This may be one of few cases in which transition from susceptibility to the bacterium can be traceable via the divergence estimation. As a consequence, we inferred that the two morphs diverged approximately quarter million years ago; a remarkably recent event in evolutionary perspective.
In this presentation, we will further discuss genetic orchestration in the host insect and future research directions.
The National Foundation Day of Korea (개천절, 開天節) is currently celebrated on October 3 in Gregorian calendar. We review the history of dating the National Foundation Day of Korea and make a suggestion that it be celebrated on October 3 in the lunar calendar. We present numerous historical records on heaven-worship rites supporting the date October 3 in the lunar calendar. It is pointed out that October 3 in the solar calendar has been adopted in 1949 by the National Assembly with the thought that the lunar calendar is inferior and behind the times. The thought originates from misunderstanding on the value of the lunar calendar and from the ignorance of importance of history and tradition. Since there are now many national holidays that follow the lunar calendar, the logic of the National Assembly in 1949 also makes no sense. We emphasize that the lunar calendar should be followed for the National Foundation Day of Korea for its historical and symbolic characteristics restoration. We also investigate the year of the foundation of the first country of Korea, Dangun Joseon. It is found that even though the majority of the literature before late 15th century recorded the beginning year of Dangun Joseon dynasty to be equal to that of Liao Dynasty (堯), it was accidentally changed to the 25th year of Liao Dynasty in 1484 through a misinterpretation of the previous records. We claim that the beginning year of Dangun Joseon should be set to that of Liao Dynasty as recorded in the original literature in the earlier days. According to the two main opinions accepted by Korea, the beginning year of Liao Dynasty was 2357 B.C. or 2333 B.C., which correspond to the year of Gap-Jin (the 41st year of the sexagenary cycle) or Mu-Jin (the 4th year of the sexagenary cycle), respectively.
This study presents an innovative "Matching Algorithm" to match self presentation to consumer preferences in internet dating sites using data mining and machine learning techniques. The study is designed from 2 parts: The first part examines the correlation between the presentation characteristics of man and women in social networks vs. the response rate using several hypotheses. Results show that there is a strong correlation between the way man and woman presents themselves in social networks (such as "FACEBOOK") especially in the range of ages 18-55 (average age is 25.91). In addition, there is a strong positive correlation between the desire of man and woman to develop a romantic relationship between them trough social networks. As such, the more the user desires to achieve a "Real" relationship that may lead to a serious long term relationship, the more he/she uses the social network as an application to achieve their objectives. In the second part the author used data mining and machine learning techniques (Decision trees and Genetic Algorithms) to predict which personal attributes may influence the response rate of the other side's (In this paper only Decision trees – J48 algorithm results will be shown). Results show that some attributes (characteristics) related to personal presentation and education background are critical to achieve a positive response from the other side.
과학 수업에 과학사를 도입하자는 주장은 과학 지식과 과학적 방법의 이해, 과학의 본성에 대한 고찰, 과학과 사회와의 상호작용의 이해 등의 필요성에 따라 지속적으로 강조되어 왔다. 통합 과학 교육의 중요성이 강조되고 있는 오늘날, 과학사는 통합 과학 교육의 방안으로도 효과적이다. 이러한 배경 속에서 본 연구에서는 과학사를 과학 교육에 활용한 연구들을 분석하고 이를 토대로 통합 과학 주제로서 과학사를 활용할 수 있는 내용을 선정해 과학사 수업을 개발했다. 본 연구에서는 통합 과학의 주제로서의 과학사 수업의 개발을 위해 '지구의 연령'을 주제로 선정했다. 중 고등학생들을 대상으로 한 시범 적용 결과, 학생들은 수업을 긍정적으로 평가했다.