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        검색결과 250

        2024.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Si-based anodes are promising alternatives to graphite owing to their high capacities. However, their practical application is hindered by severe volume expansion during cycling. Herein, we propose employing a carbon support to address this challenge and utilize Si-based anode materials for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Specifically, carbon supports with various pore structures were prepared through KOH and NaOH activation of the pitch. In addition, Si was deposited into the carbon support pores via SiH4 chemical vapor deposition (CVD), and to enhance the conductivity and mechanical stability, a carbon coating was applied via CH4 CVD. The electrochemical performance of the C/Si/C composites was assessed, providing insights into their capacity retention rates, cycling stability, rate capability, and lithium-ion diffusion coefficients. Notably, the macrostructure of the carbon support differed significantly depending on the activation agent used. More importantly, the macrostructure of the carbon support significantly affected the Si deposition behavior and enhanced the stability by mitigating the volume expansion of the Si particles. This study elucidated the crucial role of the macrostructure of carbon supports in optimizing Si-based anode materials for LIBs, providing valuable guidance for the design and development of high-performance energy-storage systems.
        2024.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Silicon carbide (β-SiC) was synthesized through an improved sol–gel method, then Ni/SiC catalysts were prepared using a hydrothermal method. The catalysts were characterized using TEM, H2- TPR, CO2- TPD and N2- TPD, etc. The results showed that the synthesized β-SiC had a large specific surface area, promoting the dispersion of Ni species and thus exposing more active sites. The interaction between Ni species and β-SiC contributed significantly to catalytic performance. Furthermore, the strong alkalinity of catalyst could adjust the bond energy of the active metal and N (M–N), which were conducive to desorption of the recombinant N2 from the metal surface, promoting to ammonia decomposition. Among the Ni/SiC catalysts, 30Ni/SiC-700 synthesized with the Ni loading of 30 wt% and calcination temperature of 700 °C, exhibited the optimal ammonia conversion rate of 93.4% at 600 °C under the space speed of 30,000 mL∙gcat −1∙h−1, and demonstrated a long-term stability, suggesting a very promising catalyst in ammonia decomposition.
        2024.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 일치 추적 분해를 활용한 샌드위치 복합재의 결함 탐지 및 정량화 방법을 소개한다. 샌드위치 복합재 시편을 제작하 기 위해 핸드 레이-업 공법과 핫 프레스 공법을 활용하여 결함이 존재하는 시편과 없는 시편을 제작하였다. 결함의 위치와 정도를 파 악하기 위해 플래시 서모그래피를 활용하여 확인하였다. 각각의 시편에서 데이터를 확보하기 위해 pitch-catch법을 활용한 초음파 전 파 실험을 설정하였고, 샌드위치 복합재의 표면에 부착한 압전 센서를 통해 데이터를 확보하였다. 획득한 신호는 일치 추적 분해를 이 용하여 추정 및 분해하고, 고속 푸리에 변환과 웨이블릿 변환 기반 노이즈 제거 방법과의 성능을 비교하였다. 노이즈를 제거한 신호는 각각 동일한 구조의 1-D CNN 모델에 훈련하여 성능을 비교하였다. 제안한 일치 추적 분해 기반 신호 노이즈 제거는 기존의 방법보다 높은 정확도, 안정성, 훈련 속도를 보였으며, 시간-주파수 영역에서 보다 직관적인 모드 분리를 확인하여 특성 추출을 통한 일치 추적 분해 기반 신호 전처리 및 딥러닝 모델 훈련의 가능성을 확장할 수 있음을 확인하였다.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study explores the significant influence of micro-environmental factors on carcass decomposition and insect colonization, with a particular emphasis on detailed insect community analysis. The research employed an innovative approach by placing two pig carcasses in contrasting environments that one in a sunlit open field and the other in a shaded forest. The findings revealed dynamic shifts in insect diversity in the sunlit area, characterized by a rapid increase followed by a decrease, in contrast to the more steady, gradual changes observed in the shaded area. This contrast highlights the sensitivity of insect communities to even minor changes in environmental conditions like sunlight and temperature. It unveils the nuanced ways in which such factors shape the composition and dynamics of insect communities. These insights are crucial for the field of forensic entomology, enhancing the accuracy of post-mortem interval estimations. By providing a clearer understanding of how different micro-environmental conditions influence insect activity and decomposition processes, this study significantly contributes to the refinement of forensic methodologies.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        우리나라의 “곤충산업의 육성 및 지원에 관한 법률”은 곤충산업에 대한 직면한 문제 등 다양한 관점에서 다루 고 있다는 점을 시사한다. 이는 곤충에 대한 연구를 인간과 함께 할 수 있는 식용화, 약리활성 접근법을 통해 변화 를 가져야 한다는 것을 의미하기도 한다. 최근의 시사점은 곤충을 식용화하여 곤충산업을 활성화 하는 것이 최우 선 과제로 이 역시 곤충에 대한 혐오가 가장 큰 문제였다. 예를 들면, 곤충은 생리활성물질을 포함하고 있어 기능성 식품으로 개발되었지만 곤충에 대한 인식전환의 문제점을 내포하고 있다. 곤충을 활용할 때 가장 큰 장점은 유기 성 폐자원을 분해할 수 있기 때문에 우수한 곤충자원을 확보하는 하는 것이 우리의 연구에서 매우 중요하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 대표적인 곤충인 굼벵이 유충을 성장단계에 따라 유기성 폐자원을 분해할 수 있는지를 평가했다. 우리의 연구에서 굼벵이 유충은환경정화곤충으로서의 가치는 감소가 되었다. 또한 이 결과는 곤충농 가의 활용 측면에서 기초적 정보를 제공하는데 있다.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        일반적으로 적합직교분해(proper orthogonal decomposition, POD) 기반의 침습적(intrusive) 차수축소모델(reduced order model, ROM)을 활용하면 구조 시스템의 전체 자유도를 크게 줄이고 외연적 시간 적분법에서 해의 안정성을 만족하는 임계 시간 간격을 증가 시킬 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 POD-ROM을 활용하여 Voronoi-cell 격자 요소로 이산화된 구조 시스템의 축소와 이에 따른 외연 적 시간 적분법의 임계 시간 간격 및 해석 정확도 변화를 살펴보았다. 또한 지진하중과 같은 불규칙한 하중 이력을 받는 구조물 응답 해석에 POD-ROM을 적용하였다. 해석 결과 ROM을 통해 해의 정확도를 충분히 확보하면서 연산 시간을 크게 단축할 수 있음을 확인 하였다. 또한 POD-ROM과 VCLM의 연계 방안의 적절성을 확인하였다. 향후 해당 연구는 고정밀 대용량 동적 구조해석의 실용성을 높이고, 설계 변수에 따른 구조물 동적 거동의 실시간 예측을 위한 기반 연구로 활용될 수 있다.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The process of carbonization followed by a high-temperature halogenation removal of radionuclides is a promising approach to convert low-radioactivity spent ion-exchange (IE) resins into freereleasable non-radioactive waste. The first step of this process is to convert spent ion-exchange resins into the carbon granules that are stable under high-temperature and corrosive-gas flowing conditions. This study investigated the kinetics of carbonization of cation exchange resin (CER) and the changes in structures during the course of carbonization to 1,273 K. Both of model-free and modelfitted kinetic analysis of mixed reactions occurring during the course of carbonization were first conducted based on the non-isothermal TGAs and TGA-FTIR analysis of CER to 1,272 K. The structural changes during the course of carbonization were investigated using the high-resolution FTIR and C-13 NMR of CER samples pyrolyzed to the peak temperature of each reaction steps established by the kinetic analysis. Four individual reaction steps were identified during the course of carbonization to 1,273 K. The first and the third steps were identified as the dehydration and the dissociation of the functional group of —SO3-H+ into SO2 and H2O, respectively. The second and the fourth steps were identified as the cleavage of styrene divinyl benzene copolymer and carbonization of pyrolysis product after the cleavage, respectively. The temperature and time positions of the peaks in the DTG plot are nearly identical to those of the peaks of the Gram Schmidt intensity of FTIR. The structural changes in carbonization identified by high-resolution FTIR and DTG are in agreement with those by C-13 NMR. The results of a detailed examination of the structural changes according to NMR and FTIR were in agreement with the pyrolysis gas evolution characteristics as examined by TGA-FTIR.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The thermocatalytic decomposition of methane is a promising method for hydrogen production. To determine the cause of carbonaceous catalyst deactivation and to produce high-value carbon, methane decomposition behavior and deactivated catalysts were analyzed. The surface properties and crystallinity of a commercial activated carbon material, MSP20, used as a methane decomposition catalyst, varied with the reaction time at a reaction temperature of 900 °C. During the initial reaction, MSP20 provided a methane conversion of ≥ 50%; however, the catalyst exhibited rapid deactivation as crystalline carbon grew at surface defects; after 15 min of reaction, approximately 33% methane conversion was maintained. With increasing reaction time, the specific surface area of the catalyst decreased, whereas crystallinity increased. The R-square value of the conversion–crystallinity relationship was significantly higher than that of the conversion–specific surface area relationship; however, neither profile was linear. The activity of the activated carbon catalyst for methane decomposition is mainly determined by the complex actions of the specific surface area and defect sites. The activity was maintained after an initial sharp decline caused by the continuous growth of crystalline carbon product. This study presents the application of carbonaceous catalysts for the decomposition reaction of methane to form COx- free hydrogen, while simultaneously yielding porous carbon materials with an improved electrical conductivity.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study evaluated a potential sterilization process that uses calcium hypochlorite (Ca(ClO)2) as a disinfectant and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as a neutralizing agent for monoculture processes of microalgae (Nannochloropsis oculata). The results showed that no contaminants (prokaryote) were present when the Ca(ClO)2 concentration was greater than 0.010%. The use of an equivalent amount of H2O2 completely neutralized Ca(ClO)2 and had an additional bactericidal effect because of the formation of singlet oxygen. No substantial difference was observed in the biomass accumulation and chlorophyll contents compared to those in cultures sterilized using conventional physical methods such as autoclaving. Therefore, chemical sterilization using Ca(ClO)2 and H2O2 has an excellent economic advantage, and we expect the proposed ecofriendly chemical sterilization method to become a critical culture technology for microalgae-related industrialization.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        닭 사체를 이용하여 장소, 기온, 습도별 시식성 곤충상을 파악하기 위해 대전광역시 전민동 일대의 3개의 장소 를 선택하여 닭 사체별로 유인되는 곤충의 종류와 군집 상의 차이와 출현양상을 조사하였다. 이를 위해, 닭 사체에 유인되는 곤충을 주기적으로 채집하고 해당 일자의 온도와 습도를 조사하여 기록했으며, 채집한 곤충들은 외부 형태적 특징으로 분류하고 개체수를 확인했다. 조사결과, 딱정벌레목과 파리목의 개체가 가장 많았고, 그 외에 바퀴목, 벌목, 노린재목 분류군에 속하는 다양한 곤충들이 유인된 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구 결과는 법곤충 시식성 곤충을 연구하는데 중요한 기초자료로 활용될 수 있도록 결과를 종합정리하였다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구에서는 영종도에 위치한 인천과학고등학교 주변에 서식하는 개미와 개미집 근권토양을 두 차례에 걸쳐 채취한 것을 활용하여 토양미생물 순수분리 및 동정을 진행하였다. 채취된 개미의 더듬이의 모양, 털의 위치 및 분포 등의 형태학적 동정 및 DNA extraction을 통한 분자생물학적 동정을 통하여 채취한 개미를 Camponotus japonicus으로 결론하였다. 토양미생물을 연속희석법을 이용하여 확인한 결과 채취한 개미집 세 곳에서 각각 12, 18, 10개의 종이 동정되었다. 개미집 근권토양의 비옥도가 상대적으로 높다는 선행연구를 바탕 으로 ‘분리한 토양미생물이 다양한 유기물 분해 효소활성을 보일 것’이라는 가설을 세웠고, 이를 확인하기 위해 분별배지를 제작하여 디스크 확산법을 진행하였다. 실험 결과 개미집 근권 토양에서 분리된 균주가 일반 토양에 서 분리된 균주에 비해 높은 효소활성을 보임을 확인하였으며 개미집 근권 토양 미생물의 불용성인산 가용화능 이 우수함을 확인하였다. 이후 위 실험들을 바탕으로 개미집 근권 토양 미생물이 식물 생장을 촉진시켜 미생물을 접종한 토양에서의 식물의 건조 질량이 증가하였음을 확인하였다.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper explores the relationships of various cognitive, attitudinal, and behavioural responses of e-discount sales promotion technique preferences consumers have when making purchases through online food delivery services (OFDS). This paper highlights new findings towards expanding e-discount and sales promotion literature and thus provide relevant implications.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study employed the Gini coefficient decomposition analysis to classify and examine fishery household income inequality according to income sources. The raw data from the Fisheries Economic Survey by the National Statistical Office were used for the analysis after equalization according to the recommended method of the OECD. In particular, the Gini coefficient was decomposed by classifying with and without public subsidies, and the contribution, correlation, and marginal effect by income source were presented.As a result of the analysis, the inequality of fishing income and non-fishing income of fishermen was worsening, and the inequality of transfer income was continuously easing. Among them, fisheries subsidies have been analyzed to have the greatest contribution to the Gini coefficient of gross income and the highest relative marginal effect, although distribution inequality has been alleviated. On the other hand, other subsidies, including public pensions, were found to have the opposite contribution, correlation, and marginal effect to fisheries subsidies. The results of this analysis showed that even within public subsidies, the contribution to income redistribution might differ depending on the nature of the subsidy. In addition, in the case of other public subsidies, it can be seen that the transition from selective welfare to universal welfare occurs.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ammonia is a potential fuel for producing and storing hydrogen, but its usage is constrained by the high cost of the noble metal catalysts to decompose NH3. Utilizing non-precious catalysts to decompose ammonia increases its potential for hydrogen production. In this study, carborundum (SiC)-supported cobalt catalysts were prepared by impregnating Co3O4 nanoparticles (NPs) on SiC support. The catalysts were characterized by high-resolution transmission electron microscope, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, temperature programmed reduction, etc. The results show that the large specific surface area of SiC can introduce highly distributed Co3O4 NPs onto the surface. The amount of Co in the catalysts has a significant effect on the catalyst structure, particle size and catalytic performances. Due to the interaction of cobalt species with SiC, the 25Co/SiC catalyst provided the optimal ammonia conversion of 73.2% with a space velocity of 30,000 mL gcat −1 h− 1 at 550 °C, corresponding to the hydrogen production rate of 24.6 mmol H2 gcat −1 min− 1. This research presents an opportunity to develop highly active and cost-effective catalysts for hydrogen production via NH3 decomposition.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To analyze the radioactivity of 3H and 14C in miscellaneous radioactive wastes generated from nuclear power plants, a wet digestion method using sulfuric acid is currently used. However, sulfuric acid is classified as a special management material, and there is no disposal method for contaminated radioactive waste. Therefore, research on a thermal decomposition method that can analyze the DAW radioactive waste samples without using sulfuric acid is necessary. In this study, we will cover the final sample amount, sample injection method, and prevention of organic ignition to meet the minimum detection limit requirements of the analysis equipment. Through this research, optimal conditions for the thermal decomposition method for analyzing the radioactivity of 3H and 14C in DAW radioactive wastes generated from nuclear power plants can be derived.
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