Because of depletion of fossil fuel from the earth curst and increase of environmental concerns, in search of an efficient alternative to the traditional carbon black (CB), a biochar known as rice husk carbon (RHC) has been examined here as a filler material to develop the EPDM composite. In this regard, the ball milled RHC was further treated with ultrasonic wave and used with or without its surface treatment by the silane coupling agent [i.e., 3-mercaptopropyl triethoxysilane (3-MPTMS)]. Among the RHC, ultrasonic treated RHC (UHC) and silane treated UHC (USHC), the EPDM composite of USHC showed nearly similar tensile strength to that of the CB (e.g., CB: 33.88 kgf/cm2, USHC: 31.38 kgf/cm2 at 20 wt% filler loading) with an enhanced elongation at break (e.g., CB: 206%, USHC: 342% at 20 wt% filler loading) and surprisingly much less compression set value (CB: 40.87%, USHC: 18.95% even after 40 wt% of filler loading). Compared to RHC, the UHC also showed its better performance next to the USHC. In addition to presence of both the carbon and silica in RHC and additional silica within the flexible aliphatic chain in USHC, the disintegration of RHC by ultrasonic treatment towards its narrow particle distribution, smaller particle size, and increased surface area is considered very much effective to develop the corresponding high performance EPDM composites. Thus, the use of waste material, i.e., rice husk through the ultrasonication of RHC followed by its surface treatment can be used as a potential filler material to prepare the environment friendly and cost effective high performing composites to be used in different efficient end products, and motivated further for industrial upscaling.
현재 도로나 보도의 포장은 콘크리트 포장, 아스콘 포장, 석재 포장, 자갈 포장, 흙 포장, 목재 포장, 우레탄 포장, 고무칩 포장, 블록 포장 등이 시공되고 있으며, 그 중 수지와 합성고무 칩 또는 우레탄 칩 등을 혼합한 다양한 재질의 탄성포장재 가 주로 사용되어지고 있다. 이러한 탄성포장재는 탄성이 좋고 사용성이 좋으나, 2000년대 들어서면서 화학제품에 대한 환경유해성 논란이 대두됨에 따라 탄성 포장재에 대한 환경문제가 제기되었다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 친환경 소재인 알톱밥과 EPDM 칩을 사용하여 친환경 포장재의 개발을 목적으로 하였다. 휨강도 시험, 인장강도 및 신장률 시험, 투수성 시험, 중금속 및 유해 화학물질 총량 시험, 폼 알데하이드 방출량 시험, 경제성 분석을 통해 탄성 포장재에 대한 한국산업규격 KS F 3888-2 및 기존 논문들과 비교 분석하여 이 연구에서 제시한 포장재의 역학적 특성과 환경 유해성 물질 기준을 제시하였다.
화학 관능기가 다른 지방산 에스터계, 지방산 금속염 및 아마이드계 분산 및 흐름개선 첨가제가 EPDM과 카본블랙을 충전제로 사용한 고무 배합물의 가류 특성과 가류된 고무 배합물의 기계적 물성 및 노화특성에 미치는 영향을 무니점도계, 레오미터, 경도계, 만능재료시험기 등을 이용하여 측정하였다. 125 oC에서 측정된 무니점도는 아마이드계 > 금속염계 > 에스터계 첨가제의 순으로 감소하는 경향을 보였으며, 스코치시간은 에스터계와 금속염계 첨가제는 첨가 유무에 따라 거의 차이가 없거나 조금 늦어지며, 아마이드계 첨가제는 1분 이상 빨라졌다. 160 oC에서의 레오미터 측정 결과 가류시간은 금속염계 와 아마이드계 첨가제의 경우는 가류반응이 빨리 진행되었다. 델타토크 값은 금속염계와 아마이드계 첨가제가 있는 경우 전반적으로 증가하였으나, 에스터계 첨가제가 있는 경우는 약간 감소하였다. EPDM 배합물의 인장강도는 에스터계 첨가제가 첨가된 경우 크게 향상되었으며, 아마이드계와 금속염계 첨가제의 경우는 큰 영향이 없었다. 신율의 경우는 금속염계 첨가제의 경우 크게 향상되었으며, 나머지의 경우는 큰 영향이 없었다. 인열강도는 첨가제의 첨가에 따라 전반적으로 상승하였으며 금속염계 첨가제의 경우에서 확연히 상승하였으며 경도는 첨가제의 종류와 상관없이 유사한 값을 나타내었다. 100 oC에서 24 시간 열노화시킨 EPDM 배합물은 금속염계와 아마이드계 첨가제의 경우는 거의 변화가 없었으며 신율의 변화는 첨가제를 함유한 모든 EPDM 배합물이 10-20% 정도 감소하는 경향을 보였다.
Effects of ethylene-propylene diene monomer (EPDM)/polypropylene (PP), zinc oxide, stearic acid, and clay on the combustive properties based on EDPM/PP were investigated. The EDPM/PP/clay nanocomposites was compounded to prepare specimen for combustive analysis by cone calorimeter (ISO 5660-1). It was found that the specific mass loss rate (SMLR) in the nanocomposites decreased due to the fire resistance compared with unfilled EDPM/PP, while the nanocomposites showed the higher total heat release (THR), higher CO production release, and higher specific extinction area (SEA) than those of virgin EPDM/PP. The stearic acid for softening ruber increased the THR and amount of smoke by itself, combustible.
Alloys of nylon(PA6) and ethylene-propylene-diene polymer, modified with maleic anhydride(MEPDM) were prepared using a melt kneading process. This study focuses on the effects of the content of MEPDM in PA6 blend on the mechanical and thermal properties of such blends where MEPDM is the dispersed phase. Mechanical properties were examined by stress-strain measurements and impact strength test. Both impact strength of PA6/MEPDM at room temperature and at -20℃ were improved up to 400-550% with the amounts of MEPDM. However, PA6/MEPDM containing 3-5 wt% of MEPDM showed the about 700kgf/m2 of the maximum tensile strength but 8.5 % of the lowest elongation. For certain compositions of PA6 with rubbery MEPDM, the interesting reduction of elongation is caused by the reaction of the polyamide amine end groups with maleic anhydride portion in MEPDM, that provided a reinforcement in the PA6 matrix. In addition, the introduction of antistatic agent on the surface of alloys causes significant reduction of their surface electrostatic resistance.
본 연구에서는 산업부산물인 폐 EPDM을 50mesh 이하로 제조한 미세분말 형태의 R-EPDM(Recycling EPDM)을 주성분으로 아스팔트와 안정성을 높이기 위한 첨가제인 분산제와 유화제 및 폴리머 계통의 유동성 향상제를 혼합한 R-EPDM 개질아스팔트 혼합물의 실내 물성 평가를 수행하였다. R-EPDM 개질아스팔트 바인더의 특성을 파악하기 위해 슈퍼패이브 시험법을 이용하여 바인더의 PG(Performance Grade)등급을 분류하였으며, 선회다짐기를 사용한 R-EPDM 개질아스팔트 혼합물의 배합설계를 통하여 최적아스팔트(OAC) 함량을 결정하였다. OAC로 제작된 R-EPDM 개질아스팔트 혼합물의 소성변형 및 동결융해 저항성을 평가하기 위하여 반복주행시험과 수분민감성시험을 수행하였으며, R-EPDM 개질아스팔트 혼합물의 소성변형 및 수분민감성에 대한 저항성이 일반아스팔트(AP-5) 혼합물보다 우수함을 알 수 있었다.
In this study, we carried out the evaluation of EPDM(Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer ) reclaimed rubber mixing with natural rubber at various mixing ratio to reuse as rubber filler. The scorch time and moony viscosity was analyzed to evaluate the effect of cure behavior. And also, we analyzed the tensile strength, the elongation at break and cure time to evaluate the variation of cure behavior. As the results, the scorch time and optimal cure time was decreased according to the increasing of EPDM reclaimed rubber. However, the moony viscosity was increased at each mixing ratio. In case of the added EPDM reclaimed rubber was 20 phr(parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of rubber), the hardness and specific gravity was increased a little. The hardness and specific gravity was increased in rapidly under 40 phr of the added EPEM reclaimed rubber. The tensile strength and elongation at break of the compound of natural and EPDM reclaimed rubber was rapidly decreased compared with its natural rubber when the ratio of adding EPDM reclaimed rubber was over 40 phr.
A study on the enhancement of environmental durability of EPDM rubber materials for the aerator membrane was performed using a butyl rubber as a modifier. A conventional EPDM rubber formulation was evaluated as having about 26.0 wt% or more oil content from the chloroform immersion test. These oils would be gradually and continuously deleted from the aerator membrane when directly exposed to a waste-water or chemically corrosive fluids, making the membrane less flexible and the performance worse. To improve this, a butyl rubber (IIR) was utilized as the modifier for a low-ENB type of EPDM rubber formulation with low-oil content. The environmental durability of the IIR-modified EPDM rubber material was expected to be greatly enhanced compared to the conventional one. However, the mechanical and performance properties such as elongation, tensile strength, and air bubble size, etc. were still maintained as good as in the conventional one. Furthermore, TGA analysis of the IIR-modified EPDM material showed that there would be partially compatible between IIR and EPDM. It also showed that the initial degradation temperature of the IIR-modified EPDM could be somewhat increased, exhibiting the enhanced compatibility among the components and, thereby, more enhanced environmental durability.
With the help of mechanical mixing method such as Banbury mixer and open 2 roll mill, ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM) was blended with the chloroprene rubber (CR) then mechanical properties and ozone resistance test of blends were subsequently investigated. It was noted that the hardness increased with an increasing of CR contents. Generally the hardness was increased with heat aging time most likely due to the post cure. In ozone resistance test of blend, after 8 hours a portion of fine crack is obtained for pure CR. It is confirmed that ozone resistance is greatly improved by addition of 25wt% EPDM to CR.
The purpose of this experiment is to prepare ethylene propylene diene terpolymer(EPDM)/acrylonitrile butadiene rubber(NBR) blend which represents good environmental resistant properties including favorable oil and ozone resistance. With incorporation of EPDM, NBR and other ingredients, the rubber and chemical additives were mixed by mechanical method such as Banbury mixer and open 2-roll mill. Then rubber vulcanizates were manufactured by hot press and mechanical properties, oil and ozone resistance of the test specimens were measured.
The oil resistance and ozone resistance of EPDM and NBR, respectively, is remarkably improved by blending EPDM with NBR. The optimum results of oil and ozone resistant characteristics were obtained at EPDM/NBR(=25/75 wt%) composition ratio.