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        검색결과 13

        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The development of ICT technology has created new channels for product sales and promotion, which not only make information accessible to customers as easy as possible, but also provide consumers with much more absolute and comparative information. Modern consumers are exposed so many shopping channels currently, especially mobile-based channels have grown significantly and have become the center of the market. It is true that mobile shopping has led the growth of overall online shopping with the recent development of mobile devices such as smartphones and related software. The importance of strengthening corporate competitiveness and mobile-based management strategies through on line channels continues to increase. At this point, this study attempted to investigate the influencing factors by focusing on the entire distribution channel and mobile shopping channels. As most of previous studies were focused on Internet shopping malls or specific channels, So the research on mobile channels can be judged to be timely and appropriate. Furthermore, it can be said that mobile shopping channels are now presenting empirical implications. In conclusion, it provides practical implications to examine the management strategy of mobile shopping channels from the perspective of consumer value.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to explore the value structure of sharing economy for consumers, and to construct a model of consumers' continuoususe intentionin the sharing economy. Firstly, based on the characteristics of sharing economy platform technology, this paper explores the composition of platform value (time adaptability, location adaptability, content accessibility) through qualitative analysis. Then through quantitative analysis, this paper explores the influence of platform value on consumers' perception of emotional value and economic value. Finally, on this basis, this paper studies the impact of consumer value of sharing economy on consumer behavior, and compares and analyzes the impact of consumer value of sharing economy on consumers under different product types. In short, this paper aims to study the value creation of sharing economy from the perspective of consumption value, and shape its future development direction.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper discusses the influence of QR codes on consumers’ purchase decision in green advertising. We found that QR codes can improve advertisement value, perceived green value, and green trust. This relation eventually leads to a positive influence on consumers’ purchase intention.
        2019.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to identify the effects of shopping environmental stimuli on Chinese consumers’ functional and symbolic value perceptions toward luxury lifestyle fashion stores. An enhanced S-O-R (stimulus-organism-response) model was used as the theoretical foundation. Significant relationships were identified between shopping environmental stimuli and the perceived values.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we present the theoretical aspects and practical implications in terms of the following: First, the consumption value of the consumer is validated against the effects of the smart phone. Second, the consumption values by brand has its purpose is to verify the differences by navigating to the impact of repurchase. The data was collected in a self-administered survey 210 undergraduate students, using smartphone between september 9th-30th, 2014. A total of 152 questionnaires were collected and used for the data analysis.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Consumers nowadays are looking for luxury brands that are able to fulfil their values. Luxury fashion marketers have spent enormously on advertising and adopted sex appeal extensively as their major selling technique. Little empirical evidence, however, has been presented with regards to the effectiveness of using sex appeal in luxury fashion advertising. Consumer responses to sex appeal in luxury brand advertisements are also poorly understood and under-investigated. The massive use of sex appeal in luxury brand advertising suggests the strong need for empirical research to determine the relationship between sex appeal and perceived luxury values. Based on the luxury value framework and adopting a quasi-experimental design, this study examines the influence of sex appeal in advertising on the relationships between attitude towards the advertisement and luxury value perceptions. Results show that the increase of sex appeal level increases the favourability of the advertisement which results in significant changes in luxury value perceptions. The influence of gender is found to be prominent in this study, which highlights the importance of gender consideration when adopting sex appeal strategy for any luxury brand advertising. Implications for luxury brand marketers and advertisers are discussed.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper describes how customer asset management can influence the profit and loss and the balance-sheet drivers of shareholder value. The authors argue that economic profit should be used as a measure of shareholder value creation because the former acknowledges both operating and financial expenses and allows analysis of individual customer relationships. The developed framework suggests that the drivers of shareholder value can be divided into four main categories: revenue, cost, asset utilization, and risk. The paper identifies 13 distinct roles for customer asset management that influence the four shareholder value drivers. The empirical research consists of three longitudinal B2B case studies describing customer asset management aimed at improving shareholder value creation. The findings of the empirical research suggest that B2B firms are able to acknowledge all suggested four shareholder value drivers. Findings also suggest that firms should differentiate their customer management concepts in order to move customer asset management beyond traditional acquisition–retention optimization.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Purpose Two patterns of consumer value creation are commonly observed in literature: standardisation and customisation of products. An important value-creating feature of standard products is reduction of consumer costs, both direct (prices of standard products are lower) and indirect (costs of recognising, selecting and learning-to-use). Personalised production, on the contrary, is costly, but the decrease in value due to a complexity of choice and use is compensated by an additional value from the perfect fitting to THE consumer needs. Service industry, especially B2B services, provides a good example of personalisation. This paper focuses on marketing to study drivers and determinants of the successful value creation in an individualised service production. Incentives to provide bespoke services arise when it is impossible to sell a second copy (a replica) of previously provided services: the service should be personally tailored and tuned to the needs of a particular customer. Bespoke services cannot be properly produced without detailed information about THE customers’ needs; a common knowledge about a representative consumer is not sufficient in this case. Customised KIBS have two producers: first, the service provider, who inputs its intellectual human resources; second, the customer, whose input is information, i.e. knowledge about itself. This phenomenon is known as co-production. The value of a customised service is therefore added by consumer as well. Co-production adds value to the supplied item by transforming it from replica into a unique object. The purpose of the current paper is to analyse the mechanism of co-production in marketing services in order to identify the sources of the above mentioned inefficiencies. Methodology The study of marketing services is part of the broader study of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) in Russia. Our methodology includes the study of observable patterns in KIBS sector performance with an objective to arrive at a better conceptual understanding of contemporary practices. We employ empirical data from 2007-13 obtained from specialised surveys of Russian executives who were asked to answer questions both on their own company and on market developments. The survey covers 600-800 producers of KIBS annually, and one tenth of them are suppliers of marketing services. Furthermore, in 2007, 2011 and in 2013 the survey involved over 700 business consumers of KIBS, of whom at least one third are users of marketing services. Marketing services involve a visible share of customised production (up to 70 per cent before the recent economic downturn), which makes them a convenient field for a research on individualised services. Original metrics of their knowledge intensity, level of customisation, customer involvement and customers’ absorptive capacity are the most important empirical outcomes of our surveys. Maim findings First, we argue that marketing services in Russia are highly knowledge intensive. The literature on KIBS usually proposes three main characteristic of knowledge intensity: 1) educational attainments of the workforce that are associated with the level of professional skills; 2) share of the value-added, and 3) share of customised services. With our original methodic we obtain quantitative metrics of all the three characteristics and prove high knowledge intensity of marketing services. Second, we present thorough investigation of provider-customer relations within service production. We provide original metrics of the intensity of customer co-production and show that the users of marketing services are deeply involved into co-production. We also demonstrate how the level of co-production fluctuates along the service production cycle to prove our hypothesis about positive relation between the intensity of customers’ involvement and their ability to add value to customised services. Third, we prove that value adding via co-production of marketing services is rarely absolutely efficient. The losses in efficiency results in value losses because proper customisation is impossible without perfect co-production, and insufficient co-production thus generates standard service instead of bespoke one. We reveal the sources of imperfect co-production and provide empirical evidence of their relative importance. Fourth, we demonstrate that value added through co-production can be lost due to incomplete absorption of the service. We provide evidence about imperfect absorptive capacity of Russian users of marketing services and expose its sources. We also discuss the relation between absorptive capacity and the general economic cycle in Russia. Research implications The study of co-production of marketing services may help their providers to optimise their customer strategy, to upgrade their value chains and to avoid value losses in their interaction with customers. More generally, the study improves our understanding of the bespoke production which takes the growing importance with the progress of post-industrial mode of production and life.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Large corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises businesses have tried finding cooperative partner models through win-win activity. In this study, certain factors were researched, which affect on the achievements by win-win activity of large corp
        2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Large corporations and SMEs Businesses have tried finding cooperative partner models through win-win activity. In this study, certain factors were researched, which affect on the achievements by win-win activity of large corporative and SMEs from a standpoint of development by SMEs, the establishment of confidence, technical innovation and competence of value chain competence in order to enforce supplying value under the win-win activity. The result of this research presents that the achievement of win-win activity by large corporations and SMEs is related positively to developmental capability, cooperative culture, developmental innovation, innovation of process, outer technological innovation and value chain.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Product familiarity is vital to assess the purchase intention of consumers. In this study, a conceptual model was proposed to investigate the relationship among organic products familiarity, perceived value (measured by quality, emotional, price and social dimensions), and the purchase intention of students. The model was empirically tested using questionnaire survey data collected from 235 university students. The results reveal that organic products familiarity is positively associated with quality, emotional value, price value and social value. On the other hand, emotional value, price value and social value is also positively associated with purchase intention whereas quality shows insignificant relationship with purchase intention. Overall, the result shows students have positive outlook about their intention to purchase organic products.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The organic foods is the terminology calling the organic products, the organic livestock and the organic processing food. The value of organic food may be evaluated as the index of the nutrient content, the safety and the health promotion. The reason why consumers prefer the organic food in the market is because the value of health promotion to be obtained through its consumption is expected to be bigger than the expense according to the purchase of organic food. This study has the significance in developing the direct evaluation model like the human biomonitoring method. The hypothesis for this study is summarized, “If the metabolome of metabolic syndrome of decreases, the exposure of substance of health harm decreases, the number of hospital care decreases and the quality of life shall be improved if the organic food is incepted in the long term and the health care is managed well”. The consumer’s cooperative and the health consumer's cooperative select the experimental group of 100 persons and the comparative group of 100 persons in 5 areas in the whole country at the same time to verify this hypothesis. Its rate of change is compared and analyzed by measuring the blood and urine of each biomarkers such as the exposed agriculture pesticides, the nitrate in the body at intervals of 2 months for 1 year. Also, by letting participants in the experiment record the major activity such as the dietary intake and the exercise, etc., in the questionnaire and the performance evaluation form, the statistical analysis for the correlation of this with the metabolome, etc., is conducted. The time that is called minimum 1 year and a lot of expense are required to implement this model. Accordingly, the cooperative study by composing the consortium of the interdisciplinary and the interagency is desirable.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        적절한 확률분포형을 결정하고 그에 따른 확률수문량을 산정하는 것은 빈도해석에서 가장 중요한 절차이며, 이를 수행하기 위해서는 경험적 확률분포에서 얻어지는 자료와 가정한 확률분포에서 얻어지는 자료의 일치 정도를 판별하는 적합도 검정을 거쳐야 한다. 지금까지 일반적으로 적용된 적합도 검정 방법은 분포형의 전체적인 적합정도를 판별하여 최근의 기상이변으로 인한 극치 사상에 대하여는 충분히 고려하지 못하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 분포형의 극치 사상에 가중치를 주는 modified Anderson-Darling(AD) 검정 방법을 3변수 Weibull 분포형에 적용하여 검정통계량 한계값과 기각력을 살펴보았으며 이를 실제 자료에 적용한 결과, modified AD 검정 방법이 다른 기존의 적합도 검정보다 더 우수한 기각력을 가지고 있음을 확인하였다. 이는 앞으로 3변수 Weibull 분포형을 이용한 극치 수문량 선정에 있어 modified AD 방법이 하나의 기준으로 작용할 수 있을 것이라 판단된다.