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        검색결과 6

        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Liquid metal extraction (LME), a pyrometallurgical recycling method, is popular owing to its negligible environmental impact. LME mainly targets rare-earth permanent magnets having several rare-earth elements. Mg is used as a solvent metal for LME because of its selective and eminent reactivity with rare-earth elements in magnets. Several studies concerning the formation of Dy-Fe intermetallic compounds and their effects on LME using Mg exist. However, methods for reducing these compounds are unavailable. Fe reacts more strongly with B than with Dy; B addition can be a reducing method for Dy-Fe intermetallic compounds owing to the formation of Fe2B, which takes Fe from Dy-Fe intermetallic compounds. The FeB alloy is an adequate additive for the decomposition of Fe2B. To accomplish the former process, Mg must convey B to a permanent magnet during the decomposition of the FeB alloy. Here, the effect of Mg on the transfer of B from FeB to permanent magnet is observed through microstructural and phase analyses. Through microstructural and phase analysis, it is confirmed that FeB is converted to Fe2B upon B transfer, owing to Mg. Finally, the transfer effect of Mg is confirmed, and the possibility of reducing Dy-Fe intermetallic compounds during LME is suggested.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A sintered body of TiB2-reinforced iron matrix composite (Fe-TiB2) is fabricated by pressureless-sintering of a mixture of titanium hydride (TiH2) and iron boride (FeB) powders. The powder mixture is prepared in a planetary ball-mill at 700 rpm for 3 h and then pressurelessly sintered at 1300, 1350 and 1400oC for 0-2 h. The optimal sintering temperature for high densities (above 95% relative density) is between 1350 and 1400oC, where the holding time can be varied from 0.25 to 2 h. A maximum relative density of 96.0% is obtained from the (FeB+TiH2) powder compacts sintered at 1400oC for 2 h. Sintered compacts have two main phases of Fe and TiB2 along with traces of TiB, which seems to be formed through the reaction of TiB2 formed at lower temperatures during the heating stage with the excess Ti that is intentionally added to complete the reaction for TiB2 formation. Nearly fully densified sintered compacts show a homogeneous microstructure composed of fine TiB2 particulates with submicron sizes and an Fe-matrix. A maximum hardness of 71.2 HRC is obtained from the specimen sintered at 1400oC for 0.5 h, which is nearly equivalent to the HRC of conventional WC-Co hardmetals containing 20 wt% Co.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Several Mites are currently the most serious threat to the world bee industry. The ectoparasitic honey bee mites was originally confined to the Asian honey bee(Apis cerana etc.). Varroa destructor and Tropilaelaps clareae has plagued European honey bees, Apis mellifera. Differences in mite tolerance are reported between two honey bee species A. mellifera and A. cerana. We were amplified antimicrobial peptide cDNA genes (Defencin, Abaecin, Royalisin, Apidaecin and Hymenoptaecin) by RT-PCR. We explored the transcriptional response to mite parasitism in A. mellifera 4th instars larvae which differ in susceptibility to V. destructor and T. clareae, comparing parasitized and non-parasitized 4th instars larvae (worker and Drone) from same hive. Differential gene expression of worker bees and Drone bees induced by mites (V. destructor and T. clareae) infection was investigated by northern blot. Mites (V. destructor and T. clareae) parasitism caused changes in the expression of genes related to sex distinction. Bees tolerant to mites (V. destructor and T. clareae) were mainly characterized by differences in the expression of genes regulating antimicrobial gene expression. It provides a first step toward better understanding molecular expression involved in this differential sex distinction host-parasite relationship. We were detected bee virus in A. mellifera, comparing parasitized and non-parasitized 4th instars larvae (worker and Drone). Therefore, this result was demonstrated that mites were another possible route of horizontal transmission, as several viruses were detected in mites and their hosts.
        2006.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Mo2FeB2 boride base cermets produced by a novel sintering technique, called reaction boronizing sintering through a liquid phase, have excellent mechanical properties and wear and corrosion-resistances. Hence, the cermets are applied to the injection molding die-casting machine parts and so on. We investigated that the effect of deoxidization and sintering temperature on mechanical properties and deformation of the MIM processed cermets. As a result, deoxidization temperature of 1323K and sintering temperature of 1518K were suitable. The MIM products of the cermets showed allowable dimensional accuracy and the same mechanical properties as the presssintered ones.
        1999.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        열간압축 및 다이업셋한 Mischmetal-FeB-(C0,Ti,Al) 영구자석의 자기적 특성과 미세조직을 시료진동형 자력계, 투과전자 현미경, 주사전자 현미경, X-선 회절기를 이용하여 조사하였다. (MM)12.5Fe71.9Co5.0Al2.0B8.6조성의 열간압축 자석은 hC=4.27 kOe, Br=4.75 kG, (BH)max=3.82 MGOe의 특성을 보였다. 다이업셋 자석은 hC=3.10 kOe, Br=5.58 kG, (BH)max=5.34 MGOe의 특성을 나타냈다. (MM)12.5Fe77.9Ti1.0B8.6 조성의 경우, 열간압축 자석은 hC=3.75 kOe, Br=4.64 kG, (BH)max=2.78 MGOe, 다이업셋 자석은 hC=3.29 kOe, Br=5.01 kG, (BH)max=3.54 MGOe의 특성을 보였다. X-선 회절 및 투과전자 현미경 조사결과에 의하면, 다이업셋 자석에서 c축이 다이업셋 방향으로 놓이는 결정이방성이 나타나며, 이는 다이어셋 자석의 에너지적의 증가와 관련이 있는 것으로 보인다. Co의 Fe에 대한 일부 치환은 열간압축자석의 자기이방성을 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다.