
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        South Korea has been storing UNF in spent fuel pool dry storage facility within Nuclear Power Plants. The dry storage facility of used nuclear fuel (UNF) is essential to sustain safety and sustain stable operation of a nuclear power plant. Most abroad countries have attempted to develop a variety of dry storage facility for used nuclear fuel in order to retain the safe restoration. Many studies have been conducting to safety evaluation for the dry storage facility. However, there is not a ventilation evaluation in the wake of fire event that could influence of the thermal effect on the dry storage facility, even though it will likely to occur fire events such as wildfire, air craft crash. In practice, it happened to catastrophic disaster due to the wild fire adjacent to ul-jin mountain. Also, it happened to fire accident near to the Japonia NPP in Ukraine territory caused of military air plane missile. It has not mostly been studied on the ventilation evaluation considered to thermal safety in the dry storage facility excepted for some researches. It could need the mechanical ventilation systems such as HVAC system in the dry storage system, so that thermal effect can be reduced. In this study, we conducted to the ventilation control modelling by using fire modelling tool (Fire Dynamic Simulator v.6.7). The ventilation scenarios made up for 3 case that can compare flowrate variation with ventilation control. As a result of modelling, there is no differentiation between ventilation control using performance curve with not using performance curve even though the pressure fluctuation would be increased, compared with the case of considering performance curve. Second, it evaluated that the mode for fraction control would occur to pressure rise in the state of controlling the ventilation system flowrate. However, sensitivity of flowrate control was more decreased below less than 5 seconds. Third, in the case of on/off control system revealed more higher resolution than other cases caused by flowrate variation. These results could be considered as the design guidelines for the development dry storage facility to improve the thermal performance that can reduce thermal risk. Furthermore, the study results would expect HVAC system installed in dry storage to help automatic ventilation control relevant to dry storage safety increased.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Because recently(July 14, 2011) fire occurred in the engine room of a moving taxi under Namsan Tunnel 1, 51 vehicles' driver and more than 250 passengers in the road tunnel were urgently evacuated with abandoned vehicles. Vehicle fires in Namsan Tunnel that day, Sufferers struggled to escape quickly difficult to escape the two-way by abandoned vehicles on the road and to fear many casualties by using vehicle fuel and combustible interior and the driver who is ignorant of vehicle accident continuous entered in the road tunnel had accessibility the site of fire department was more difficult. In this study, It is to investigate structure and basic materials, such as fire extinguish equipment and facilities for damage prevention and to analyze the problems and to plan improvement method of fire extinguish equipment, facilities for damage prevention and transportation facilities(Large traffic signs, Breaker, etc.) on the Namsan Tunnel that in the long-term plan is prepared to strengthen for accessibility of the site of fire department in case of Vehicle's fire.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Signal fire was a communication system which deliver urgent news by smoke and light. It informed the condition of the border to the central government and the military base rapidly. This research was to analyze the border signal-fire which is the main facility of military protective duty for safety of sea side in chosun dynasty. The results of this research were described separately as follows. 1. The border signal-fire has three types of facility layout, The majority was one-site, near two-site, separate type. The majority was near two-site type. 2. Plan configuration of signal-fire stand which is separated with circle, oval, round-rectangular and rectangular type roughly was constructed with circle type generally. Four types of signal-fire stand was observed in southern and western sea side impartially. However, in eastern side, circle type of signal-fire stand was mainly found. Therefore, regional characteristics could be considered partially. 3. The height of signal-fire stand was about 8~10m. The diameter of combustion chamber on the signal-fire stand was 2~3m in circle type, and the dimension of rectangular type was about 1.9×1.9~3.2×3.0m. 4. Building base that protect ground moisture and infilteration of rainfall was found in 10 border singal-fire, the height of it was about 0.3m~2.5m.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        중국 송나라 서긍이 작성한 선화봉사 고려도경은 고려의 서해상을 항해한 가장 생생한 기록이다. 선박을 이용하여 고려를 방문한 서긍은 도서지역의 봉수를 이용하여 흑산도에서 벽란도까지 항해하였다. 고려가 도서지역에 설치한 봉수는 당시의 통항로에 인접한 곳에 위치하였고, 항해자가 24시간 식별할 수 있도록 낮에는 연기, 밤에는 횃불로 위치를 표시하였다. 또한 산 정상에 설치하여 항해자가 원거리에서 쉽게 식별할 수 있도록 하였다. 고려 봉수는 현대 항로표지 기본요건을 만족하며, 광달거리(시인성)는 약 29-39mile로 추정되고, 봉수의 광도 는 약 9,105-168,610cd로 추정할 수 있다. 그러므로 고려의 봉수는 현대의 항로표지와 같이 항해자에게 쉽게 이용되고, 국가가 운영한 만큼 신뢰성이 높아 안전항해에 필수적인 항로표지 기능을 수행하였다.
        2015.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        현대 업무용 건축물들은 대형화 및 고층화됨에 따라서 효율적이고 인텔리전트한 빌딩 관리 환경 지원을 위하여 IT 기반의 건축물이 증가하고 있다. 특히, IT기반의 건축물들 중 사무용 특히 전산관련 시설에서는 건축물의 실내바닥에 배선 또는 배관이 대량 집중 설치되어지고 있다. 이러한 건축물에서는 시설의 점검 및 교환 작업 등에 유연한 환경을 제공하기 위하여 악세스플로어 등이 시공되어지고 있으나 시간이 지남에 따라 시공된 바닥 아래에서는 먼지 또는 티끌이 쌓이게 된다. 이는 화재 위험성 및 화재 시 화재확산의 위험성에 노출되어 있으나 이러한 위험성을 예측할 수 있는 기준 및 화재 확산에 대한 실험적 연구는 미비한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 인텔리전트 빌딩에서 야기될 수 있는 화재 위험을 실험을 통해 화재의 특성을 파악하고 이를 실제 인텔리전트 빌딩의 성능기반의 화재안전설계가 수행되도록 기초 자료로 사용할 수 있는 기초 분석 자료가 되고자 하였다.