
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 47

        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 말 방목에 따른 초지 부실화 및 이용연한이 짧아진 초지에 대해 생산성을 높이기 위해 오차드그라스+페레니얼 라이그라스 혼파 경운초지(paddock No.39)과 보파초지 조성(paddock No.44) 및 톨 페스큐 단파 경운초지(paddock No.64)를 조성한 후 2016년과 2017년에 거쳐 목초율, 건물생산성 및 사료가치에 대해 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 목초비율은 No.64가 2016년 81%, 2017년 75%로 No.39 67% 및 60%, No.44 58% 및 54%보다 최대 21%나 높았다. 연평균 건물생산량은 No.64구가 13,234kg/ha로 가장 높았으며 그 다음 No.39, No.44로 각각 10,636kg/ha 및 10,235kg/ha 순이었다. 조단백질 함량은 No.39(갱신혼파) 12.16%로 가장 높았고, N0.44(보파혼파)와 No.64(톨 페스큐 단파)가 각각 10.75%와 10.73%를 보였다. NDF함량(2년평균)은 No.44구가 55.90%로 No.64 및 No.39 각각 58.42%와 57.00%에 비해 다소 낮았다. ADF함량(2년 평균)은 No.44구가 NDF함량과 동일한 경향인 31.07%로 No.39 및 No.64 각각 31.71% 및 32.65% 보다 낮았다. P의 함량(평균값)은 No.44 및 No.64구가 0.29%로 No.39 0.27% 보다 높았고, K 함량은 2.23%~3.83%의 농도를 보였으며 처리 간에는 No.44구가 2년 평균 3.03%로 가장 높았고 그 다음 No.39와 No.64가 각각 3.01% 및 2.81%를 보였다. Ca함량(2년 평균)은 No.39구가 0.28%로 가장 높았고 No.44구 및 No.64구가 각각 0.26% 및 0.22%를 보였다. Mg함량(2년평균)은 No.39구가 0.26%로 No.44 및 No.64구 0.22% 보다 높은 함량을 보였고, Na함량(2년평균)은 No.64, No.44 및 No.39구에서 각각 0.03%, 0.05% 및 0.063% 순의 높은 함량을 보였으며, 연도 간에는 큰 편차가 없는 것으로 조사되었다. 결과를 종합해보면 목초의 영양가치면에서는 갱신혼파(No.39)가 높았으나 목초 구성률 및 생산성을 고려하면 톨 페스큐 단파구(No.64)가 바람직한 것으로 났다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 부실초지를 갱신을 통해 목초율, 목초생산성 및 방목에 의한 증체효과를 규명하기 위하여 수행하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 방목개시전인 1차(5.11) 조사 시에는 No.64구가 목초비율 81%로 가장 높았으며, No.39 71%, No.44 65% 순이었다. No.64구를 제외하고는 2차 및 3차 조사 시 목초율이 55%내외로 비교적 낮았다. 연가 총 건물생산량은 No.44가 13,459kg/ha로 가장 높았으며 그다음 No.64 및 No.39로 각각 13,232kg/ha, 12,042kg/ha의 생산성을 보였으나 오차드그라스와 페레니얼라이그라스 혼파구인 No.44구와 No.39구는 하고현상 등으로 인해 2차 조사 이후 급격한 수량감소를 보였다. 10,000㎡ 당 증체량은 No.39구가 70kg으로 No.64 및 No.44 각각 47.5kg과 36.2kg을 큰 격차를 보였으나 일당증체량은 No.39와 No.44는 각각 1.09kg과 1.08로 거의 같은 증체량을 보였고 No.64도 1.03kg의 일당증체량을 보였다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study was conducted to determine effects on forage productivity, feed value, grazing intensity and livestock productivity in growing Korean native female goat grazing in native pasture. Its with average initial body weight of 14.10±3.6kg and an average age of 4 months were used in this study. Dry matter content of native pasture was the highest at 33.48 ± 2.56% in June, and the content was significantly increased from spring to autumn (p<0.05). Crude protein was maintained between 11% and 12% on average. Nutrient content was maintained at a certain level in native pasture, but there were differences due to the different types of wild grasses produced in each season. The productivity of forage crops increased from June, but decreased after August and showed a characteristic of grassland where productivity decreased rapidly in spring and autumn. The average grazing intensity are 39 head/ha. Black goat average daily gain was 80.2g/d. The stable weight gain in grazing is that the nutrient requirement of the black goat was met by supplementing the concentrated feed during grazing. study, can be expected that the productivity of livestock can be increased through the proper feeding of supplementary feed and maintenance of grazing intensity
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to ameliorate the productive performance of Hanwoo cow using hill pasture grazing system. Twenty seven animals aged 9 were designed to divide with 3 groups which were Control (restricted concentrate and hay for 5 months), T1 (restricted concentrate and pasture grazing ad libitum for 5 months) and T2 (restricted concentrate, 30 g/head of mineral nutrients and pasture grazing ad libitum for 5 months). Average daily gains increased higher in the order of T2, Control and T1. The conception rate of Control, T1 and T2 after artificial insemination during post-grazing period were 88.9%, 100%, 100%, respectively. In conclusion, the results indicated that hill pasture grazing system might enhance not only the productive performance of Hanwoo cow but also profit for conventional feeding system.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to determine grazing intensity of growing Korean native goats (Capra hircus coreanae) on mountainous pasture. It was carried out to obtain basic information for improvement of mountainous pasture management and establishing feeding system of Korean native goats. Castrated, male goats (n=10) with average initial body weight (BW) of 23.33±2.15kg and an average age of 4 months were used in this study. Grazing goats were supplemented by concentrates with 1.0% of BW. The crude protein content of forage was the highest in October (22.71±0.25%) and there were significantly differences (p<0.05) in monthly comparison. The forage productivity of pasture was the highest from May to June (1718.7±207.5~ 1672.0±422.8 kg/ha) but it was decreased in July (1356.0±103.8 kg/ha) because of drought and summer depression. Average daily gains (ADG) of goats were the highest in June (99.5±6.4 d/g). Grazing intensity was calculated by forage productivity and dry matter intake (DMI) and was the highest in May (65 head/ha). As shown in the results of this research, grazing intensity was suggested to average 39 head/ha from May to October. It is desirable that adequate grazing intensity was maintained by adjusting supplemental feed.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A study was conducted to determine the effects of the cattle manure (CM) application on the botanical composition and micro-mineral contents (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn) of grazing pasture at the experimental field of Livestock Division, Subtropical Animal Experiment Station, National Institute of Animal Science from year 2003 to 2005. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The treatment consisted of T1: 100% chemical fertilizer (CF 100%), T2: 50% CF +50% CM, T3: 25% CF +75% CM, T4: 100% cattle manure (CM 100%), T5: 100% CM (1st yr.)+ 100% CF (2nd yr.) + 100% CM (3rd yr.), T6: 100% CM (1st yr.)+ 100% CF (2nd yr.)+ 100% CF (3rd yr.). The botanical composition of grassland for grass, legumes, and weeds showed that the rate of legumes was increased in all treatments. The weeds rate in T4 was the highest in comparison to the other treatments. For micro-mineral contents T5 showed the highest average Fe contents of 262.08 ppm and T1 showed the lowest (199.20 ppm). Mn contents was the highest in T1 among the other treatments. Zn contents was the highest in T3 as compared with other treatments. Cu contents was the highest in T6 as compared with other treatments. The results of this experiments indicated that micro-mineral contents of change was effect of legumes increased than treatment
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 2007년 6월 23일부터 6월 29일까지 제주도에 위치한 말 목장의 방목지에서 말의 연령에 따른 군별 행동양식을 알아보고자 실시하였다. 공시마는 육성마군 3세 11두, 육성마군 1세 12두를 대상으로 행동을 조사하였다. 연령에 따른 행동의 차이가 약간 나타나 육성마(1세) 군에서는 채식이 56%, 기립 23%, 횡와 10%, 보행 5%, 러닝 2.5%, 음수가 3%였다. 육성마 1세의 3두의 개체별 행동발현은 개체차이가 나타났으며 비율의 평
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 경주마 생산 육성에 중요한 종빈마의 패독과 방목지에 있어 군별 및 개체별 행동양식을 조사하여 경주마 사양관리의 기초자료로 활용하기 위해 실시하였다. 방목 중인 포유 종빈마군에서는 채식이 62%, 기립 휴식이 31%, 음수가 3%, 횡와 휴식이 1%, 보행이 1%, 수유 행동은 2%가 발현되었는데 러닝은 발현되지 않았다. 포유 종빈마 개체별(3필) 행동발현비율의 평균은 채식이 295분으로 55%, 기립 휴식이 193분으로 36%, 보행과 음수가
        2009.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This experiment was conducted to compare forage production and grass intakes of warm season grasses for grazing horses in Jeju. The experimental field located at 450m altitude(Jeju Horse Training Center of Korea Racing Association) was divided into 3different treatment plots(3replications) without a fence between treatments, and sown by three treatments(bermudagrass, bahiagrass, bermudagrass+bahiagrass mixture). Three castrated adult horse a were kept on pasture from the 1 of October to the end of October without supplementary concentrates. 'Bahiagrass' cultivar showed the highest dry matter (DM) yield with 8,887㎏/㏊ than those in other treatments (bermudagrass 8,699, bermudagrass+bahiagrass mixture 8,385㎏/㏊). The percentage of grass intakes was higher in the treatment of bahiagrass(92%) than those in other treatments(bermudagrass+bahiagrass mixture 89, bermudagrass78%). The results indicate that the warm season grasses of bermudagrass, bahiagrass, bermudagrass+bahiagrass mixture can be used for grazing pasture of horses in the Jeju.
        2009.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In southern Kyushu, dwarf variety of late-heading type (DL) napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) has utilized for the rotational grazing in 4 months of hot summer period by Japanese-Black (JB) beef cows for 6 years in 2002-2007. The objectives of this study were to investigate the establishment of feeding system of DL napiergrass with Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam., IR) grazed by the standard herd of JB beef cows in breeding beef farmers. Grazing DL napiergrass pasture was established totally at 0.66 ㏊ with 5 paddocks (0.132 ㏊ each) in 2006. Oversowing of IR was imposed into the inter-row of DL napiergrass on December 8, 2007. Grazing for IR and DL napiergrass pastures was carried out in 30 and 71 days, respectively. Daily gain of beef cows for the grazing on DL napiergrass was averaged at 0.23 ㎏ head?¹ day?¹, and carrying capacity was calculated at 891 CD ㏊?¹. The results revealed that DL napiergrass with IR pasture should fit to the rotational grazing with maintaining the liveweight of grazing beef cows for 4.5 months, and it can be proposed for the sustainable and low-cost feeding system to smallholder farmers in this area.
        2009.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Walking distance and eating time of Holstein (HF) and Brown-Swiss (BS) cows on the temperate pasture were measured on two dairy farms (A and B) in June, August and October to compare the foraging activity using Global Positioning System (GPS) device and voice recorder. The cows on A farm were supplemented concentrate and com silage about 43% of daily dry matter intake and the cows on B farm were supplemented concentrate about 23% of daily dry matter intake. The cows in both farms were grazed in daytime and night except for October in the A farm when the cows were kept in the bam during the night. There was no significant difference in walking distance between HF and BS in the A farm, however the walking distance of BS tended to be longer than HF in the B farm. Eating and ruminating time of the cows in the A farm did not differ between HF and BS. However, eating time of the cows in the B farm was higher in BS than in HF. These results suggest that foraging activity of dairy cows on the temperate pasture differ between HF and BS, and is also affected by amount of supplement.
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