
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Indoor air quality management is essential for a healthy life. However, it is difficult to perceive, detect, and monitor the level of indoor air pollution and this means that it is possible to be exposed to more pollution indoors than outdoors. In this study, in order to derive effective indoor air quality management measures, public perceptions and behavioral characteristics regarding indoor particulate matter and air quality management methods were investigated through a survey of 1,000 people. Based on the survey, it was found that most of the respondents had a negative perception of the indoor air quality of their residence, and natural ventilation was the most used method for indoor air quality management. Although the frequency of use of air quality management devices such as air purifiers and mechanical ventilation systems was relatively low, their effect regarding air quality management was positively perceived. In particular, the results of survey indicated that respondents of families which included members with fragile health engaged in more active behavior regarding in indoor air quality management than those respondents whose family members had no health issues and that the former have used air quality management devices more frequently. Therefore, it is necessary to develop proper guidelines to encourage more people to actively participate in improving indoor air quality.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, indoor air quality indices (IAQI-C and IAQI-E) were developed for child care centers and elderly care centers based on health effects, and compared to the air quality index (CAI) for outdoor atmosphere. In addition, composite indices that integrate individual indices for each pollutant were developed to quickly and conveniently recognize the current air quality. Among all data, 71.2% and 35.6% belonged to the grades 'Good' and 'Moderate' for child care centers and elderly care centers, respectively. This assessment is more stringent than the CAI's criteria.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        National concerns about air pollution are growing. The importance of indoor air quality is emerging because people live in an indoor environment more than 90% of the day. In particular, the indoor air quality of schools needs to be managed as teenagers are vulnerable to environmental pollution. The government has designated the School Health Act in order to manage indoor air quality in schools. Air purifiers have been operated to improve indoor air quality in the classroom since 2018. In this study, we performed on-site evaluations in some classrooms, and then we proposed a plan for improving the air quality in the classroom. In this study, PM10, PM2.5, and CO2 in classrooms in Chungnam were measured to analyze the effect of air cleaner supply. A portable aerosol spectrometer (PAS, model 1.109, Grimm) and CO2 meter (TES 1370, TES) were used as measuring instruments. Schools A and B exceeded the recommended standards, while school C met the standards. The ratio of PM10, PM2.5 in classrooms A and B was 0.58 and 0.5, respectively. Correlation analysis was performed between indoor and outdoor pollutants to analyze the effects of particulate pollutants present in each classroom. First, the measured concentration of fine particles was classified according to/on the basis of factors that affect/influence the internal environment of the classroom. Then, fine dust concentrations measured at the same time as AQMS were classified with regard to the external factors. The gradients for each classroom were 1.57, 1.63, and 1.54, although there were differences in concentration, but they were relatively similar. It is necessary to develop and disseminate customized air purifiers considering the activity of the occupants of classrooms. It is important to consider the areas in which s tudents breathe when installing air purifiers in the classroom. In addition, follow-up management of air purifiers is an essential element. For efficient operation and management of indoor air quality, it is necessary to develop and disseminate standard manuals for air purifiers. It is proposed that an environmental manager should be deployed in schools to manage environmental issues. Standardization of air purifiers, management guidelines for standard manuals, and field support for environmental sheriffs should be established on a legal basis.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The topic of indoor air quality has attracted great interest since urban dwellers spend over 90% of their time indoors, such as public facilities, public transport and homes. In this study, the changes and current status of indoor air quality management and improvement policies for public facilities in Korea were discussed. Furthermore, we investigated the concentration and contamination status of indoor air pollutants based on the indoor air quality guidance and inspection report from 2007-2017 published by the Ministry of Environment, Korea. As a result, we found that while the PM10 concentration in public facilities decreased consistently, there was no clear change in the CO2 concentration. The HCHO concentrations were high in museums, art galleries, and postpartum centers, etc. The child care centers showed a high concentration of TCB. In conclusion, we suggested that it is necessary to focus on target substances according to the type of facility to manage indoor air quality efficiently. Intensive management and monitoring are particularly needed in child care centers to improve the indoor air quality.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the distribution of each facility group, the pollution level of local municipalities and the status of self-measurement were investigated and analyzed using data provided by the Ministry of Environment. It was found that most of the workplaces to be managed are facilities of sensitive class, indoor parking lots and largescale stores. The results of the survey on the total pollution level by facility group showed that the rate of contamination was the highest in the facilities where there are many sensitive users, including the subway station and the underground shopping malls. Through self-measurement, in the case of fine particle matter, it was found that it was present in amounts of 51.71 μg/m3, 50.72 μg/m3, 44.47 μg/m3 and 54.44 μg/m3 in medical institutions, day care centers, elderly care facilities and postnatal care centers, respectively. Also, there were facilities exceeding the standard in the medical institutions. However, most of the pollutants in the facilities surveyed by the municipality are higher than the self-measured concentrations, so it is necessary to examine the cause of such pollution.
        2004.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There has recently become one of the major concern expressed the general public and regulation agencies concerning health risks associated with indoor air pollution in Korea. A new indoor air quality program under "Legislation of Indoor Air Quality Management for Public Facilities" is enforced to act on the end of May, 2004 by the Korea Ministry of Environment. The purposes of this article were to discuss the sustainable development of indoor air pollution and to strengthen the importance of the sustainability of indoor air quality. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability future generations to meet their own needs and a new theory that grew out of the conservation / environmental movement of the 1970's. While the conservation/environmental movement asked questions about preserving the Earth's resources, sustainable development includes questions about how human decisions affect the Earth's environment. Sustainable development of environmental pollution has been discussed over the last 20 year in most countries, but an important health problems of indoor air pollution became a social issues in recent years. We must develop global perspectives and maintain effective balance between available resources and human needs. The further understanding of the sustainable development of indoor air pollution is extremely useful in defining the components of healthful indoor air in major indoor environments. Additional information concerning more detailed housing characteristics, daily activity patterns, and seasonal factors which may influence indoor pollutants should provide important information on sustainable development in indoor air pollution.